Anh Dang Jan Ruecker James Choi Jarrett Robbins Sakshi Sachdev Shan Moin Group B1 What is Performance Appraisal It is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the P.A is measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee. 1 Approaches Traditional P.A methods- quantitative tools to rate employees and are oriented to numerical or scalar ratings Collaborative approach - managementby-objectives, work planning and review, 360°appraisals, peer review, etc. Approaches that fall in between the traditional numerical approach and collaborative techniques 2 Benefits for the individual Gaining a better understanding of their role Understanding more clearly how and where they fit in within the wider picture Improving understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and developmental needs Identifying ways in which they can improve performance Providing an opportunity to discuss and clarify developmental and training needs 3 Benefits to Managers/Team leaders Opportunities to hear and exchange views and opinions away from the normal pressure of work Identify any potential difficulties or weaknesses An opportunity to- plan for and set objectives for the next period Think about and clarify their own role Plan for achieving improved performance Motivate members of the team 4 Benefits to the organisation A structured means of identifying and assessing potential Up-to-date information regarding the expectations and aspirations of employees Information on which to base decisions about promotions and motivation An opportunity to review succession planning Information about training needs which can act as a basis for developing training plans 5 Negative Aspects The team’s target becomes secondary Teamwork suffers from unfair appraisals Energy will get lost Cooperation becomes competition The overall company’s vision does not play a significant role 6 Negative Aspects Monetary reward is not the best motivator More losers than winners creates a negative atmosphere Behaviour is according to the target People could act like they are supposed to 7 Discrepancies with leadership theory “Leadership is the ability to unify participants behind common goals and maximise their potential for contribution.” (MBE Group B1) 8 Discrepancies with leadership theory “Leadership is the ability to participants behind and goals their potential for contribution.” (MBE Group B1) 9 Leadership theories elements Leadership grid (Psychological Theory) Holding informal meetings (PT) Developing the individual (Adair) Building and maintaining a team (Adair) Achieving the task (Adair) Help, support & understand people (EFQM) 10 Deming Evaluation of performance is a deadly disease Point 8: Drive out fear Point 9: Break Down the Barriers Between Departments Point 10: Eliminate Slogans, Exhortations and Targets Management should lead not supervise. Focus on the outcome must be abolished in favour of leadership 11 Means to combat barriers Re-Design the appraisal process to minimise negative dynamics. 12 How Uncouple performance appraisal from development appraisal Define specific performance & behavioural objectives Disconnect the appraisal process from rewards system. Recognise individual differences Communication Develop relationships Use of Self assessment in the formal appraisal process. 13 Conclusion Performance Appraisal system has its place Understanding its limitations to improve the system 14 References Beer, M.,(1981) Performance appraisals dilemmas and possibilities, Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1981. AMACOM, a division of American Management Associations. Nicolls, Dr., (2005), Notes on Performance appraisals, Warwick Manufacturing Group, People in Organisations, course notes, [Feb. 2010]. Warwick University MBE Homepage [2011]: modulelist/le/ Deming, W. E. (1986) Out of the crisis Cambridge, Mass: MIT Murphy, T. & Margulies, J (2004). Performance Appraisals. ABA Labor and Employment Law Section Equal Employment Opportunity Committee.. 15