Macbeth Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) Reading AFs and Sp & L AFs strategies Writing AFs and strategies 19 April Must discuss the play as a construct Should discuss the themes of Macbeth Could debate importance of audience to Shakespeare’s theatre Overview – to respect Shakespeare as a master of his craft and be able to communicate interpretation of the themes of the play and dramatic situations through exam answers 2 Hello! 20 April Must realise importance of using notes in text to help understanding Should realise how to de-code dialogue Could understand by translating into modern English 3 Rhythm and metre Monday 23 April Trait b) asks how a short portion of the extract (about 6 lines) should be performed. To answer successfully, candidates must be prepared to consider any of the following: actions, positioning, movement, voice, gesture and facial expression. It would be helpful for Higher candidates to remember this list. It is not helpful to consider other elements of production such as lighting, scenery, props and costume because at the heart of this question is the consideration of how an actor would present the language. Candidates approached the question in a number of ways. Some went through the mini-extract almost word for word, which is an acceptable strategy, giving a detailed account of every little nuance and gesture. The danger in that is that it can turn the acting into a sequence of mechanical mimes and convulsions. At the other end of the scale was the approach that was rather too vague and generalised, amounting to little more than statements such as 'Capulet should act angry' and 'the nurse should have an upset look on her face'. Candidates 1 1605 - Background 4 Plot – storyline 24 April 5 Pentameter 26 April 6 Exam practice 27 April 7 Imagery 3 May 8 Hypocrisy + Deception 4 May Must be able to explain importance of rhythm Should be abe to explain its effect on this scene using specific examples Could explain how it helps expression in performance Must remember key plot-points Should enact whole story without recourse to notes Could emphasise themes through the playing of the story Must explain the term iambic pentameter Should use pattern to deliver lines with meaning Could use to de-code meaning of archaic language Must learn timings for the exam Should understand requirements of mark scheme Could divide up answers into PEE paragraphs Must derive meaning from metaphors Should explain how character is shown through choice of imagery Could explain how themes are emphasised through choice of imagery Must explain meaning of ‘subtext’ Should give interpretation of Lady Macbeth’s character based on language of this scene Could make suggestions how to help an Trait b) asks candidates to comment on how language is used in the extract to present certain effects. In this case, the focus is on the reactions of the men to Curley's wife. There is no requirement to identify language features in the answer, but it may be useful to do so, simply to save over-long explanations. For instance, it could be helpful to highlight the adverb 'coldly' and the verb 'whined' because they say a good deal about the men's responses and candidates can spend more time explaining their effects once they have been correctly labelled. Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer and self assessment activities and timed tasks) Home learning Starter: Picture of James I – what can you tell about him from picture? Main Activity:.Groupwork - Question cards on Shakespeare writing for Royal audience Reflection: was Shakespeare subversive? Resources: fact-cards (see attachment) Starter: look over opening – list difficult words not in glossary Main Activity:.Act 1, scene 1 and 2 – what elements from Lesson 1 are in the opening? Reflection: What theatrical devices does Shakespeare use to grab the audience at the beginning? Resources: texts – review of witches in latest RSC performance (attached) HL: write one paragraph on how Shakespeare makes the opening of Macbeth dramatic Starter: how is Act 1, scene 3 linked to James I Main Activity:.Act witches scene, stressing chant of metre Reflection: how was the supernatural seen in Shakespeare’s time? And now? Resources: texts Read and annotate lines 87115 – what happens? Email answer to this question – what state of mind is Macbeth in at end of scene and why? Starter: doodle images of story from reading synopsis from RSC Main Activity:.act out whole story in two minutes, clarifying character and themes – try it stressing each of major themes Reflection: peer assessment – big actions and comedy Resources: RSC synopsis (see attached) Starter: page 19 – what does Malcolm say about Cawdor? Main Activity:. Act 1 scene IV – play with rhythm - divide up scene into groups of three – have them stress the iambic beat, or speak lines only saying stressed beats, walk to the beat Reflection: why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter? Resources: texts Starter: Look over exam paper – highlight, underline key words in extract Main Activity:.guided response to exam paper Reflection: how many marks per minute? Resources: exam questions on Act 1 scene 3, lines 87-117 + HL question Assessed HL : Exam practice – Act 1 scene 5 Starter: imagine you are Lady Macbeth reading the letter to a friend – read it to her emphasising the important parts Main Activity:.Groups of three – three L. Macbeth speeches. Choose five phrases to turn into visual images in a stylised dramatisation of the play Reflection: what effect does the imagery have on the audience Resources: texts Assessed HL : Exam practice – Act 1 scene 5 – for 8 May Starter: Read Duncan and Banquo’s opening lines in Act 1 scene 6 like Kirsty and Phil from ‘Location, Location’ Main Activity: act out Lady Macbeth’s lines with her voicing her true thought (or baring her teeth like in note on page 28) Reflection: Is Lady Macbeth a pantomime villain? 1 Macbeth Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: actor interpret this scene 9 could you kill someone? 8 May Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) Reading AFs and Sp & L AFs strategies Writing AFs and strategies Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer and self assessment activities and timed tasks) Home learning Resources: text must make direct reference to the extract to illustrate their decisions. Starter: are there any circumstances when you think you could kill another human? Main Activity:.In pairs, modernise the scenes, Act 1 scene vii, Act 2, scene I and Act 2, scene ii Reflection: what impression do we get of Macbeth during these scenes? Resources: texts Must attempt a credible performance, taking into account the audience reception Should understand language through focus on at action and verbs Could justify interpretations of MacBeth’s character Write script for performance BANK HOLIDAY 10 Soliloquy 10 May 11 Shakespearean Fools Must decipher archaic jokes Should add stageplay for effect Could include modern satire or the audience 12 AfL – peer assessment 17 May Must learn how to improve from feedback Should action-plan ways to improve Could repeat work to show learning 13 Murder! 18 May 11 May 14 internal conflict Mon 21 May 15 Rehearsal Tues 22 May Starter: read text notes on pages 30 and 40 Main Activity:. In groups of three, divide up part of Macbeth’s soliloquy, using what you now know about pentameter and imagery to give life to the speech. Then learn line and address audience without text! Reflection: What effect does speaking to the audience have? Resources: speeches divided for members of the class Must learn lines of Shakespeare to pentameter Should use gesture to emphasise lines Could use subtle inflection to give emotional impact Must investigate text and take on role of character Should give extended answers and justification using rules of improvisation Could show underlying tension through expression underlying answers Must make key decisions on which lines contradict one another Should use body language to express personal internal conflict Could act with confidence (or bravado) Must have winning performance of story Should express themes of the play Could give strong characterisation to separate characters Section A (Shakespeare) consists of an extract from the chosen play (of around 30 lines) and three traits (parts). Trait a) asks candidates to make inferences about one of the characters presented in the extract based on the evidence of the extract and supported by apposite reference to it. Perhaps the most straightforward and potentially successful way of approaching the task is to pick out (preferably) three aspects of the character, identify each one, support it with direct reference to the extract (probably a brief quotation) and expand on it a little to make the point clear. In other words, present a series of point, evidence, explanation Starter: picture of morality play – what can you tell about them? Main Activity: divide up scene – pairs (director and comedian) – need to get a laugh from your characterisation Reflection: would you play the Fool for comedy or for a moral message? Resources: picture of morality play (attached) Read rest of Act 2 scene 3 – parts for hot-seating Starter: mark standardisation piece Main groups of three, peer assess work, marking like a teacher with advice on improvement Reflection: what do you learn through marking? Resources:standardisation essays/ mark schemes/ essays Read rest of Act 2 scene 3 – parts for hot-seating – prepare what you are going to say for Sp & L assessment Starter: how do you cast blame from yourself when you want to escape punishment? Main Activity:.inquest into King’s death Reflection: does Macbeth cover his tracks? Resources: speaking and listening assessment sheets Starter: Read pages 65 and 67 – what is Banquo thinking? Main Activity: .groups of six - act out speech on page 69 in three pairs like Gollum and Smeagol in Lord of the Rings Reflection: how does Shakespeare use internal conflict? Resources: Go over lines for Art exhibition Starter: in groups, go over blocking Main Activity:. Rehearsal of scenes for exhibition Reflection: peer feedback Resources: costume - blacks? Exhibition 2 Macbeth Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer and self assessment activities and timed tasks) Home learning Must explore meaning of imagery Should express character through tonne and movement, then put this into words Could show relationship through blocking, then justify choices verbally Starter: tableau three images that show the Macbeth collusion Main Activity:.In fours, act out scene with two characters acting out the imagery Reflection: how do the Macbeths feel about each other? Resources: texts Read over III. Iii for exam Must follow sensible timing Should use PEE paragraphs Could explore points thoroughly – ‘a lot about a little’ Starter: read through exam paper – make notes Main Activity:.Timed Exam practice with preparation Reflection: check through answers – self-evaluation Resources: Exam paper on killing of Fleance Review exhibition and/or performance for Chronicle Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) Reading AFs and Sp & L AFs strategies Writing AFs and strategies (PEE) paragraphs. 16 Lord and Lady Macbeth Thurs 24 May 17 Exam practice Friday 25 May Half- term 18 Film Must attempt all questions Should focus on interpretation/choices by production Could expand on how priorities have shifted since Shakespeare’s time Starter: read through questions Main Activity:.questionaire on modern interpretation – advice for top set Reflection: which themes does it emphasise? Resources: ‘Kitchen’ Macbeth + questionaire Fri 1 June Must attempt all questions Should focus on dramatic techniques Could explain how medium of TV makes a difference to performance Starter: read through questions Main Activity:.questionaire on modern interpretation Reflection: does the story still have relevance today? Resources: ‘Kitchen’ Macbeth + questionaire 20 Flee Fleance! Mon 11 June Must work quickly and together to show action Should imagine scene from view of audience Could add dramatic twists (surprises) to action and justify these verbally Starter: read Act 3, scene 3 Main Activity: groups of 6 -.intercut Fleance scene (in slow motion) with opening of banquet Reflection: how would King James have enjoyed the scene? Resources: text Must make specific comparisons and explain their effect Should explain difference in characterisation using expansive vocabulary Could explain difference in tone using careful vocabulary Starter: Read over notes on page 82 Main clips – how would you direct scene – with or without? Reflection: Resources: review of latest RSC production Must give imaginative and credible response Should suggest alternatives Could recommend the most effective interpretation Starter: do you want to know your future? Main Activity:.Act 1, scene 3 – as designer, how would you ‘show three apparitions – draw them Reflection: is the scene purely a gimmick? Resources: Thurs 31 May 19 Film 21 Banquet Tues 12 June 22 Apparitions Thurs 14 June Review of film – prize for best 400 word review Prepare for Assessment oon Act IV scene i 3 Macbeth Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: Friday 15 June Must plan and write fast Should use PEE paragraphs Could proof-read answers 24 Macduff’s chicks Thursday 21 June Must show emotional impact of MacDuff’s discovery Should show pertinence of lines through juxtaposition Could take role of director to lead group 23 exam practice 25 Macduff’s chicks Friday 22 June 26 Sleepwalking Monday 25 June 27 Act V – sudden descent Tues 26 June Thursday 28 June 29 Review scheme of learning Must select key lines by skim-reading earlier scenes Should show change in manner of Lady MacBeth Could suggest reasons for her madness based n psychological or contextual evidence Reading AFs and Sp & L AFs strategies Writing AFs and strategies Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer and self assessment activities and timed tasks) It is clear that a number of candidates did not manage their time carefully and subsequently were unable to access the full range of marks. The candidates who performed well were those who went about their work in a focused and purposeful way, offering responses which contained no, or few, irrelevancies and who had been well-prepared for the exam. Starter: look at pages 109 – 113 – turn it into 3 tableaux Main Activity: groups of 6 -.intercut Act IV scene ii (death of children) with Act IV scene iii (page 125 lines 175 – 240) Reflection: Apprentice-style peer assessment of leaders Resources: speaking and listening assessment sheets (groupwork) Starter: Main performances Reflection: peer assessment against marking criteria Resources: speaking and listening assessment sheets (roleplay – characters) Starter: Read over Act 5 scene 1 Main Activity: in pairs,.intercut scene with earlier scene of ‘my hands’ – pick out three key lines Reflection: why does Lady Macbeth go mad? Resources: Starter: Read page 153 – read MacDuff’s lines like Maximus from Gladiator Main MacDuff to Eowyn Reflection: Is revenge right? What was Jacobean revenge tragedy? Resources: Must Should Could Starter: Main Activity:.catch up on missing bits Reflection: Resources: Must reflect on learning process and what you learned Should reflect on own performance and how you overcame sticking-points Could make recommendations to adapt course for next year Starter: what did you think of Shakespeare at start? What now? Main Activity:. are you ready for exam – what more will you have to do? Reflection: how would you change the course? Resources: course feedback form Friday 29 June Home learning Starter: read extract, make notes Main Activity:.exam on Act IV I (65 – 120) Reflection: self-assessment Resources: exam papers Must comment on audience’s feelings about MacBeth at end of play – role of protagonist or antihero Should comment on structure – MacDuff is peripheral until second half Could suggest how the scene should be played for major impact 28 Wiggle room Must feedback respectfully to other groups Should reflect critically on own work Could decide on personal interpretation from comparison of scenes Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) 4 5 6 7