the qin dynasty - Cherry Creek Academy

Qin Dynasty
221 B.C.E. to 207 B.C.E
The Qin
Qin rulers built a strong kingdom with
an efficient government in central Asia
 King Zheng wanted more
In 221 B.C.E. Qin forces brought down
the last of their enemies
China is united for the first time since the
warring period began
Customs varied from place to place
The First Emperor
Shi Huangdi= First Emperor
Huangdi comes from the gods and
legendary rulers of China’s past
China under the Qin dynasty,
221-207 B.C.E.
Defending the Empire
 Centralized Government
Abolishes old “feudal states” and divides China
into 36 military districts, each ruled by appointed
Use of inspectors (spies) to keep local officials in
Shi Huangdi forces all “noble families” to live in
the capital in Xianyang.
Nobles land was divided up amongst the peasants
who had to pay very high taxes.
Shi Huangdi adopts Legalism as his
primary ruling philosophy
A strong leader and strong legal system
Believed people must be forced to be good
Strict legal code
Censored ideas that were dangerous
 Burned books that did not support his ideas
Did not agree with Confucianism
The Great Wall of China
Single written language
Standardized transportation
Centralization of government
Standard laws
Standard currency
Terracotta soldiers
The Great Wall of China
Hierarchical “social
The Emperor
Landlords (ruled over the 36 military
Patriarchal Rule
Family roles similar to those found in
other early civilizations.
Emphasis on unity and the power of the
husband and father.
Women had clearly defined roles.
Generally were subordinate.
Women could and did exercise
influence behind the scenes.