Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
There are many debates that we could have today, but one of the biggest debates of the
modern generation is “Apple verses Microsoft”. This debate has revolutionized a generation. The
history of the two companies is two very unique ones. The way their products compete against
each other in today’s global market is something that you will probably never see again for a
long time. Apple and Microsoft have changed the way we look at technology today and how
we will look at it in the future.
The history of Apple started in a garage, when the two co-founders, Steve Wozniak and
Steve Jobs, were tinkering with old electronic equipment and building new inventions which led
them to ultimately create the Apple I computer on April 1, 1976. The computer did not have a
keyboard or a power supply and was initially targeted for hobbyists. They would eventually sell
200 computers for $666 each. This was the beginning of Apple. Shortly after the Apple I
computer was created, the Apple II was introduced in 1977. The Apple II was special in that it
was the world’s first preassembled computer. The Apple II computer helped the company reach
bigger markets globally by having many companies use their computer. However, what really
put Apple on the big stage was the release of the iPod in October 2001. The iPod did not change
the type of music people listen to, however it certainly did change the way we listen to and
access music. Today, the iPhone has become such a tremendous success that they have produced
a total of six generations of it in only five years. The history of Apple has been a very successful
and unique one (
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
One of Apple’s biggest competitors is Microsoft. The company was founded by Bill
Gates and Paul Allen in 1975.The first major accomplishment for Microsoft achieved was that
they create an operating system called MS-DOS and attempted to sell it to technology giant IBM.
They were very successful in persuading IBM to test out their software on a trial basis. MS-DOS
made such an impression with IBM, which they ultimately decided to use Microsoft’s software
in world’s first personal computer called the IBM PC. The next year Microsoft would try and
take their business to the global stage and build their sister headquarters in the United Kingdom.
Four years later, in 1986, Microsoft entered in the stock market with starting cost at $21 per
share. In 1993, Microsoft introduced an update to their operating system, MS-DOS, and released
Microsoft Windows NT. Although Windows NT was a very good operating system, it also
happened to put Microsoft in legal trouble. In 1997, the Justice Department accused Microsoft of
tying their web browser, Internet Explorer, into their operating system. This violated sections one
and two of the Sherman Act of 1890. They were charged with trying to monopolize the web
browser and as a result Microsoft had to share information about their software. Following these
legal implications, Microsoft created a new operating system in 2001, Windows XP. Windows
XP has been recognized as their most successful operating system. Six years after the release of
Windows XP, Microsoft would release another operating system, Microsoft Vista. Then just two
years later in 2009, the company would come out with a new operating system, Windows 7.
Windows * was then subsequently released in 2012. Just like their main competitor, Apple,
Microsoft has been very successful in establishing themselves in the world of technology.
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
There are so many comparisons between Apple and Microsoft, but one of the biggest
differences is the battle of the operating systems. One of Apple’s most recent operating systems
is called OSX Mountain Lion and Microsoft’s more advanced operating system is Windows 8.
They are both very good operating systems and have a unique look and feel to them, as well as
both being easy to use. One of the major differences between the two is that OSX Mountain Lion
can only run on an Apple computer called a Macintosh, whereas, Microsoft will license their
software to different computer manufacturers such as Lenovo, Dell, Sony and Toshiba so that the
manufacturers does not have to create an operating system and Microsoft do not have to design
their own computer. This essentially means that one can get the same Microsoft Windows 7
software on any computer that they may choose, but Apple on the other hand, create their own
software and load I ton their computers, therefore they do not need to license their operating
systems to other companies. This distinguishes Apple computers from all other computers.
Another difference is that Microsoft Windows may also be exposed to viruses unlike a Mac. This
is because Apple builds an anti-virus firewall right into the software making it immune to all
viruses. This also saves space on the hard drive because it takes away the need to download
additional software, from the internet in order to make it safe. With more free space on the Mac,
it makes it faster and easier to surf the web and do other activities on the computer. Microsoft
Office is for those that who frequently use word processing and other business software. This
allows them to create and edit documents, design PowerPoint presentations, create spreadsheets
and much more. Microsoft Office is available for Microsoft devices as well as Apple devices.
This means that an Apple user can still enjoy Microsoft’s software on any Apple device. These
two giant companies have designed two very unique types of computers and operating systems
for the everyday person to use ( Another comparison between Apple and
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
Microsoft is that they make two very unique cell phones. Apple’s cell phone is called the iPhone
whereas Microsoft’s is called the Windows phone. The iPhone 5 comes with a 1 GHz processor
along with 512 megabytes worth of RAM. Any Windows phone that one may purchase would
also include those two features as well but the iPhone has an option of 16 gigabytes, 32 gigabytes
or 64 gigabytes worth of internal storage, whereas the Windows phone only has the option of 8
gigabytes or 16 gigabytes. This is basically saying that Apple allows for an extra 8 gigabytes of
storage if the consumer wanted. Also both phones have GPS compatibility and video calling. The
iPhone is a touch screen phone with its own operating system compared to the Windows 8 phone
which runs Windows 7 as the operating system. They license their software to other companies,
so that they do not design the phones. The touch screen of the iPhone allows for personal
interaction. The iPhone iOS software comes only on Apple mobile devices while the Windows
software is available for all of their devices. This, just like the Mac, shows that Apple is able to
build their own products and develop the software with it, whereas, Microsoft develops the
software and licenses it to manufactures. The iPhone and the Windows phone have redefined the
modern day cell phone (
Apple and Microsoft products have been very popular and extremely influential in the
music and entertainment industry. Apple has a product called the iPod which is equivalent to
Microsoft’s music player called the Zune. The iPod was first introduced on October 23, 2001.
Apple designed the iPod so that the consumer would have a way to store thousands of songs on
one portable device. Apple not only wanted the consumer to store thousands of songs on their
device, but also for it to be easily accessible as well. Prior to the launch of the iPod, there were
devices that could hold thousands of songs, yet one had to scroll through every song
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
individually. Apple took this information and tried to improve it, by designing a touch wheel,
allowing one to browse through their music at whatever speed they chose. Since the launch of
the original iPod, Apple has released multiple iPods including the iPod Touch which is very
similar to the iPhone, except it cannot be used to SMS or make phone calls. The iTunes App
Store allows the user to be able to customize and adapt their iPod to their own unique lifestyle.
The App Store has allowed the iPod to evolve from a basic music player to a mini-computer. The
iPod’s Microsoft equivalent, the Zune was launched on November 14, 2006. This was five years
after the original iPod was released. The Zune had to live up to so many expectations because of
the iPod being so successful in its first five years. When the Zune emerged, it only had one
feature that separated it from the iPod. The Zune had a built in radio receiver. Other than that the
Zune failed to live up to expectations that were set by Apple’s iPod. The Microsoft Zune was
such a disappointment that in April 2011, Bloomberg reported that Microsoft would eventually
discontinue the Zune so that they could focus more on the production of the Windows phone.
The iPod and the Zune have shaped the way we look at music today (Edwards and Chapin).
Something that the iPod and the Zune have in common is that they both use programs
that are compatible with each device. Apple’s program called iTunes and Microsoft actually has
two programs called Zune Marketplace and Windows Media Player. iTunes is a very easy
program to use. It allows the user to sync with their Apple device such as the iPhone and iPod
via USB. It also allows the user to purchase anything in the iTunes Store, Apple’s online store,
which is filled with music, books, television shows, movies and much more. One can play all of
their music, television shows and movies inside iTunes as well as their device. In order to
purchase anything on the Zune media player, one will need to purchase it in the Zune
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
Marketplace and enable it to play in Windows Media Player. This can be a hassle for most
people. Basically Apple combined two of Microsoft’s programs into one program. Also it may
be frustrating for a Microsoft user to have to switch back and forth between two programs rather
than just one. This is the major difference between iTunes and the combination of the Zune
Marketplace and Windows Media Player. Apple and Microsoft have both made it so easy for
anybody to purchase and listen to it whenever they want ( and
Being the technological giants that they are, you would expect both companies to exceed
financially. Apple and Microsoft both have products that are high in demand and that keep this
great rivalry brewing. Figure 1 shows the difference in the revenue in 2012. It is extremely
apparent based on figures and revenue shown in Figure 1 that Apple is making more money
selling their products then Microsoft is.. This just shows that more people are favoring Apple’s
products rather than Microsoft’s. Figure 1 shows that Apple is currently winning this debate.
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
The Apple verses Microsoft debate is not only one of the biggest debates in today’s
world, but it will be one that will go on for generations to come. As long as technology continues
to influence the world as it does today and with these two powerhouse companies influencing it
as much as they do, this debate will continue to revolutionize the world and technology as we
know it. Apple users and Microsoft users alike will always benefit from the competition between
these two giant companies as they continue to improve their products and grow with generations.
Mr. Bitters
Honors English III
Works Cited
"Apple Computer, Inc. History." History of Apple Computer, Inc. †“ FundingUniverse. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012.
"The Birth of the IPod." Macworld Jan. 2012: 74-77. Macworld. Web. 28 May 2012.
Chapin, Angelina. "Microsoft Zune (2006 †“ 2011)." Canadian Business Apr. 2011: n. pag.
Canadian Business. Web. 16 Dec. 2012.
"IPhone 4 vs. Windows Phone 7 Smartphones: An In-Depth Comparison | Cult of Mac." New
York Times. N.p., 11 July 2011. Web. 27 May 2012.
"Microsoft Corporation History." History of Microsoft Corporation †“ FundingUniverse. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012.
"Revenue of Apple and Microsoft." Telephone interview. 14 Dec. 2012.