
Topic: Qin Dynasty
Session: 50
The Zhou dynasty established the feudal
system to bring order to Ancient China.
How did it ultimately cause the dynasty to
fall a part?
Confucianism : Confucius taught his followers that peace and order depended upon proper behavior. Those in
authority must lead by example.
Confucius said to his follower:
The gentleman first practices what he preaches
and then preaches what he practices.
Confucius said to his student:
Shall I teach you what knowledge is?
When you know a thing, say that you know it;
when you do not know a thing,
admit that you do not know it.
That is knowledge.
Confucius says:
Around the room with Confucius:
Travel around the room with your partner/team
Read the quotes by Confucius: think ,interpret,ink
WB: Which quotes speaks most to you and why?
Copy the chart below in your composition book:
Quote #
What is the quote saying? What is the quote about?
Take some NOTES!
Quick Check
Sequence the following items:
Warring States Period
Mandate of Heaven
Zhou Dynasty Takes Power
In our study of Ancient China, SWBAT evaluate the impact
the Qin Dynasty had on the civilization by evaluating the
reforms that changed the society as they gather details
from readings, media and images to draw conclusions in a
web and by utilizing an interactive historical perspectives
tool on DE to complete a comparative chart.
Use context clues to determine the meanings of the following vocab terms, based
on the sentences below.
To sell one type of tire to people driving any type of Ford vehicle, the tire company
used standardization to make one tire usable on any Ford model.
The TV station censored much of the language in the movie because the felt it
was inappropriate.
The governor hopes to reform education in our state to benefit our students.
- to make things the same
censor - to remove or suppress ideas considered harmful
or dangerous.
reform-to bring change
legalism - governing with strict rules and harsh punishments from a strong,
central authority.
WB: Do you think Confucius would have support legalism? Justify your
**The Qin Dynasty: China's 3rd Dynasty
Is change a good thing?
Do you like change?
Why might some people resist
If a new leader took over and
changed a lot of things, how might
you feel?
Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi
By 221 B.C., a man by the name of Qin had overthrown all
remaining members of the Zhou Dynasty, and made himself
the ruler of China.
The Qin Dynasty would only last about 11 years.
Yet, during these short years, this dynasty would make
changes that would affect the history of China for
thousands of years.
So influential was Qin, that the name of the nation, China, is
a derivative of his name.
1st Reform/Change: China's Unified Empire
Listen for other changes and achievements.
WB: Why did the standardization of laws, languages
and measurements help unify Ancient China?
Qin Shi huangdi reorganized the government of China.
Instead of a system of feudalism, Qin wanted everything to
be under his direct authority and control.
He established legalism (a strict set of written laws that were
recognized throughout China), and set up military control in
each region of China so that local noblemen could not rebel
against the emperor.
Qin Shi huangdi did not support Confucianism.
In 213 BC, Qin ordered the burning of all non-essential books. This
included history books, books relating to Confucianism and those
written by anyone opposed to legalism. By doing this, he aimed to
silence any criticism of his rule. The only books that were spared
were agricultural and medical books. Anyone that secretly tried to
save their books and was discovered was punished by death. This
is censorship!
The Qin emperor set out to build up China into the most
glorious nation on Earth.
In order to do this he needed labor.
Qin used the peasants, forcing them to work under slave
conditions, so that he could build roads, bridges, canals,
buildings, and his most famous building project of all, the
Great Wall of China.
The Great Wall
Quick Check!
Think of two adjectives to
describe Qin Shi Huangdi's
rule of Ancient China.
Provide evidence from our
lesson so far to support each
adjective you chose.
Qin Shi Huangdi
How did the changes implemented by
the Qin Dynasty impact the society?
1. Working with your partner, log-in to Discovery Education and open
Ancient China 7.3.
2. Click on "Elaborate"
3. Click on "Life in China During the Qin Dynasty" and "Launch" it!
Building Background
How did he gain control?
Qin Shi Huangdi
His accomplishments?
What harsh tactics did he use
to keep control?
Meet those impacted by Qin's Reforms:
Noblema Peasan Confuscia Governmen
n Scholar t Official
1. Based on your examination of the Qin Shi Huangdi's reforms, which
do you think should be kept? Explain your reasoning.
2. Which reforms should not have been implemented? Explain your
3. Which reform do you think impacted the society the most?
Gather details from the video to complete your organizer and
reference your notes as needed.
Read DE 7.3 Dynasties.
Continue working on your study guide.
china's unified empire.asf
china magnificant emperor.asf