University of California, Irvine The Integrated Micro/Nano Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (IM-SURE) Single-Cell Platforms for Microbiomechanics Minh Guong Nguyen Biomedical Engineering University of California, Irvine Mentor: Professor William C. Tang Grad Student: Yu-Hsiang (Shawn) Hsu OUTLINE • Background – cytoskeleton – purposes • Introduction – QCM – our piezoelectric transducer • My responsibilities – design and develop experiments – collect and analyze resulting data • Problems and future work CYTOSKELETON COMPONENTS Intermediate filaments Intermediate filaments protect cells and tissues from disintegration by mechanical stress Microtubules essential component of cell division Actin filaments responsible for cell migration Fig. 1: Three types of protein filaments form the cytoskeleton Alberts, Bruce, et al. Essential Cell Biology. 2nd ed. New York & London: Garland Science, 2004 ACTIN FILAMENTS Fig. 2: Forces generated move a cell forward Alberts, Bruce, et al. Essential Cell Biology. 2nd ed. New York & London: Garland Science, 2004 WHY SINGLE-CELL PLATFORMS ? PURPOSE – mechanical changes of the cytoskeleton – parallel drug screening – cancerous cells identification and qualification – others COMPARISON Traditional Method Fig 3: Sketch of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) experimental setup Our method Fig. 4: A Single Cell Platforms for Microbiomechanics • Cannot detect 1 single cell mechanical property • Detect 1 single cell mechanical property • Not a precise result • A precise result Jing Li, Christiane Thielemann, Ute Reuning, and Diethelm Johannsmann. “Monitoring of integrin-mediated adhesion of human ovarian cancer cells to model protein surfaces by quartz crystal resonators: evaluation in the impedance analysis mode.” BioSensors & BioElectronics 20 (2005): 1333-1340. Online posting. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The Agilent 4395A The probe Picture is taken by Minh Guong Nguyen, BME student, UCI CROSS SECTION OF OUR DEVICE cell Au ZnO SiO2 Au Si 200 µm Cross section of our device, drawing by Yu-Hsiang (Shawn) Hsu, Ph.D candidate, Dept of BME, UCI TOP VIEW OF OUR DEVICE 200 µm in Diameter (our device) 15 µm thin lines 1 mm square top electrode Top view of our device, drawing by Yu-Hsiang (Shawn) Hsu, Ph.D candidate, Dept of BME, UCI OUR DEVICE’S IMPEDANCES Impedance vs. Frequency Anti-resonance frequency Impedance (Ω) Anti-resonance frequency Resonance frequency Resonance frequency Frequency (MHz) Fig. 6: The graphs Impedance vs. Frequency of our device Data is collected by our experiments THE QUALITY FACTOR 2 fa QM 2 2 2 f r Z r C f a f r • • • • • QM: fa: f r: Zr: C: The quality factor The anti-resonance frequency (MHz) The resonance frequency (MHz) The impedance at resonance frequency (Ω) The static capacitance (pF) TABLE OF VALUES OF OUR DEVICES Device Anti-resonance frequency fa (MHz) Resonance frequency fr (MHz) Impedance at resonance frequency Zr (Ω) Static capacitance C (pF) 6-A 5.562 5.081 1689.3 25 7-A 5.499 5.085 1063.9 25 8-A 5.531 5.094 1084.7 25 8-B 5.540 5.112 1059.6 25 9-B 5.522 5.103 1062.6 25 10-B 5.522 5.103 1057.2 25 2-C 5.558 5.103 1232.0 25 4-C 5.531 5.094 1325.1 25 5-C 5.526 5.085 1271.4 25 Data is collected by our experiments THE QUALITY FACTORS (QM) OF OUR DEVICES 2 fa QM 2 2 2 f r Z r C f a f r Device Quality factors (QM) 7-A 8.1209 8-A 7.5990 8-B 7.9203 9-B 8.0410 The average 10-B 8.0911 is 7.3585 2-C 6.4500 4-C 6.2203 5-C 6.4259 Calculation is based on our data obtained from experiments COMPARISION OF OUR DEVICE WHEN TREATED WITH AND WITHOUT WATER Impedance vs. Frequency 460 Impedance (Ω) 440 Without Water With Water 420 400 380 360 340 320 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 Frequency (MHz) Fig. 8: Comparison of our device when treated with and without water The graph is based on our data collected form experiments DATA ANALYSIS Device Resonance frequency fr (MHz) Antiresonance frequency fa (MHz) Impedance at resonance frequency Zr (Ω) Viscosity (cP) Quality factor QM Frequency shift Without water 3.6144 3.8141 350.17 0.0185 (air) 4.933 0.26 With water 3.6050 3.8366 333.74 0.982 4.519 The frequency shift is related to the weight of water. The quality factor is related to the viscosity of water. PROBLEMS AND FUTURE WORK GOOD Noise interferes the signal Impedance vs. Frequency Impedance vs. frequency Impedance (Ω) Impedance (Ω) 510 490 W11-0 W6-1 W6-0 WA6-REF W10-0 470 450 430 410 390 23 24 25 26 27 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Fig. 10: Graph of impedance vs. frequency Fig. 11: Graph of impedance vs. frequency ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Dr. William C. Tang • Yu-Hsiang Hsu and John Lin • Wyman Wong • • • • Said M. Shokair Edward M. Olano Sarah R. Martin UROP Fellows • National Science Foundation ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT QUESTIONS? Back up slide Comparison of our device when treated with and without water Back-up slide Impedance vs. Frequency Impedance of Resistor: ZR = R Impedance (Ω) Impedance of Inductor: ZL = j ω L Impedance of Capacitor: Zc = Frequency (MHz) ω = 2 () (f) The graphs of impedance vs. frequency of our devices zoom-in Butterworth-Van-Dyke (BVD) equivalent circuit Inductor Capacitor Resistor Capacitor Fig 6: The BVD equivalent circuit Fig. 7: Lumped-element equivalent circuit Joachim Wegener, Jochen Seebach, Andreas Janshoff, and Hans-Joachim Galla. « Analysis of the Composite Response of Shear Wave Resonators to the Attachment of Mammalian Cells.» Biophysical Journal. Volume 78. June 2000: 2821-2833.