How Computers Work: Operating Systems, Memory


Foundations of Software Design

Fall 2002

Marti Hearst

Lecture 5: Operating Systems, continued



• Operating System Scheduling

– Resource Allocation

– Synchonization

– Deadlock

• Memory Management

– Address Spaces

– Memory Allocation Strategies

• Virtual Memory

• Thrashing

– Allocating memory for a java program

– The Java Virtual Machine



• Concepts you should know

– Time Slices

– Context switches / Process switches

– Strategies

• Preemptive vs. Non-preemptive

• Round-robin (with time slices), First-come-first-serve

(FCFS), Shortest Process Next

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Resource Allocation

• Allocation of files, printers, main memory, and other shared resources.

Image from



• Relevant concepts you should know

– Critical section

– Critical resource

– Mutual exclusion

– Semaphors

• Mutex semaphors

• Count semaphors

• Test-and-Set

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• Like Gridlock: everyone is stuck waiting for other peole to get out of the way

– The 3 conditions for deadlock (necessary but not sufficient) from Brookshear

• There is competition for nonshareable resources

• The resources are requested on a partial basis

– (having received some resource, a process will ask for another later)

• Once a resource is allocated, it cannot be “forcibly” retrieved

– Another way to say these:

• Mutex (mutual exclusion)

• Hold-and-wait

• No preemption

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• Example:

• Two processes running; both require the printer and the

CD drive

• Process A has the CD drive, but is waiting for the printer; process B has the printer but is waiting for the

CD drive.

– Have to “break the deadlock” via preemption

– Instead: don’t allow it to happen in the first place

• Don’t ever allow all three conditions to hold

• e.g., make processes “spool” their print jobs

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– Another famous example: Dining Philosophers

• Three states:

– Eating

– Thinking

– Hungry

• Meets the three deadlock conditions:

– Resource contention on the dining implements

(have to share each one with one neighbor)

– Need two implements to eat

– Too polite to steal each others’ tools (nonpreemptive)

• The online readings present an interesting solution …

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Memory Management:

User vs. System Address Spaces

• The OS manages memory for all the user processes running on the machine.

– Each user process runs in its own address space.

• User processes have to handle their own memory management.

– The C language makes the user do this explicitly

– Java does it for you

• Every time you do a “new” you get a new object

• If you stop using the object, you don’t say “remove”

• Cleanup is done for you by the java Garbage

Collection system


Address Space

• The range of bytes in memory that are assigned to a process.

• Often will locate the OS address space in low memory addresses, and user programs in high memory addresses.


• Example: OS

– OS needs 24 Kbytes

– User needs 12 Kbytes






Address Space

• The address space can begin anywhere in memory.

• Example:

– Say your program requires 2K for instructions and 30K for data.

– If stored starting at position 0, then the address space ranges from 0 to 32K-1

– If stored starting at position 12K, then the address space ranges from 12K to 44K-1.

– That means the first instruction starts at location 12K.

(This is where the Program Counter starts.)

• How does the Program Counter know what to do?

– The OS automatically adds 12K to every address in the program.


Memory Allocation Policies

• The OS tries to accommodate as many user processes as possible.

• Problem: where to put which process in memory?

• Strategies:

– Best fit: smallest possible free block

– Worst fit: largest possible free block

– First fit: first free block that fits

• Occasionally “house cleans” (reorganizes everything).

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Virtual Memory

• Allows a process to run even if the full amount of needed memory is not currently available.


• The memory needed by a program is divided up into 4K blocks

• This allows the process to run in non-continguous blocks of memory

Page table

• Shows which pages are in RAM and which on disk.

Page Fault

• Happens when the process tries to access a page that is not currently in RAM.

VM simulation:


Page Table Maps Pages in Virtual

Memory to Main Memory or Disk

Image from


Virtual Memory

• Allows a process to run even if the full amount of needed memory is not currently available.


• Moving a page from memory to disk, and vice versa

• Can also refer to moving an entire process into or out of RAM memory

• A page fault has to be handled by the Scheduler – so slow

(accessing the disk resource; can cause a context switch)


• When there isn’t enough room in main memory for all the pages that the process needs at the same time

• The process spends all its time page faulting, swapping processes into and out of memory, and gets little work done.

VM simulation:


Page Replacement Policies

• To decide which page to throw out of RAM

– Least Recently Used ( LRU )

– Least Frequently Used ( LFU ) LRU with counts

– First In First Out ( FIFO ) Remove oldest

– Random

– Many others



– In a fairly large program, only small portions are ever used at any one time.

– A set of pages which tend to be used together.

• Something that has been used recently is more likely to be used again than something that has not been used recently.

– Surprisingly, this holds true quite often.

– Processes tends to move from locality to locality.

• Makes FIFO problematic

• Makes LRU look good



• Idea: due to the principle of locality, some variables are used in the CPU quite often without changing.

– These are stored in very fast memory hardware called a cache.

• Operation: accessing a variable v:

– Check: is it in the cache?

• Yes: use the value (A Cache Hit)

• No: is the cache full? (A Cache Miss)

– Yes: remove out the least recently used value from the cache

» Has that value changed?

» Yes: write the value into RAM

» No: do nothing; it just gets overwritten

– Read the value of v from RAM into the cache.

• There is special hardware to support all this

– TLB (translation lookaside buffer)


The Java Runtime Environment

Runtime is contrasted with Compile time

– Like an OS for your java program

– The Virtual Machine is run at runtime

• Takes care of

– Memory management

– Resolving class inheritance decisions

– Allows your java program to run on any machine for which a VM has been compiled.

• Applets are a special case

– They use a special runtime environment that is integrated into the web browser.


Garbage Collection

• An object retains its space in the user address space until there is no longer a variable referencing (pointing to) that object.

• If there are lots of large, unused objects in the process, this eats up the user’s address space.

• The Garbage Collector

– Runs periodically while the process is running.

– Reorganizes the user’s address space, freeing the memory allocated to unused objects, and grouping larger blocks of memory together.


The Java Virtual Machine (VM)

• When you compile a java program, javac produces byte codes (stored in the class file).

• The byte codes are not converted to machine code.

• Instead, they are interpreted in the VM when you run the program called java.

– Loose Analogy: like a child standing on her parent’s feet to dance – she does the movements but her feet don’t touch the floor.


Translated by the C compiler

(gcc or cc)

C code

Assembly Language

Machine Code

The OS loads the machine code into the

CPU, and handles system calls, allocates memory, etc


Translated by the java compiler

(javac or jit)

Java code

The Virtual Machine is a regular program that is run in the standard way by the


Byte code (class file)

The byte codes are loaded into the java Virtual Machine.

(You invoke it with the “java.exe” command.)

The VM interprets the codes, does memory management, makes class inheritance decisions, etc


Programs vs. Processes

• Program

– The code, both in human and machine-readable form

• Process

– A running program is a process.

– It is allocated a number of resources:

• Registers in the CPU

• Some part of the CPU’s RAM

• I/O devices (the monitor, files in the file system)

• Several copies of the same program can be running as different processes.

– But data values, current Program Counter location, etc., will differ among the different processes.


Programs vs. Processes

• How does this relate to Object Oriented Programming?

• An important difference:

– Class definition vs.

– Object creation / instantiation

• Class definitions are created at compile time.

• Objects don’t really get created until the program is running as a process.

– The “new” command in java tells the operating system to allocate some memory and put the new object in that space.

• When the process ends,

– the class definitions do not disappear, but

– the objects disappear.

meaning that the memory allocated to the objects gets reallocated for some other purpose.


Class Definition vs. Object Instantiation

/* the class definition */ public class Fish { private int age; private int size; private String color;

/* the class constructor */

Fish (String col) { age = 1; size = 4; color = col;


/* a method */ public void setColor

(String col) { color = col;


/* Create and use some objects */ public static void main (String[] args)


// instantiate the object –

// allocate memory for it

Fish charlie = new Fish(“pink”);

Fish freddy = new Fish(“yellow”);

// we have to tell the program

// which object instantation to

// modify – that’s why we say

// charlie.setColor(), not just

// setColor()


} charlie.setColor(“red”);


Class Definition vs. Object Instantiation



8 int int str


“n” int

1 int str













“w” space for charlie space for freddy

Each instantiation of an object gets its own space in memory. This space is allocated when the process executes a “new”.

The compiler knows the

“shape” of the class from the class definition and the definition of the constructor.

Each integer gets one word of memory (2 bytes here).

The string starts with an int showing the length of the string. Each character requires only one byte.

Memory addresses

Note: this is the general idea; many details are simplified 27
