Macbeth Act II act_ii

Act II
Name ______________________________
Scene 1
1.) Macbeth asks Banquo to support him in some unspecified enterprise. HOW does Banquo respond?
What does this tell you about his character?
2.) In Macbeth’s soliloquy at the end of the scene, what are his thoughts about the dagger he sees?
His conclusion about it?
Scene 2
3.) What feat has Lady Macbeth completed?
4.) Lady Macbeth would have killed Duncan herself except for what?
5.) Describe Macbeth’s state of mind after he tells his wife what happened after he murdered Duncan.
6.) How doe she react to the news?
7.) What advice does she give her husband?
Scene 3
8.) What is the purpose of the Porter in this scene?
9.) What is ironic about his speech?
10.) What does Macduff discover?
11.) How is Macduff’s treatment of Lady Macbeth Ironic?
12.) What reasons does Macbeth give for killing the chamberlains/ guards?
13.) What does Banquo seem determined to do when he hears of the murders?
14.) What wise decision do Malcolm and Donaldbain make? Why?
Scene 4
15.) What might the old man symbolize in this scene?
16.) What news does Macduff bring?
17.) Explain the line, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!”