Week of 3-16 Agenda

Cognition (Chapter 7A & 7B) Weekly Agenda
3/16 (B):
In Class: Review of memory
Independent Assignments:
PsychSim Labs-Iconic Memory, Short Term Memory, When Memory Fails (Handouts located on wiki
date of 3/13 & 3/16)
o Website: PsychSim Labs: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/gray/content/psychsim5/launcher.html
Complete Discussion Post
Explore San Francisco Exploratorium Website: www.exploratorium.edu/memory/index.html
o Answer the following questions based upon the website:
 1. How well did you do on the memory tasks?
 2. Are the types of memory games highlighted in the site related to the type of memory
you use in school? Why or why not?
Research recent efforts to exonerate individuals accused of crimes through eyewitness testimony
o (Discuss and explain efforts made by this organization. Are they making progress? Should more
be done to protect individuals falsely accused of committing crimes? Other thoughts?)
Reading of “Trippy Text” (~AP Psychology Community)-Read and take Cornell Notes; make
o Memory- http://www.appsychology.com/Book/Cognition/Memory/memoryintro.htm
3/17 (A) & 3/18 (B):
In Class: Intro to Thinking, Language & Problem Solving (Chapter 7B)
 Reading of “Trippy Text” (~AP Psychology Community)-Read and take Cornell Notes; make
o Thinking- http://www.appsychology.com/Book/Cognition/Thinking/thinkingintro.htm
o Language- http://www.appsychology.com/Book/Cognition/Language/language.htm
o Intelligence- http://www.appsychology.com/Book/Cognition/Intelligence/intelligencehome.htm
Independent Assignments:
PowerPoint (located on Wiki)
Complete Discussion Post
Video Clip: Secret of the Wild Child
*Before viewing the clip, brainstorm and develop a list of basic skills that a 6-year-old has when he or she
enters school for the first time.
*After viewing Secret of the Wild Child, compare this list to Genie's skills.
As you watch the film Secrets of the Wild Child, jot down your thoughts on the following questions:
1. Professionals from many fields were part of the Genie Team. Why would each of these professions be
interested in Genie’s case:
Developmental Psychologists:
What was the central ethical issue faced by the researchers working with Genie?
List some behaviors that were common to both Genie and Victor.
Can the effects of child neglect be reversed? Explain using examples from the film.
Explain the theories supported by Chomsky and Linderburg.
Do you think Genie was affected more by nature or by nurture? Use two specific examples from the film
to support your answer.
7. Why can we not draw completely firm conclusions about Genie’s case and about the extent to which her
behavior is a product of nature or nurture?
8. In a page, explain your position on the nature vs. nurture issue---are we who we are because we were
born that way, or does our environment make us who we are?
3/19 (A) & 3/20 (B):
In Class: Review of Cognition (students will work in jigsaw to review key concepts in preparation for
Cognition Test: Monday 3/23 (A); Tuesday 3/24 (B)