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The $500 Marketing Plan

Presented by:

Bill Parrish

(oneplusone) 3

Those Pesky Disclaimers

This Information is copyright protected by (oneplusone) 3 and may not be reproduced or otherwise distributed without the written consent of (oneplusone) 3

This presentation is for informational purposes only and should only be implemented by a practitioner after appropriate due diligence has been performed

Not all of the concepts and strategies proposed in this presentation may be appropriate for all practices. Careful study must be undertaken by anyone considering the implementation of these concepts and special attention should be given to individual state laws governing the practice of professionals.

Advertising Vs Marketing


- the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.


- the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., esp. by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.: to get more customers by advertising.


– we are going to focus on Marketing

Accountants Make Great


Every Accountant has marketed successfully

Every Accountant has an image

Every Accountant has a personality

Every Accountant provides a needed service

What Do We Have To Market?

Survey our clients

What do our clients want?

What do our clients need?

Define our services

Unique positioning


Knowledge & Experience

Market Solutions

Identify client problems

What keeps a small business owner awake at night

What makes taxpayers nervous

Identify a solution for each problem

Provide peace of mind

Remove worry and fear

The Plan Requirements

What we can accomplish with $500.00

Plan must be hands on – not media driven

Plan must be internally implemented

No room for error

Slow but constant results

What if we can afford more

Use same steps


Larger scale

Client Survey

Call each accounting client

Ask questions, like what causes you the most concern

Do not speak in accountanteze

Be probing

Ask what they would like that they are not getting now

Do not settle for answers like bookkeeping, payroll, tax prep

Internal Survey

Identify you strengths

Identify your weaknesses

Sample your competitors

Look for uniqueness

Observe same old boring language

Create menu of your services

Be creative in your descriptions

Announce New Services

Postcard to existing clients

Declare yourself to be an expert in solving their unique problems

Follow up phone call

In response to their answers

Showing your concern for them

Focus on their problems

Focus on solutions

Offer to Solve Their Problems

Letters to Suspects

Referred by …. Current client

Talk about problems the suspect may have

Talk about solutions offered and benefits

Ask for their business

Send same letter 10 days later

Copy existing referring client

Follow Up Letters to Non-


Cover same subject matter

Again, emphasize problem solving

Talk about benefits and a better life

Seek immediate action, talk about results on not taking action

Set a deadline for response

When a Suspect Replies

Talk about their problem, not yourself

Reward referring client

Small gift delivered to place of business

Ask for more referrals

Copy new client

Ask for immediate engagement for your solutions

The Snow Ball Effect

Repeat the process with each new client

1 new client refers 5 suspects

1 is added

Now there are 2 new clients

Each refers 5 more

Now there are 6 new clients

Repeat the process, again and again

The Overall Image




Work Products





How Your Practice Will Change

New Services

New Image

New Clients

More Revenue

Better Service


Ok, Its Up To You

The buck stops and starts on your desk

It does not take a lot of money to market

It takes a lot of work and focus to market

The Next Step is Yours to Take

For Information

About ConnectEd:

Jodi Goldberg, Director of Member Services

National Society of Accountants

800-966-6679 Ext 1304

About the Presentation

Bill Parrish, Founder & CEO

(oneplusone) 3

800-867-0065 Ext 1013

C P E Credit

Jodi Goldberg with NSA has sent you an email with the link to the online evaluation that has the qualifying questions for CPE.
