Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Educational Institution оf higher education "Russian University of Economics G.V. Plekhanov " Approved at a meeting of the Board of the Faculty of Finance Record № 2 of "8" in November 2012 Chairman of the Board _____________________ Bolvachev A.I. (Signature) Finance Department PROGRAM final state certification Training direction 080100 Economy Training profile Corporate Finance Qualification (degree) Bachelor Moscow 2013 Compiled by: PhD, Professor KV Yekimova Associate Professor Vashenko TV Reviewers: PhD, Professor IP Savelyev, head. Univ. management and marketing VPO (NRU) SUSU; PhD, Professor VPO RG VG Plekhanov Keschyan Final state certification program bachelor prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GEF VPO direction 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" for students of the Faculty of Finance. The program presents the basic requirements for the content and order of the final state interdisciplinary examination, as well as requirements for the implementation and protection of final qualifying Bachelor. Final state certification program approved at a meeting of the department "Financial Management", protocol number 7 on December 20, 2012 Head of Department of KV Yekimova INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education» № 125-F3 and the federal state educational standards of higher education toward bachelor 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" final certification of graduates of bachelors - completing training program of higher professional education in higher education is mandatory. The final state certification of graduates includes: - Interdisciplinary final state exam; - Protection of final qualifying work. The purpose of the final state certification is to establish the level of training of graduates to perform professional tasks and its compliance with the requirements of preparing GEF VPO toward bachelor 080100 "Economy". According to the results of the final state certification of graduates of the State Examination Board decides on the awarding of bachelor and diploma of higher professional education. Final state exam interdisciplinary Bachelor of Economics profile "Corporate Finance" along with the requirements for the content of disciplines also takes into account the general requirements to graduate in the direction 080100 "Economics" specific to the specified profile, GEF provided WEI bachelor. For the final state exam interdisciplinary and protection of final qualifying work allowed persons who have completed a full course of vocational education program and successfully passed all previous certification tests provided training planom.Za month before the state certification dean's office prepares and provides the state certification commission the following documents: - Academic certificate (completed Matriculation students) for state certification committee for each graduate student indicating he had received ratings on theoretical disciplines, coursework, internships; - Order of the rector of the University of student admission to the final state certification. Passing the final state examination and defense of the final qualifying Bachelor conducted in open meetings of state examination committee consisting of academic staff of the university and the persons invited from external organizations. State examinations and defense of final qualifying works held at a meeting of relevant examination boards with at least two thirds of the commission. In preparation for the answer to the national exam for the discipline the student is given at least 30 minutes. During the preparation for the examination tickets a student can use the Program final state certification, regulatory legal acts on occupational and computing means for settlement (except for mobile phones and other means of this kind). Federal state educational standard of higher education defined state requirements for minimum content and the level of training at the bachelor directions 80100 "Economy" profile "Corporate Finance", which are included in this final state certification program. Implementation of the competency approach in accordance with GEF VPO provides that graduate during the final state certification shows their skills with the following common cultural and professional competence: Requirements to the results of final state certification General cultural competence OK-1 owns a culture of thinking, able toperceive, compilation and analysis of information, goal setting and choice of ways to achieve it OK-5 able to use legal documents in its activities know: how to analyze information be able to: receive, collect and analyze information, to set goals and ways to achieve them choose own: culture of thinking choice of how to achieve them know: the sources of legal documents be able to: use legal documents in its activities possess: the ability to analyze legal documents OK-6 can logically true and clear arguments know: principles of speech and writing to build oral and written language; be able to: logically true and clear arguments to build oral and written language own: construction methods of speech and writing Professional competence PC-1 able to collect and analyze the raw data needed to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators of the activity of economic entities PC-2 know: the essence of the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the activity of economic entities be able to: assess the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the functioning of organizations and state and municipal management own: assessment tools basic data needed for raschetaekonomicheskih and socio-economic indicators of the activity of economic entities able on the basis of standard methods and the existing regulatory framework to calculate th economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing economic entities Know: the nature and content of economic and socio-economic indicators of the activity of economic entities Be able to: analyze the indicators characterizing PC-3 able to perform necessary for compiling economic sections, plans calculations to justify them and present the results of work in accordance with the received in the organization standards PC-4 able to collect, analyze and process the data necessary for solving the economic problems Values be: the design principles of the financial strategy of the organization and the various plans Mind be: develop an overall financial strategy and organization, using tools of strategic and financial management Vlade be: methods to calculate and interpret results of work in accordance with accepted standards organization Know: the nature and significance of the economic way of thinking Able: to collect, analyze and process data needed for solving the economic problems Own: methods and techniques of data needed for solving the economic problems PC-5 able to select tools for processing economic data in accordance with this task, and analyze the results of calculations to substantiate the findings the activity of economic entities Own: the tools of analysis and forecast indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities Values be: modern concepts organizations financial and economic activity Mind be: choose tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task Own: methods of analysis and data processing, substantiation of findings PC-6 able on the basis of the description of economic processes and phenomena build standard theoretical and econometric models to analyze and interpret the results meaningfully Values be: quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis for management decisions Be mind: to apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis for management decisions and build economic and financial models Own: tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis for management decision-making and building economic and financial models PC-7 able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reports of enterprises of different ownership forms, organizations, agencies, and use the information for management decision making Values be: essence methods of strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations Mind be: use the methods of strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations Vlade be: methods for making strategic, tactical and operational decisions in the management of the operating (production) activities of organizations PC-8 able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in socio-economic indicators Values be: mathematical models of organizational systems Mind be: select mathematical models of organizational systems, identify trends in socioeconomic indicators Vlade be: the ability to choose the mathematical models of organizational systems and models to carry out adaptation to specific management objectives PC-9 capable of using domestic and foreign sources, to collect the necessary data to analyze them and prepare an informationoverview and / or analytical report Values be: principles of financial reporting Mind be: analyze financial statements and make informed investment, credit and financial solutions Vlade be: tools of financial statement analysis and make informed investment, credit and financial decisions PK-10 able to use to solve analytical and Acq amb: methods and software for business research tasks sreds Twa modern intelligence technical and information technology Be mind: to interact with the services and information technology effectively use corporate information systems in financial decision-making Vlade be: methods and software business intelligence, able to interact with the services and information technology effectively use corporate information systems . Students not admitted to the final state certification, are expelled from the University with the right to recover for five years from the date of charge and can be on your application to get a diploma of undergraduate education. Students who have not passed the final state certification (and / or who have not passed in a timely state examinations and / or not submitted and / or defended in a timely theses) are expelled from the University and can get a diploma of undergraduate education. In the future, they can be restored in accordance with the Regulation on the translation and reconstruction. Students are admitted to the final state certification, but had not received it in time for legitimate reasons, is allowed to pass the final state certification in accordance with the schedule of the state certification commission. As an exception to address the rector said students can take the final state certification to graduates of other forms of training that is the same kinds of final tests. Valid reasons must be documented. I.SUMMARY STATE INTERDISCIPLINARY EXAM Mr. osudarstvennyyekzamen toward bachelor 080100.62 "Economy" profile "Corporate Finance" should include questions and tasks not only on ongoing training profile, but in general the direction of bachelor "Economy" Profile-specific "Corporate Finance". This program provides general requirements for special training (by section). Annex 1 provides an illustrative list of questions included in the examination papers. In the state exam tickets must be included tasks for determining the level of formation of skills for professional activities specified in the GEF VPO Bachelor direction 080100 "Economics" (except for research and teaching). The program state exam are examples of tasks specified activities (Annex 3). GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL TRAINING 1. Finance. Essence and finance functions and their role in implementing the strategy of the state.Financial policy, financial management, financial planning and forecasting; kontrol.Finansovaya financial system of the country, its scope, and links. Principles of organization of the finance business entities in various fields. Impact of finance on the economy and social sphere. Role of Finance in the development of international cooperation, finance and economic globalization; multinational financial institutions. 2. Money, credit, banks. Necessity and predictors of use and money. The nature and function of money. The role of money in a market economy. Types of money and their features. Cash turnover and its structure. Cash turnover and monetary circulation. Non-cash money turnover and clearing system. The notion of the monetary system pages, the genesis of its development.Causes and nature of inflation, forms of its manifestation. Regulation of inflation: techniques border controversy. Monetary systems of individual countries. Monetary relations and monetary system: the concept, category, elements and evolution. The need for credit. Essence of the loan. Functions and credit laws. Forms and types of credit. The role and limits of the loan. Credit in international economic relations. Occurrence and nature of banks, their functions and role in economic development. The notion of the banking system, its elements. Types of banks. Central banks and the basis of their activity. Functions of central banks. Structure and function of the Bank of Russia.Framework for monetary policy. Commercial banks and their activities (operations and services). International financial and credit institutions. 3. Corporate Finance. Financial Corporation relationships and principles of their organization.Financial and non-financial objectives of the corporation. Principles of Corporate Governance.Financial resources and capital structure. Expenses and income of the company. Financial planning and forecasting within the corporation. Formation, distribution and use of income.Working capital management company. Sources of short, medium and long-term financing.Assessment of the financial condition of the company. Evaluation of investment decisions of the corporation. 4. Corporate with trahovanie. Essence and function of insurance. Insurance and its place in the system of finance. Modern insurance market and its trends. The concept of the insurance risk and insurance case. Contract (policy) insurance. Types of insurance and reinsurance ways.Private insurance. Property insurance. Liability insurance. Legal framework of insurance business in the Russian Federation. Compulsory insurance. Voluntary insurance. Fundamentals of corporate and mutual insurance. Basics of financial stability of the insurance activities 5. Valuable market's securities. Securities market as an alternative source of financing of the economy and the tool of redistribution of property. Concept of security. Classic types of securities and their characteristics. Financial instruments in the securities market. Securities market and its structure (the Western model). Primary securities market and its characteristics.Secondary stock market (stock exchange). Professional participants of the exchange. Basic operations and transactions on the exchange. "Street" securities market and characteristics of its activities. Secondary market participants.The issue of securities. Depository registration mechanism of the securities market. Securities Market of the Russian Federation. Basic operation of the market. State regulation of the securities market in Russia. 6. Taxes and the tax system. essence and function of taxes. Role in regulating the economy taxes, budgeting. Relationship taxes and prices. Classification of taxes.Direct and indirect taxes, benefits and drawbacks. Causes of taxes, taxes, and their role in the different historical stages of development. Theory of tax in different economic schools. Taxes and international trade. 7. Financial management. Theoretical Foundations and basic concepts of financial management. The role of the financial manager in the company. Formation of the company's capital structure optimization and sources of funding. Financial Risk Management in the company on the basis of indicators of financial leverage. Asset management company, its working capital, costs and financial results.Fundamentals of financial planning and budgeting. 8. Financial monitoring. money laundering as a factor in the negative impact of the economy and the state. The main stages of a single international AML / CFT system. The essence of financial monitoring.The notion of national AML / CFT, the main stages of its formation and the legal and institutional framework. Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, legal status, powers and key activities. Internal control system in the subjects of primary financial monitoring. Types of liability for violation of legislation in the field of AML / CFT. 9. Financial planning. essence of financial planning. Financial planning system. Planning Methods financial performance. General principles of financial planning. Stages of financial planning. Business plan as the main tool of corporate planning. Budgeting as financial uparvleniya circuit. Features and problems of the organization of financial planning. In the area of service. Financial planning company in a competitive environment. Developing financial strategy. 10. Investments. Investments. Investment activity. Investment project. Economic evaluation of investment. Risk analysis and assessment of investment projects. Investment activities of the enterprise. EVALUATION CRITERIA OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF STUDENTS Upon delivery of the final state interdisciplinary examination must bear in mind the following criteria : - Knowledge of educational material subject disciplines; - The ability to commit substantial position of the object; - Ability to formulate specific provisions subject; - The ability to apply theoretical knowledge to analyze specific ekonomicheskihsituatsy and solving applied problems; - Common (cultural) and specific (professional) language response. The results of the final state interdisciplinary examination determined the grade "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory" and announced on the same day after making the minutes of the examination boards. Grade " excellent "- is set at the full, comprehensive, reasoned responses to all the basic and additional exam questions. Answers should be different logical consistency, clarity of expression of thoughts and validity of conclusions that characterize knowledge of the literature, the conceptual apparatus of sources of legal acts, the ability to use them in response. Grade " good "- is set at the full, reasoned responses to all the basic and additional exam questions. Answers should be different logical clarity, knowledge of the conceptual apparatus and literature on the subject matter with minor omissions or inaccuracies. Grade " satisfactory "is set at the low-reasoned responses that characterize a general idea and basic understanding of the substance of the questions, the conceptual apparatus and required reading. Grade " unsatisfactory "is set at the ignorance of being a student exam questions. A student who receives a failing grade on the state exam is not allowed to protect final qualifying work. AP EXHAUST KVALIFIKAKTSIONNAYA WORK When the final qualifying and protection work must be performed the following requirements : 1. Graduate work toward a bachelor 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" is performed in accordance with the curriculum and aims to: 1. - Organize, consolidate and expand the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of finance and credit; 2. - Identification of the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in solving specific economic, scientific and industrial problems; 3. -The development of skills for independent work and application of research techniques in solving developed in the final work problems and issues; 4. - Identification of the degree of preparedness of the graduate to work independently in various areas of financial and credit activities of Russia's economy in modern conditions. 2. Bachelor Graduate work should represent a complete development of the current economic problems and be sure to include both the theoretical part, in which the student must demonstrate knowledge of basic economic theory and concepts in the field of finance and credit to work out problems and a practical part where you need to show their ability use methods previously studied disciplines for solving the problems in the work. 3. To protect final qualifying work allowed graduate, received a positive decision on the admission department of final work to defend on the basis of a review of the supervisor and head of the department solutions. If a student has received positive feedback on the final work, but the third party review is negative, the department conducted by re-reviewed the final work, and to protect the student comes with two reviews. Topics are determined by qualifying works bachelors graduate departments in accordance with the requirements of the GEF VPO bachelor direction 080100 "Economy," "Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation № 1155 from 25.03.2003. Approximate topics final qualifying works are presented in Appendix 2. Preparation of final qualifying Bachelor includes the following steps: - Choice of the theme; - Preparation of a plan (in its final form work plan is an expanded content, structure of final work); - Study of the theoretical aspects of the problem; - The collection, analysis and synthesis of empirical data. The result of this step is a preliminary version of the final work; - Formulation of conclusions and recommendations; - Assessment of the socio-economic benefits of the conclusions and proposals; - Writing summaries in Russian and foreign languages; - Execution of final work. Work out in the form that can allow to judge the completeness and justification contained therein findings, conclusions and proposals. It should be inherent in goal orientation and clarity of construction, the logical sequence of presentation, accuracy of wording in concrete presentation of the results, the conclusiveness of the findings and recommendations of the validity, competent registration in accordance with the requirements of the University ("Guidelines for the design certification works students Plekhanov. G. V.Plehanova "). In accordance with the schedule of the fourth year students of the Faculty of Finance takes the student to graduate departments of the Faculty of Finance statement indicating the chosen theme of final qualifying work visa and prospective supervisor. In due time the department considered, approved at a meeting of the theme of final qualifying works and scientific leaders, represent the dean protocols approved themes of graduation and appointed supervisors.Thesis and research supervisor can be changed in exceptional cases by the decision of the department. Replacement data recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the department and changes in order for the approval of those works. A form of control over the preparation of the final qualification is Timetable for the final work (schedule). The schedules developed student in consultation with the supervisor, and then approved by the head of the department. In the graph represent the sequence and timing of individual stages of work on the diploma. Supervisor makes reference marks on the implementation of the individual steps. Time schedule control rests with the supervisor, head of the department. Graphic preparation of final qualifying works are kept in the department (copy Graphics is each student). In the final qualifying work bachelor student must show: - Sufficient theoretical knowledge and the ability to problem presentation of theoretical material; - The ability to learn and generalize regulations and literary sources; - The ability to solve practical organizational and economic problems; - Skills comprehensive situation analysis, modeling and calculations, ownership of modern computer technology; - The ability to successfully apply methods for assessing economic and social effectiveness of the proposed solutions; - The ability to logically construct text, the formulation of conclusions and proposals. Evaluation of the results of protection of final qualifying work carried out in a closed meeting of the respective examination committee AMC simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting with the obligatory presence of the Chairman or his deputy. An equal number of votes the chairman of the separated Commission (or its substitute alternate) shall have a casting vote. When summarizing the results of Bachelor of protection into account the following criteria : - The quality of the final qualifying work, its relevance, novelty, reflected the author's position, the correct execution; - Quality of the report of the student, his ability to present in concise form the main content of their work; - Availability of handouts on defense, its presentation and quality of design; - Completeness and accuracy of the answers to the questions of the commission; - Review of the supervisor and the external review. Results protect final qualifying work defined an "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory" and announced on the same day after registration in the prescribed manner of minutes of meetings of the examination committee. Graduate work is estimated as follows: - Rated " excellent "work deserves, which provides a comprehensive and indepth coverage of selected topics in close relationship with the practice, and the author has shown the ability to work with the literature and regulatory documents, conduct research, make theoretical and practical conclusions; - Grade of " good "work is estimated to meet the basic requirements. Student thoroughly owns the material, but not all the questions gives a deep, thorough and reasoned answers; - Graduation work was graded " satisfactory "if it generally met basic requirements, but not fully described set-up questions. Author final work directly owns material surface responds to questions posed by the Commission, allows significant flaws; - Grade of " unsatisfactory "is estimated graduation work if there is a recall or review policy comments on its content, not allowing her to evaluate positively. Answers to the questions are wrong and do not differ argumentation. In case of unsatisfactory performance evaluation Graduate work brought for a second defense in accordance with the established order of the University. The decision of the State Certification (Exam) committee is final . graduate, passed the final state certification, the decision of the State Certification Commission assigned qualifications relevant to education. Repeated final state certification A student who does not pass the state certification may be re-final state certification no earlier than one year and not later than five years after passing the final state certification for the first time. As an exception, the rector's office may allow for good cause be re final state certification in other terms, but not earlier than three months after passing the final state certification for the first time. Repeated final certification tests may be administered no more than two times. Not considered final repeated certification tests for a student admitted to state certification order of the Rector of the University and held them for good reasons. Procedure for re-certification of the final state is determined by the curriculum in force at the end of the year the student theoretical course. REFERENCES Literature on the subject "Finance" Basic textbook 1. Finance. Textbook for universities / R od ed. Knyazev VG, Slepova In. A. - M. Masters 2008 The basic literature on discipline 2. AN Burenin Market securities and derivative financial instruments. - Moscow: Scientific and Technical Society named after academician Vavilov, 2009. 3. Galanov VA Finance, monetary circulation and credit. - M.: Forum, Infra-M, 2008. 4. State and municipal finances. - Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2008. 5. International monetary and financial relations. / Ed. Krasavina LN - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 6. International financial market / R od ed. Slepova In. A., Zvonova E. A. - M. Masters, 2007. 7. Uljukaev A. At. Modern monetary - credit policy. Problems and prospects. - M.: The Case of National Economy, 2009. 8. Finance. Textbook. / Ed. Kovalev VV - M.: Prospect, 2010. 9. Finance / M od ed. Romanovsky MF Vrublevskaya OV SABANTUY B. M. - M.: Yurait - Publishing House, 2008. 10. Shubin TV Finance organizations (enterprises) textbook. - Moscow: State Educational Institution "Plekhanov. GV Plekhanov ", 2008. Further Reading 1. Akperov AND. R., Konopleva AND. A., Holovatch C. P. Treasury system execution budget in Russian Federation. - M.: KnoRus 2009. 2. Analysis of financial statements / R od ed. Efimova, OV, Melnik MV - M.: Omega - L, 2009. 3. Afanasyev MP, Belenchuk AA Krivogov IV Budget and Fiscal System. - M.: Yurait 2009. 4. Berzon H. And., Arshavskij A. Yu., Buyanova E. A., Krasil'nikov A. C. The stock market. - M.: Vita - Press, 2009. 5. AN Burenin Portfolio management. - Moscow: Scientific and Technical Society named after academician Vavilov, 2008 6. Vine With. Global financial crisis. Machinery Development and Strategy survival - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2009. 7. AN Gavrilov, AA Popov Finance organizations (enterprises). - M.: KnoRus 2008. 8. Galician SV Financial management. Financial analysis. Finance companies. - M.: Penguin Books, 2008. 9. Egorov AV International financial infrastructure. - M.: Lenore, 2009. 10. Moiseev SR, Kluchnikov MV, OM Akimov, EA Pishchulin Financial Statistics: Money and banking. - M.: KnoRus 2009. 11. Ostapenko VV Finance companies. - M: Omega-L, 2008. 12. Podyablonskaya L. And. State and municipal finance. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2009. 13. Savitskaya GV Analysis of the financial condition of the company. - M.: Publishing Grevtsova 2008. 14. Turmanidze T. Do. Financial analysis economic activity of the enterprise. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 15. Fetisov VD, Fetisov TV Finance and credit. - Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2008. 16. Shiryaev VI Financial markets. Stochastic models, options, forwards, futures. - M.: Librokom 2009. Internet resources and other electronic information sources Russian governments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State Duma The Russian government Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development Ministry of Finance 6. Federal Financial Markets Service www. fcsm. ru 7. The Federal Tax Service 8. Federal State Statistics Service 9. Central Bank of Russia Governments of foreign states 1.Ministerstvo U.S. Treasury (US Treasury) 2. U.S. Federal Statistics Service (FederalStatisticsOffice) 3. Komissiyapotsennymbumagami Exchange Commission United States (Securities and Exchange Commission) 4. European Central Bank (EuropeanCentralBank) 5. Federal Reserve Board U.S. 6. BankAnglii (Bank of England) 7. The German Federal Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) International financial institutions 1. Mezhdunarodnyyvalyutnyyfond (International Monetary Fund) 2. United Nations http :/ / www. un. org. / 3. World Trade Organization (WorldTradeOrganization) http :/ / www. wto. org / 4. Международныйкомитетпостандартамучета (International Accounting Standards Committee) 5. Международныйбанкреконструкциииразвития (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 6. Bankmezhdunarodnyhraschetov (Bank for International Settlements) 7. European Union 8. ЕвропейскийБанкреконструкциииразвития (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Combining financial market participants 1. National Association of Securities Market of the Russian Federation (NAUFOR) 2. Association of Financial Market (AssociationCambisteInternationale - ACI) http :/ / www. aciforex. com / 3. National Currency Association (NCA) http :/ / www. nva. ru / 4. AssotsiatsiyabankovBritanii (British Banks Association) 5. The European Banking Federation (EuropeanBankingFederation) Exchange 1. Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MoscowInterbankCurrencyExchange) http :/ / www. micex. ru / 2. Russian Trading System (RTS) 3. Moscow Stock Exchange (MoscowStockExchange) http :/ / www. mse. ru / 4. London Stock Exchange (LondonStockExchange) http :/ / www. londonstockexchange. com / 5. Лондонскаямеждународнаябиржафинансовыхфьючерсовиопционов (London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange) 6. New - Yorkskayafondovayabirzha (New York Stock Exchange) Information and rating agencies 1.Informatsionnoe agency "RBC» 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Periodicals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The news agency "AK & M» Prime-Tass - Agency economic information News agency «Cbonds» Rating Agency "Expert - RA» Reytingovoeagentstvo Moody 's Investors Serviceshttp :/ / www. moodys. com / Rating agency Standard & Poor 'shttp :/ / Rating agency Fitch IBCAhttp :/ / Financial information service Google. Finance «Finance and Credit" http://www. financepress. ru / Magazine "Finance. " http://www.f inansmag. ru / Practical Journal of Financial Management companies "CFO» «Expert» http :/ / www. expert. ru / Newspaper "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" http :/ / www. rg. ru / 6. The newspaper Euromoneyhttp :/ / www. euromoney. com / 7. Newspaper The Financial Timeshttp :/ / Research organizations 1. University Information System RUSSIA 2. Institute for the Economy in Transition 3. European Capital Markets Institute (EuropeanCapitalMarketsInstitute) 4. International Statistics Institute (InternationalStatisticalInstitute) 5. National Bureau of Economic Research, USA (NationalBureauofEconomicResearch) 2. Literature on the subject "Money, credit, banks' Basic Books 1. 2. 3. 4. A. Bulatov Economy. - Moscow, 2010. Zhukov EF etc. Money, Credit, banks. - Moscow, 2010. OI lavrushin Banking. The modern system of credit. - M., 2011. OI lavrushin Money, credit, banks. - Moscow, 2010. Regulatory Documents 1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 2. Federal Law of 10.07.2002 № № 86 - FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" (as amended. And ext.). 3. ext.). Federal Law of 02.12.1990 № 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activity" (with rev. And 4. Federal Law of 23.12.2003g number 77 - FZ "On Insurance of Household Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation" (as amended. And ext.). 5. Federal Law of 18.04.2001g "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control" . (with rev. and additional .). 6. CBR position number 14 - P from 05.01.1998 g . "On rules organization Cash Money Treatment on territory of the Russian Federation " (with rev . and ext.) 7. CBR position "cash payments in the Russian Federation» № 2-P from 12.04.2001, the (amended. And ext.). Further Reading 1. Bazulin V. Money. Credit. Banks. - Moscow, 2010. 2.Bankovskaya Encyclopedia: in 2 volumes / Ed. LV Yasnopolskogo. - Kyiv, 1914. 3. 4. Beloglazova GN Krolivetskaya L. P. Banking business (5th ed.) - M., 2008 A. Vasiliev , Schegoleva H . R . Money and monetary circulation. Training Manual 3 ed . - M., 2011. 5. Grishina OA Zvonova E . A . Regulation world financial Market: Theory, practice tools. M ., 2010. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Eagleton Katherine Williams Jonathan Money. history of civilizations. - M ., 2011. Keynes J . M . General theory of employment, interest and money. - M ., 1978. Keynes J . M . Treatise about monetary reform. - M ., 1993. Knapp G . Essays State theory of money. - Odessa, 1913. MakkonnellKempbell P ., Brue Stanley L . Flynn Sean M . Economics. - M ., 2011. I. Merkulov, VM, money, credit, banks. - Moscow, 2010. Roger Leroy Miller, Van Hoose David D . Modern money and banking business. - M ., 2010. 13. 14. Pashkus SE . In . Money: Past and modernity - L ., 1990. Pechnikova A . In ., Markov About . M ., Starodubtseva E . Bytes . Banking operations M ., 2009. 15. 16. 17. 18. Rybin VI National banking systems. - Moscow, 2008 Svyatlovskaya In . In . Origin money and Cash signs. - M ., 2010. Slepov In . A ., Zvonova E . A . International financial market. - M ., 2009. Fetisov GG lavrushin OI Mamonova I. D. Organization of the central bank. - M., 2011. Internet resources and other electronic information sources www . The Russian government МинистерствофинансовРоссии МинистерствоэкономическогоразвитияРоссии официальныйсайтБанкаРоссии Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Association of Russian Banks News Agency of banking business The official website for Worldwide Interbank Financial Information and to make payments The official website of the Bank for International Settlements Magazine «The Economist» Magazine "Expert" Magazine "Finansovyymenedzhment" Magazine "Finansovyydirektor" Magazine "Rynoktsennyhbumag" News "Finmarket" News "Bloomberg" ИнформагентствоРосБизнесКонсалтинг Ассоциацияфинансовыхрынков (ACI The Financial Market Association) Site of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) The World Bank Group The official website of the Moscow International Currency Exchange ofitsialnyysayt U.S. Federal Reserve www . официальныйсайтБанкаАнглии official website of the European Central Bank Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts Сайткорпоративногоуправления Institutupravleniyariskami (IRM) Association of Insurance and Risk Managers ( AIRMIC) National Forum for Risk Management in the Public Sector ( ALARM) White Pages Site on the Internet Website of the "Group of 20" 3. Institutional Investors of the "Euro-money" ЕвропейскаяБанковскаяАссоциация Personalnyefinansy and investments The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Europeen Central Bank International Swaps and Derivatives Association Global Association of Risk Professionals Literature on discipline "Financial Management " Basic textbook 1. Financial management. Tutorial / FGBOU VPO "Rau them. T. At. Plekhanov ", 2011 T one red. Slepova In. A. - M.: The basic literature on discipline 1.Blank IA Fundamentals of Financial Management. 2 T. - K.: Omega-L, Elga, 2011 2.Breyli R., S. Myers Principles of Corporate Finance. - JSC "Olympus - Business», 2012 3.BrighemYudzh., Houston, JA Financial management. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2011 4. BrighemYudzh ., Ehrhardt M. C. Financial management . Theory and Practice. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2007 5. Van HornDzh.K., VahovichDzh.M. Basics financial management. - M.: PH "Williams", 2010. 6. VVKovalev Financial management. Theory and practice. - M.: Prospect, 2011 7. Лимитовский М . А ., Лобанова Е . Н ., Паламарчук В . П ., Минасян В . Б . Корпора тивный финансовый менеджмент . – М .: Юрайт - Izdat 2012 8. Melkumov I. C. Financial calculations . Theory and Practice. - M.: Infra - M, 2010 9. Financial management. Theory and Practice: A Textbook / R od ed. E.S.Stoyanovoy. M.: Perspective, 2010. 10. Sheremet A. D. Analysis and diagnostics financial - economic activity of the enterprise. M.: Infra - M, 2009 Further Reading 1.Blank IA Management of financial resources. - K.: Omega-L, Elga, 2011 2.Blank IA The management of the capital. - K.: Nick Center, Omega-L, Elga, 2008 3.Kovalev VV Kovalev Vit.V. Financial management. Summary of lectures with the tasks and tests. M.: Prospect, 2011 4.Kovalev VV The financial management structure of the firm. - M.: Prospect, 2011 5. 2008 Ross S. Fundamentals of corporate finance. - Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 6. Finance. Textbook for universities / R od ed. Knyazev VG, Slepova In. A. - M. Masters 2008 7. Finance: Tutorial / T one red. S.I.Lushina, VA Slepova. - M.: Economist, 2007 8. Etrill P. MacLane E. Financial Management and managerial accounting for Executives and businessmen. - M.: Alpina Publisher 2012 9. Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt. - Financial Management: Theory and Practice. - South-Western College Pub , 2011 10. Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Alan J. Marcus. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. - McGraw-Hill Irwin , 2009 11. RyanB. Finance and Accounting for Business. - South Western College Publishing , 2008 Online Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. http :/ / www. loginfo. RU H 4.Literatura on discipline "Corporate Finance" Basic tutorials: 1. Slepov At. A., Shubin T. In. - "Finance organizations ": the textbook - M.: Masters; INFRA - M, 2011 2. Brigham SE. F., Ehrhardt M. With .. Financial Management (10 - e edition) - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2010 Main reading: 1. 2. Shubin TV Finance organizations (enterprises). Tutorial - M. Ross. e kon.akad., 2008. Blank IA Encyclopedia of financial management. [In 4 volumes]. Volume 1. Conceptual basics financial management. M.: Omega - L 2008. C. 399-401. 3. Savitskaya GV Methodology for integrated analysis of economic activity - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2011 4. ES Stoyanov. Financial Management: Theory and Practice: A Textbook / 6th ed. Moscow: Publishing House of the "Perspective", 2008. 400 . 5. Shubin TV Game workshop on the subject "Finance organizations (enterprises)." Theoretical and practical exercises - M.: REU them. GV Plekhanov, 2010 Legal documents: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Tax Code of the Russian Federation RF Law 26dekabrya 1995 № 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" Law of the Russian Federation of January 12, 1996 № 7-FZ "On Noncommercial Organizations" 5. Law of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2002 № 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)". 6. Law of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 № 161-FZ "On state and municipal unitary enterprises" 7. Law of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2006 № 275-FZ "On the formation and use of endowment-profit organizations" 8. Law of the Russian Federation of August 11, 1995 № 135-FZ "On Charity and Charitable Organizations" 9. Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2005 № 94-FZ "On placing orders for goods, works and services for state and municipal needs" 10. RF Government Resolution of 10 April 2002. № 228 "On measures more effective use of federal property assigned to the economic management of the federal state unitary enterprise" 11. RF Government Resolution of October 04, 1999 № 1116 "On approval of the accountability of federal unitary enterprises and representatives of the Russian Federation in the management bodies of joint stock companies" 12. RF Government Resolution of 11 January 2000. Number 23 "On approval of the keeping of the register of economic efficiency indicators SUEs" 13. Government Decree of 15 December 2007 № 872 "On the establishment and regulation of activities of the federal state-owned enterprises" 14. Russian Ministry of Finance Order dated July 02, 2010 № 66n "Forms of Financial Statements" 15. Russian Ministry of Finance Order dated 31 May 1999. Number 32n "On Approval of Accounting" Income " 16. Russian Ministry of Finance Order dated 06 May, 1999. Number 33n "On Approval of Accounting" Expense, " 17. Russian Ministry of Finance Order dated 20 May 2003. Number 44n "On approval of guidelines for the formation of statements at reorganization of the organization" 18. Order of the Russian Finance Ministry and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market № 10n, 03-6 FCSM RF / pz "On Approval order evaluation net assets jointstock companies " Further reading: 1. 2. 3. Artyomenko VG, Analysis of financial statements. - M: Omega-L, 2011 Zimovets A . In . "short-term financial policy "- M. - Phoenix, 2010. Likhachev O., Shchourov SA Long-term and short-term financial policy of the company. Tutorial - M.: college textbooks, 2011 4. Savitskaya GV Analysis of the economic performance of an enterprise. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2009 5. Trenev H . H . Managing finances: Training Manual. M.: Finance and credit in 2009. 185 . F inansovy dictionary / Blagodatin A. A ., Lozovskiy In . W ., Raysberg B . A . - M .: Inf-ra-AM 2008 6. Shokhina EI Financial management: the textbook-KNORUS M., 2011. - 480 with . Recommended Online Resources: 1. 2. 3. http :/ / www. akm. ru http :/ / www. akdi. ru http :/ www. aton. ru 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. http :/ / www. bes. ru http :/ / www. cfin. ru http :/ / www. consulting . ru http :/ / www. expert. ru http :/ / www. gaap. ru http :/ / www. prime - tass. ru http :/ / www. rbc. ru http :/ / www. rencap. com / rus http :/ / www. troika. ru http:// http:// www. http :/ / www. fd. ru http :/ / www. consultant. ru 5. Literature on the subject "Securities Market" Basic textbook: Joint-stock deal. Textbook. Ed. Galanova VA. M., Finance and Statistics, 2008. Main reading: 1. Securities Market: Theory and Practice, edited by VA Galanova - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 2. Wealth Management in the Social Finance Textbook / P edited one IP Hominich. M .: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 3. Arnold G. Investing: A Guide to FinancialTimes: most full directory by Investment and Financial markets / Translation with Engl. M.: Case and Services, 2007. 4. Vilkova TB Conflict of interest in carrying out brokerage activities in the securities market / / Bulletin of the Academy of Finance. 2007. Number 1. 5. Spruce I. Hedge funds: some trends / / Market securities market. 2006. Number 16. 6. Federal Law "On the Securities Market" dated 2 2.04.1996 № 39 - FZ, section 2. Professional participants market securities market. 7. Federal Law "On Investment Funds" FZ number 49. 8. FFMS Order of April 24, 2007 № 07-50 ns n "On Approval capital adequacy standards of professional participants of the securities market, and also Governors Companies investment funds, mutual investmentfunds and non-state pension funds. " 9. FFMS Order of March 16, 2005 № 05-3 / nsn " About Approval about licensing species professional activities on market securities market ( with amendments of 28 July 2005 g., 27 June 2006 r.). 10. Order of the Ministry of Finance from 8.08. 2005 "On approval of placement of insurance reserves." 11. NAUFOR / Standards internal accounting operations with securities to brokers and dealers - NAUFOR members. Recommendations for the use of the Internet - resources 1. www. minfin . RU - Russian Federation Ministry of Finance . Official information Ministry. Reporting about performance of the Federal budget RF. Regulatory and methodological Materials 2. www. MICEX . ru - Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). Analytical and Information Materials by Trading in shares and bonds of corporations. 3. www. koob. RU - Electronic Library . Economic and legal literature, new items. Special periodic publications. 4. www. akm. RU - AK & M - information-analytical agency . Description Product and services: the base data, newsletters, rankings, news. 5. www. finam. RU - "Finmarket" - News Agency . Analytical articles, news. Full range of economic information. 6. . www. Finam . RU - Finance analyst . Comments to events in economy. Forums and Conference. 7. www. skrin. ru - SCREEN - organization authorized FFMS on implementation of the spread information disclosed on market securities securities 6.Literatura on discipline "Corporate Insurance" Basic textbook: 1. Ivashkin EI Mutual insurance theory, need, development. Moscow Plekhanov. Plekhanov, 2000 2. Ivashkin EI Mutual Plekhanov. Plekhanov, 2001 insurance in terms of problems of reforming the organization and economy. Moscow 3. Ivashkin EI Ryabikin In. And., Kozhevnikov And. H., Siyatskov C. A. Corporate and mutual insurance. M.: CEA them. T. At. Plekhanov, 2003 Main reading: 1. Mutual insurance companies. MA 1993 2. Shahs VV Insurance. M.: Insurance policy, 1997. 3. Directory insurance industry. M.: The insurance policy. 1994 4. Kozhevnikov IN Relationship of insurance companies and banks. - M., Ankil, 2005 5. Ryabikin In. And. Actuarial calculations. M.: Finstatinform, 1996 6. Siyatskov C. A. Risks of trading Business and practice insurance. - M.: Ankil, 2006 7. Insurance: Proc. Manual / ed. Prof. VI Ryabikina. - M: Economist, 2006. Further reading: 1. AP Arkhipov, VV Volkov, AA Reznikov Insurance: Textbook. - Khanty-Mansiysk: State Insurance Company " Yugoria ", 2007. 2. PV Zhuravlev, VV Vladimirov, Bannikov SA, AA Butko Insurance Basics of entrepreneurship: the textbook - M.: Publishing house "exam", 2008. 3. Ivashkin EI Theory, practice and principles of corporate insurance / / Financial Management, № 1, 2005. 4. Insurance: the textbook / under the editorship . T . A. Fedorova. 3 e ed ., rev. and ext . - M .: Masters Degree, 2008. Normative - legal acts 1. 2. 3. 4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Federal Law "On Insurance of the Russian Federation." 5. 6. 7. FZ "On mutual insurance." FZ "On state minimum standards." Law "On Health Insurance in the Russian Federation." Internet resources and other electronic information sources 1. 2. 3. http://www. expert. ru 4. 7.Literatura on the subject "Financial Monitoring" Basic textbook: Zubkov VA Osipov, SK Russian Federation in the international system counter (legalization) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing. - Moscow: Publishing House "Gorodets", 2006. Main reading: 1. Zubkov VA Formation and development of the system of financial monitoring The Russian Federation. - M: University Book, 2008. 2. Zubkov B. A. Osipov C. K. The international system for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 3. Proshunin MM "Financial Monitoring (counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing): Textbook / R od ed. prof. SV Zapolskogo. - M.: RAP; Statute of 2009. 4. Fituni L. A. Financial monitoring. - M.: MNEPU 2002. 5. AN CHashin Detection of unusual transactions as a method of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism. - M: Business and Services, 2010. Normative-legal acts: 1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993). 2. The United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 19 December 1988 (Vienna). 3. Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime of 8 November 1990 (Strasbourg). 4. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism of 9 December 1999. 5. The UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 15 November 2000. ( Palermo). 6. The UN Convention against Corruption of 31 October 2003 (Merida). 7. Forty-nine and the FATF Recommendations, 2003 (as amended on October 22, 2004). 8. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 № 63-FZ. 9. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2001 № 174-FZ. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part One November 30, 1994 № 51-FZ, the second part of January 26, 1996 № 14-FZ, the third part of the November 26, 2001 № 146-FZ. 10. Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 № 195-FZ. 11. Federal Law of August 7, 2001 № 115-FZ "On Combating Legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing." 12. 13. Federal Law of March 6, 2006 № 35-FZ "On Combating Terrorism". 14. Federal Law of December 2, 1990 № 395-1 «On banks and banking activity". 15. Federal Law of April 22, 1996 № 39-FZ "On the Securities Market". 16. Federal Law of March 26, 1998 № 41-FZ "On the precious metals and precious stones." 17. The Federal Law of July 17, 1999 № 176-FZ "On Postal Communication". 18. Federal Law of October 29, 1998 № 164-FZ "On the financial rent (leasing)." 19. Federal Law of August 8, 2001 № 128-FZ "On licensing certain types of activities." Federal Law of August 8, 2001 № 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs." 20. Federal Law of May 31, 2002 № 63-FZ "On Advocacy and Advocacy in the Russian Federation." 21. Federal Law of 26 December 2008 № 294-FZ "On protection of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control." 22. 23. Federal Law of November 11, 2003 № 138-FZ "On the sweepstakes." Federal Law of 29 December 2006 № 244-FZ "On state regulation of the organization and conduct of gambling and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." 24. Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 № 4015-1 «On organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation." 25. 26. Fundamentals of Russian legislation on notaries from February 11, 1993 № 4462-1. Presidential Decree of November 1, 2001 № 1263 "On the authorized body to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing." 27. Presidential Decree of 17 December 1997 № 1300 "On Approval of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation." 28. Presidential Decree of March 9, 2004 № 314 "On the system and structure of federal bodies of executive power." 29. Presidential Decree of May 20, 2004 № 649 "Questions structure of the federal bodies of executive power." 30. 31. Presidential Decree of February 15, 2006 № 116 "On measures to combat terrorism." Government Decree of April 17, 2002 № 245 "On Approval of the Regulations on the provision of information to the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring organizations performing operations with monetary funds or other assets." 32. Decree of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2002 № 983-p, to approve the recommendation for the development organization that engages in transactions with funds or other assets of the internal controls in order, countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing . 33. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 8, 2003 № 6 "On the approval procedure of internal controls in organizations performing operations with monetary funds or other assets." 34. Government Decree of January 18, 2003 № 27 "On approval of the procedure for determining the list of organizations and individuals, for which there is information about their involvement in extremist activities, and to bring this to the attention of the list of organizations performing operations with monetary funds or other property. " 35. Government Decree of January 18, 2003 № 28 "On approval of the Regulation for registration in the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of organizations performing operations with monetary funds or other assets, in a field where there are no supervisors." 36. Russian Federation Government Resolution dated March 26, 2003 № 173 "On the procedure for determining and publishing the list of states (territories), who are not involved in international cooperation in countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing." 37. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2004 № 307 "On approval of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring." 38. Government Decree of 16 February 2005 № 82 "On approval of the Regulations on the transfer of information to the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring lawyers, notaries and persons engaged in business activities in the sphere of legal and accounting services." 39. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2005 № 715 "On the qualifications for special officials responsible for compliance with the internal control rules and implementation programs, as well as the requirements for training and education, customer identification of beneficiaries for the purpose of counteracting the legalization ( laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing. " 40. Order CPM Russia from June 16, 2003 № 72 "On approval of the Russian edition of CPM decisions to suspend operations (leaning) with cash or other assets in cases stipulated by the Federal Law" On counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism. " 41. Order CPM Russia from August 11, 2003 № 104 "On approval of recommendations on specific provisions of the internal control rules developed by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other assets, in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing . " 42. 43. Order Rosfinmonitoring 7 nyunya 2005 g. number 86 "On Approval Instructions about representation in Rosfinmonitoring information provided by the Federal Law of 7 August 2001 , the number 115 - FZ Aboutcounteraction to legalization ( laundering) of incomes obtained by criminal means, and Financing terrorism ". 44. Order Rosfinmonitoring 14 July "On Officials faces Federal Service financial monitoring of Commissioners be protocols about Administrative Offences " 2005 g. number 108 Order of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of November 1, 2008 № 256 "On approval of the Regulation on the requirements for training and education organizations performing operations with monetary funds or other assets, in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism. " 45. Internet resources and other electronic information sources 1. Federal Service for Financial Monitoring: www. fedsfm. ru. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. EA D: www. euroasiangroup. org. FATF: . Wolfsberg Group: . World Bank: . EC: . IBRD: . International Monetary Fund: . Council of Europe: . Federal Service for Financial Markets: . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Central Bank of Russia Consultant Plus . Ministry of Finance Russian Government . State Duma . Information-Publishing Center "Statistics of Russia" . Goskomstat . United Nations . International information system on countering legalization of proceeds from crime . Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering . 8. Literature on the subject "Taxes and tax system" Main reading: 1. 2. Berezin MY Taxation of real estate. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics. 2009. Lord of MV, Tarasov VF Saprykina TV Collection of problems on taxes and taxation. Textbook . n individuals. - M.: KNORUS 2010. 3. Gorsky IV, Medvedev OV. Lebedinska TG. Yudin EA Taxation of real estate in foreign countries. (Monograph). - M. Masters: INFRA-M, 2010. 4. Kosolapov AI Special tax regimes. Textbook. n individuals. - Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation Dashkov and K 2010. 5. Mironov OA, Hanafeev F . F . Tax Administration. - M .: Publishing - in "Omega - A ", 2010. 6. Molchanov SS Taxes: calculation and optimization. - M.: Penguin Books, 2010. 7. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. - Moscow: Publishing House "Omega-L", 2010. 8. Pavlova LP Goncharenko LI Federal taxes and fees from the organizations. Textbook. M.: "Status Quo 97", 2010. 9. Panskov In . R . Taxes and taxation in RF - M . "Book World ", 2009. 10. P olyak GB Taxes and taxation. - Moscow: Publishing House of UNITY-DANA, 2009. 11. Popova LV, Drozhzhina IA Maslov BG Tax systems of foreign countries. - Moscow: Business and Service, 2011. 12. Rusakov AND . R ., Cashin In . A . Taxes and Taxation: Study guide for universities. / U nder the editorship . And. G . Rusakovoj, In . A . Kashin. - Moscow: Finance, UNITY, 2009. 13. With emenova GN Taxes: Theory and Practice. Podolsk, Moscow State Institute of Economics, 2009. 14. Blueberries DG Taxes in a market economy. - Moscow: Finance UNITY 2009. 15. W Yornik DG Taxes and taxation. - M.: MTsFER 2010. Further reading: 1. Belikov TN All about taxes: Textbook. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2010. 2. Golubkova H. SW. Tax planning. Textbook. n individuals. - M.: MGUESI 2010. Goncharenko LI Workshop on taxes and taxation. - M.: KNORUS 2010. Yevstigneev EI Taxes and taxation. / EI Yevstigneev. - 5th ed. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 3. 4. 2010. 5. Zakhar'in VR Taxes and taxation: a tutorial. - M.: ID "Forum": INFRA-M, 2010. 6. Kashin VA, Taxes and Taxation: The rate minimum: Textbook. n individuals. / VA Kashin - M. Masters, 2009. 7. Mayburov AND. A. Theory and history taxation . - M.: Publishing - in UNITY - DANA 2009. 8. Mamrukova About. And. Taxes and taxation. Textbook. n individuals. / O. Mamrukova. 7 - th ed., rev. - M.: Omega - L, 2010. 9. Mandroschenko About. In. Pinsk M. P. Taxes and taxation. Textbook. n individuals. - M.: "Dashkov & Co.", 2009. 10. Mityukova ES Tax planning. Analysis of real circuits. - M.: Penguin Books, 2010. 11. Nikulkina AND. At. General theory of taxation . - M.: Penguin Books, 2010. 12. Organization and methods of tax audits. Textbook . n individuals. - 2nd ed. / Ed. prof. AN Romanov - M.: college textbooks, 2009. 13. Pepelyaev C . R . Taxes: Reform and Practice. - M.: Status 2009. 14. Perov AV, AV Tolkushkin Taxes, Proc. Allowance. - M.: Yurait-Izdat 2009. 15. Petrov MA The tax system and the taxation in Russia. Textbook. n individuals. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. 16. Petukhov, NE Stories taxation in Russia IX - XX centuries. Textbook. n individuals. - M.: High school textbook, 2009. 17. Pushkarev VM History of thought and financial policy of taxes. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics. 2010. 18. Khudoleev In. In, Taxes and taxation. Textbook. n individuals. - M.: Forum; INFRA-M, 2010. 19. Shapkova E. SW. Taxes and taxation . - M.: Publishing Trade Corporation Dashkov and By 2009. Magazines: Consultant; Russian Tax Courier; tax policy. Newspapers: About fitsialnye documents; accounting, tax, law, financial newspaper. Using Internet resources and other electronic information sources 1. 2. 3. www. finansy. ru www. nalog. ru ('s Tax Service of Russia). www. oviont. RU . Appendix 1. Questions for the final state exam interdisciplinary bachelor direction 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" 1. Financial Markets: concept, structure, participants. 2. Savings as a factor of investment resources. The relationship of investment and savings. 3. Investment. Factors determining the demand for investment. 4. Cyclical development of the global financial market. Crisis in financial markets: local, global, cyclical. Historical examples of cyclic global financial crises. 5. Historical stages of the evolution of money. Types and forms of money. 6. The nature and function of money. The role of money in a market economy. 7. The relationship and differences between money, credit and finance. 8. Monetary system: the concept and characteristics of its individual elements. Modern monetary system in Russia. 9. The evolution of monetary systems. 10. The origin and nature of money. Basic theory of money. 11. Organization cash turnover in Russia. The role of the Bank of Russia in this process. 12. Non-cash turnover: organization and regulation in Russia. 13. Inflation: the nature, types, methods of reducing, specificity in Russia. 14. Money supply: the concept and composition of monetary aggregates. Monetary base and its value in monetary regulation. 15. Manage cash and non-cash circulation in Russia. 16. Concept of payment and settlement system and its structure. 17. Organization of money turnover: billing, settlement and cash turnover. 18. Finance: the concept and functions. 19. Financial system: concept, structure and characteristics of its individual components. 20. Budget: concept, structure and role in the economy. 21. The budget system of the Russian Federation: the concept, structure and characterization of the individual levels. 22. Public finance concept, essence, structure and role in the economy. 23. Features of the organization of municipal finance in modern Russia. 24. State funds: the concept, purpose, particularly the formation and use. 25. Public debt: the concept, structure, criteria for assessing the safe level. 26. Public Debt Management: concept and basic techniques. 27. Features of formation and use of the federal budget at the present stage. 28. Imbalance in the state budget, ways to achieve balance. 29. The notion of the budget process, its main stages and their organization. 30. Treasury budget execution system: concept, essence, principles, advantages. 31. The modern structure of the financial market. Characteristics of some types of financial market. 32. The essence of the goals and objectives of financial management. 33. Basic principles and concepts of financial management. 34. Financial resources of the organization: concept, types and methods of formation. 35. Key financial indicators of financial and economic activity of the company. 36. Current assets of the enterprise: the classification of species and methods of financing. Effectiveness of current assets of the company. 37. Essence, the purposes and methods of financial planning companies. 38. Financial risks of the company. Methods of evaluation. 39. Risk assessment, cause capital structure. The first and second concept of financial leverage. SUMMARY Methods and calculation 40. The structure and nature of the operational financial management. Operational analysis. 41. Power operating leverage and business risk assessment. 42. Types of dividend policy of the company. 43. Cost of capital: Concept, nature, direction of use. 44. Factors determining the structure of funding sources. Advantages and disadvantages of different sources of financing of the company. 45. Issuing of the company. 46. Price and value of financial assets. Law present value. 47. Evaluation of debt and equity securities, and the main characteristics of the model. 48. Management of current assets of the company. Operating and financial cycles. 49. Inventory Management. 50. Credit policy of the company, the rationale value discounts. 51. Receivables Management. Basic methods of refinancing receivables. 52. Investment activity. Investment performance: essence, payment and use. 53. Budgeting system in Russian enterprises. Types of budgets compiled at the enterprise. 54. Financial risks: the nature, types, classification and management practices. 55. Liquidity risk: the nature and classification, evaluation methods and management. 56. Bankruptcy of organizations (enterprises). Methods to prevent bankruptcy and rehabilitation organizations. 57. Finance population: the concept and the influence of factors on the formation of funds of funds of individuals in modern conditions. 58. Income, classification and characteristics of individual species. 59. Use of the population of their financial resources. 60. Accumulation and savings: methods of formation and role in the economy. 61. Credit: concept, function and role in a market economy. 62. Commercial and bank credit: concepts, general features, the main differences and relationship. 63. Consumer, mortgage and the mortgage loan types in modern conditions. 64. International credit: concept, role and function. Impact of the international credit on the economy of various countries. 65. Banking system and its structure. Types of credit organizations in Russia and their features. 66. Bank of Russia: status, goals and functions. 67. The Bank of Russia as an organ of state regulation and supervision. 68. Types of monetary policy and their features. 69. Types of credit organizations in Russia and their functions. 70. Banks: the nature, functions, and views. 71. The concept of the bank and its differences from other credit institutions. 72. Commercial banks as the main operators of the credit market. 73. Active operations of the bank and their implications for its functioning. 74. SUMMARY variety of passive and banking operations. 75. Classification of forms of credit. 76. Currency: concept and classification of species. Position of the national currency in the international market. 77. Currency systems: concept and types. Features of the monetary system of Russia. 78. The international monetary system: concept, evolutionary development and current status. 79. Russian currency market: the stages of formation and current status. 80. The international currency market: structure, participants, major surgery. 81. The system of international payments. 82. International payment systems. 83. 84. 85. 86. The role of taxes in regulating the economy. Classification of taxes. Direct taxes: advantages and disadvantages. Indirect taxes: advantages and disadvantages. 87. Socio-economic nature and classification of insurance. 88. Personal insurance: the essence, purpose and basic. 89. Current state and prospects of development of the insurance market of the Russian Federation. 90. Russian pension system: characteristics, functions, principles of construction, the direction of reform. 91. Compulsory and voluntary insurance: common and distinctive features, used in Russia and abroad. 92. Economic essence and characteristics of corporate insurance. 93. Insurance reserves: the nature and methods of calculation. 94. State regulation of insurance activities in Russia: methods, trends and prospects. 95. Financial stability of the insurer: the concept, factors indicators. 96. The Russian stock market: current state and development trends. 97. The dividend policy of the company. 98. Stock Exchange: tasks, functions and development trends. 99. The structure and location of the securities market in the financial market. 89. Indicators of the securities market. 100. 101. 102. General characteristics of the securities, the nature, types. Action and its characteristics. Bond and its characteristics. 103. Price: definition and classification of species. 104. The price system: concept and features a variety of economic conditions. 105. Price structure and characteristics of the individual components. 106. Pricing methods: concept, classification, advantages and disadvantages of the individual methods. 107. Pricing strategy in a market economy. 108. The need for state regulation of prices, classification methods and their characteristics. Appendix 2 Approximate topics final qualifying works bachelors in 080100 "Economics" profile "Corporate Finance" 1. Features of formation of financial management of Russian companies. 2. Function and mechanism of financial management. 3. Methods and tools of financial management to ensure efficient operation of the company. 4. Financial management of the crisis. 5. Role and purpose finance company in a market economy. 6. Financial mechanism of management of the company (by ownership and management). 7. Features of formation and use of financial resources of the company in crisis. 8. The place and role of finance in the financial system of the state. 9. Specificity of financial relations of different forms of ownership (by ownership and management). 10. Features of the organization finance corporations. 11. Features of the organization finance non-profit organizations. 12. Features financial management on unitary enterprises. 13. Features of the organization finance small businesses. 14. Methods of state financial support for small businesses. 15. Diagnosis of the financial crisis. 16. Financial recovery company with poor balance sheet structure. 17. Mechanisms of financial stabilization of the company. 18. Bankruptcy as a way of reforming the company. 19. Main directions to prevent bankruptcy and reorganization of the company. 20. The essence of crisis management in the financial activities of the company. 21. Pricing policy in times of crisis. 22. The economic essence and objectives of capital management company. 23. Management techniques equity company. 24. Optimization of the capital structure of the company. 25. Leverage effect. 26. Company's dividend policy. 27. Forms and procedures for the payment of dividends. 28. Methods and evaluation stages of cost of capital. 29. Assessing the impact of financial capital structure for the company's profitability. 30. The essence of the problem and investment management company. 31. The investment policy of the company: the formation and implementation. 32. Role in the investment strategy of the company. 33. Stages of formation of company's investment strategy. 34. Formation of a portfolio of investments. 35. Information support of financial management. 36. The role of financial planning in the company. 37. Principles and methods of financial planning companies. 38. Concept, essence and principles of financial strategy. 39. Evaluating the effectiveness of the financial strategy of the company. 40. Operational financial planning company. 41. Liabilities of the company: the structure and management methods. 42. Cash turnover in the company. 43. Cash flow management company. 44. Projected cash flows of the company. 45. Optimizing cash flow of the company. 46. Depreciation charges as sources of fixed assets. 47. Intangible assets in the financial and economic activities of the company. 48. The mechanism of current assets management company. 49. Sources of circulating capital and finance their growth. 50. Accounting methods risk factor in financial operations of the company. 51. Operational (production) lever. 52. Composition and characteristics of the financial management of non-current assets. 53. Composition and characteristics of the financial management of current assets of the company. 54. Strategic and operational objectives of the financial strategy of the enterprise. 55. Financial risk management company. 56. Financial Risk Management in the process of assessing the financial performance of the company. 57. Liquidity risk: the nature and classification, evaluation methods and management. 58. Management of corporate financial risk in project financing. 59. Financial risks arising in the process of cost management company. 60. Company manages its debt. 61. Inventory management company. 62. Equity management company. 63. Company manages its capital structure. 64. Current receivables management company. 65. Financial management of non-current assets. 66. Management of financing current assets of the company. 67. Accounting for inflation factor in the management of financial flows. 68. Financial results of the company, their regulation, analysis and control. 69. Financial statements in financial management of the company. 70. Criteria and evaluation of the financial condition of the company. 71. Analysis of the financial condition of the real sector of Russia. 72. Analysis of cash flows between the company and the financial market. 73. Financial Analysis: Methods and practice of conducting. 74. Financial leasing: the nature and possibilities of its use now. 75. Tax policy and evaluation of its effectiveness.