OPERATIONS PLAN 2014-2015 Operations Plan 2014-15 Within the Board’s Charter, the Corporate Plan sets the framework and the direction for the Lord Howe Island Board over the three years from 2014 to 2016. The key performance indicators measuring the Board’s success against the Plan are incorporated into the Board’s annual Operations Plan. The Operations Plan identifies specific outputs, activities and measures that will ensure the strategies of the Corporate Plan are achieved for one year of the Plan. At the end of each financial year, overall performance against the Operations Plan targets and the Corporate Plan’s key result areas are reported to the Board and the community through the Board’s Annual Report. Planning Process Corporate Plan (3 Years) Operations Plan (One Year) Annual Report Page 1 of 14 Strategic Direction: Effective Governance & Leadership Strategy 1.1 Ensure accountability, fairness and transparency in the Board's decision-making and relationships with all its stakeholders Hold Board meetings on a quarterly basis in public. Develop an 10 Year Community Strategic Plan. Develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures to ensure decisions are merit based, transparent and defendable. KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer Action Action Action 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 Four public meetings held per annum. 10 Year Community Strategic Plan developed. Policies and procedures reviewed in accordance with the schedule to ensure currency and completeness. A record is kept of conflicts of interest declared. Community input to policy development is sought as appropriate. CEO/MBCS CEO MBCS Action 1.1.4 Ensure all conflicts of interest of Board members and staff are declared and managed in accordance with the Board's Code of Conduct. Action 1.1.5 Ensure appropriate community engagement and consultation opportunities are provided so that community input to decisions and plans is obtained and considered. Program of meetings and engagement opportunities undertaken. CEO Action 1.1.6 Implement a level of Delegated Authrority to ensure efficient and equitable organisational operations. Appropriate delegations of authority are enacted tp provide staff with sufficient powers to enforce the LHI Act and Regulation and other legislation administered by the Board. CEO Action 1.1.7 Review and amend governance structures, policies and decision processes to provide for changing community needs. 1. Code of Meeting Practices is adhered to. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interests are completed on an annual basis. CEO Strategy 1.2 KPIs/Measure Action 1.2.1 Responsible Officer MBCS Action Action 1.2.2 1.2.3 Ensure corporate governance practices meet legislative requirements. Provide assistance to and resource the Audit and Review Management Committee (ARMC) and the internal audit function. Contribute to the review of the LHI Act and Regulation. Provide relevant and timely advice to Government on matters affecting the management of the island. Strategy 1.3 Action 1.3.1 Action 1.3.2 Action 1.3.3 Work to achieve long term financial sustainability Work with the NSW Government on a sustainable long term financial plan. Levy fees and charges at an appropriate level. Ensure that the services delivered are provided at the appropriate level. 1. ARMC meets four times per year. 2. Internal Audit work plan completed. Review completed. Prepare briefings and submissions as required to the Minister, DPE, OLG and Treasury as appropriate. KPIs/Measure Agreement on sustainable funding is achieved. Fees and charges are in accordance with the Board's financial plan. Service levels and service delivery monitored and reports provided to the Board on achievement of service levels. MBCS CEO CEO/MBCS Responsible Officer CEO/MBCS MBCS CEO Page 1 of 14 Strategy 1.4 Ensure risks are properly managed KPIs/Measure Action 1.4.1 Implement the risk management policies and procedures. Action 1.4.2 Regularly review the Risk Register. Progress against the implementation of policies and procedures is reviewed quarterly. Risk Register is reviewed quarterly. Action 1.4.3 Develop Risk Treatment Plans (RTPs) to manage risk impacts. RTPs tabled at management meetings. Action 1.4.4 Plan completed and tested by end of June 2015. Strategy 1.5 Develop and implement a Business Continuity Plan to ensure the continuance of Board services should a significant event occur. Provide internal IT and communications systems which are secure, stable and support business operations KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer Action Action Strategy 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 Projects completed on time and on budget. Systems 99% uptime during business hours. KPIs/Measure Action 1.6.1 MBCS MBCS Responsible Officer MBCS Strategy 1.7 Implement ICT policies and procedures. Support and maintain corporate ICT. Provide efficient and effective records management and information management Review and implement policies and procedures regarding information management. Ensure effective management of human resources Action 1.7.1 Review undertaken annually. Action Action 1.7.2 1.7.3 Action 1.7.4 Ensure organisational structure is aligned to strategic priorities and legislative requirements and is adequately resourced. Develop a Succession Plan. Attract, develop and retain an effective workforce that delivers required outcomes. Provide workplaces that ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. Succession Plan developed by end June 2015. 1. Required recruitment process implemented. 2. Training programs provided. 1. WH&S Management Plan reviewed annually. 2. Incidents and injuries are reviewed. 3. Safe work procedures and training requirements are in place. CEO CEO/Unit Managers CEO/Unit Managers Action 1.7.5 Strategy 1.8 Work and Development Plans are completed annually. KPIs/Measure Action 1.8.1 A Communication/Engagement Strategy in place. CEO/Unit Managers Responsible Officer CEO Action 1.8.2 Action 1.8.3 Ensure that Work and Development Plans are completed for all staff. Provide timely and proactive communication to all stakeholders Develop and implement a Communication/Community Engagement Strategy. Promote Board programs and services through meetings, advertising and written materials. Maintain information on the Board's website. All materials prepared as required to a high standard. Number of page views per month. CEO/Unit Managers MBCS 100% of staff informed of record keeping responsibities. KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer MBCS CEO CEO/Unit Managers CEO Responsible Officer CEO Page 2 of 14 Stratigic Direction: Strong and Sustainable Economy Strategy 2.1 Market the island as a tourist destination KPI/measure Action 2.1.1 Maintain and enhance the sustainable tourism "product" through the provision of infrastructure, engoneering and environmental services. 1. Direct feedback from community members , tourists and surveys is sought and is positive. 2. Monitor and assess visitor arrival numbers. Action 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 Action 2.1.5 Contribute to the development of the Destination Management Plan. Regualr consultation and information sharing takes place. Results of marketing activities are measured. Website content is refreshed and updated as necessary. The Destination Management Plan (DMP) is completed by December 2014. Those parts of the DMP for which the Board is responsible are implemented. MBCS Action Action Work in partnership with the LHI Tourism Association, destination NSW and other bodies. Promote the island in key source markets as resources allow. Ensure website content is current and relevant. Action 2.1.6 Strategy 2.2 Visitor Information Centre plan developed and implemented. KPI/measure Action 2.2.1 CEO/Unit Managers Responsible Officer CEO Action 2.2.2 Work with the LHITA to develop and implement a plan for the more efficient operation of the Visitor Information Centre. Foster an environment that supports sustainable economic development Consult with business regarding options and plans for sustainable business growth. Establish economic development action plans with relevant groups. 1. Report on the economic development plans developed. 2. Investigate an island-wide eco accreditation scheme in conjunction with the LHITA. CEO Action 2.2.3 Funding opportunities reported. Action 2.2.4 MBCS Manager Admin MBCS Action 2.2.5 Action Strategy 2.2.6 2.3 Pursue avenues of funding to implement economic development projects. Develop and maintain contemporary policies to aid sustainable development. Work with the Nursery lessees to support the development of a major tourist attraction. Lobby for improved internet services to the island. Effectively manage the Board's business enterprises. Action 2.3.1 Operate the LHI Liquor Store. Budgeted revenue and expenditure targets are met. Means of consultation established. Policies regularly reviewed and red tape reduced. Regular meetings held with the Nursery lessees and plans developed cooperatively. Improvements to internet services are achieved. KPI/measure Responsible Officer CEO MBCS Manager Admin CEO/Unit Managers MBCS CEO Responsible Officer MBCS / Liquor Store Manager Page 1 of 14 Action 2.3.2 Strategy 2.4 Action 2.4.1 Strategy 2.5 Action 2.5.1 Action 2.5.2 Operate the island's airport and wharf facilities. Effectively manage the Board's commercial leases Ensure that fair market rental return is achieved on commercial leases. Take action to ensure appropriate and adequate servicing of the island by a major airline. Negotiate with Qantas and other airlines to ensure services to the island continue beyond 2018. Develop a strategy for the future of the airport to enable continued air services. Air port and wharf facilities are operational when required and revenue and expenditure targets are met. KPI/measure Commercial leases are revalued at least every five years. KPI/measure Negotiations with Qantas and other airlines are positive. The Airport and Air Services Strategy is completed. MIES /MBCS Responsible Officer MBCS Responsible Officer CEO/MBCS CEO/MIES Page 1 of 14 Strategic Direction: Sound Infrastructure Strategy 3.1 Provide sound asset management KPIs/Measure Action 3.1.1 Action 3.1.2 Action Action 3.1.3 3.1.4 Review & update TAMPLAN annually for Board approval in March. Develop procedures then undertake and document preventative maintenance on all assets to reduce failures. Implement Authority Asset Maintenance System (AMS). Replace Jacobsen out-front mower. Action 3.1.5 Replace Unic 20t crane. Action 3.1.6 Water and sludge pumping solution provided for LHIB assets. Action 3.1.7 Refurbish rainwater collection from LHIB and community buildings to expand backup storage capacity. TAMPLAN is updated annually to support Treasury CAPEX requests. Progress of TAMPLAN reported at quarterly Board meetings. Authority AMS framework completed by July 15. New out-front mower on Island & operating by Dec 14. Replacement 20t crane on Island & operating by Feb 15. Water and sludge pumping solution provided by Feb 15. Nursery water tanks full & connected to reliable roof catchment by Nov 14 & other buildings taken advantage of for rainwater collection. Action 3.1.8 Finalise and implement walking track strategy Strategy 3.2 Action 3.2.1 Maintain and improve standard of recreational facilities through regular maintenance. Recreational facilities are available for use. Upgrade the playground facilities to expand activities & meet standards. Replace wood BBQs with electric where appropriate Action 3.2.2 Ensure all recreational facilities, including those in Permanent Park Preserve (PPP), are captured in the LHIB Asset Management System. AMS includes all assets, including PPP. MIES \ MECD Strategy 3.3 Operate Aerodrome safely for Regular Passenger Transport (RPT) services, medical evacuations and general aviation KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer Action 3.3.1 Project completed on budget by Oct 2015. MIES Action 3.3.2 Action 3.3.3 Action 3.3.4 Carry out design, planning and construction of runway resurfacing and drainage project. Arrange Annual Aerodrome Technical inspections and participate in CASA audits Review effectiveness Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management Plan annually. Hold Aerodrome emergency exercises annually. Annual Aerodrome Technical Inspections and CASA Audits completed and recommendations acted on. Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management Plan effectiveness reviewed annually. Aerodrome emergency exercise held in field in 2014. Aerodrome Controller / MIES Aerodrome Controller / MIES Aerodrome Controller / MIES Page 1 of 14 Maintain recreational facilities for visitor and community use Draft walking track strategy is completed by 30 June 2015 KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer MIES MIES MIES \ MBCS MTS MTS MTS MIES MEWH Responsible Officer MIES Action 3.3.5 Repair airport terminal floor Action 3.3.6 Aircraft refuelling services are maintained on the Island. Strategy 3.4 Maintain road network in good condition for all road users Action 3.4.1 Action 3.4.2 Implement road renewals as per TAMPLAN, subject to budget allocations. Prioritise regular routine road maintenance. Action Strategy 3.4.3 3.5 Action 3.5.1 Unsealed road to new Powerhouse is sealed. Maintain wharf to serve shipping contractor, charter operators and visiting boats Maintain wharf as per TAMPLAN. Action 3.5.2 Seek Treasury CAPEX funding for ongoing maintenance. Strategy 3.6 Action 3.6.1 Maintain Board buildings as per TAMPLAN. Action 3.6.2 Action Action 3.6.3 3.6.4 Action 3.6.5 Safety of workers is provided while maintenance of buildings carried out. New gas hot water heater installed at the Co-Op. Replacement garage door installed on Liquor Store to improve access for forklift & reduce amount of manual handling. New garage doors installed on OV sheds at jetty in conjunction with Sea Freight. Maintain Board building and property assets Failed floor covering removed & long term solution put in place by July 15. Skyfuel withdrawl does not affect RPT aircraft or passenger numbers. KPIs/Measure Road renewals completed on budget and within timeframes. Number of bicycle accidents caused by road surface are reduced from 2013/14 levels. Work completed by end June 2014. KPIs/Measure Wharf is available 100% of the time when required & maintenance and upgrade works are carried out by end June 2014. Funding is secured for future wharf maintenance and upgrading. KPIs/Measure Buildings are maintained to an acceptable standard for commercial and residential purposes. High risk buildings are prioritised for installation of fall protection systems by Jul 15. Heater installed by Nov 14. New garage door installed by Nov 14. New garage doors installed by Nov 14. MIES MIES \ CEO Responsible Officer MIES MIES MIES Responsible Officer MIES MIES / CEO Responsible Officer MIES MIES MIES MTS MTS Page 2 of 14 Strategy 3.7 Action 3.7.1 Action 3.7.2 Action Strategy 3.7.3 3.8 Action 3.8.1 Action 3.8.2 Action Action 3.8.3 3.8.4 Strategy 3.9 Action 3.9.1 Action 3.9.2 Action 3.9.3 Provide facilities in conjunction with Roads and Maritime Services for all Island boat users to safely and efficiently launch, retrieve and maintain boats in an environmentally sound manner KPIs/Measure Responsible Officer Secure funding for completion of upgraded boat ramp and launch\retrieval system. Undertake detailed design and planning for upgraded boat ramp and launch/retrieval system. Assist RMS in installing naivgation and safety lights on the jetty. Provide reliable and efficient electricity supply Funding secured by October 2014. MIES Subject to Board decision, upgraded boat ramp and launch/retrieval system operating by April 2015. New lights installed by Dec 14. KPIs/Measure MIES Maintain electricity generation and distribution system to provide a reliable and safe supply. Hybrid Renewable Energy Project continues to progress. Unplanned electricity outages are maintained at 13/14 levels. Business case for CAPEX funding submitted to NSW Treasury by Sep 14. Monitoring mast operational by Oct 14. ARENA funding agreement obligations met. Owner's Engineer engaged by Sep 14. Project Contractor engaged by Jun 15. Environmental assessment for Stage 1 Solar PV completed. Seal access road past Powerhouse to reduce dust. Old Powerhouse demolished, underground fuel tanks removed & new above-ground fuel tank for new Powerhouse purchased. Provide efficient and environmentally sustainable waste and recycling management services Maintain and upgrade the Waste Management Facility using grants and allocations to improve composting and waste diversion. Powerhouse access road sealed by Jun 15. Work completed under contract by end Jun 15 without any safety or environmental incidents. KPIs/Measure Maintain compliance with EPA licence for WM, with regards to PRPs. Love Food Hate Waste grant project undertaken with Island stakeholders. Location for new groundwater well confirmed with EPA by Dec 14. Grant is executed as per funding agreement & objectives are met. Odour from the composting process is reduced. Compost is sold back to the community. > 90% of waste is diverted from landfill. MIES Responsible Officer MIES MIES MIES MIES Responsible Officer MIES MIES MIES \ WMF Coord Page 1 of 14 Strategic Direction: Outstanding Environment Strategy 4.1 Protect and manage the environment in a manner that recognises and promotes the World Heritage values of the Island. KPI / Measure Responsible Officer Action 4.1.1 Protect threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and their habitats through implementation of LHI Biodiversity Management Plan 2007. High priority actions identified in the LHI Biodiversity Management Plan, 2007 are implemented. MEWH Action 4.1.2 In accordance with the LHI LEP, manage development in order to protect landscape values and scenic features. Development applications and activities are assessed in accordance with relevant environmental legislation, policies, and procedures. MECD Action 4.1.3 Produce State of the Environment Report, which identifies adherence to the principles of ecologically sustainable development as set out in the Protection of the Environment Administration Act, 1991. Report on State of the Environment undertaken every 3 years. MECD Action 4.1.4 Active contribution to AWHAC. CEO, MEWH Action 4.1.5 4.2 Strategy for control of Phytophthora comple and implemented KPI / Measure MEWH Strategy Action 4.2.1 Contribute to World Heritage Area conservation by being a member of the Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee (AWHAC). Implement strategy for the control and spread of Phytophthora including treatment at known sites and hygiene protocols Work to prevent the introduction of exotic pests and pathogens to and eradicate exotic pests from the Island. Review the LHI Quarantine Strategy and implement biosecurity measures to protect against the introduction of exotic pests and pathogens to the Island. Action 4.2.2 Measurable reduction of exotic pests is achieved. MEWH Action 4.2.3 Undertake major ecological restoration projects including the weed and African Big-headed eradication programs. Finalise and implement the LHI Weed Management Strategy MEWH Action 4.2.4 Draft Weed Management Strategy placed on public exhibition by 30 June 2015 Strong community support is demonstrated. Significant progress towards eradication of rodents is made. Strategy 4.3 Identify, protect and value heritage items. KPI / Measure Action 4.3.1 Action 4.3.2 Develop a list of recommended heritage items to be included in the review of the LEP. Assist the LHI Historical Association and the community with conservation of heritage items. List of heritage items submitted for review with the LEP. Applications for community grants and external funding for heritage conservation initiatives are supported. Responsible Officer MECD Undertake Rodent Eradication Program, subject to gaining strong community support. Review of LHI Quarantine Strategy is completed and implementation is in progress. Responsible Officer MEWH CEO MECD Page 1 of 14 Strategy 4.4 Improve awareness and understanding of the environment through education and research. Develop and implement a communication plan to increase awareness and understanding of the natural and cultural heritage values of the Island. KPI / Measure Action 4.4.1 Action 4.4.2 Encourage appropriate environmental research which is of benefit to LHI environment and community. Increase opportunities for the community to be involved in the protection of natural and cultural heritage. Research priorities identified and appropriate research undertaken. Seek Expressions of Interest for community involvement in natural and cultural heritage protection projects. MEWH Action 4.4.3 Strategy 4.5 Improve environmental sustainability of Board programs and operations (waste disposal; waste water; renewable energy). Develop better knowledge within the resident and tourist populations of the waste program objectives activities. KPI / Measure Responsible Officer MIES Action 4.5.1 Action 4.5.2 Improve the sustainability of transport on the Island. Electric vehicles can be conditionally registered on LHI. Numbers of vehicles on LHI maintained at 2013/14 level. MIES \ CEO Action 4.5.3 Support community in implementing On-site Wastewater Strategy. MIES MIES Action 4.5.4 Action 4.5.5 Undertake monitoring of Island groundwater monitoring well network on annual basis and establish data management and reporting. Undertake two waste audits to monitor and record waste types & volumes received from the community. 20 wastewater systems installed by June 15. 5 Board properties have upgraded wastewater systems by end Jun 2015. Data on quality and levels is collected and data is managed to enable sensible reporting. Audits completed in January and August. WMF Coord Communication plan completed and 25% of actions completed per year. Waste data regularly updated at WMF, The Signal and/or Community Bulletin. Semi-permanent display on environmental sustainability located at the Museum. Responsible Officer MECD MECD/MEWH MIES Page 2 of 14 Strategic Direction: Responsible Land Management Strategy 5.1 Action 5.1.1 Action 5.1.2 Action 5.1.3 Action 5.1.4 Strategy 5.2 Action 5.2.1 Action 5.2.2 Strategy 5.3 Action Design land use and development policies that balance environmental, economic and social outcomes. Finalise amendments to LHI Local Environmental Plan in relation to waste water management systems Finalise amendments to LHI Local Environmental Plan in relation to Significant Native Vegetation Commence comprehensive review of the LHI Local Environmental Plan, and Development Control Plan. KPI / Measure Finalise Precinct Plan for Neds Beach Rd intersection. Preferred option for precinct is adopted by the Board. KPI / Measure Provide an efficient and effective development planning and assessment service. Provide development planning and assessment through the services of an independent planning consultant. Undertake audits of planning and assessment systems and processing to monitor compliance with legislative and policy matters under the control of the Board. Legal instrument approved by the Minister for Planning Legal instrument approved by the Minister for Planning Prepare Plain Language Guide, Fact Sheet, and questionnaire to seek community input into LEP review completed by June 2015 Annual performance reviews of independent planning contract undertaken. Contract in place to audit planning and assessment systems. Provide an effective lease administration system. KPI / Measure 5.3.1 Administer leases in accordance with the Act. Action 5.3.2 Strategy 5.4 Assist with the independent review of land tenure and allocation arrangements. Protect and manage the LHI Permanent Park Preserve in a manner that recognises the World Heritage values of the Island. All necessary administration undertaken accurately and in a timely manner Priority actions from Land Tenure and Land Allocation review are implemented KPI / Measure Action 5.4.1 Strategy 5.5 Action 5.5.1 Strategy 5.6 Action 5.6.1 Responsible Officer MECD MECD MECD MECD Responsible Officer MECD MECD Responsible Officer MECD MECD Responsible Officer Ensure LHI Permanent Park Preserve is managed in accordance with Plan of Management Protect and manage vacant crown lands Annual audit of PPP POM is conducted. MEWH KPI / Measure Develop a management plan for Foreshore area. Draft Foreshore Management Plan is placed on public exhibition by June 2015. KPI / Measure Responsible Officer MECD Rehabilitate degraded areas Undertake rehabilitation of the Old Powerhouse Precinct to allow alternative uses Responsible Officer MIES Page 1 of 14 Action 5.6.2 Review and implement key actions within the LHIB Vegetation Rehabilitation Plan, 2003. Improved condition and increase in extent of priority sites. MEWH Page 2 of 14 Strategic Direction: Strong & Engaged Community Strategy 6.1 Plan for appropriate services for the community KPI / Measure Action 6.1.1 Support a whole of government approach to the provision of health, education and other services. Improve relationship with the community through engagement and consultation. Develop a communication / community engagement strategy to support an informed and involved community. Provide professional environmental and public health services. Ensure compliance with public health standards for LHIB drinking water supplies, wastewater management and food safety. Prepare and implement Drinking Water Quality Assurance Program for Board supplies. Support capacity building in community organisations Meetings held with NSW Health, NSW Education and Communities every 12 months. KPI / Measure Strategy 6.2 Action 6.2.1 Strategy 6.3 Action 6.3.1 Action 6.3.2 Strategy 6.4 Action 6.4.1 Make funds available under Community Grants Program for activities or projects that benefit the Lord Howe Island community. Promote programs that provide for children Seek Expressions of Interest for Community Grants every 12 months in accordance with Policy. KPI / Measure Strategy 6.5 Action 6.5.1 Make funds available under LHI Scholarship Program to support the completion of tertiary education that contributes to Lord Howe Island. Provide $10,000 pa to LHI Scholarship Program. Action 6.5.2 Support community events. Action Strategy 6.5.3 6.6 Action Action 6.6.1 6.6.2 Support the provision of pre-school services. Manage the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) and Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN). Arrange quarterly meetings of LEMC. Implement EMPLAN as required and coordinate annual review. Develop event calendar and identify priority events for Board assistance. Community-base pre-school services established. KPI / Measure Action 6.6.3 Install new emergency sirens. Communication/community engagement strategy developed by June 2015. KPI / Measure Scheduled inspection and testing regime is implemented. Drinking Water Quality Assurance Program in place by November 2014. KPI / Measure Quarterly meetings of LEMC held. EMPLAN implemented for any emergencies & annual review completed. Funding shortfall secured & sirens replaced by end Jun 15. Responsible Officer SMT Responsible Officer CEO / MECD Responsible Officer MECD / MIES MIES Responsible Officer MECD Responsible Officer MECD MECD CEO/MECD Responsible Officer LEMO / MIES LEMO / MIES LEMO / MIES Page 1 of 14