Investigations • Innovation • Clinical Application New Frontiers in Neurotherapy for Multiple Sclerosis Focus on the Foundation Role of Immunomodulation for Long-Term Efficacy, Safety, Neuronal Preservation, and Disability Mitigation Program Chairman Bruce A. Cree, MD, PhD, MCR Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco Multiple Sclerosis Center San Francisco, California Program Faculty BRUCE A. CREE, MD, PhD, MCR Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco Multiple Sclerosis Center San Francisco, California MARK J. TULLMAN, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology Director, Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Care Center The Neurological Institute of New York Columbia University Medical Center New York, New York ROHIT BAKSHI, MD, FAAN Associate Professor of Neurology & Radiology Director, Laboratory for Neuroimaging Research MS Center, Brigham & Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, MA GUY J. BUCKLE, MD, MPH Director of MS Clinical Care Partners Multiple Sclerosis Center Brigham and Women’s Hospital Assistant Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts Investigations • Innovation • Clinical Application The Evidence for First Line Therapy with Immune-Modulating Agents From Mechanisms to Therapy—Landmark Trials, Long-Term Safety Data and Clinical Experience Program Chairman Bruce A. Cree, MD, PhD, MCR Assistant Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco Multiple Sclerosis Center San Francisco, California Overview ► Mechanisms of action of first line therapies ► Outcome measures in clinical trials ► Comparison of landmark trials ► Longitudinal studies: what do they tell us? Goals of Treatment ► Reduce frequency of relapse ► Slow progression of disability ► Reduce MRI activity ► Prevent morbidity from symptoms and provide palliative care ► Maintain adherence ► Provide long-term efficacy and safety Immunopathogenesis of the MS Lesion gdT Histamine Proteases TNFa NAA, ATP NO O2 5-HT CD8 Oligo MO Virus B7 CD28 Th1 Th17 Microglia Mast Cell B IFNg TNF Th17 Glutamate Ab+C9neo Pl NO Oi TNFa MMP IL-10 TGFb MCP-1 MIP-1a IP-10 RANTES Astrocyte BBB ICAM-1 MMP- VCAM-1 2/9 LFA-1 VLA-4 Th1 VCAM-1 Complement gdT Monocyte Granutocyte CD8 IFNg TNF IL-17 Th17 IL-4 IL-5 IL-6 IL-13 TGFb B IL-23 TCR Thp Treg Th2/ Th3 IL-4 & IL-10 IL-12 CD4 Figure courtesy of Dhib-Jalbut S, 2008 Treg CD4+CD25+ CD40 CD40L Mast Cell Th2/ Th3 B7 CD28 HLA APC CD4 Myelin Ag Microbial Ag Thp APC CD40 CD40L IFN-b: Activity Blood BBB CNS MMP IFN-β TH1+ Myelin protein Antigen TH1+ APC Resting T cell Activated (+) T cells TH1+ TH1 APC MMP IL-2 TNF-α TH1+ IFN-γ IFN-β Adapted from Yong VW. Neurology. 2002;59:802-808. Glatiramer Acetate: Activity BBB Periphery CNS APC TCR GA therapy Macrophage MHC GA TCR Microglia Bystander suppression effect MHC CNS Ag TCR IL-4 IL-10 + + Anti-inflammatory cytokines BDNF Neurotrophins GAspecific T cell TH1 TH2 Adapted from Ziemssen T et al. J Neurol Sci. 2005;233:109-112. TH2 Neuroregeneration Long-Term Disability Effect of Early Relapses Percent Pts DSS < 6 100 Low (0-1 attacks in 2 years) Intermediate (2-4 attacks in 2 years) High (> 5 in 2 years) 80 60 40 p < 0.0001 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time from onset of MS (years) Weinhenker B et al. Brain. 1989;112:1422 50 Development of Disability Effect of Early Clinical Course Clinical Characteristic Significance* Number of Attacks, 1st 2 years p <0.001 Interval Between 1st 2 Attacks p <0.001 DSS at 2 years p < 0.001 DSS at 5 years p < 0.001 * Controlled for age at onset, remitting at onset, cerebellar, cerebral Weinshenker B et al. Brain. 1991;114 ( Pt 2):1045-56. Relapses in MS ► Relapses are the most obvious evidence of inflammatory disease activity in RRMS ► Relapse frequency in typical untreated RRMS populations enables treatment effect to be rapidly assessable in a 12-month clinical study Total number of relapses during the study period Total in-study person-years % Reduction in relapse rates Effect on Annualized Relapse Rates: Summary of Phase III Trials – 2 years in-study 35 31% 29% 32% 29% P=0.0001 P<0.001 P<0.0001 P=0.055 30 25 20 18% 15 P=0.04 10 5 0 8 MIU qod IFN beta-1b 6 MIU qw IFN beta-1a 4.4 MIU tiw IFN beta-1a 8.8 MIU tiw 20 mg qd IFN beta-1a glatiramer acetate N.B.: Results are from separate clinical trials Jacobs et al. Ann Neurol. 1996;39:285; IFNB MS Study Group. Neurology. 1993;43:655; IFNB MS Study Group and University of British Columbia MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology. 1995;45:1277; Johnson et al. Neurology. 1995:45:1268; Johnson et al. Neurology. 1998;50:701; PRISMS Study Group. Lancet. 1998;352:1498; Rebif package insert. Is MS All About Relapses? ► Hypothesis: if relapses cause long-term disability then patients with frequent relapses should be at higher risk for disability ► From the London Ontario natural history studies patients with frequent attacks are at highest risk for future ambulatory disability ► Assumption: modifying the relapse rate will influence long-term disability Weinshenker et al. 1989 Brain 112:1419 Proportion of Placebo Groups with Clinical Activity Relapses EDSS Progress IFNβ-1b (3 year) 86% 39% IFNβ-1a (QW) (2 year) 77% 35% IFNβ-1a (TIW) (2 year) 84% 38% Glatiramer acetate (2 year) 73% 25% Jacobs et al. Ann Neurol. 1996;39:285; IFNB MS Study Group. Neurology. 1993;43:655; IFNB MS Study Group and University of British Columbia MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology. 1995;45:1277; Johnson et al. Neurology. 1995:45:1268; Johnson et al. Neurology. 1998;50:701; PRISMS Study Group. Lancet. 1998;352:1498. How is Sustained Progression Measured? ► Most clinical trials define progression by comparing the change in EDSS from baseline to study conclusion, and then confirm the change in EDSS at 3 or 6 months ► Does this measure of confirmed progression reflect permanent disability? ► If so, then confirmed changes in EDSS during the course of the trial should be sustained by the end of the study Does Sustained Disability Measure Permanent Disability? ► 50% of patients with a 1 point change, confirmed at 3 months will improve to a lower EDSS ► 33% of patients with a 1 point change, confirmed at 6 months, will improve to a lower EDSS ► More stringent measures of change are harder to demonstrate in 2-year trials because relatively few MS patients will progress ► Conclusions: 6 months sustained EDSS change is more rigorous than a 3-month sustained change, but neither is a good predictor of long term disability Liu C & Blumhardt LD J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68:450-7. Reduction in sustained disability progression (%) Effect on Sustained Disability*: Summary of Phase III Trials 40 29% 30 20 NS 37% 30% p=0.02 22% p<0.05 p=NS p<0.05 12% 10 p=NS 0 8 MIU qod IFN beta-1b 6 MIU qw IFN beta-1a 4.4 MIU tiw IFN beta-1a 20 mg qd 8.8 MIU tiw IFN beta-1a glatiramer acetate *1 EDSS point sustained for 6 months in 6 MIU qw phase III trial and for 3 months in all other phase III trials. Jacobs et al. Ann Neurol. 1996;39:285; IFNB MS Study Group. Neurology. 1993;43:655 IFNB MS Study Group and University of British Columbia MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology. 1995;45:1277 Johnson et al. Neurology. 1995:45:1268; Johnson et al. Neurology. 1998;50:701 PRISMS Study Group. Lancet. 1998;352:1498 Summary ► Relapses and disability progression represent different but complimentary aspects of MS natural history ► Relapse rate reduction and the mean change in EDSS are the most sensitive clinical outcome measures in MS trials ► The generally accepted sustained change in EDSS measure is not a reliable marker of long term disability ► Phase III trials results showed: The interferons and glatiramer acetate modestly reduce the relapse rate IFN beta-1a has a statistically significant impact on sustained disability progression over two years IFN beta-1a and glatiramer acetate have a statistically significant impact on the mean EDSS over two year Are direct comparator studies needed in MS or can we make valid conclusions from cross trial comparisons? Cross Trial Comparisons Relative Efficacy (RR) IFNβ-1a 30 µg qw IFNβ-1b, 250 µg qod IFN β-1a 44 µg tiw GA 20 mg qd Relapse rate (annualized) -18% -34% -32% -29% Relapse-Free (2 years) +42% +95% +100% +36% Progression free -37% -29% -30% -12% New T2 Lesions -36% -83% -78% -38% Gd+ Lesions -42% - -88% -33% BOD - 4% -17% -15% -8% The REGARD Trial Time to First Relapse (1o endpoint) Survival distribution function 1.00 672 days (96 weeks) IFNβ-1a 0.75 GA Hazard ratio (95% CI): 0.943 (0.74, 1.21) p = 0.643 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time to first relapse (days) 600 700 The BEYOND Trial Relapse Risk (1o Endpoint) ►No significant difference in relapse risk between any group Sensitivity Analysis (no major protocol violations, 100% of doses, post-hoc) Primary Analysis P-values (one-sided) P-values (one-sided) Interferon beta-1b 500 vs. Interferon beta-1b 250 Interferon beta-1b 250 vs. Glatiramer acetate Interferon beta-1b 500 vs. Glatiramer acetate 0.5 1.0 P=0.16 P=0.29 P=0.73 P=0.30 P=0.43 P=0.18 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 What can be learned from long-term follow up studies? Long-Term Follow Up ► Do long-term follow up studies adequately address medication safety? ► Do long-term studies adequately address longitudinal efficacy? ► Have methods of analysis for longitudinal studies been optimized? Sources of Bias in LTFU Studies Bias Impact Strategy Ascertainment Modified therapeutic effect dependent on characteristics of participating patients. F/U must be as complete as possible Directly compare baseline and onRCT characteristics of those patients in LTF to those not in LTF Informed Therapeutic Decisions Inflated estimate of therapeutic benefit because patients doing well continue therapy whereas failing patients switch or stop therapy. MPR: Use percent of total possible time on therapy instead of absolute time to assess exposure. Treatment Selection Modified therapeutic effect dependent on patient selection characteristics. Propensity Scoring: Adjust for the propensity (i.e., likelihood) that a particular treatment will be selected based on available patient characteristics Multiple Testing Increased risk of Type 1 error from the use of multiple predictor variables and weighting schemes Create a single model and apply adjustments to p-values according to the number of predictors tested in the model. Glatiramer Acetate 15 year LTFU Ford C et al. Mult Scler. 2010;16:342-50. Glatiramer Acetate 15 year LTFU Ford C et al. Mult Scler. 2010;16:342-50. Glatiramer Acetate 15 year LTFU ► In a small cohort of patients followed for 15 years, glatiramer acetate was safe and well tolerated ► 65% of continuously treated patients did not progress to SPMS ► 41% of patients withdrawing from the study did so because of disease progression ● ► Propensity scores were used to try to adjust for differences between ongoing and withdrawing patients EDSS at baseline predicts EDSS at 15 years IFN β-1a (QW) LTFU Disposition Complete 2-year follow-up (n=172) Unascertained (n=36) Able to locate, Unable to contact (n=13) Unable to locate (n=23) Ascertained for ASSURANCE (n=136; 79%) Living (n=122; 90%) ICF and question booklet completed Bermel R et al. Mult Scler. 2010 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print] Deceased (n=14; 10%) LOCF IFN β-1a QW LTFU Outcomes Currently receiving IM IFN ß-1a (n=56) Not currently receiving IM IFN ß-1a (n=66) P=0.006 P=0.062 P=0.114 Patients, % Patients, % P=0.326 EDSS Milestone Bermel R et al. Mult Scler. 2010 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print] IFN β-1a QW LTFU Conclusions ► 79% of eligible patients were located for the 15 year follow up ► At 15 years, patients currently on IFN β-1a had less progression in EDSS scores than patients not on IFN β1a ► However, patients not currently on IFN β-1a had higher baseline EDSS scores suggesting more severe baseline MS ● ► Propensity scores were used to adjust for these differences Inferences with regard to association with lower EDSS and ongoing treatment were not made Bermel R et al. Mult Scler. 2010 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print] IFN β-1b LTFU Design Pivotal Study (n=372) IFNβ-1b 250 µg 124 56 IFNβ-1b 50 µg 125 52 Placebo 123 58 1988 1990 Patients under regular medical care no trial 1993 Cross-sectional investigation of: - clinical outcomes (disability, relapse rate) - imaging (brain and spinal MRI) - cognition and mood - QoL, resource use - lab parameter including NAb's and PgX Ebers G et al. presented at ECTRIMS, Madrid, Spain, September 2006: P666 Ebers G et al. presented at AAN, October 2006: M-3 LTF 2005 Event Rates and Long-Term Efficacy Clinical and Radiological Endpoints 1. Need to demonstrate that the short-term event-rates are correlated with long-term outcome. 2. Need to demonstrate that the short-term event-rates contribute independently to predicting outcome. 3. Need to demonstrate that therapies which reduce the event-rates, are also associated with improved long-term outcome. Ebers G et al. presented at ECTRIMS, Madrid, Spain, September 2006: P666 Ebers G et al. presented at AAN, October 2006: M-3 IFN β-1b LTFU Adjusted OUtcome Any Variable + Any Exposure Weighting – Any Negative Outcome 1 EDSS p<0.001 2 Exposure p<0.001 Low High Ebers G et al. presented at ECTRIMS, Madrid, Spain, September 2006: P666 Ebers G et al. presented at AAN, October 2006: M-3 Event Rates and Long-Term Efficacy Conclusions 1. The LTF study demonstrates that the short-term eventrate is correlated with long-term outcome. 2. The LTF study also demonstrates that the short-term event-rate contributes independently to predicting longterm outcome. 3. The LTF study provides convincing evidence that early initiation and sustained use of IFNβ-1b has a beneficial impact on long-term outcome in MS. 4. The analysis strategy employed provides a methodological framework for mitigating bias in assessing long-term efficacy in other clinical trials having similar non-randomized data. Conclusions ► Disease modifying therapy seems favorably effect the long-term course of MS ► Propensity score adjusted analysis and other statistical methods for controlling biases inherent in long term, unblinded studies are important statistical advances for interpreting these studies ► Once the MS community agrees on the relevant covariates, these methods can be used to sort out some of these issues without the cost (and ethical dilemmas) posed by long-term placebo-controlled trials. Investigations • Innovation • Clinical Application The Emergence of Immunosuppressive Agents for MS Safety, Efficacy, and Cautionary Notes— Patient Monitoring, Risks for Infection, and Mechanisms of Action Mark J. Tullman, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology Director, Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Care Center The Neurological Institute of New York Columbia University Medical Center New York, New York Existing and Emerging MS Therapies 2005 2006 2007 2010 2013 BG12 BG12 Cladribine Caldribine Rebif Rebif Fingolimod Betaseron Teriflunomide Teriflunomide Ampyra Ampyra Copaxone Laquinimod Laquinimod Extavia Extavia Avonex Novantrone 2012 Oral Injectables IV 2011 Ocrelizumab Ocrelizumab Tysabri Tysabri IV Generic Generic Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone (oncology) (MS) (oncology) MS Alemtuzumab Alemtuzumab Approved In phase II In phase III Filed Efficacy in Recent Studies ► Annualized relapse rate 0.29-0.36 over 2 years ► 58-61% relapse-free over 2 years ► 79-81% without disability progression over 2 years ► 88.3% without disability progression over 96 weeks ► 91.3% without disability progression over 96 weeks ► 74% without disability progression over 3 years ► 75% without EDSS progression 5 years after CIS onset ► 13.3% reduction in MRI T2 lesion load over 3 years ► All in placebo, interferon, or glatiramer acetatetreated patients Kappos L, et al. Lancet Neurol 2009; 8: 987–97; Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426; CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. NEJM 2008;359:1786-1801; Kappos L et al. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:1124-40; Mikol et al. Lancet Neurol 2008; 7: 903–14 Prognostic Signs ► Favorable Outcome ● ● ● ● Female Younger age at onset Little disability 5 years after onset Optic neuritis as 1st attack ► Worse Outcome ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Male Older age at onset Frequent attacks Short interval between 1st 2 attacks Incomplete recovery from 1st attack Cerebellar involvement as 1st symptom Rapidly accumulating disability Progressive disease from onset Baseline Brain MRI Lesion Number 20-Year Clinical Status Fisniku LK. Brain 2008;131:808-817. Baseline Brain MRI Lesion Number 20-Year Clinical Status Fisniku LK. Brain 2008;131:808-817. Disease Free State Proportion Free of Clinical and MRI Activity p < 0.0001 Natalizumab Hardova E, et al. Lancet Neurol 2009;8:254-60. Placebo Alemtuzumab ► Monoclonal humanized antibody directed against CD52 antigen ● ● CD52 antigen is a cell surface glycoprotein that is present on >95% of T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils Results in prolonged depletion of B cells, T cells, and monocytes ► Within an hour following a single 5- to 10-mg dose, lymphocytes and monocytes are no longer detectable in circulation ► FDA-approved for B-CLL Muraro P, et al. Neurotherapeutics. 2007;4:676-692. Coles A, et al. J Neurol. 2006;253:98-108. IFNβ-1a 44 mcg thw SC 107 95 Alemtuzumab 12 mg daily IV 108 66 80 24 102 92 101 77 Alemtuzumab 24 mg daily IV 108 22 105 92 104 88 Month 0 Month 12 CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. NEJM 2008;359:1786-1801. Month 24 Month 36 Alemtuzumab CAMMS223: Co-Primary Endpoints (36 months) CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. NEJM 2008;359:1786-1801. Alemtuzumab CAMMS223: MRI Outcomes Months 0-12 0-24 0-36 P=0.04 P=0.03 n=75 P=0.04 n=91 n=60 n=96 n=87 P=0.16 n=80 n=100 n=91 n=96 P≤0.03 for both doses of alemtuzumab vs. IFN at m 0-12 and 0-24. P=NS at m 0-36 Months 0-36 CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:1786-1801. 12-36 Alemtuzumab CAMMS223: Safety ► Principal AEs associated with alemtuzumab included: ● Infusion reactions ● Mild-to-moderate infections ● Autoimmunity • Immune thrombocytopenia in 6 of 216 patients (2.8%) including one death • Thyroid disorders (28% vs. 3% for IFNβ-1a) • 1 case of Goodpasture’s syndrome CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:1786-1801. Alemtuzumab CAMMS223: Safety IFN ß-1a (n=107) Alem 12 mg (n=108) Alem 24 mg (n=108) Upper resp. infection* 27.1 44.4 50.9 Lower resp. infection* 1.9 11.1 13.9 Herpes simplex 2.8 8.3 8.3 Herpes zoster 0.9 1.9 5.6 0 0 1.8 Infections, % Meningitis** * P<0.001 alemtuzumab vs. IFN ** Listeria or viral meningitis CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:1786-1801. Alemtuzumab: Effects on the Immune System ► B cells returned to normal within 3-6 months ► Median recovery time for CD4+ T cells > 100 cells/µL = 3 months ► 6-9 months for CD4+ T cells > 200 cells/µL ► Median recovery time to baseline levels of CD4+ T cells = 61 months Thompson S, et al. J Clin Immunol 2010;30:99–105. Coles A, et al. J Neurol. 2006;253:98-108. Cladribine ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Synthetic purine nucleoside analogue prodrug Accumulates and is incorporated into the DNA of lymphocytes as a result of a high ratio of deoxycytidinekinaseto 5' nucleotidase activity Selectively induces apoptosis in dividing and non-dividing lymphocytes Sustained reduction in lymphocyte subtypes (CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells and B cells Relatively transient effects on other immune cells such as neutrophils and monocytes Reduces levels of pro-inflammatory chemokines Crosses the blood brain barrier - CSF concentration = 25% of plasma (patients with no BBB compromise) FDA-approved for hairy cell leukemia Carson et al. Blood 1983;62:737–43; 2Beutler et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996;93:1716–20. Rice et al.Neurology 2000;54:1145–55. Szczucinski et al. Acta Neurol Scand 2007;115:137–46Bartosik-Psujek et al. Acta Neurol Scand 2004;109:390–2. Liliemark.ClinPharmacokinet1997;32:120–3. XXXX XX Placebo (n = 437) 1326 patients XXXX XX Cladribine 3.50 mg/kg total dose; 4 courses (n = 433) XXXX XX Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg total dose; 6 courses (n = 456) –4 0 5 9 13 16 24 36 44 48 52 60 72 84 96 Time (weeks) MRI Neurological examination Dosing: 4-5 day courses at month 1 and 2 (3.50 mg/kg) or months 1-4 (5.25 mg/kg) and 2 additional monthly courses beginning at week 48 Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. CLARITY: Clinical Outcomes Annualized relapse rate (95% CI) 57.6% 0.33 (0.29-0.38) 0.14* 0.15* (0.12-0.17) (0.12-0.17) * P < 0.001 Percent of relapse-free patients at 98 weeks 54.5% Placebo (n = 437) Cladribine 3.50 mg/kg (n = 433) Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg (n = 456) Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. Odds Ratio (95% CI) 2.43 (1.81-3.27) Odds Ratio (95% CI) 2.53 (1.87-3.43) 79.7* 60.9 78.9* CLARITY: Clinical Outcomes Proportion with confirmed 3-month EDSS progression (%) 25 Time to Confirmed EDSS Progression 20 Placebo HR vs Placebo (95% CI) Cladribine 3.50 mg/kg 0.67 (0.48-0.93); P = 0.02 Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg 0.69 (0.49-0.96); P = 0.03 15 10 5 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 333 364 375 315 355 363 84 96 Weeks Placebo 3.50 mg 5.25 mg 437 433 456 424 424 447 399 407 425 373 389 404 Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. 355 379 388 304 347 350 304 347 350 CLARITY: MRI Outcomes T1 GadoliniumEnhancing Lesions Active T2-Weighted Lesions Combined Unique Lesions 77.9% 76.9% 74.4% mean ± SE lesions/patient/scan 73.4% 87.9% 1.72 1.43 85.7% 0.91 0.38 0.33 0.43 0.12 All P < 0.001 0.11 Placebo (n = 437) Cladribine 3.50 mg/kg (n = 433) Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg (n = 456) Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. 0.38 CLARITY: Safety and Tolerability Placebo (n = 435) Cladribine 3.5 mg/kg (n = 430) Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg (n = 454) Cladribine overall (n = 884) Herpes zoster 0 8 (1.9) 11 (2.4) 19 (2.1) Herpes zoster oticus 0 0 1 (0.2) 1 (0.1) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 2 (0.2) 188 (42.5) 205 (47.7) 222 (48.9) 427 (48.3) 2 (0.5) 2 (0.5) 2 (0.4) 4 (0.5) Preferred term, n (%) patients Varicella Any infection or infestation Deaths ► ► ► ► ► 20 patients had 21 zoster events in the cladribine groups All 21 cases were self-limiting and dermatomal; no cases were disseminated 3.2% of patients developing grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia at any time during the study developed zoster versus 1.8% of those that did not 70% of patients with zoster had normal lymphocyte count or lesser grade lymphopenia at the approximate time zoster developed Deaths - Placebo: Hemorrhagic CVA, suicide; cladribine 3.5 mg/kg: acute MI, pancreatic carcinoma; cladribine 5.25 mg/kg: drowning, pancytopenia/pneumonia then cardio-respiratory arrest Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. CLARITY: Safety and Tolerability Malignancies Placebo (n = 435) Cladribine 3.5 mg/kg (n = 430) Cladribine 5.25 mg/kg (n = 454) Cladribine overall (n = 884) Melanoma 0 1(0.2) 0 1(0.2) Ovarian 0 1(0.2) 0 1 (0.1) Pancreatic 0 1 (0.2) 0 1 (0.1) Cervix 0 0 1(0.2) 1(0.2) 0 0 1(0.2) 1(0.2) Preferred term, n (%) During Study During post-study surveillance Choriocarcinoma Giovannoni G, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:416-426. CLARITY: Effects on Lymphocyte Subsets Maximum Effects on CD4 and CD 19 Counts* Weeks 0-48 Weeks 48-96 3.5 5.25 3.5 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Add Reference CD4 (week) Cells/µL CD19 (week) Cells/µL 16 391 9 18 16 209 16 14 72 275 52 27 5.25 mg/kg 72 207 52 31 *Median values Rieckmann P, et al. Presented at ECTRIMS, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 9-12, 2009. Poster #816. Fingolimod (FTY720) ► Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulator ► Sequesters circulating lymphocytes into secondary lymphoid organs ● ● Peripheral reduction of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD45RA+ (naive T cells), CD45RO+ (memory T cells) and CD19+ cells No effect on lymphocyte induction, proliferation, or memory function ► May inhibit the production of IL-17 ► S1P receptors located within the CNS ● Fingolimod or deletion of S1P1 from neural cells reduces astrogliosis in EAE 1. Brown B, et al. Ann Pharmacother. 2007;41:1660-1668. 2. Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:1124-1140. 3. Mullershausen F, et al. Presented at: ECTRIMS; October 11-14, 2007; Prague, Czech Republic. 4. Miron VE, et al. Presented at: ECTRIMS; October 11-14, 2007; Prague, Czech Republic. 5. Barske C, et al. Presented at: ECTRIMS; October 11-14, 2007; Prague, Czech Republic. Oral fingolimod 0.50 mg once daily (n = 425) 1272 patients (1:1:1) Oral fingolimod 1.25 mg once daily (n = 429) Placebo once daily (n = 418) Randomization Month 6 Month 12 Month 24 MRI Clinic visits Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. FREEDOMS: Primary Efficacy Endpoint Annualized Relapse Rate at 24 months Placebo (n = 431) Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. -54% vs Placebo p < 0.001 -60% vs Placebo p < 0.001 Fingolimod 0.5 mg (n = 429) Fingolimod 1.25 mg (n = 420) Percent with 3-month confirmed EDSS progression FREEDOMS: Disability Data 30 FTY720 0.50 mg vs placebo HR 0.70 P = 0.02 in time to disability Progression Placebo (24%) 25 20 FTY720 1.25 mg vs placebo HR 0.68 P = 0.02 in time to disability Progression FTY720 0.50 mg (18%)* 15 FTY720 1.25 mg (17%)† 10 * P = 0.03 vs placebo † P = 0.01 vs placebo 5 0 90 Number at Risk FTY720 1.25 mg 429 FTY720 0.50 mg 425 Placebo 418 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 322 332 290 305 321 279 165 152 143 Days on study 401 416 391 373 388 371 356 370 341 Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. 344 354 320 332 340 308 FREEDOMS: MRI Endpoints T2 and Gadolinium-Enhancing Lesions at 24 Months -82% P<0.001 -74% P<0.001 Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. FREEDOMS: Brain Volume P≤0.03 for both doses of fingolimod vs. placebo at all time points Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. Optional extension phase Oral fingolimod 0.5 mg once daily and matching weekly placebo injection IM Oral fingolimod 1.25 mg once daily and matching weekly placebo injection IM IFNβ-1a 30 µg IM once weekly and matching daily oral placebo capsule Assessments MRI EDSS Clinical visit Randomization Month 6 Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. Month 12 Ongoing TRANSFORMS: Primary Efficacy Endpoint Annualized Relapse Rate at 12 months IFNβ-1a 30 µg IM once weekly (n = 431) Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. -52% vs IFNβ-1a, p < 0.001 -38% vs IFNβ-1a, p < 0.001 Oral fingolimod 0.5 mg (n = 429) Oral fingolimod 1.25 mg (n = 420) TRANSFORMS: MRI Endpoints T2 and Gadolinium-Enhancing Lesions at 12 Months -35% vs. IFNß-1a P=0.004 -42% vs. IFNß-1a P<0.001 -55% vs. IFNß-1a P<0.001 -73% vs. IFNß-1a P<0.001 Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. TRANSFORMS: Brain Volume P < 0.001 Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. Fingolimod: Safety ► Transient reduction in heart rate on initiation of treatment ► Elevated blood pressure ● ► Elevated liver enzymes ● ► ↑mean systolic BP (1.9 and 3.6 mm Hg for 0.5 mg and 1.25 mg, respectively) and diastolic BP (0.7 and 2.1 mm HG for 0.5 and 1.25 mg, respectively) ↑LFTs ≥ 3 x ULN 8% for FTY720 0.5 mg, 10% for FTY720 1.25 mg, 1.2% for placebo, 2% for IFNß-1a Macular edema ● ● FREEDOMS - 7 cases in the 1.25 mg dose group (1.6%) and none in the 0.5 mg dose group TRANSFORMS – 6 cases (4 in the 1.25 mg dose group (1%) and 2 in the 0.5 mg dose group (0.5%)) Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. Fingolimod: Safety Malignancies and Herpes Infections FTY720 0.5 mg FTY720 1.25 mg Placebo IFNß-1a (n = 854) (n = 849) (n = 418) (n = 431) Basal cell carcinoma 7(0.8) 3(0.4) 3(0.7) 1(0.2) Melanoma 3(0.4) 1(0.1) 1(0.2) 0 Bowen’s Disease 1 (0.1) 0 0 0 46(5.4) 48(5.7) 33(7.9) 12(2.8) AE, n (%) Skin Cancers Infections Herpes infections Kappos L, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:387-401. Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415. Fingolimod: Safety ► Two fatal infections in patients treated with FTY720 1.25 mg ● Herpes encephalitis ● primary disseminated varicella ► Hemorrhagic encephalitis in a patient treated with FTY720 1.25 mg ► Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a patient treated with 5 mg in the phase 2 study Cohen J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:412-415; Kappos L et al. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:1124-40; Leypoldt F, et al. LK. Neurology 2009;72:1022-24. FTY720 1.25 mg (n = 16) Normal range Treatment duration (yrs), mean ± SEM 1.9 ± 0.2 - Lymphocyte count (x 109/L), mean ± SEM 0.4 ± 0.1 0.9-3.3 CD4 T cell count (cells/µL), mean ± SEM 78 ± 5.6 700-1100 CD8 T cell count (cells/µL), mean ± SEM 149 ± 7.4 500-900 Mehling M, et al. Neurology 2008;71:1261–1267 [PD5.006] Prolonged Reduction in Circulating Lymphocytes after Discontinuation of FTY720 (Fingolimod): Possible Relationship to Duration of Therapy Mark R. Keezer, Yves Lapierre, Igor Shames, David Haegert, Amit Bar-Or, Jack Antel, Montreal, QC, Canada CONCLUSIONS/RELEVANCE: Peripheral lymphocyte counts remained depressed beyond the currently expected time period in 2 patients following cessation of long-term FTY720 therapy. Regional lymph node architecture was preserved in the one available patient. Exploration of larger datasets will determine the true incidence of prolonged lymphopenia and whether time to recovery of circulating lymphocytes may provide a potential biomarker for guiding continued therapy. Category - MS and Related Diseases - Clinical Science Presented at the AAN Annual Meeting 2010. Emerging Therapies: Trading Efficacy for Safety ► ? Impaired immune surveillance and opportunistic infections ► Viral and other infections ► ? Malignancies ► Long-lasting effects ► Autoimmunity ► Teratogenicity ► Rare, but serious infusion reactions ► The Unknown Natalizumab and the Risk of PML ► Humanized monoclonal antibody directed against CD11a affecting T-lymphocyte activation, migration, and reactivation ► Evaluated in 4 randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trials ► FDA-approved for psoriasis in 2003 ● ● At the time of approval, 2764 patients had been treated 218 treated for ≥ 1 year Nijsten T, et al. Arch Dermatol 2009;145:1037-39. ► ► October 2008: Label update to include PML February 2009: • FDA issued a Public Health Advisory and changed the label to include a “black box” warning for PML – At the time, 48,000 patients treated with efalizumab, but only 14,000 for > 1 year, 5,100 for > 2 years, and 1,900 for > 3 years • EMEA recommends suspension of marketing • Health Canada suspends marketing ► April 2009: Genentech announced plans for a voluntary withdrawal from the U.S. market Nijsten T, et al. Arch Dermatol 2009;145:1037-39. Treatment Decisions: Considering Benefits and Risks Benefits Risks Meaningful impact Short-term safety Disease Course Long-term safety MRI Pharmacovigilance ? Better than ABCR Post-approval studies ? Window of opportunity Pregnancy issues Convenience New Frontiers in Neurotherapy The Long Haul: Optimizing Long-Term Functional Status and Financial Outcomes in RRMS with Immunomodulation Therapy What Do The Trials Teach Us? Guy J. Buckle, MD, MPH Director of MS Clinical Care Partners Multiple Sclerosis Center Brigham and Women’s Hospital Assistant Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts Epidemiology of MS ► The most common chronic disease affecting the CNS in young adults ► Approximately 400,000 cases in the United States ● Estimates range from 250,000 to 500,000 ► The chances of developing MS are 1:1000 in the general population ► Estimated 2.5 million cases worldwide ► Highest incidence in Caucasians ► Higher incidence in women (approximately 3:1) ► MS strikes individuals between the ages 20-50, normally a time of peak productivity CNS = central nervous system. Compston A, et al. Lancet. 2002;359(9313):1221-1231. Frohman EM. Med Clin N Am. 2003;87(4): 867-897. Hogancamp WE, et al. Mayo Clin Proc. 1997;72(9):871-878. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Who gets MS? Accessed January 8, 2009. Lage MJ, et al. Work. 2006;27(2):143-151. Potential Triggers for MS Infectious Agent Genetic Predisposition Abnormal Immunologic Response Cardoso E, et al. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006;64(3-B):727-730. Environmental Factors MS Clinical Manifestations ► Fatigue ► Optic neuritis ► Pain ► Bladder dysfunction ► Depression ► Bowel dysfunction ► Numbness/paresthesias ► Cerebellar dysfunction ► Cognitive dysfunction ► Sexual dysfunction ► Weakness ► Gait abnormalities ► Spasticity ► Partial/complete paralysis National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Accessed February 21, 2010. Age of Onset of MS Distribution of Patients According to the Decade of Life of MS Symptoms Onset 35 Patients (%) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 Years Cardoso E, et al. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006;64(3-B):727-730. 41-50 51-60 Progression of Disability: EDSS 10.0 = Death due to MS 9.0–9.5 = Completely dependent Increasing disease burden 8.0–8.5 = Confined to bed or chair 7.0–7.5 = Confined to wheelchair 6.0–6.5 = Walking assistance is needed 5.0–5.5 = Increasing limitation in ability to walk 4.0–4.5 = Disability is moderate 3.0–3.5 = Disability is mild to moderate 2.0–2.5 = Disability is minimal 1.0–1.5 = No disability 0 = Normal neurologic exam EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale. Kurtzke JF. Neurology. 1983;33:1444-1452. Natural History of MS and Cost of MS CIS RRMS SPMS Clinical Threshold $70,000 Atrophy and Axonal Degradation $60,000 $50,000 Predicted Cost $40,000 Early Intervention* $30,000 MRI lesion activity $20,000 $10,000 $0 Mild EDSS < 4 Moderate EDSS 4-6 Severe EDSS > 6 *Curve is based on an estimation of the decrease in cost for early treatment of about 40% at each range of EDSS Burks J. J Manag Care Med. 2008;12(1):26-31. [Exhibit 8]. Comi G. Neurol Sci. 2006;27:S8-S12. Kobelt G, et al. Neurology. 2006;66(11):1696-1702. US$ per Year Pre-clinical Early Relapses Affect Long-term Disability 100 Low (0-1 attacks in 2 years) Intermediate (2-4 attacks in 2 years) High (≥5 in 2 years) Patients (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time from Onset of MS (years) Actuarial analysis of disability—percentage of patients not having reached EDSS 6: difference between the groups is significant (P < .0001). Weinshenker BG, et al. Brain. 1989;112:1419-1428. Relapses Can Result in Residual Long-Term Disability Net Change in EDSS Score from before a Relapse to after a Relapse* 100 42.4% increase 0.5 or more Number of Subjects 86 80 28.1% increase 1 or more 60 40 32 33 20 20 1 3 -3.5 -2.5 7 4 14 8 8 5 1 2 3.5 4.0 0 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 42% of patients had a residual deficit ≥0.5 point 28% had a residual deficit ≥1.0 point *In 224 placebo patients from the NMSS task force on clinical outcome assessment. EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; NMSS = National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Lublin FD, et al. Neurology. 2003;61:1528-1532. Long-term Study Design in RRMS Copaxone® (glatiramer acetate injection)20,21 N=251 in original pivotal trial; 19 placebo patients of 251 in pivotal trial did not enter open-label extension, and 1 patient received 1 dose of COPAXONE® and never returned for evaluation. Therefore, 231 patients were included in the mITT analysis. The Ongoing cohort included 108 patients at 10 years and 100 patients at 15 years. Avonex® (IFNβ-1a)9,23 Avonex®: N=301; 158 Avonex®, 143 placebo; subset (85 Avonex®, 87 placebo) followed for 2 years. 15-year retrospective follow-up: n=116; 15-year follow-up consisted of a questionnaire at year 15. Up to 2 Tysabri® (natalizumab)27 N=942; Tysabri® 300 mg (n=627) or placebo (n=315). years 5 Betaseron®: N=372; 125 Betaseron® 1.6 MIU, 124 Betaseron® 8 MIU, 123 placebo. 16-year retrospective follow-up: n=328 identified patients (35 of these were deceased but included in the study as identified patients). LTFU data were obtained in an observational study consisting of a single-visit assessment or report at 16 years. At LTFU, 182/260 patients were not taking Betaseron®. N=560; 184 Rebif® 44 mcg, 189 Rebif® 22 mcg, 187 placebo; at end of year 2, 172 placebo patients randomized to 22 mcg (n=84) or 44 mcg (n=87); and double-blind study was continued to year 4. LTFU data were obtained in an observational study consisting of a single-visit assessment 7-8 years after enrollment. 15 yrs Betaseron® (IFNβ-1b)24,25 Rebif® (IFNβ-1a)26 15 years 16 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs years 7-8 years Key Prospective study design Retrospective follow-up 9. Jacobs LD, et al. Ann Neurol. 1996;39:285-294. 20. Ford C, et al. WCTRIMS 2008. Abstract P44. 21. Ford CC, et al. Mult Scler. 2006;12:309-320. 23. Bermel RA, et al. WCTRIMS 2008. Abstract P14. 24. IFNβ Study Group. Neurology. 1995;45:1277-1285. 25. Ebers G, et al. AAN 2006. P01.079. 26. Kappos L, et al. Neurology. 2006;67:944-953. 27. O’Connor PW, et al. AAN 2007. P06.082. Data Supporting Long-Term Use of DMT GA 15-year LTFU High-dose IFNb-1a PRISMS 8 IFNb-1b 16 Year(> 80) Low-dose IFNb-1a 15-year Disease Duration (Years) Percentage Reaching EDSS 4 Percentage Reaching EDSS 6 >18.5 38% 18% ~13 26.8% 20% ~20 Not reported ~45% 14.3 64% 32% Ryan M, et al. J Manag Care Pharm. 2009;15(1)(Suppl S-b):S1-S17. Scope of QoL ► Three important domains in life ● ● ● Physical functioning Psychosocial functioning Symptom-related phenomenon The Two Faces of Multiple Sclerosis MS Relapse Progression MRI Symptoms Mobility Employment Depression Fatigue Cognition Mobility and HRQOL ► Improvement in strength and mobility can lead to improved social interaction and emotional behavior ► Improved fitness in MS is associated with improved HRQOL ► Physical activity is indirectly associated with improved depression, fatigue, pain, in individuals with MS HRQOL = Health-related quality of life. Petajan JH, et al. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(4):432-441. Motl R,W et al. Psychol Health Med. 2009;14(1)111-124. Multiple Sclerosis 40 First Rank (%) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Heesen C, et al. Mult Scler. 2008;14(7):988-991. MS <5 Years MS >15 Years Walking Impairment and Quality of Life 64% of patients report difficulty walking ► Impairment worsens with increasing EDSS severity Percent Among Patients who Reported Walking Impairment ► Johanesson et al. J Neurol. 2007;254:767-773 Trends Across MS Clinical Trials Annualized Relapse Rate (ARR) Johnson 1995 Jacobs 1996 IFNβ-1b PRISMS-2 Kappos Polman study 1998 TRANSFORMS 2006 group,1993 REGARD 2007 BEYOND 2007 BECOME 2007 CAMMS223 2008 3 years HERMES 2008 48 weeks FORTE 2008 1 year CLARITY 2009 Cost of MS Relapse ► Reducing relapses is key to reducing costs • The number of relapses is a significant predictor of total cost ► Cost of treating a relapse is difficult to calculate • Includes initial care, acute treatment costs, post-discharge services, daily cost of outpatient medications ► ► In one study, using 2002 dollars, costs ranged from $243 to $12,870, depending on level of management needed Cost estimates do not differentiate between the different forms of MS Morrow TJ. J Neurol Sci. 2007;256(supp 1):S39-S44. Grudzinski AN, et al. J Manag Care Pharm. 2000;6:19-24. O’Brien JA, et al. BMC Health Serv Res. 2003;3:17-29. Medical Costs Per Relapse $243 $1847 $12,870 Low-Intensity Episode Initial Contact Moderate-Intensity Episode Initial Contact High-Intensity Episode Initial Contact Usual care physician Usual care physician Usual care physician ED ED IV Methylprednisolone Hospital day case Hospital Admission Post Discharge Services Home administration Outpatient follow-up Symptom-Related Medications Rehabilitation Home healthcare Skilled nursing Nursing home Hospital readmissions Follow-Up Office Visits Symptom-Related Medications Follow-Up Office Visits Consults Therapists ED = emergency department; IV = intravenous. O’Brien J, et al. BMC Health Serv Res. 2003;3(1):17-28. Economic Implications ► Annual cost of MS in the United States is estimated at approximately $13.6 billion (in 1994 dollars) ► Total lifetime direct and indirect costs per patient are estimated at approximately $2.4 million (in 1994 dollars) ► Mean annual direct and indirect costs per patient total an estimated $47,215 (in 2004 dollars) ► Mean direct healthcare costs incurred by insured patients with MS are 2 to 3 times higher than those without MS ► Direct correlation between cost (direct and indirect) and severity of disease has been well-established ► Therapeutics that modify MS activity and severity can result in both clinical and economic benefits Whetton-Goldstein K, et al. Mult Scler. 1998;4(5):419-425. Pope GC, et al. Neurology. 2002;58(1):37-43. Kobelt G, et al. Neurology. 2006;66(11):1696-1702. Patwardhan MB, et al. Mult Scler. 2005;11(2):232-239. O’Brien JA, et al. J Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006;77:918-926. MS Cost Drivers Informal Care (12%) Sick Leave/Reduced Working Time (10%) Adaptations (5%) Services (2%) Other Drugs (6%) Early Retirement (34%) DMTs (22%) Tests (2%) Ambulatory Care (4%) DMT = disease-modifying therapy. Kobelt G, et al. Neurology. 2006;66(11):1696-1702. Hospital Inpatient Care (3%) Costs of MS by Disease Severity 70,000 60,000 Informal Care Indirect Costs Direct Costs Other Drugs DMTs Cost ($) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Mild EDSS <4.0 Moderate EDSS 4.0-6.0 DMTs = disease-modifying therapies. Kobelt G, et al. Neurology. 2006;66(11):1696-1702. Severe EDSS >6.0 All Patients Cost of Care Cost and functionality Approximate Mean Annual Cost* EDSS Score Medical Unpaid Caregiver Time Lost Work Time Total Mild $3,106 $932 $9,938 $13,976 Moderate $5,100 $3,188 $22,950 $31,238 Severe $12,524 $12,524 $21,291 $46,339 EDSS 0 - 3.5 EDSS 4.0 - 6.0 EDSS 6.5 - 9.5 * 2004 US Dollars Non-Drug Costs Adapted from: Kobelt G, Berg J, Atherly D et al. Neurology. 2006; 66:1696–1702. DMT-Associated Costs ► Approximately 65% of annual direct per patient healthcare costs in MS are attributable to drug therapy ► MS drugs represent 20.2% of specialty drug expenditures within managed care plans ► National trend in MS drug expenditures was +18.3% in 2008 ● ► 23.5% increase in manufacturer pricing was primary driver of trend Comparative AWPs of DMT options: Agent Dosage AWP/day AWP/year Interferon beta-1b 0.25 mg SC every other day $105.41 $38,475 Interferon beta-1a IM 30 mcg IM once weekly $98.66 $36,010 Interferon beta-1a SC 44 mcg SC 3 times weekly $106.20 $38,761 Glatiramer acetate 20 mg SC daily $110.10 $40,187 AWP = average wholesale price. Prescott JD, et al. J Manag Care Pharm. 2007;13(1):44-52. CuraScript 2008 Specialty Drug Trend Report. April 2009. Red Book Update. Vol. 30(1). January 2010. MS Consensus Guidelines ► National MS Society Expert Consensus Statement (2007): ● ● ● ● ● ● Initiate therapy as soon as possible following diagnosis of activerelapsing disease with an interferon beta agent or glatiramer acetate Drug therapy should also be considered in patients with first attack at high risk of MS Access to medications should not be limited by age, level of disability, or frequency of relapses Continue treatment indefinitely unless lack of benefit, intolerant adverse effects, or better treatment becomes available Ensure adequate accessibility of all FDA-approved drugs for MS Change treatments only for medically appropriate reasons National Clinical Advisory Board of the National MS Society. MS Disease Management Consensus Statement. 2007. Accessed February 10, 2010. Factors Influencing Adherence with DMT in MS 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total *P<.05 †P<.01. Treadaway K, et al. J Neurol. 2009;256(4):568-576. Promoting Adherence to Therapeutic Regimens in MS ►Starting ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Therapy Educate Make a plan with the patient Reconfirm goals Schedule proper follow-up Treat relapses appropriately Treat comorbid conditions Keep channels of communication open Establishing a therapeutic relationship Managing patient expectations Brandes DW, et al. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(1):77-92. Figure 2. Educating patient and family Increased adherence to treatment Addressing patient concerns Managing adverse events Optimizing Treatment Outcomes in MS Patients Patient Education Is Essential ► Understanding disease ► Minimizing fear and anxiety ► Clinical implications ► Proper injection training ► Rationale for treatment ► Recognizing relapses ► Reviewing treatment options ► ► Setting realistic goals/expectations Tracking and reporting symptoms/relapses/adverse effects ► Potential adverse effects ► ► Ways to minimize and manage adverse effects Emphasizing importance of adherence to therapy Treadaway K, et al. J Neurol. 2009;256(4):568-576. Challenges to Adherence ► Cognition and physical limitations negatively impact adherence ► Up to half of patients reportedly discontinue because of an AE or a lack of efficacy ► Association of depression carried a 3-fold risk of nonadherence ► Third-party reimbursement challenges ● ● ► Formulary status Copays Adherence tends to decrease over time due to a variety of factors, such as “treatment fatigue,” loss of motivation, and complacency Rio J, et al. Mult Scler. 2005;11:306-309. Twork et al. Curr Med Res Opin. 2007;23(6):1209-1215. O’Rourke KE, et al. Mult Scler. 2005;11(1):46-50. Ross AP. Neurology. 2008;71(Suppl 3):S1-S2. DiMatteo MR, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:2101-2107. Recent Analyses of the Economic Impact of MS Treatment ► In an analysis of an employer medical, drug and disability claims database: ● ● ● ► Baseline MS-related medical costs were higher for treated vs untreated employees ($2520 vs $1012,P < 0.0001) Risk-adjusted total annual medical costs ($4,393 vs $6,187) and indirect costs ($2,252 vs $3,053) were significantly lower (P < 0.0001) for treated vs untreated employees with MS Study limitation: lack of clinical detail on MS severity Early use of DMTs in patients with CIS that delayed conversion to CDMS provided a positive incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) per patient-year compared with no treatment (Euros 2,574.94) Birnbaum HG, et al. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25(4):869-877. Lazzaro C, et al. Neurol Sci. 2009;30:21-31. Rates of Unemployment in Individuals with MS Country Duration of MS Since Onset (Years) Unemployment Rate Busche et al., 2003 Canada 14.8 (median) (range 1-47) Baseline: 49.9% 2.5 years later: 59.4% Jackson and Quaal, 1991 Canada > 5 in 80% of patients 76%* Gronning et al., 1990 Norway 10 (mean) (range 1-33 years) 72% of those with definite MS O’Connor et al., 2005 U.K. Employed: 10 (mean) 64% Beatty et al., 1995 U.S. 15.4 (mean) 60-66% Kornblith et al., 1986 U.S. 13 (mean) 80%* LaRocca et al., 1982 U.S. 13 (mean) 77% Study Unemployed: 15 (mean) *Proportion of individuals unemployed during the study who had been employed at some time during his or her lives. Dennett SL, et al. Value Health. 2008.11(3):478-486. Effect of IMT and Other Factors on Employment Loss Time ► Focus: factors that influence time missed from work among individuals with MS (N = 284) ► Records were examined for details of medical claims ► Multivariate regressions were performed, controlling for demographic characteristics, type of immunomodulatory medication, and overall severity of illness ► Looked at total number of days missed from work for any reason and specifically due to absenteeism, short-term disability, or workers compensation ► Results indicate that lost work time is affected by severity of illness and type of IMT Lage MJ, et al. Work. 2006;27(2):143-151. Effect of Immunomodulatory Therapy on Employment Loss Time 60 (P = .003) Fewer Days Absent 50 GA INFbeta-1a INFbeta-1b 40 (P = .04) 30 20 10 (P = .03) (P = .18) (P = .47) (P = .09) (P = .71) (P = .33) (P = .39) 0 -10 Short-term Disability Workers Comp Any Reason -20 Fewer days absent from work from 1999–2002 for individuals with MS treated with GA (n = 28), INFb1a (n = 74), or INFb-1b (n = 16) compared to untreated individuals with MS (n = 166) Lage MJ, et al. Work. 2006;27(2):143-151. Specialty Pharmacy Overview ► Key Disease States Managed by a Specialty Pharmacy ● ► MS, RA, Hep C, hGH, Oral Oncolytics The number of patients utilizing Specialty Pharmacies continues to increase ● Currently estimated to be 40% - 50% of MS patients SP Value Proposition ► Compliance & Adherence ● ► Typically 15% - 20% higher than retail* Patient Education ● Specially trained on rare diseases and therapies • Collaborate with manufacturers and MS Specialists to assist with training ► Patient Monitoring ● ● ● Efficacy Side effects Co-Morbid Conditions *2008 IMS Report SP Value Proposition ► Data Tracking and Monitoring ● Compliance/Adherence Efficacy ● Side Effects ● Co-Morbidities ● Symptom Management ● Appropriate and timely interventions ● • Baseline • Relapses • EDSS • Flu like symptoms • Injection site reactions • Asthma, Hypertension, diabetes • Fatigue, • Bladder • Depression Therapy OPtimization in MS (TOP MS) ► An Outcomes Study of disease management (DM) for MS based in Specialty Pharmacies who have demonstrated commitment to DM: • • • • • • Therapy Adherence and Compliance Disease Characteristics Relapses Disability Progression Quality of Life Work / Usual Activity Productivity Therapy OPtimization in MS (TOP MS) ► Brief Outline: ● ● ● ● 3 Specialty Pharmacies ~3,000 patients followed for 2 years Patient-specific clinical reports to physicians De-identified data collected in a research-quality database will be available to address outcomes research questions Study Population ► Subjects who are treated with glatiramer acetate or interferon (IFN)-β and receive their therapy from a Specialty Pharmacy: • Copaxone® • Avonex® • Betaseron® • Rebif® • Extavia® Study Objective ► To demonstrate the benefits of compliance and adherence to MS therapy with patient outcomes: ● ● ● ● Relapses Disability progression Quality of life Work and usual activities productivity Advocacy ► Assist patients with resources and support ► Assist patients with navigation of health care system and insurance coverage ► Speak with third-party payors to advocate for coverage for all DMTs ► Become involved with advocacy organizations ● IOMSN ● CMSC ● NMSS ● MSAA ● MSF • Educational activities for professionals and patients • Development of written materials • Working at organizational level for FDA approvals, third-party reimbursement IOMSN = International Organization of MS Nurses; CMSC = Consortium of MS Centers; NMSS = National MS Society; MSAA = MS Association of America. Conclusion ► MS is a chronic, debilitating, and progressive disease ► Economic implications are significant and appear directly correlated with disease severity ► Although costly, long-term data and expert consensus support the primary role of DMT in managing disease progression ► Optimal therapeutic benefit with DMT hinges strongly on multidimensional support from the healthcare system ► Patient education and careful monitoring are key factors driving success in MS therapy Case Studies Challenging Cases in the Management of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Case #1 ► 24-year-old female with diplopia on looking to the right for a day or two – Austin ophthalmologist found nothing unusual ► Back in Houston another ophthalmologist called it ‘some type of optic nerve inflammation’ and gave her 5 days of oral steroids ► 2 weeks into symptoms seen by a pro who noted skew deviation, marked asymmetric nystagmus with torsion and jerk greater to the right, no INO, no APD and normal VERs to go with complaints of vertical diplopia and oscillopsia UPIN 4804 06/06/08 UPIN 4804 06/06/08 Multiple Sclerosis Case #1 ► 4 days later continued double vision on looking to the right ► Extensive past history uncovered only one week of nausea and vomiting about 4 months ago attributed to food poisoning ► Nystagmus to right gaze of greater amplitude in adducting eye with incomplete abduction of right eye, remaining exam normal ► CSF with 10 lymphocytes, IgG index 1.15 and 3 OCBs ► Intravenous methylprednisolone course started UPIN 4804 07/02/08 UPIN 4804 07/02/08 Multiple Sclerosis Case #1 The Issues ► The subject was born and raised outside of the reach of the Scandinavian gene pool - is this NMO, and how unusual is this? ► When you have CIS and can’t diagnose more than suspect MS by McDonald’s or Swanton’s, do you just treat, use Frohman? ► When asked about the familial risk of MS in the company of the patients twin sister, what is the best course? Multiple Sclerosis Case #2 ► 30-year-old Caucasian female presented initially with right optic neuritis. ► Vision improved after high dose intravenous methylprednisolone treatment ► T2-weighted MRI brain scan showed 2 areas of abnormal signal in the periventricular and subcortical white matter. ► No disease modifying therapy was started at that time. Multiple Sclerosis Case #2 ► 1 year later- numbness and weakness of both legs, urinary hesitancy, and increasing gait difficulties over several days. ► MRI cord -increased T2 signal at C8 with a corresponding area of Gd enhancement on T1. ► MRI brain- one new periventricular white matter lesion without enhancement in comparison to last year’s. ► Motor symptoms improved with high dose corticosteroid therapy ► Residual numbness in the feet and bladder control difficulties. Multiple Sclerosis Case #2 ► Given diagnosis of MS and therapy with once weekly IM interferon beta was begun. ► 6 months later she complained of markedly increased fatigue and “fuzzy thinking.” ► Brain MRI scan revealed several new T2 lesions in both cerebral hemispheres and several new enhancing lesions around the corpus callosum. ► Disease modifying therapy was changed to a high dose subcutaneous interferon beta. Multiple Sclerosis Case #2 ► Over the next year, she had no new symptoms and there were no new lesions seen on a repeat MRI scan. ► After several months she complained of balance difficulties, memory difficulties, and an increase in fatigue. ► MRI scan showed additional Gd+ enhancing lesions. ► A test for neutralizing antibody against interferon beta (NAb) revealed a titer greater than 1:100. Multiple Sclerosis Case #2 ► The same interferon treatment was continued but after several months she complained of ongoing problems with memory. ► Several new enhancing lesions were again found on MRI. A repeat NAb titer was unchanged. Multiple Sclerosis Case #3 ► Student nurse falls hitting head on concrete when obese patient she is transporting begins to fall off litter. MRI shows pineal cyst. ► 18 months later, follow-up MRI shows unchanged cyst but single periventricular nonenhancing white matter lesion. ► Three yearly follow-ups show no new MRI lesions, no symptoms and no neurologic abnormalities. Is it Multiple Sclerosis? ► While hiking with physician husband on hot afternoon, she notes numbness in left foot. ► Spinal cord MRI shows enhancing lesion at T17. ► Is it MS? ► Treatment recommendations?