Advancing the Transfer of Agricultural Technology & Research: Malaysia’s Perspective TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MALAYSIA’S ASPIRATIONS BY 2020 Basic Input Factors Land Labour Basic Input Factors Infrastructure Collateralized riskfree capital Labour Knowledge based Critical Success Factors Creativity High-income Knowledge-economy Technology Market TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MALAYSIA’S 4 PILLARS OF NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MAJOR GOALS TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MALAYSIAN AGRICULTURE RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Body entrusted by the Government of Malaysia to carry out R&D in the Food and Agriculture and agriculture-based industry Research focus: Cloning of food (rice, coco, cassava, sweet potatoes etc and non-food plant varieties, New breed of animals), Food processing, post-harvest activities Other research areas include precision farming and Environmental sustainability. Other activities: Providing services to nurture agriculture and food related entrepreneurs Product and services meeting standard Quality control TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MARDI’S ACHIEVEMENTS More than 90% of Malaysia’s rice granary areas developed by MARDI. More than 30 rice varieties to fulfill the need of the nations. (contribute to RM500 million per year income to farmers. Develop technologies to export of pineapple and papaya amounted to RM255 million a year. 48 Small and Medium Industries used MARDI technology with the export amount of more than RM77M TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION FEDERAL AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AUTHORITY (FAMA) • A marketing agency which was established under Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry to monitor, coordinate, control and develop product marketing of Malaysian agriculture, including import and export. FAMA main function is : • Coordinate agriculture marketing activity both in private sector or department / government agency • Improve marketing system and expand new market of Malaysian agriculture development • Collaborating with private sector and department / government agency to create efficient and effective agriculture marketing system • Develop an efficient management in agriculture industry, marketing activity or agricultural products processing • Involve directly in agriculture industry, especially in marketing activity and products processing. TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION CHALLENGES FACED BY MALAYSIA’S AGRICULTURE SECTOR Increase crop productivity Value added food products and foods Emergence of new strains of pest and diseases Development of new varieties and breeds Food security BIOTECHNOLOGY COMPETITIVENESS MEET THE CHALLENGES & IMPROVE TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION NATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY POLICY VISION Position biotechnology as the new economic engine to enhance prosperity and wellness of the nation by 2020 OBJECTIVES 1. Generate new growth engine for the nation by creating value that is competitive, innovative and consistent with Vision 2020 2. Formulate the economic, legislative and regulatory frameworks that will support core biotechnology sectors 3. Identify implementation strategies in order to establish Malaysia as a competitive nation with leading edge businesses 4. Develop biotechnology to enhance healthcare and medical support for a better quality of life for all Malaysians 5. Extract greater value from agriculture and natural resources by utilizing Malaysia’s unique biodiversity / natural environment TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MODERN AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY Precision Agriculture (ICT) Modern Agriculture Higher yield Sustainability Organic Farming Crop rotation, Integrated pest management Mechanization / Automation Nuclear methods (Mutagenesis) Genetic Modification Tempering Genetic trade Bio-based Technology TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION Development Work at Agri-Biotechnology Institute (ABI) R & D in AgroBiotechnology Value add technologies and products to agricultural products • New plant variety • Transgenics plant • Marker assisted selection • Advance reproductive biotechnology • Vaccine & diagnostics Human capital development Produce new, innovative and competitive products & technologies to market • Biofertiliser & biopesticide • Gene discovery Plant Biotechnology Livestock Biotechnology • Metabolomics • Bioinformatics Food Biotechnology • Functional food • Nano-biotechnology • Food safety & security TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION ICT FOR AGRICULTURE New Sources of Growth WSN Overview New Ways of Doing Things: 1. Real Time information 2. Pervasive 3. Precise Information 4. Fast & Accurate information For Better Quality of Life: 1. Life enrichment 2. Improve productivity 3. Enhance Security 4. Environment conservation National Implementation Program Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION PRECISION AGRICULTURE Provide complete value chain from seed to shelf in the agriculture sector Spearheading application of ICT (Wireless Sensor Network) in agriculture for yield improvement Establish portal Agribazaar for farmers to sell their produce directly to avoid middle-man. Automation of agriculture industry using decision Support system Portal for farmers to sell their products ICT in agriculture for productivity improvement TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION “SEED TO SHELF” AGRICULTURE SOLUTIONS Precision Agriculture Upstream • Solving in-field variability • Reduce input cost • Reduce operation losses Midstream i-Logistic & AgriOffice Downstream • Reduce dependency on middleman • Order fulfilment, inventory and logistics management, and customer relationship management (CRM) AgriBazaar 2.0 • Virtual/Online retail business 24/7. Beyond brick and mortar • Software as a Service (SaaS) TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION WIRELESS SENSOR FOR PLANT MONITORING: COMPLETE SOLUTION Malaysia introduces Integrated hardware solution: To reduce implementation cost Simple and easy for deployment Communication Devices for wireless agriculture data transmission Environmental sensors – Moisture, pH, Temperature and Chemical sensors. Networked of Environmental Data Collection Components, Communication Devices and Decision Support System to realise PA. TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION FISH FORECASTING THROUGH SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY Increase in fuel cost, forces new method in the fishing industry Fish forecasting predicts the location of fish in abundance Make use of fish food (chlorophyl) and sea water temperature from Satellite data. Collaboration between the remote sensing agency and fish development authority (LKIM) Outcome: 9Millions USD save in diesel fuel permonth to fishermen The fish search time reduced by 30% to give 20% increase in their income TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE Mutagenesis is a techniques to improves plant’s productivity using nuclear technology Low radiation level is applied to the seeds that causes it to be pest/disease resistant, high yield, better taste and short gestation period. It is proven to be safe and IAEA approved. Nuclear Malaysia focuses on increasing the production of seed to cater for Increased demand by the market Bioreactor for growing young plants TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION Mutagenesis method used to improve Banana and pineapple production/yield Banana Bearing fruit between 3 to 5 years (cf 7-10 years for normal fruit) Can produce 5000 new trees per month High resistant to disease (Fusarium and wilt) Mutagenesis in biorector Pineapple Higher sugar content (15% higher) Gestation period 3-5 years (cf 7-10 years) High resistant to diseases Capacity in production ~10,000/month TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION 1. Current State : Low- value herbal products 2.New Approach : Develop high value products from selected herbs (NEW opportunities for farmers through contract farming) Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) Labisia Pumila (Kacip Fatima) Orthosiphon Stamineus (Misai Kucing) Phyllanthus Niruri (Dukung Anak) Some local herbals found to have medicinal value Andrographis Paniculata (Hempedu Bumi) TRANSFORMATION OF A NATION MDec Portal: e-pasartani@FAMA for farmers Farmers/Consumers source commodities online from 278 Agri Market sites at a lower price through Agriculture Delivery Channel Registered farmers and trading farmers able to source market via esms@FAMA and increase profit margin by eliminating middle layers Farming information can be viewed according to geographic parameters e-pasartani@FAMA uses MyKad-authenticated information to generate demographic and geographic data of traders. These initiatives have enormously contributed in commodities demand and supply matching, in particular vegetables and fruit commodities. Bukit Gambir Kota Kinabalu Scope of Transformation Current Situation After Transformation Farm Size: - Small - Uneconomic Large scale, commercial & economic Labour Force: - Limited - Ageing Mechanization, automation & technology Less labour intensive activities Farm management: Professional, agriculture is business, - Traditional - “satisfactory” - “enough” - Manual Application of ICT, Commercial management / collective / economic of scale, Business Plan Scope of Transformation Current Situation After Transformation Less / not competitive: - Low product quality - non-standard quality - product dumping - price factor Standard, certification & export quality Return on Investment: - Low - Time consuming Diversified returns: Mixed farming, intercropping, value added TRANSFORMATION Transformation of Traditional Farmers Sectoral Transformation - Land / farm size cluster - Development based on zoning - - Private sector investment - Investment incentives - Implementation of Good Practice Program (GAP) Application of technology Mechanisation Productivity Agricultural Supply-demand matching marketing farmer cooperation diversity of economic activity modernisation Horizontal / Vertical Transformation - Food processing - Value added activities - Supply chain activities - By products Thank You