Communist Manifesto Assignment

Communist Manifesto Assignment
AP European History
As a serious student of European History, whether you are pro-Marxist, semi-Marxist, pseudoMarxist, or anti-Marxist should have no bearing upon the level of importance you subscribe to
Marx and the Communist Manifesto. This assignment will require you to read the Manifesto,
digest its meaning, confront its rhetoric, analyze its theories, critique its assertions, postulate its
relevance, and evaluate its meaning and significance. The manifesto is actually a short reading
(length-wise: roughly 25-35 pages depending upon the version) although it will take you some
time to properly “digest” the material. Since there are different versions of the manifesto in print
ensure that your copy includes the four parts of the manifesto:
Bourgeois and Proletarians
Proletarians and Communists
Socialist and Communist literature
Position of the Communists in relation to the various existing opposition parties
You should be able to find copies in the school and public libraries, most major bookstores, or
online so choose the option which best suites your personal reading style and financial situation.
If you choose to purchase the book or pick it up from the library feel free to peruse the
introduction/commentary sections (often longer then the actual manifesto) since it will help you
understand the work. If you decide to read the work online then the following sight might be
useful to obtain a copy and for other links:
As good students of history remember to take into consideration the source where you get the
copy and/or commentary from (e.g. a site entitled will obviously have a bias) when
trying to understand the content of Marxist socialism.
Your overall written assignment is to provide an outline of Marxist theory (i.e. what are the
components of Marxist socialism) identified within the manifesto. The following terms and
questions may be useful: (this is just a starting point to get you thinking about the material so
come into class with your own thoughts about Marxist socialism and discussion questions you
want your fellow classmates to address):
-historical determinism and dialectical materialism *(two most important terms to know)
-alienation, iron law, labor theory of value, private property, dictatorship of proletariat,
-What is the “communist” course of history? (i.e. historical progression)
-What is “religion” to Marx?
-How does Marx respond to other socialists/socialist movements or forms?
-What are some potential theoretical “holes” in the argument posited by Marx and
-What is the “role” of the communists?
-What comprises the “socialist” revolution? (i.e. phases, steps…think dialectic)