Syllabus in Practical Course of English Intermediate Instructor: Aigul Joroeva Office: Room# 407 Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8.00-13.30. Saturday: Other hours upon request. Contact hours: 6h. Credit hours: 11 credit (360h) Term 3: 6 credit (90 hours -class work, 90 hours Term 4: 5 credit (76 class work, 74 hours ind. work.) Telephone: 0996 772 75 11 68 E-mail: I. Course Description This course will provide instruction in academic and professional language skills for non-native speakers of English. Emphasis on the development of integrated language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening skills) for use in studying a particular content area with speech patterns. Upon completion, students will demonstrate improved academic language, contentspecific vocabulary, speech patterns and reading, speaking, writing and listening skills, and cultural knowledge in the topic area. II. Textbook and Other Required Materials 1. A practical course of English , Arakin V.D.Part 2. Moskva, Vlados, 2008. 2. Word skill 2.(intermed.level). 3. New English File (int.level) 4. English in use, interm.level. St’s book+ Workbook. Oxford press. 5. “The path of thunder” by Peter Abrahams. 6. “Sister Carrie” by Th. Dreiser. 7. “Short stories” by Somerset Maugham.(2) 8.” The invisible man” by G. Wells. 9. “The Moon and the Sixpence” by S. Maugham. 10.” Robinson Crusoe ” by Daniel Defoe. Books are available in the American Corner in Regional Library (T. Satylganov), in American Centre Room 104 , at faculty library and in the reading hall. A special notebook for class work and 2 notebooks for independent work( for exercises and for outside reading). IV. Course Objectives By the end of the course, students should be able to: -understand and use the vocabulary of the essential course, additional materials from above mentioned literature in their speech; - speak on the discussed topics using speech patterns of the unit; - prepare presentations on the suggested themes; - learn to make literary analysis of the texts; - conduct excellent interviews (dialogues) with each other; - develop career, interpersonal, social and professional skills; V. Methods of Instruction The instructor may use case studies, questions, exercises from the textbook, videos, texts for auding comprehension, literary analysis of the texts, current events, Power Point presentations, and student experiences and responses. VI. Attendance Procedure Punctuality and regular in classes is of great importance for successful completion of this course. Students will be expected to arrive for class on time and to remain in class until the end of the class session. If the student comes to the lesson late, he has to notify the instructor after class that he attended class; otherwise he will be marked absent. Note: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor sending a message or phoning him beforehand to find out what was covered in class and to find out your assignments for the following class. You also need to state how you will make up the missed work. If no contact is made, late assignments will not be accepted. Reward for Good Attendance: If you have perfect attendance, your final grade will be increased one grade. VII. Methods of Evaluation Assignments, to be completed as homework or in class shouldn’t contain errors in spelling, punctuation. Incorrect assignments will be returned to be rewritten. Due dates of assignments will be announced in advance and may be found in the schedule. (Please keep this schedule handy and refer to it often!) Grading is as follows: Each Unit contains Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing activities which consists of 10 parts (kinds of activities) in the Techno-Chart. For each student gets from 1 to 5 points. All in all top score is 50, for summary test (RK) students will get 10 points, at the final examination students will get 40 points, so by the end of the course each student gathers possible 100 points .The goal is to fulfill each task on time and properly. Dialogues Exercises Homework. Written exercises, text analysis, presentations, topics, dialogues, essays. Presentations Topics Outside reading Essay writing Tests . Each Unit contains several Quizes (short tests on vocabulary, ant-s, syn-s,), and 2+3 Final tests will be given in each semester. Test results will be shown in the Techno-Chart. Dictations. For each Unit st-s write a dictation which comprises new vocabulary, the constructions learnt during the classes. Spelling error will reduce the points.(1-2 mist.= 4, 3-4 mist=3.33, 5 mist=3, 6 mist= 2.33, 7 mist=2, 8-more mist=0) In-class assignments: exercises, reading texts, making up dialogues (pair work), group presentations. Grading Scale Including Quality Points: Points level marks 87- 100 74-86 61-73 49-60 0-48 A B C E F 5 4 3 2 0 excellent good satisfactory poor poor Academic Integrety. All students are expected to behave with academic honesty.It isn’t academically honest to misrepresent another person’s work as your own, to accept help on a test when you are expected to do independently, to obtain advanced information on confidential test materials. VIII. Course Outline Term 1 Unit 1 Text: “Anne meets her class” fr. “Fresh from the country” by Miss Reed. Topic: Choosing a career. Unit 2 Text: “A day’s wait” by Ernest Hemingway. Topic: Illnesses and their treatment. Unit 3 Text: “Introducing London” Topic: City. Unit 4 Text: “How we kept mother’s Day” by Stephen Leacock. Topic: Meals. Term 2 Unit 5 Text: “Freshman’s experience” fr. “Daddy Long legs” by Jean Webster. Topic: Education. Unit 6 Text: “A friend in need” by Somerset Maugham . Topic: Sports and games. Unit 7 Text: “The British Isles” fr.Essential English for foreign students by C.E. Eckersley. Topic: Geography. Unit 8 Text: “Seeing people off” by Max Beerbohm. Topic: Travelling. Date unit Class work Sept. 4 2h Unit 1 T: Anne meets her class. Sep. 6 Unit1 Speech patterns pp.8-9. Ex.1,2,3 Voc. notes: to look, to differ, to rest. Ex.4,5,6 p.10 Words:4,5, 6,7.p16-18. Quiz1 on voc.n. Ex.11,12, 13.p22-23. 2h Evaluation Background knowledge Ex. for hw. Quiz 1. Pres-s of words:4,5, 6,7. points Hw. *Voc. notes: comfortable, to run, to join, to depend. *Be ready for quiz 1 *Word comb-s Quiz 2 on voc. To read & retell text: Anne meets her class.Ex.15 p.24 Ex.VI p10 Ex.14 p23. Ex.16 p24 (2h) Classroom expressions point Sep 9 Unit1 Ex.18 p24. Text discussion & retelling. Logical parts. Character sketches of Anne, Miss Enderby, Arnold. *Quiz 2. *Text retelling. *Character ization of heroes. Message, style & form of writing. Summary of the text. Ex.21 p25-26. Ex.20 p25. Ex.19 p25. Topic: Difficulties awaiting young teachers. (2h) Unit1 Logical parts & text summary. Topics for discussion ex.20 p25. Commentary of the text. Essential voc. p30-31. Reading and discussing text A: What’s your line? CommentaryE x2 p31-32 Ex 6,7 p33. Ex.for hw. Stylistic devices: simile, metaphor, epithet, personification. Style, form, and language of the text. Quiz 1on ess voc.Text retelling. To learn & to act text B: Choosing is not easy as it looks. P29 Topic: Reasons for children’s being unmanageable .(2h) Topic: How to direct child’s energy into the right channels (2h) Quiz on ess.voc. Commenta ry of the text. Text a, B. Home ex. Text A.B. Ex.8 p33 Word Skill interm. unit 1pp129-133. Topic: Ideal upbringing.(2 h) Classroom expressions Ex13 p36 Word Skill interm. unit 1pp134-138. Be ready for test on unit 1 Dialogue p. 34 for learning. Ex.15 p37-38 (2h) Essay: Ex 11 p35. (2h) Studies of written English. P3940. Outside r-ing (2h) 2h Sep 11 2h Sep 13-16 Unit1 4h Sep 1820 Unit1 4h Sep 23 Unit1 Ex.11 p35. Ex.12 p35. Unit1 Dictation: Text for listening: Dialogues UNIT 1 TEST Unit test Unit 2 Speech patterns p42-43. Ex.1,2,3 p44 2h Sep. 25 2h Sep. 27 2h/ 22h Sep. 30 2h Oct 2 Unit 2 Voc.notes:1,2, 3,4 p49. Ernest Pres-s of voc. Ex.4,5 p44-45 Voc.notes: to shiver, ache, medicine, condition p49. Voc.notes:foot, prescribe, bare, refuse, like. p50- Outside reading (2h Classroom expressions Outside reading (2h) Hemingway’s biography. 2h Oct 4 Unit 2 2h Oct 7 Unit 2 2h Unit 2 Notes on Quiz1 style.p52-53. Voc.notes: Essen.voc.p53- 5,6,7,8 54. To read text: A day’s wait. Ex.1 p54-55. Logical parts. Idea, character sketches, style, form, summary. Text analysis. Quiz2. Text summary. Quiz on essential voc.words. Text A. retelling Text A. Text C Ex. 12p75. Text B. Oct 9 2h Oct 11 Unit 2 2h Oct 14 1h Text analysis. Oct 16 2h Unit 2 Symptoms of Text C. some illnesses reciting as measles, mumps, tb, etc. Oct Unit 2 Book:400 must-have words for TOEFL lesson pp52-59. (Am.corner) Individ. work of each student on handouts. Unit 2 Handout Text: Medical ethic (discussion) Group work on handout. 18 2h Oct 21 2h 51. Quiz 1 on voc. To read text: A day’s wait. Ex.5 p57. Ex.7 p57-58. Ex.9 p59. Quiz2. Classroom expressions Language of the text, literary analysis. Ex.12 p60. Ex.14 p62 Recite Text C Ex.16 p77 Outside reading (2h) Ex.17p77 Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Ex. 19p78 Outside reading. Essay: ‘An apple a day keeps a doctor away”(4h) D: At the dentist. (reciting) Outside reading Ex.11 p59. Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Outside reading (2h) Essential voc.p69- Notes on 71. synonyms. To read text: A P65-66. victim to one (2h) hundred and seven Classroom fatal expressions maladies.p63-65. Word comb-ns. Ex.10 p74 P69-71. Outside Ex.4.p72. reading Text B-to learn by (2h) heart. Text C in retell indirect speech. Ex.9p74. Ex. 13p75 Topic: A medical care in our country. (discussion) Oct 23 Unit 2 Text for listening comprehension. Dictation. Listening compreh. Dictation Be ready for test on unit 2. Oct 25 2h/ 23h+2 2h=45 h. Oct. 28nov.1 3h Nov. 4 2h Unit 2 Test on unit 2 Test Be ready for TK-1 on Units1,2. Nov 6 2h Unit 3 Nov 8 2h 2h TK-1 TK-1 Speech patterns p84. Ex.1,2,3,4 p85. Voc.notes: historic, worth, masterpiece. P88-89 Quiz 1. Voc.presentati ons:4,5,6. Ex.2,3(b,c,d) P94 Individual work of students. Unit 3 Text(retell) pp 85-89 Quiz2 on voc. Quiz2 on v. text Nov 11 4h Unit 3 Home ex-s Nov 13 2h Unit 3 Nov 15 4h Unit 3 Essential voc.p108. Topic: City Text A. Some more glimpses of London.(to read) Quiz on ess.voc. Retelling of text A. Word Skill interm hand out p82-84 Text B to retell and to recite. Unit 3 T: Introduci ng London (2h) T: My last visit to the doctor. Outside reading (2h) T: Health Care in England. Outside reading (2h) Quiz1 Pres-ns. Text. Quiz Home ex-s Voc.notes: human, strike, circular. To read text: introducing London.p85-89 Notes on homonyms.p92 Quiz on voc.n. Text retelling Ex.9 p96 Ex.12 p97 Quiz2 on voc. Ex.16 p98 Ex.17 p99 Ex.18 p100 Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Ex.15 p98 Outside reading (2h) Ex.19p100 Outside reading (2h) Learn essent.voc. Ex 6.p110be ready for Quiz 111.(2h) Ex.3 p109. Outside To retell text A. reading (2h) Classroom expressions Ex.10 p112 Ex.9 p111Ex.14 p113 112 Learn text B .p104 (topics 4h) Text C. p105 Topic: British Ex.16p116Mo cities. rning City (2h) Nov 18 4h Unit 3 Nov 20 2h Unit 3 2h\ Nov 22 22h Nov. 25 2h Test Unit 4 Speech patterns p119120 Ex.1,2,3,4 p120-121 Nov.2 7 Unit 4 Voc. pres-n. Biography of Stephen Leacock. Ex.1 p130 Unit 4 2h Nov.2 9 2h Dec 2 Unit 4 2h Dec 4 Unit 4 2h Dec 6 2h Unit 4 Handout: About town p59-60 from English in Use. Topics on sights of London. Listening: Dictation. Film: London today. Topics about British cities. Revise voc.notes and essential voc. Text listening. Dictation. Studies of written English. Be ready for test. Outside reading Essay: “It is better to see once than to hear hundred times”(4h) Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Ex.5 p121 Voc.n.:to get, to turn, to treat, to afford.p125-126. Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Voc. presn Home exs. Voc.n: to keep,to occur, to enjoy. Quiz 1 on voc. Notes on style.p128 Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Essential voc. p129 Text: How we kept mother’s day.(to read) Logical parts, character sketches, idea of the text. Text retelling see ex.11 p133. Summary of the text How we kept mother’s day. Ex 18 (b)p136 Quiz 1. Quiz 2 on voc Text discussion. Ex.2,3 p131 Ex.8 p132 Summary Home exs. Ex.15 p135 Literary analysis Ex.18 p135136 Outside reading (4h) Literary analysis of the text. Handout from New English interm. Analysis. Essential voc. p141-142. Topic: Meals. Text A. An Englishman’s meals.(read& Essay:”In Rome do as Romans do”. (2h) Quiz2 on voc. Text based activities. Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Language, form of Outside writing, summary reading. of the text. Ex14 p134 Ex.10 p133. Ex12.p133 (4h) Dec 9 Unit 4 2h Dec 11 2h Dec 18 Quiz1 Text A. discussion . Text A. retelling. Quiz2 on ess.voc. p143-144. Outside reading (2h) Classroom expressions Quiz 2 Text B. At table. Ex.4 p144. Handout: Food & Meals Quiz 2. Text B(reciting) Individ. W Text C (learn) Ex.4,5,7 p144146. Ex.11 p147 Bread and butter pudding. (2h) Unit 4 Text C In the dining Hall. Ex.9 p147. Text C (learn) Ex.4,5,7 p144-146. Ex.8 p146-147 Ex.14 p148. Topic: healthy food. Unit 4 Ex.16 p149 Ex. 17 p150152. Ex.8 p146-147 Ex.14 p148. Topic: Table manners. Unit 4 Handout from Word Skills interm.p129 Topics and dialogues. Topic: at the restaurant/café. Tea. Pubs.p148149. (2h) Classroom expressions ex.18 p152153. (2h) Classroom expressions Studies of written English.p154155 (2h) Outside reading. (2h) 2h Dec 16 understand) Unit 4 2h Dec 13 “Culture shock” Quiz 1on ess voc.p141-142. Ex.1,3 p144 Items p142143(learn by heart) Text A retelling 1h Dec Unit 4 20 2h/ 23h=4 5h Dec Units 3,4 2328.3h. 45+ 45+6= 96 Listening Listening comprehension compreh. . Dictation. Dictation. TK-2 Be ready for test on unit 4. TK-2 Term 3: 45h+45h+6h(test)=96h. 90h Date unit Class work Evalua-tion Feb 3/2h -Speech patterns pp.163-165. Ex.6,7.8 -Voc. notes: Bright,plain, blank,ignorance Unit 5 T: Education -Speech pattern exercises 5-6 pp.160. Ex.6,7.8 -Voc. notes: Point, excite -essentail voc I -Character sketches of personages. Literary analysis of the text “A Freshman’s experience” Essent.voc II p179 Higher education and teacher training in Great Britain Higher education and teacher training in Great Britain Text B: Dialogue Unit 5 T: Education Text C: How to get e Degree Feb 4/2h Feb 5/2h Feb 10 Unit 5 T: “A Freshman’s experience” from “Daddy Long-Legs” by Jean Webster Unit 5 T: “A Freshman’s experience” Unit 5 T: “A Freshman’s experience” Unit 5 T: “A Freshman’s experience” 2h Feb 11 Unit 5 T: Education 2h Feb 12 Unit 5 T: Education 2h Feb 17 2h Feb 18 2h Feb 19 Unit 5 T: Education 2h/ 18h Feb2 Unit 6 4 T: A friend in 2h need. Dictation Summary test -Speech patterns pp.192-193. Hw. Back-ground knowledge -Voc. notes: Bright,plain,bla nk,ignorance, prompt,record -Sp.pat ex-3-4 p159 Ex-5 p168 Quiz 1 Pres-s of words -Text reading -Learn voc notes be ready for a quiz 2 -Ex-3 p167 Ex-10,12,13 p169-170 Quiz 2 -text retelling -essential voc by heart -ex-15 p 171 Ex-17 p172 -literary analysis of the text 5 -Essent.voc II p179 Text A retelling Be ready for quiz on EV II Essent.voc II p179 Oxford University Cambridge University Retelling dialogue B in indirect speech Retelling a topic Higher Education in Great Britain A topic Higher education in Kyrgyzstan Education in America Essent.voc II p179, Ex-1,2 p180 Quiz on EV II Retelling text A Retelling dialogue B Ex-3,4 p 181 Ex-6,7,13 p183-184 Ex-15-16 p185 Role-playing Back-ground know-ledge points -Voc. notes: to nod,to ruin, pause, to rub, Ex-9 p181 High Schools in America Higher edtion in America Studies of written English p 189 poin t Ex.1,2,3 -Voc. notes: to curl,to break,to stick,to drive. Feb2 Unit 6 6 2h Feb2 Unit 6 8 2h Mar 3 vacant. -quiz 1 -words & word comb.p202. -Ex.9,10,11 p.204-205 Words:5, 6,7, 8,9.pp199201. Quiz1 on voc.n 1,2,3,4. Text: A friend in need. P194197 Ex.1,2,3,4. 7 p 203-204 -Quiz 1. Pres-s of words: 5,6,7,8,9. -Ex.9,10,11 p.204-205 -Quiz 2 on voc. n. -To read & retell text: A friend in need. - Ex.13 p206 -Ex.15 p207. (2h) -Classroom expressions p.345 IV -Ex.16,17 p207 -Character sketches of personages. -Summary of the text. - words & word comb. p202. -Ex.13 p 206 Literary analysis of the text: A friend in need. Ex.18 p207 Role-playing Literary analysis of the text: A friend in need. Ex.21 p208. Classroom expressions p.345-346 V 2h Ex.18 p207 Role-playing. Ex.15 p207. (2h) Outside reading 4h Classroom expressions p 346-II. 2h Ex.10 p219 Ex. 12 p220 Outside reading. 2h 2h Unit 6 Literary analysis of the text: A friend in need. Unit 6 Essent. Voc. p214-216. Unit 6 Ex.4,5,6 p217 Handout (fr Cutting Edge pre-int p8-11) Retelling of Text A. p210. -Quiz 1 on essential voc. -Text B. p211 -Ex. 8,9 p218 Unit 6 -Handout. (fr Headway int.p44-45) -Text B. p211 -Ex. 8,9 p218 -Quiz 1 on essential voc. -Reciting Text B. p211 -Ex. 8,9 p218 Mar 12 2h Unit 6 Quiz 2on ess. voc. -Text B (retell in indirect sp) -Topic: Sport in Great -Ex. 13 p221--Classroom expressions p 346-VI. 2h Essay: “Sport makes people kin”. 4h Mar Unit 6 Dictation: -Quiz 2on ess. voc. -Text B (retell ind sp) -Topic: Sport in Great Britain. Dictation. -Quiz 2on ess. voc -Text B (retell in indirect sp) -Topic: Sport in Great Britain. -Topic: Popular sports in Kyrgyzstan. Topic: My Classroom 2h Mar 5 2h Mar 7 2h Mar 10 2h Ex.4,5,6 p217. Text A. p210. 14 2h favourite sport. expressions p 347-VII 2h 2h/20h Mar 17 2h/1 8 Unit 6 Summary test on Unit 6. Summary test on Unit 6 2h Unit 7 T: The British Isles Speech patterns p. 230. Ex.1,2,3 Voc. notes: to vary, scene, shallow, extreme Ex.IV p. 231 . Words: to supply, shape, channel, value Quiz1 on voc.n. Ex. 10, 11, 17. pp. 246-247 Background knowledge Voc. notes: to vary, scene, shallow, extreme *Be ready for quiz 1 *Word comb-s Ex. for hw. Quiz 1. Pres-s of words:5,6, 7, 8 Quiz 2 on voc. Ex. (2h) To read & retell 6, 7, 8 pp. text: The British 242-243. Isles Ex. 2, 3,4, pp. 242-243. Unit 7 Text discussion & retelling. Ex. 5. 241 *Quiz 2. *Text retelling. Ex.12. 244 Retelling of the text. Ex. 10, 11, 12, 241-242 Unit 7 Topics for discussion “ The British Isles and the seas, straits and channels, washing their coast”. Ex.13. pp. 245.for hw. Speak on the topic: The British Isles and the seas, straits and channels, washing their coast”. Ex. 21, 2 p. 249. Unit 7 Essential. Voc II, Word Comb. Proper Names Text B: “The English landscape” Ex 4. p 255 Acting out the dialogue: The English landscape” Topic: “The relief of England, its highlands, lowlands and mountains. 2h) Reading and retelling of the Text A. (2h) Topic: The English landscape” Ex V. p 255 Acting out the dialogue. Ex. 8, 9, 11. pp. Studies of Written English Unit 7 2h 2h 2h 2h Unit 7 2h Unit 7 2h Text: C “ Looking at the map of the Quiz 1on Ess. Voc. Ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 255 Quiz on ess.voc. Retelling of the Text: B. Retelling of the dialogue. world” Ex. 6, 7, p. 256 2h Unit7 2h Unit 7 2h Unit 7 Topic ;Kg (industry, center, rivers, climate) 2. Curiosity quiz for eager’s p/-264 Dictation: Text for listening: The British Isles Summary test 257-258. Presentati ons of the topic” British isles : Be ready for dictation and listening test on unit VII. Be ready for test on Unit VII Outside reading (2h) Unit test 18 h 20 h May 2h Unit 8 Sp. Patterns p.266-267. Ex-s 1,2,3,4 p.267-269 May 2h Unit 8 Voc.present Biography of Max Beerbohm Ex:2,3 p.280 Voc. pres-n Home ex-s. May 2h Unit 8 Voc.pres. Logical parts, character sketch, defining the main idea of the text Ex:4 p.280 Ex:5 p.281 Voc.pres. Discussion of the text Voc. Pres. Quiz I Summary of the text Voc. Pres. Quiz I Summary of the text May 2h p.263 Topic: “ The British Isles”. 2h Essay: Looking at map of British Isles (2h) Topic: Kyrgyzstan Unit 8 Ex-s:5 p.269interview your partner; Voc.n:to serve, familiar Voc.notes: Impress,obey,lig ht Notes on style. Reading I: Seeing people off. Voc. Notes:to prevent, to earn, to do Essent. Voc&w.comb. p.278. Be ready for quiz on voc. notes. Reading II for retelling. Literary analysis of the text.(doing ex-s 15 p. 285) Ex:13 p.284 Be ready for quiz II on ess.voc Outside reading/2h Outside reading/ 2h Ex-s: 6,7,8,9,10 p.281-282 Outside reading /2h Essay: /2h May 2h Unit 8 Commentary of the text Quiz II on ess. Voc. Commenting on the text Quiz II May 2h Unit 8 Retelling the text A. May 2h Unit 8 Retelling the text A. Notes on synonyms. p.291 Working with essent.voc.& Quiz III on essen.voc. II Retelling in indirect speech. May 2h Unit 8 Quiz. Dialogues Presentations. May 2h Unit 8 Quiz IV on w.comb. Acting out dialogues. Handout: The British on holiday. (Solutions Interm.student sbook 8C p.76) WCD: Advantages and disadvantages of hitchhicking Dictation Test on unit 8 Test Dictation May Unit 8 2 h/20 hours All for IV term: 76 hours III-IV- 90+76=166 hours Quiz III Retelling Exercises Taking part in discussion Presentation. &w.comb. Text A:Different Memory work: means of From a railway travel.(retelling) carriage Reciting a poem / 2h Be ready for Ex-s:1,2,6,8 quiz III p.293-295/ 2h Text B: At the station. (retelling in indirect speech) Be ready for Quiz IV on p.293 Text C: A voyage round Europe.(acting out a dialogue) Ex:9 p.296 make up a dial. Studies of written English. Writing a letterpostcard to your family about a trip abroad. Handout for reading: Trip of a lifetime. An unforgettable experience (Solutions Interm.workboo k 8E p.70) Presentation: Travelling by air/water/train/ car./ 2h Outside reading. Presentation: The place I would like to visit. The sightseeing I would like to see/ 2h Handout: A world guide to good manners. How not to behave badly abroad( New Headway ok p.35) Outside reading/ 2h 18 hours