Speech Powerpoint

Support Resources to
Enhance University
Dr. Ronald Zellner
Texas A&M University
~ Major reforms in
higher education
• General teaching practices
• Integration of technologies
and telecommunications.
•Focus on Distance Education
~ Three major areas
•Instructional materials
Design and Development
•Instructional activities
•Instructional support resources
Development and Maintenance
~ Instructional
materials production
production assistance:
•artists, photographers,
•research assistants,
~ Instructional
materials production
Computers & Software
• Word Processor
Presentation, etc.
• Graphics (video/scanning)
• Internet access
• Web-editor, Specialty (e.g. Flash)
~ Instructional
materials production
•Software operations
•Graphics creation & Design
•Graphics integration/utilization
•Print operations & file formats
•Instructional activities
Classroom resources
•Projector & Computer
•Internet access
•Web & network resources
•Interactive group technologies
~Institutional responsibilities
•Instructional activities
Course management resources
Internet-based supplements:
Syllabus, Grade book,
Instructional content,
Communications, scheduling,
Accessing/delivering files,
•Instructional activities
Background Resources
Web-based resources:
• Advising, communicating,
• help-sessions, tutoring,
• announcements, calendars,
• homework delivery & feedback
• Student forums, chats, e-mail
•Instructional activities
Special Resources
Streaming Audio/Video:
• Archived (Server-based)
• Live Classroom-based
• Live Office-based
Existing General Resources
Instructional support
Special concerns
• Group systems require
- agreement & conformity
of software/hardware/staff
• Individual initiatives- Costly, redundant
- Innovative
- more appropriate to course
Instructional support
Special concerns
• Some courses more suited for
certain technologies:
- content, activities, longevity.
• Ownership of resources produced
- Copyright
- Where/When used
Instructional support
Special concerns
• Research/Evaluation
resources, techniques.
• Redevelopment
- based on research outcome
- based on individual experience
• Reuse
- continued use of successful
materials and resources.
Examples of
Support Resources
Texas A&M
Center for Teaching Excellence,
Learning Online Team, Cognition & Instructional Technologies Laboratories
Learning Sciences Institute
Center for Technology Innovations in Education
Media Services, Computer Networking and Laboratory
Services, Desktop Computer Services, The WebCT Support Team
Web tools, training, and resources
MIT Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Academic Technology Lab,
Center for Advanced Educational Services, Educational Media Creation Center
The Center for Teaching Excellence
(CTE) strengthens the academic
experience of our diverse faculty,
graduate students, and
undergraduate students by
providing support for teaching and
learning at Texas A&M University.
Teaching Workshops
specific teaching topics including the
teaching portfolio, using writing
assignments as a teaching tool, classroom
assessment, and teaching, thinking and
problem solving.
Teaching Assistant Training and
Evaluation Program (TATEP)
Approximately 500 teaching assistants each
year. The workshop includes general sessions
about teaching followed by opportunities for
students to receive peer evaluation of their
teaching (i.e., microteaching). The program is
in its ninth year.
Graduate Teaching Academy
The GTA provides graduate students an
opportunity to develop as teachers while
completing their graduate studies. The
academy includes a series of seminars led by
TAMU master teachers, a mentoring program,
and a teaching portfolio development
Teaching Portfolio Project
consult individually with faculty members.
The teaching portfolio is a complete and multidimensional, yet concise, communication of
teaching accomplishments at any stage of an
academic career; it involves a reflective
process that leads to improvement of teaching.
Faculty Learning Communities
University-wide professional development
program emphasizing learning and
teaching. Creates collaborative learning
environments in which faculty first explore
and broaden their understanding of learning
and then investigate alternative approaches
to teaching.
Learning Online Team - TAMU
Faculty consultation & hands-on demonstrations
Technical assistance
Faculty Workshops & Training
Topics - WebCT tools, quiz generators,
instructional design
• Beginning of the Semester Introductions for
an Online Course
• Checklist for Faculty Course Project
• Components of Instructional Design
• FAQs about Online Courses
• Online Support Services for TAMU Students
• Steps to Get Started to Put Your Course Online
• Storyboard Example
Technology Related
References : WebCT
• Browser-Related Issues
• WebCT • WebCT Basics
• Getting Started with WebCT
• Welcome Page/Home Page
• Syllabus/Calendar
• Content Module
• Assignments/Student
• Communication Tools
• Glossary
• Gradebook/Student
• Quizzes / Respondus
• End-of-Semester
Web page CreationHTML / Visual editors/
• Steps to Publishing a Web Site on the
CIS Web Server at TAMU
• Hot Potatoes
• HTML Basics
• Introduction to Web Browsers
• Introduction to WYSIWYG Visual Editors
• Microsoft Short-cut Keys
• Search Engine Sites
• Tricks and Traps: Visual Editors or "mixed bags"?
• Using Netscape Composer
Media - Concepts &
Production Techniques
• Camtasia - Screen capture
(graphics & Movies)
• Configuring Your Browser to
Support Multimedia
• Incorporating Video into
Web Pages
• Introduction to Web Graphics
• Selecting a Media Player
• SnagIt
• Sound Files in Web-based
• Support Services for Video
Production and Streaming
• Technical Reference for
Web Graphics
• What are WebCams?
• What is CollaborEdit
• What is a Digital Camera?
• What is a Scanner?
Preparing for Distance Learning
Provides you with the information you need in order to
prepare for your course to go on the World Wide Web.
Learn what a distance education course looks like,
what makes a good distance instructor, the steps to
take and the guidelines to follow in distance education.
CITL Course Template is a combination of online resources that can be adapted
to meet the needs of an instructor and his or her students.
Sample Tools:
Roster - A list of students enrolled in the course and their personal contact
information that the student and instructor may update at any time.
Gradebook - A list of grades for each student, accessible only by that student
and the instructor.
Web Board - A conferencing tool for online chats and discussions, viewing
messages and adding a reply.
Webliography - Two lists of links that a student compiles throughout the
1.Class URLs: the entire class has access to these course related links
2.Personal URLs: personal links not accessible to the rest of the class
Bulletin Board - A message board for instructors and students to add
announcements for the entire class to view.
Vanderbilt- Learning Sciences Institute
interdisciplinary scholars capable of addressing
basic and applied learning sciences in ways that-
• Create new knowledge,
• Foster the development of the science of teaching,
• Improve pre-K - 16 education, and
• Enhance the quality of undergraduate, graduate,
and faculty learning.
The function is to draw upon, integrate, and focus
the remarkable strengths in teaching, learning and
technology that currently exist across Vanderbilt,
plus recruit new expertise in areas relevant to
learning, teaching, and technology.
Organize and conduct research on how people learn,
with a special focus on how learning can be
enhanced through new uses of technology and
through innovative teaching practices.
Three major areas of research:
• Learning (fundamental issues of learning and
development - learning in the content areas)
• Teaching (e.g., innovative teaching practices,
innovative models of professional development,
understanding people,preparing future teachers
for the 21st century)
• Design (e.g., organizational design, technology
and learning, curriculum design)
• To conduct research to reform teaching
and learning methods through innovative
applications of technology.
• These technologies are created with the
purpose of supporting people's learning
through active and enthusiastic engagement
in interesting, fun, and meaningful tasks.
Media Services
•Media services provide the college with
a variety of print and non-print services
(photocopying, faxing, A/V equipment
checkout, binding, lamination, etc).
• provides the COE with video production
and editing assistance, and produces
videos for instruction, research and
Computer Networking and
Laboratory Services
• supports the college's technology needs through
a network systems group, a programming group,
and field services technicians.
• provides information technology design and
implementation to support the administrative,
instructional, research, outreach, and special projects.
• provides the College's faculty, staff, and students
with server-based resources, college-wide
networking, and instructional computer laboratory
Desktop Computer Services
• operate a computer help desk and provide
personal workstation support for the College.
• maintains licenses for frequently used software
• provides system set-up, and troubleshoots both
hardware and software problems.
• consults with faculty, students, and staff
concerning hardware and software purchases
and setup.
The WebCT Support Team
• methods to provide just-in-time
WebCT training via the Web.
• basic step-by-step instructions on how to
perform some common tasks within
WebCT and tips for using other tools like
PowerPoint, as well as a series of Webbased QuickTime and Real Player movie
"helplets" for visual and audio assistance
with some tasks.
Web tools, training, and resources
Basic and advanced Web classes
for faculty, staff, and students.
• Resources for Web developers
Graphics, tools, scripts, and other resources
• Making your Web pages searchable
insure your pages are found in Stanford Search.
• Web info links
Stanford and non-Stanford links to general
information about the Web, standards, security,
scripting & programming, and usability.
• Quick Guide to the Web: Using Netscape
Advice for Faculty & Staff
New employee training options
To help you learn basic Forsythe mainframe computer skills.
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
assist instructors with any technology to promote teaching or learning.
Academic Technology Laboratory
provides faculty with workstations & technical consultation for the planning
and construction of computer-based materials for teaching and research.
Expert Partner Program
organizes and informs local experts so they can help people more effectively.
Academic Technology Specialists Program
computer consultants are placed directly into certain campus departments,
Faculty get on-site training and advice.
Network Consulting and Education
shows organizations how to take full advantage of the campus network.
Academic Technology Lab
• Supports faculty use of computer and multimedia systems
to improve teaching and learning.
• Faculty and their assistants can create instructional
materials - interactive presentations, videos and web sites.
• Faculty can also receive help integrating technology tools
into their courses such as web-based forums, listservs and
online learning management systems such as CourseWork.
• The Lab also serves as a hub for faculty, Academic
Technology Specialists facilitating the exchange, advocacy
& dissemination of new technologies implemented on
CAES: Technology-Enabled Learning at MIT
•The main MIT facility for support of, and
research in, technology-facilitated education.
•the main source of MIT continuing professional
education, often via distance learning.
•design and conduct significant experiments in
technology-enabled learning, create and distribute
MIT educational offerings worldwide, and deliver
lifelong distance-learning opportunities.
CAES stays on the leading edge of technology-facilitated
education by exploring emerging technologies primarily through the Center for Educational Computing Initiatives (CECI) -as
well as partnerships with Institute colleagues.
-Current Projects
Technology Enabled Active Learning
Project I-Campus
Physics Interactive Video Tutor
Shakespeare Electronic Archive
Masters' Voices™
Access to PIVoT
Bringing History Home
Virtual Screening Room
Jewish Women's Archive
Database Visualization in 3D
Operacion Futuro
• Video Productions: resource for videotaping and editing for:
Classroom, lab, and studio demonstrations
Courses, lectures, and symposia
Computer animation, simulation, and digitization
Recording of special MIT events
• Web Development
Educational Media Creation Center (EMCC) - fee-based
production and service unit for assistance in designing, creating
and supporting web-based educational environments.
Helps clients develop and execute educational initiatives such as:
- creating maintaining and assessing web-based teaching materials
- designing multimedia components such as animation or video
- supporting distance and other technology-based learning tools.
Faculty Support:
•Start with tools for
everyday productivity.
•Convert existing
traditional materials.
•Transform materials &
content to new media.
Needs Assessment