
Please organize your work plan as best suits your needs. You do not need to use this
Define the Problem
Identifying the sustainability-related problem that served as the impetus for your
internship is critical to setting logical and measureable goals. With your mentor, discuss the
background surrounding the creation of your internship, and record your notes here:
Set Goals
We want you to create a vision of what success will look like, set a measurable goal and
identify how and at what points you will measure your progress toward this goal.
Measureable project goal(s) or objective(s):
How will you track your progress toward this/these goal(s)?
Describe Your Final Product
For those of you conducting research, this final product will be a report describing your
results. Others might be working toward an event or program. This is a space for you to
start defining what these final takeaways will look like.
What is the purpose of your final product?
What format will your final product take?
Who is the intended audience of your final product?
How will you work to increase your product’s relevance among new audiences?
How would you increase accessibility to your product through a web presence or new media?
Identify Readings and Resources
We’d like you to envision yourself as the instructor of your own independent readings
course. Now that you’ve defined your own learning objectives, it’s time to create the
What are your required readings?
What resources are necessary for the success of your project?
Identify Stakeholders
Which schools, departments, student groups, city or community organizations, faculty, staff
or community members, interns, or other students are critical to the success of your project.
Identify your stakeholders:
Create a Timeline
Set your project deadlines and map out your strategy for meeting them. Be sure to include
the internship program due dates listed on the calendar.
Anticipate Next Steps
Make suggestions for continuing work through a service learning class, volunteer
opportunity, internship and/or campus policy:
Note Any Comments or Concerns