5 Review Exercises for AP& IB Exams

Reflective Questions after the AP Test
On a separate sheet of paper please respond to the following question:
1. Were you adequately prepared for the test?
Give a % for the amount of material you felt you were adequately
3. List the topics that you felt confident about.
4. What area were you least prepared for?
5. What would you change in regard to our class schedule?
6. What was most helpful to you in preparing for the test?
7. Look at the schedule and suggest what could be done differently
that would prepare next years students better.
8. Was there anything that surprised you or that you didn’t expect?
9. In your opinion give a % for the following topics as you saw it on the
test. (remember to total to 100%)
Cells & Energy
Genetics & Biotechnology
Physiological Systems
IB SL Test Takers
***If you are an IB test takers You Need to pick up the
following items:
• Core Syllabus
• TWO option packets
– Choose from the following topics:
• Option A - Human Nutrition & Health
• Option B – Physiology & Exercise
• Option C – Cells & Energy
**Highly recommended
• Option D – Evolution
• Option E – Neurobiology & Behavior
• Option F – Microbes & Biotechnology
• Option G – Ecology & Conservation
Assignments Due: Fri. June 3 (final)
•Diagram Activity (112 stations) **Bonus pts. Poss.
•12 Recommended AP Labs (worksheet on my website) **
•Anatomy & Physiology Diagram Packet
•Animal Phylum ID Worksheet
•Videos: x17 (Three can be streamed online at HOME!!!)
•Practice/Review Test
–IB (2006) <or>
–AP Practice Test A (on my website)
• IQ’s (x18)
•Online Quizzes
Assignments Due: Fri. June 3 (final)
•12 Recommended AP Labs
•Diagram Activity (112 stations)
•Anatomy & Physiology Diagram Packet
•Animal Phylum ID Worksheet
•IQ’s (x18)
•Videos: (x17)
•Practice/Review Test IB (2006) <or> AP Practice Test A
•Online Quizzes (with summary page (results reporter)
•Cumulative Test (from Test #4)
• Version A:
#39 - C
• Version B: #5 - E
Remaining Points in the Class
Online Quizzes
Debate Activity:
Participation Pts:
Endangered Species Project/Pres.
Rominov Activity & Video
If needed (Borderline):
**Scavenger Hunt (Xtra credit)
36 pts.
45 pts.
25 pts.
20 pts.
12 pts.
10 pts.
Video Titles for the Final Packet
• Inside the Animal Mind
• Muscles in Microgravity
(Guide sheet)
• Senses I: Auditory & Balance (ears)
10 statements
• Senses II: Vision & Eye Structures
10 statements
• The Neural Connection
(THREE Segments)
• Respiratory System
(THREE Segments)
• Immunity
(TWO segments)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**These videos require a stamp when completed***
• Digestion & Fluid Balance:
THREE segments
• Endocrine Control: System in Control:
THREE segments
• Animal Reproduction & Development :
TWO segments
• Ecosystems & the Biosphere (#11):
Three segments
• Populations & Communities (# 12 ):
Three segments
• Life in the Balance (#13)
(Guide sheet)
• The Human Factor(#14):
Three segments
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Online Videos (#15-#17) x3: http://www.learner.org/resources/series187.html
– HIV & Aids (Five Key Statements for each section)
– Evolution & Phylogenetics (Five Key Statements for each section)
– Biology of Sex and Gender (Five Key Statements for each section)
Online Chapter Quizzes to Complete
•Be sure to do all of the following chapters: Plant Life
Cycles & Evolution
Plant Life Cycles and Evolutionary History
Angiosperm Structure & Function
Plant Tissues & Photosynthesis
Animal Systems
Systematics & Phylogeny
Chapter 29, 30
Chapter 38, 39
Chapter 35-37, 10
Ch. 41- 49
Ch. 51
Ch 25, 32, 33
Ch. 50, 52 - 55
**26 total chapters for a possible score of 52 pts.
A SUMMARY SHEET for these quizzes and previous chapters this Semester will be
due on the day of the Final Exam. Unless you print yours out.
Online Chapter Quizzes-2nd Semester
Printout a Summary sheet for all Chapters listed below (2nd semester topics)
Due on the day of your Final Exam (June 3rd)
Each quiz is worth 2 pts. Depending on the score.
The scale is as follows:
– 75% - 100% = 2 pts
– 60% - 74% = 1pt.
– 59% & lower = 0 pts.
• Your FIRST ATTEMPT is what I will see when I check and what will count. Do not
submit until you are absolutely ready!!!
• These are the Chapters you need to have completed:
Chapter 29, 30
Chapter 38, 39
Chapter 35-37, 10
Chapter 41-49, 51
Chapter 25, 32, 33
Chapter 50, 52 - 55
TOTAL: 26 @ 2 pts each = 52 pts.
Video #6 -Respiration Video
1. Name (2) factors that affect the rate of gas Exchange.
2. What does Dr. Karen Martin discuss and review?
3. Name the two organisms used in explaining how air can
be stored for diving in water for long periods of time.
4. Dr. Christopher Cooper discusses the process of
5. How is gas exchange different in a unicellular organism
vs. a multicellular?
6. Name (2) challenges faced by larger body sizes
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE
statements for each segment.
Ch. 43-Immunity Video #7
1. What epidemic was discussed in the video?
2. What process does Edward Golub explain in the video?
3. Name the first line of defense explained by Vet. Scott
4. Name the cells mentioned by Dr. Galph that are
considered to be “front line soldiers” of the immune
5. What does the final segment investigate?
*Important Test Pages: 935, 937, and 944
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements
for each segment.
Video #8: Digestion & Fluid Balance
1. What organism is used by Dr. Carol Beuchat to illustrate
how fluid is regulated and the role played by the urinary
tract in maintaining homeostasis? (1st segment)
2. How is a complete digestive system different from an
incomplete one? What function does each segment
(region) of the digestive system have?
3. Name two enzymes mentioned by Dr. Sokolowski that
play a role in the digestive system. How is the diet of a
dog different from a cat? What are the nutritional needs
for a cat and dog? What is the name of the café
mentioned in the video?
4. The final segment discusses the role the kidneys play in
maintaining homeostasis. What kind of machine is the
patient connected to? Pg. 1008-1010
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements for each
Video #9-Endocrine System: Systems in Balance
1. What organism does Dr. Hunt & Dr. Fry use to discuss
and show how a toxic chemical affects hormone
2. How is a hormone defined in the video and how do these
chemicals control metabolic activities in animals?
3. What two structures in the brain does Dr. Catherine
Rivier explore that relates to stress?
4. How is the endocrine system similar to the nervous
system? How do they interact?
5. In the final segment name two methods scientists use to
study the endocrine system and the effects of hormones?
Important Text Pages: Pg. 1032 & 1033
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements
for each segment.
Video #10 - Reproductive & Development
1. Name two adaptive advantages associated with having
separate sexes (sexually reproducing). How does this
compare with asexual reproduction?
2. Embryonic development involves three mechanisms
__________, ___________, and _____________.
3. Name two unique structures seen only in females and
two structures only found in males.
Important Text Pages: pg. 1060 & 1061 (Ch. 48 & 49)
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements
for each segment.
Video #11– Ecosystems & the Biosphere
What organism is used in the video by D. Zembal to show how an
endangered species struggles in a particular ecosystem. Name the
type of ecosystem discussed in the first segment of the video that
provides an example of a complex food chain. What organisms
are involved?
2. What is a “Controlled Burn” and how does it help an ecosystem?
Which two elements are recycled and discussed in the video?
3. What effect has global weather patterns had on our climate?
Which elevations are explored by Dr. Poth? Name the type of
organisms at each elevation and ecosystem mentioned?
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements for each
segment. See Ch. 50 & 54
Populations & Communities (video #12)
Name the endangered species studied by Dr. Burk and Dr. Jones.
Briefly explain its importance in reasons why they are trying to
save it.
2. As bacteria grow under ideal conditions what is happening in the
population during the lag phase and exponential growth phase?
How is density dependent factors different from density
independent factors?
3. What example is used to show commensalism and mutualism?
(species involved)
4. How is the niche for the Great Horned Owl different from that of a
common barn owl?
5. In the final segment, Why have humans become the most
successful species on Earth?
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements for each
Video #13: Life in the Balance
• Fill out the Video Guide Sheet as you watch.
(18 Questions)
Video #14-The Human Factor
1. What are the effects of global warming on the Earth’s
environment? How do we know if this is really
2. The second segment touches on alternative sources of
fuel. What are some possible solutions to our
dependency on carbon fuels?
3. How does Dr. Frankenberger suggest we clean up toxic
wastes in our environment? What does he use?
4. How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to
the use of world resources and food supplies?
**Write the title for each segment and FIVE statements for
each segment.
Videos #15-17 stream & Watch at Home
• Watch at home by streaming them using this hyperlink:
**Be sure to write FIVE Key Statements from each
segment. There are around 4-5 segments for each video.
Each segment begins when the narrator is shown
introducing the next topic/Concept.
**Take good notes because I will ask at least 1-2 Questions
for each video.