the presentation slides here

Getting the Most
Out of
Gail Perry, CPA
Publisher, AccountingWEB
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Instructor: Gail Perry, CPA
Financial journalist
Publisher of
Former tax accountant at
Author of 30 books, including
Intro to LinkedIn and Social Media
Joining LinkedIn
10 Tips for Success in Using LinkedIn Groups
Summary & Questions
Intro to LinkedIn and Social Media
• Social Media (sō'-shƏl mē'-dē-uh)
The use of digital resources to communicate with
Key Players in the Social Media Arena
Why Focus on Social Media?
Cheap – often free
Easy – anybody can do it
Accessible – anybody can access it
It’s where your clients are or will be
If you don’t, someone else will
What About LinkedIn?
Business tool used for communication
You participate by sharing information
Replaces Rolodex – but that’s just the start
Jobs/Career Advancement
Online meeting place
What’s Going On LinkedIn?
• Ideas are being formed and shared
• People remain connected
• Businesses have wider reach –
– Regional/National/Global
LinkedIn Groups
• Discussion area
• Place to share your ideas, get new ideas
• Communicate with colleagues, members of
your profession
• Build your business through networking,
sharing your expertise, building excitement for
your services
Getting the Most
Out of
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Tip #1: Joining a LinkedIn Group
• Step 1: Goals – what do you want to
• Step 2: Explore existing options
• Step 3: Prepare a strategy
• Step 4: KPIs will then come naturally
Step 1: Goals
Some Typical Goals…
Establish presence/brand recognition
Demonstrate knowledge
Get answers to your questions
Engage in dialog
Gain new knowledge which you can share
Don’t be left out
Connect with your clients
…Some More Typical Goals
• Appear to be in touch with trends
• Gather information
– On your clients
– On your competitors
– On yourself
Step 2: Explore Options
How Do You Pick a Group?
• What are you comfortable using and doing?
• Where are the people with whom you want to
• Experiment
• Always remember your goals
Steps 3 and 4: Determine Measurement
Standards and KPIs
• Social Presence (amount of interaction,
answers to questions, etc.)
• Traffic to Web site
• Referrals
Additional Measurement Standards
• Subscribers to newsletter or email
• Sign-ups for whitepaper or free consultation
• New client leads
• New clients
• Increased revenue
Tip #2: Choosing Your Group(s)
• Start with organizations in which you are a
– Accounting and other professional
– Alumni groups
– Community groups
Tip #2: Choosing Your Group(s)
• See “Groups You May Like” on the right side of
your Profile Page
• Use search box to search by topic followed by
“groups” (hit ENTER)
• See what groups your colleagues have joined
Tip #3: Joining a Group
• Groups have three options for members
– Open to all
– Open by invitation only
– Pre-approved (e.g. by domain name or
membership list)
– Must be approved
• Click JOIN to join a group and you will be told
if your request is approved or pending or not
Tip #4: Familiarize Yourself With Your
• Read previous posts to get a feel for how
members interact
• View member list (“Members” on Group menu)
• View promotions
• Use Search feature to look for specific
• View Group Profile (“More/Group Profile”)
Tip #5: Follow the Rules
• See Group Rules at top right side of Group
– Posting expectations – stay on topic
– Copyright issues
– Violations and suspension or removal
– Links
– Personal information (phone, email, etc.)
Tip #6: Introduce Yourself
• If you plan to participate and not just observe,
let people know who you are
• It’s okay to ask questions – find out how others
have benefitted from the group
About SurePayroll
SurePayroll is the trusted provider of easy online
payroll services to small businesses nationwide.
Whether a business has 1, 10, or 100 employees,
SurePayroll delivers peace of mind by combining
innovative, industry-leading technology and
personalized support from an award-winning,
U.S.-based customer care team. For more
information, please visit
Tip #7: Participate in the Group
Post answers to questions
Post your own questions
Add commentary in your areas of expertise
Add questions to further the dialog
Share your experiences
Getting the Most
Out of
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Tip #8: Start a Topic Thread
• Enter a topic or ask a question
• Add details to let others know exactly what you
are looking for
• Accept the option to follow the discussion –
you will get e-mail notifications of posts
• Be responsive when others make posts
• KEEP YOUR GOALS IN MIND – what are you
trying to accomplish?
Tip #9: Create Your Own LinkedIn Group
• Start with your reason for creating the group
• Instructions are straightforward and available
in LinkedIn (Choose Interests/Groups/Create a
• Determine terms of membership
• Create welcome e-mail message (can be
automated), other communications
• Be prepared to monitor content
Tip #10: Assess Your Participation
• Is your time well spent?
– Getting questions answered
– Sharing your expertise
– Getting new contacts/friends/clients
– Getting fresh perspectives, opinions
– Recognition in your field
• What could you do better
Getting the Most
Out of
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The LinkedIn Mindset
A forum for exchange of ideas
Questions asked and answered
Comfort level with sharing contact information
A 21st century type of business relationship
where you, your colleagues, and your clients
know each other on a more personal level
Key Points to Remember
• Goals Precede Your LinkedIn Activity
• Develop a Strategy, Knowing It Can Change
• Determine Desired Results
• Measure Activity and Reassess
• Client Needs
– To know you as a person
– To be confident they can connect with you
• Business Opportunity
– Better understanding of who you are translates into
long-term client and professional relationships
• Benefits
– Better client relationship through communication
– Additional service opportunities
– Referrals to new clients
Thank you for attending!
Getting the Most Out of
LinkedIn Groups
Gail Perry,
A special THANK YOU to SurePayroll for
sponsoring this event