Advising the LAC . . . A Refresher Content Areas of the LAC ■ Arts (2 courses - 6 credits, incl. 3-credit ■ ■ ■ ■ course) Humanities (2 courses - 6 credits) Social Science (2 courses - 6 credits) Natural Sciences (2 courses, 1 of which must be a lab science -7-8 credits) Math and Logic (2 courses, 1 of which must be a MAT course) Content Areas of the LAC ■ Writing (2 courses - 6 credits) ■ Ethics (1 course - 3 credits) ■ Global Studies (1 course - 3 credits) – Total credits: 40-43 Distribution of disciplines ■ A student must choose courses from two different disciplines to satisfy credit requirements within the categories of Humanities and Social Sciences (e.g. two PSC courses cannot be used to fulfill the Social Sciences requirement). The same discipline MAY be used for both ART courses. ■ This rule no longer applies to SAGE students (Faculty approved December 2010) Distribution of disciplines ■ Also, a student may not use courses from the same discipline to satisfy credit requirements across the categories of the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences. – If an ENG course is used for an ART requirement, an ENG course may not also be used for the student’s HUM requirement. ■ Does not apply to SAGE students December 2010) (Approved Specifics for ART ■ 6 credits - MUST include at least one 3-credit course – Up to 3 credits may be in 1 or 2 credit experiences ■ May be satisfied with courses from 1 discipline ■ May be satisfied with specified courses from ART, COM, DNC, ENG, MUS, THS (among others) – Not all ART, MUS, THS, DNC courses carry ART designation – always check! Specifics for HUM ■ 2 courses from 2 different disciplines ■ May be satisfied with courses from COM, ENG, HIS, HON, PHI, PSC, PHI, SPA – Always check whether a course from these departments carries that designation! Specifics for SS ■ 2 courses from 2 different disciplines ■ May be satisfied with courses from ANT, BUA, COM, CRJ, ECO, GND, HON, MRK, PSC, PSY, REL, SOC, SWK – Always check whether a course from these departments carries that designation! Specifics for SCI ■ 2 courses, one of which must be a lab science – Lab science courses carry 4 credits – Non-lab science courses carry 3 credits ■ May be satisfied with courses from ANT, BIO, CHE, ENS, GSC, HON, NEU, PHY, PSY – Always check whether a course from these departments carries that designation! Specifics for ML ■ 2 courses, one of which must be a MAT course ■ May be satisfied with courses from BIO, CIS, MAT, PHI, PSY, SOC, SWK – Always check whether a course from these departments carries that designation! Specifics for WRI 1 and 2 ■ Either WRI-1 or HON 122 satisfies WRI-1 ■ WRI-2 courses can come from almost every discipline – NB: Many creative writing courses count as ART, not WRI-2. Non-fiction writing is WRI-2. ■ WRI-2 courses MAY also satisfy another LAC requirement! (examples: ENG 200, HIS 211, REL 204 and many others) Specifics for Ethics Requirement ■ Now there are two designations: – ETH for traditional students (must include experiences outside the classroom, e.g. service learning) – SER for SAGE students (does not have to include experiences outside the classroom) Specifics for ETH ■ NOT a “community service requirement” ■ Does involve 28+ hours of service ■ Courses that satisfy this requirement include BUA 281, ETL 235, LLC 201, LLC 203, NUR 335 Specifics for SER ■ For SAGE students only ■ Include PSY 344 and SWK 329 Specifics for Global Studies ■ Courses can come from many disciplines, including ANT, BIO, BUA, CHE, COM, etc. ■ GS courses MAY also be WRI-2 courses, but will not fulfill any other LAC requirement How do I . . . ? ■ Find out which LAC requirement a course carries? – Go to MyCedarCrest – Office & Services – Registrar’s Office – Liberal Arts Curriculum htm Please note ■ Asterisks mean that the course also meets WRI-2 requirement – HUM* – SS* – GS* Checking LAC designation ■ You can also check when you search for courses ■ Course number is a link that will display the LAC requirement it fulfills ■ Please Note!!! ■ August 07 Curriculum = CURRENT curriculum ■ LAC = PREVIOUS curriculum Transfer Policies ■ Students are granted the equivalent of our LAC if they transfer in with: – An Associate of Arts or Associates of Science degree – A Bachelor of Arts or Bachelors of Science degree – At least 90 transferable credits from a 4-year college of university Transfer Policies ■ Students may transfer in up to 90 credits from a 4 year institution ■ Students may transfer in up to 60 credits from a 2 year institution ■ Students with an AA or AS degree may transfer in up to 68 credits Transfer Policies ■ After matriculation, a student may transfer a maximum of 18 credits to Cedar Crest, provided the student has not transferred the maximum number of credits allowed ■ 26 of the final 30 credits must be taken at Cedar Crest Advising Advice ■ ALWAYS double check that a course meets the LAC requirement desired ■ REMEMBER the “discipline” rules (for trads) – No discipline may be represented twice across the HUM, SS and ART designations – 2 disciplines needed for HUM and SS Advising Advice ■ Document LAC advising sessions, both in person and by email – Place a note summarizing results in student file – Send an email with a summary of the content of the discussion. Keep your emails! Resources ■ Academic Services tab ■ emic_Services/