China Menu Open-Ended Research Topics Choose a topic you'd

China Menu
Level A
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
On the Internet, open up two tabs: one with
the website below, and another one that
will allow you to quickly research
information about the Great Wall. The
below site is an interactive map that will
help you “build” the wall as you answer
questions correctly. Keep a tally of how
many times it takes you to get the correct
answer. Have a parent sign the paper and
turn in.
Level B
Imagine you live in an ancient
Shang city. Draw, color, and label
a map of your city near the Huang
He River. Include a wall of earth
surrounding the city with gates
and towers in the wall. Give your
city a Chinese name. Make sure to
include: (inside) ruler’s palace,
temples for worship, homes for
priest & warriors, dirt roads &
alleyways. (outside) farming, Huang He River,
resource/following-great-wall-chinaneighborhoods or craft workers,
dirt roads leading to walled city.
The ancient Chinese made a number of
Think of a negative situation that
scientific advancements. Research some of occurred recently to you or a
the technological, scientific, or medical
friend. Write about how he or she
contributions. Construct a pictorial time
would have handled the situation
line that summarizes at least ten Chinese
or behaved based on each of the
inventions and their date of origin.
three teachings: Buddhism,
Taoism, Confucianism.
Write an expository paragraph comparing
Choose one ruler to interview.
and contrasting the lifestyles of nobles,
Develop six relevant questions to
civil servants, and soldiers in ancient China. ask him. Then, answer the
Think about their homes, food, clothing,
questions as if you were he.
jobs, belongings, etc…
Level C
Read “The Great Wall of
China” from The Ancient
World on page 150-155. Do
the Reading Check questions
1-5 on page 156. Answer in
complete sentences or
Compose a song that briefly
summarizes the different
dynasties. Think about their
achievements, social
structure, and time period.
Visit the following website:
ies.html Click and download
“The Story of Mulan.” Decide if
the story really could have
happened and justify reasons
for the decision.
Open-Ended Research Topics
Choose a topic you’d like to investigate and decide how you’d like to show what you’ve
learned: dragons, Chinese New Year, The Chinese Zodiac, Yin-Yang, Chinese boats, Chinese
kites, Chinese pottery/porcelain, The Mongols, Chinese art, Chinese Dance, Chinese mythology,
Chinese writing, the Terracotta soldiers, unique Chinese animals, Mandate of Heaven,
Ancestor Worship, Oracle Bones, Pagodas, Ancient Chinese Cities, Chinese Geography. You can
use links from the following website to gather information:
 Book
 Advertisement
 Skit
 Crossword puzzle
 Art gallery
 Demonstration
 Dialogue
 Brochure
 Flip book
 Documentary
 Collage
 Game show
 Essay
 Comic book or comic
 How-to-book
 Family tree
 Jigsaw puzzle
 Diorama
 Glossary
 Model
 Greeting card
 Journal or diary
 Puppet show
 Magazine
 Newspaper article
 Pop-up book
 Map
 Oral presentation
 Museum exhibit with
 Mural
 Simulation game
 Photo album
 Sculpture
 Song lyrics
 Picture dictionary
 News report-broadcast
 Story
 Demonstration
 Poem
 Slide show
 Trip itinerary—trip back
in time
 Web site