TEAL MANITOBA 2014 September TEACHERS of ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE IN MANITOBA President’s Voice- Sandra Melo Dear Colleagues: Welcome back to the 2014-2015 school year. I hope you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating summer and had an opportunity to enjoy family 1 and friends, as well as pursue some personal 2 and professional projects and interests. Summer 2 always provides us that much anticipated time to 3 regroup, reflect and refine ideas that surfaced 3 during the last school year, and gives us that much needed recharge as we move back into our busy schools and classrooms. News and messages: President’s Voice 1 New Executives Sage conference Sharing circle Back to school Membership info This year, as always, we will host our annual TEAL conference during the MTS SAGE day. Check out TEAL Manitoba’s website, www.tealmanitoba.ca for more information about our group, and to register for the upcoming annual TEAL conference on Friday, October 24th at Fort Richmond Collegiate. Keynote speaker Sarah Gazan will take us on a personal and professional journey through the lens of “Cultural Proficiency”. As well, there will be many breakout sessions for teachers working with English language learners. In addition to the annual conference, be sure to watch for other learning and networking opportunities offered by TEAL Manitoba and other partners this year on our website. TEAL Manitoba is looking forward to another year full of professional networking, development and dialogue. Thank you to all who have renewed their membership in our organization. To our new members… we sincerely welcome you and hope that TEAL can support you in your professional and personal growth in the area of EAL. As well, thank you to the volunteers of the TEAL Manitoba Executive for agreeing to take on these volunteer positions. I look forward to another rewarding and successful year with all of you. Sincerely, Sandra Melo TEAL Manitoba President 2014-15 Introduce TEAL MANITOBA 2014-2015 Executives President: Sandra Melo Vice President: Melanie Davlut Manitoba Education Representative: Diana Turner Past President: Kim Hewlett TEAL MB SAGE Conference 2014 Co-Chairs: Melanie Davlut and Jody Godfrey Secretary: Tracey Gluska SAGE Council Representative: Luisa Igne Membership/ Treasurer: Simone Kirwan EAL Café/ PD Chair: Katie Cherniack TESL Canada Representative: Desirae Mercer Members-at-Large: Kevin Carter, Maria Heron, Yi Li, Cindy Petriw, Diana Turner, Jody Godfrey, Liana Ferreira Journal Editors: Eunhee Buettner, Yi-fang Chen Page 2 of 3 TEAL MANITOBA Newsletter Sept. 2014 TEAL-SAGE conference, October 24th, 2014 TEAL SAGE conference 2014— Hi everyone, “Connecting communities” I am co-chairing the TEAL SAGE this year - the theme is “Connecting Communities”. The event will be held at Fort Richmond Collegiate on Friday, October 24, 2014. We are looking for presenters for the event. Anyone who presents does not have to pay the conference fee (although they are encouraged to become a TEAL member), and will have lunch included. If you are interested, please fill in the presenter form and email it to me. As well, if you know of other colleagues who would like to present on a relevant EAL issue, please forward this email to them. Please respond as soon as possible!!! Melanie melanie.davlut@lrsd.net The “Sharing Circle” Starting from September 2014, TEAL Sharing circle: it’s a great way to stay connected with all the people working in the EAL field. Manitoba Journal is going to add a new section for EAL teachers, volunteers, and students. It is called “ Sharing Circle”. The sharing circle aims to encourage TEAL members and nonmembers to share their valuable EAL experiences. Your submission will be collected in our TEAL Manitoba Journal November or June issue. We also welcome you to suggest more ideas for the sharing circle. Here are the topics for the sharing circle in TEAL Manitoba Journal November issue. 1. In your EAL teaching career, what has been your most rewarding moment? 2. What is the most challenging part when teaching EAL students? * Please use a short paragraph (1~5 sentences) to describe your experience or thoughts. * Please also include your name and school or program you work with. * Simply send your write up to Manitoba.teal@gmail.com Page 3 of 3 TEAL MANITOBA Newsletter Sept. 2014 Special topic: Back to school Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwlhUcSGqgs Back to School: Preparing for Day One http://www.edutopia.org/blog/back-to-school-preparing-first-dayrebecca-alber Have you updated your TEAL Manitoba membership yet? Information TEAL Manitoba brings together teachers from K-12, university and adult settings. It provides a unique partnership that allows for multiple perspectives on the issues that affect EAL learners. Professional development: * Network with and learn from other professionals in the field of EAL Automatic membership in TESL Canada: * Membership in TESL Canada is required in order to submit your credentials for evaluation for the TESL Canada Professional Certificate. Quality publications: * TEAL Manitoba Newsletter and Journal (3 newsletters and 2 journals annually) * TESL Canada Journal (2 journals annually) Reduced conference fees: *Annual TEAL Manitoba conference in October for EAL educators at all levels. * TESL Canada national conference Be sure to join early to enjoy all the privileges and benefits throughout the upcoming year! http://www.tealmanitoba.ca/TEAL_Manitoba/Membership.html