Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany Works Cited Primary Sources The Army Lawyer: A History of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, Print. This source discusses desertion in the armed forces, an issue relevant to Forbidden Games. Published by the Army, it clearly reflects a pro-military bias. But that's precisely what we were looking for: An Army account of an Army issue. The source is also notable because it directly addresses the story of Private Eddie Slovik, who talked openly about desertion before he even reached the front and was executed in an effort to maintain discipline. The source helped us refine our thinking about the stigma attached to desertion and further understand the emotional forces at play in Forbidden Games. The Bicycle Thief. Dir. Vittorio De Sica. 1949. Film. We chose to study this Italian film because of its reputation as a superb movie and because we hoped it would illustrate the economic conditions of post-war Rome. The story behind its title – either The Bicycle Thief or the The Bicycle Thieves, depending whom you ask – provided an interesting example of the United States' efforts to curb the influence of communist thought in post-war Italy. Moreover, the movie is a good example of the Italian neorealist movement, an artistic trend that started in response to the conditions of post-war Europe. Canby, Vincent. "Lost One, Directed by Peter Lorre." The New York Times. 1 Aug. 1984. Web. 18 May 2015. We consulted this New York Times review to get a sense of how mainstream American critics regard Peter Lorre's film Der Verlorene. Unfortunately, the movie wasn't shown in the US until the '80s, so the review doesn't provide a window into contemporaneous perceptions of post-war Germany. But it does include some interesting commentary on the film's weaknesses. Crowther, Bosley. "Forbidden Games, the Winning French Film at Venice Fete, Opens at Little Carnegie." The New York Times. 9 Dec. 1952. Web. 18 May 2015. We consulted this New York Times review to get a sense of how mainstream American movie critics regard the French film Forbidden Games. Crowther praises the movie for capturing the despair that gripped Europe before and after the war, a useful historical observation. Obviously, the review reflects the opinion of a single critic, so it shouldn't be treated as a conclusive analysis of the movie. Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany "Passport to Pimlico, British Offering, Is New Feature at Trans-Lux 60th Street." The New York Times. 27 Oct. 1949. Web. 18 May 2015. We consulted this New York Times review to get a sense of how mainstream American movie critics regard the British film Passport to Pimlico. The review draws a lot of useful parallels between the content of the film and the real-life challenges of life in post-war London. But we made sure to check out other critics' analyses, as no single review constitutes the conclusive analysis of a film. "Vittorio De Sica's The Bicycle Thief, a Drama of Post-War Rome, Arrives at World." The New York Times. 13 Dec. 1949. Web. 18 May 2015. We consulted this New York Times review to get a sense of how mainstream American critics regard the Italian film The Bicycle Thief. The review broadened our analysis of the movie, pointing out that De Sica didn't simply capture the poverty of post-war Rome but also the desperation that accompanies all wars, no matter where they are fought. Crowther helped teach us that the movie's themes are more universal than we'd previously assumed. Der Verlorene. Dir. Peter Lorre. 1951. Film. We chose to study this film after consulting a list compiled by professors at Harvard of post-war German movies. The film provides a fascinating window into the psychology of post-war Germany, especially the guilt that gripped so much of the population. Directed by Peter Lorre, a German, the film does not seem to project a pro-Nazi bias; it’s an honest account of one man's emotional devastation. Forbidden Games. Dir. Rene Clement. 1952. Film. We selected Forbidden Games as one of our four films to analyze for two reasons: it was produced in France, a country we hoped to study, and unlike the other three movies, it is set during the war, not after it. This enabled us to look at the ways artists in post-war France thought about WWII – how their ideas about guilt and innocence shaped their work. Jung, Carl. Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Trans. Gerhard Adler. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Print. Carl Jung’s influential essay Kollektivschuld, about Germany’s collective guilt for the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II, is a telling example of precisely the psychological torment we identified as a key theme in Der Verlorene. As such, the essay strengthened our thesis about the ways that movie reflected and reinforced the history of post-war Germany. Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany Norgaard, Noland. "Eisenhower Claims 50 Years Needed to Reeducate Nazis." The Oregon Statesman 13 Oct. 1945: Print. This newspaper article was crucial to our understanding of the United States’ treatment of the German people post-war. Eisenhower attempted to induce guilt in the Germans through the process of denazification, a policy that explains much of the psychological turmoil in Der Verlorene. The information in this article became one of the centerpieces of our thesis about the impact of post-war western policy on the lives of ordinary Germans living with the guilt of their wartime crimes. Passport to Pimlico. Dir. Henry Cornelius. Ealing Studios, 1949. Film. We selected Passport to Pimlico as one of the four films because it was released in the middle of the post-war period (1949) and because we hoped its comedy would provide an interesting contrast to the darker dramas we’d selected from other countries. The film is full of both casual and thematic references to the post-war period – everything from shots of ration cards to speeches about plucky resolve. It’s the only one of the four films we studied that may actually have affected the course of history: One historian argues that it helped foment anti-government unrest, leading to the electoral downfall of the Labour Party. "The Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt." UC Santa Barbara History. Web. 18 May 2015. This primary source document offers an interesting window into the psychology of postwar Germany – the sense of failure and guilt that informs Der Verlorene. It helped strengthen our thesis about the role such admissions of responsibility played in shaping the German mindset post-war. We went on to connect the American denazification policy to the sense of guilt and despair that consumes every frame of Der Verlorene. Secondary Sources "After the War/Before the Wall: German Film 1945-1960." Harvard Film Archive. Harvard University, Web. 18 May 2015. This source, which showed up on a basic Google search, provided a useful list of postwar German films. We used it to determine which German film to study. Collins, Laura. "The untold truth about WWII deserters the US Army tried to hide." Daily Mail. 11 July 2013. Web. 18 May 2015. This source, which showed up on a basic Google search, illustrates the shame associated with desertion, adding to our understanding of one of the central themes of the French Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany movie Forbidden Games. However, it does come from a tabloid known for sensationalizing the news, so we used it not as a source of concrete information but as a useful example of societal perceptions of desertion. The article discusses The Deserters, a book by Charles Glass that includes background information on Slovik. "Denazification." Shoah Resource Center. The International School for Holocaust Studies, Web. 18 May 2015. We encountered this source as we searched for background on denazification. The article, which obviously reflects an anti-Nazi bias, provided useful information about American efforts to foment guilt among the German people. That guilt is one of the key themes of Der Verlorene, the Peter Lorre movie we analyzed, and one of the central ideas in our thesis about post-war Germany. Ehrenstein, David. "Forbidden Games." The Criterion Collection. 11 Apr. 1988. Web. 18 May 2015. We gathered critical analyses of the movies featured in our project in order to further understand their themes. This essay, about the French film Forbidden Games, provided valuable context on the film's production and the politics, economy and culture of postwar France. It's a fairly objective analysis – Ehrlenstein is a critic, not a partisan – and it helped us build connections between the content of the movie and the events of WWII and its aftermath. "Existentialism." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Print. We consulted this reference in order to learn more about existentialism, a brand of philosophy that thrived after WWII. We applied the background information in this unbiased source to our analyses of the four movies. "Existentialism." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University, Print. This source served as the basis for our investigation of existentialism. It provided the detailed explanation we needed to link this strand of philosophical inquiry to the films of post-war Europe. It also helped us separate in our mind the pop-culture form of existentialism (big ideas about life, death and the confusion of mankind that started to appear in books and films after WWII) from the far more complicated philosophical existentialism pioneered at the beginning of the 20th century. Flowers, Thomas. "A Grotesque Mannequin: Europe's Old Conscience within a New World Paradigm." Machine Mean. 14 May 2014. Web. 18 May 2015. Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany This source is an essay by a blogger – as such, it should be treated with caution. However, it does offer fascinating insight into the role existentialism plays in The Bicycle Thieves, one of the four movies we analyzed. We do not consider this source a definitive explanation of the film, since its author lacks academic credentials. But it helped shape our thinking and provided some interesting tidbits about the movie. Hennessy, Peter. Never Again: Britain 1945-51. J. Cape, 1992. Print. Hennessy's book was our main source for contextual information about post-war Britain. It includes detailed descriptions of the unpopular rationing system, one of the themes of Passport to Pimlico. It also links the movie’s release to the decline of the Labour Party in the years after WWII, a connection we wouldn’t have made without reading this book. The book is concerned as much with the experiences of ordinary people as with the politics and economics of the period – just like the films we studied. "Italy: Public and Private Sectors." Encyclopedia Britannica. Print. This encyclopedia entry provided crucial contextual information about the economy of post-war Italy. It explains how the initial devastation of the post-war economy soon gave way to a miraculous resurgence. Italy’s economic miracle hastened the decline of the neorealist movement in Italian film, one of the central subjects of our investigation. This source helped us develop a more sophisticated understanding of both the harsh reality of post-war life for ordinary Italians and the rise and fall of neorealism. "Italy: The Cold War Political Order." Encyclopedia Britannica. Print. This contextual source proved crucial to our understanding of communism in post-war Italy. It describes the United States’ efforts to protect Italy from Soviet influence and how those programs led to a post-war “economic miracle.” This information helps explain the ambiguous titling of The Bicycle Thieves, which was renamed The Bicycle Thief when it was released in the US, probably to eliminate any Marxist overtones. Jack, Ian. "Is this the end of Britishness?" The Guardian. 16 Sept. 2014. Web. 18 May 2015. This essay, published in The Guardian on the eve of Scotland’s 2014 independence referendum, defines the concept of Britishness, one of the central themes of Passport to Pimlico. It addresses the evolution of that term, which allowed us to place the post-war period in the context of Britain's development throughout the 20th century. Obviously, Jack’s theory of Britishness is a subjective interpretation of the country’s culture rather than an objective fact. So this source is certainly not the final word on what it means to be British. Kesser, Robert. "Der Verlorene" ["The Lost One"]. Sense of Cinema. Nov. 2007. Web. 18 May 2015. Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany Kesser's essay articulates the connection between the drama of this emotionally intense film and what he calls the post-war “Nazi psychosis.” The essay helped teach us that film can reflect big historical themes without explicitly highlighting those themes in every shot – Der Verlorene is all about the Nazis, yet it includes no Nazi imagery and little direct talk of World War II. Matthews, Peter. "Forbidden Games: Death and the Maiden." The Criterion Collection. 5 Dec. 2005. Web. 18 May 2015. Matthews’ essay provided crucial contextual information about the making of Forbidden Games (it originated as a short film) and incisive interpretations of the film's key themes. It also links Forbidden Games to the works of Italian neorealists like Roberto Rossellini, a connection we might otherwise have missed. This helped us fit Forbidden Games into our understanding of the stylistic trends that revolutionized European cinema during the post-war period. Sharp, Anne. "Der Verlorene" ["The Lost One"]. The Peter Lorre Companion. Web. 18 May 2015. This essay, drawn from a reliable source, the Peter Lorre Companion, provided crucial contextual information about the making of Der Verlorene. Sharp draws interesting parallels between the movie’s film noir style and the work of the Italian neorealists, further reinforcing our understanding of the stylistic connections among at least three of the four films we studied. Thomson, David. The Big Screen. Farar, Strauss & Giroux, 2012. Print. Thompson's book was one of our first ports of call for background information on the films we studied. The book includes especially rich information about the Italian neorealists, detailing how the movement’s initial popularity gave way to lighter fare after the Italian economic miracle. Crucially, Thompson writes in significant depth about the ambiguous history of the title of The Bicycle Thieves, which changed to The Bicycle Thief when the movie arrived in the United States. This section helped shape our thesis about how the movie’s production history reflects the impact of communism on post-war relations between Italy and the US. Watkins, Thayer. "Economic History of Italy." San Jose State University. San Jose State University, Web. 18 May 2015. This article provided important contextual information about Italy’s post-war economy. It describes in detail the initial desperation of Italian workers post-war and the eventual economic miracle fueled by support from the United States. It was this surprising Chan Le David Yaffe-Bellany economic resurgence that ended the neorealist movement in Italian film – a crucial connection between Italy’s political and economic history and the movie we studied. Wells, Paul. "Passport to Pimlico." Film Reference. Web. 18 May 2015. This essay, published in Film Reference, a reliable source for film commentary, provided important contextual information about Passport to Pimlico. Wells connects the movie to the idea of Britishness, a theme we built on by analyzing more recent essays about the British mindset. It helped us understand the post-war discontent of the British people with their government's rationing policies and helped us formulate our thesis about how the film reflects British post-war resolve. "WWII Deserters." National Public Radio. 17 June 2013. Web. 18 May 2015. This article about desertion during WWII does not address the French specifically. But it nevertheless provides an interesting lens through which to analyze Forbidden Games, a film that deals in part with societal perceptions of desertion. The piece includes useful background information about WWII deserters, focusing on the story of Wayne Powers, an American who deserted the military and then settled in France. Like the Daily Mail article, it was useful not just because it provided concrete information, but also because it helped us more fully understand the stigmas attached to desertion.