KURIKULUM ITB 2013-2018 – PROGRAM SARJANA Program Studi: Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika LAMPIRAN: Silabus dan Satuan Acara Pengajaran (SAP) Sistem dan Arsitektur Komputer Kode Mata kuliah: II2202 Bobot SKS: 3 (tiga) Semester: 3 KK / Unit Penanggungjawab: KK Teknologi Informasi Sifat: Wajib Prodi Sistem dan Arsitektur Komputer Nama Matakuliah Computer Architecture & System Kuliah ini membahas tentang sistem computer, mencakup perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, data dan prosedur, komunikasi dan manfaat bagi masyarakat penggunanya Silabus Ringkas Student will gain a comprehensive knowledge about computer systems, its hardware components, software, data and procedures, communications, also the societies. Membahas sistem computer digital modern dan timbal balik yang muncul ketika perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak saling berinteraksi. Topik meliputi: abstraksi computer, organisasi perangkat keras, instruction set architecture, representasi dan operasi data, sistem operasi, sistem pengolah (CPU), sistem memori, sistem input-output, analisis kinerja, serta pengantar arsitektur masa depan. Silabus Lengkap This course will give an in-depth understanding of the inner-workings of modern digital computer systems and tradeoffs present at the hardware-software interface. Topics include: computer abstraction, hardware organization, instruction set architecture, data representation and operation, software/operating system, CPU, systems, memory systems, input-output systems, performance analysis, and introduction of advance architecture 1. 2. Luaran (Outcomes) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Identify the abstraction of computer system Identify some contributors to computer architecture and organization and relate their achievements to the knowledge area Understanding that information is bits in context Understanding how compilation systems work Articulate differences between computer organization and computer architecture. Identify some of the components of a computer. Identify structure and function of computer Understanding that the operating system manages the hardware Describe how IT engineer uses or benefits from computer architecture and system Dasar Pemrograman Prasyarat Sistem Digital dan Mikroprosesor Bersamaan Matakuliah Terkait Kegiatan Penunjang Praktikum Randal E. Bryant and David R. Hallaron, Computer System A Programmer’s Perspective, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 [CSAPP] John L. Hennesy and David A. Patterson, Computer Organization and Design: The Software Hardware Interface, 4th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2009 [COaD] Pustaka William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Perfornance, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010 [COaA] Panduan Penilaian [Termasuk jenis dan bentuk penilaian] Catatan Tambahan [Tanggal Update Terakhir, Nama Pembuat Silabus, dan catatan tambahan lainnya] Satuan Acara Perkuliahan Mg# 1 Topik Introduction Sub Topik Computer Abstraction Data and Information Compilation System Hardware Organization Architecture and Organization Structure and Function Operating System Personal and Career Capaian Belajar Mahasiswa 1. 2. 3. 4. Understanding the abstraction of computer system Understanding that information is bits in context Understanding how compilation systems work Articulate differences between computer organization and computer Sumber Materi CSAPP Ch 1, COaA Ch 1 Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ITB Kur2013 - STI Halaman 1 dari 4 Template Dokumen ini adalah milik Direktorat Pendidikan - ITB Dokumen ini adalah milik Program Studi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB. Dilarang untuk me-reproduksi dokumen ini tanpa diketahui oleh Dirdik-ITB dan STI-ITB. Mg# Topik Sub Topik Capaian Belajar Mahasiswa 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2 Computer Evolution and Performance History of computers Performance Analysis 2. 3. 1. 1. 3 Computer Components and Interconnection Top level view of computer Von Neumann machine Instruction cycle Datapath and Control 2. 3. 4 Data Representation Binary representation and operation Big endian and little endian machine 5 Integer Representation and Operations Unsigned and Signed Numbers. Range, Arithmetic Operations 1. 1. 1. 6 Floating Point IEEE754, Representation, Range, Precision, Rounding, and Arithmetic operations 2. 1. 2. 7 Processor Intel’s Instruction Set Architecture Data Formats, Accesing Information, ALU Ops, Control 3. 8 9 Midterm Processor Intel’s Instruction Set Architecture 1. 1. Control and Procedure 2. 3. architecture. Identify some of the components of a computer. Identify structure and function of computer Understanding that the operating system manages the hardware Describe how IT engineer uses or benefits from computer architecture and system Identify some contributors to computer architecture and organization and relate their achievements to the knowledge area. Understand the factors that contribute to computer performance. Understand the limitations of performance metrics. Select the most appropriate performance metric when evaluating a computer. Explain the organization of a von Neumann machine and its machine and its major functional units. Explain how a computer fetches from memory and executes an instruction. Articulate the strengths and weakness of the von Neumann architecture. Appreciate how numerical values are represented in digital computers. Understand the limitations of computer arithmetic and the effects of errors on calculations. Appreciate how numerical values are represented in digital computers. Understand the limitations of computer arithmetic and the effects of errors on calculations. Explain the relationship between the representation of machine level operation at the binary level and their representation by a symbolic assembler. Write small programs and fragments of assembly language code to demonstrate an understanding of machine level operations. Implement some fundamental high-level programming constructs at the machinelanguage level. Explain the relationship between the representation of machine level operation at the binary level and their representation by a symbolic assembler. Write small programs and fragments of assembly language code to demonstrate an understanding of machine level operations. Implement some fundamental Sumber Materi COaD Ch 1, COaA Ch 2 COaD Ch 4, COaA Ch 3 CSAPP Ch 2 CSAPP Ch2 CSAPP Ch2 CSAPP Ch3 CSAPP Ch3 Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ITB Kur2013 - STI Halaman 2 dari 4 Template Dokumen ini adalah milik Direktorat Pendidikan - ITB Dokumen ini adalah milik Program Studi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB. Dilarang untuk me-reproduksi dokumen ini tanpa diketahui oleh Dirdik-ITB dan STI-ITB. Mg# Topik Sub Topik Capaian Belajar Mahasiswa 1. 2. 10 Processor Intel’s Instruction Set Architecture Array allocations, Structures, and unions 3. 1. 2. 11 Memory Hierarchy Memory Technology, Cache 3. 4. 1. 12 Memory Hierarchy Virtual memory 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 13 I/O Subsystem Peripherals and Storage 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 14 Operating System 1. 2. 15 Introduction to Superscalar, Parallel and Distributed System 3. 4. high-level programming constructs at the machinelanguage level. Explain the relationship between the representation of machine level operation at the binary level and their representation by a symbolic assembler. Write small programs and fragments of assembly language code to demonstrate an understanding of machine level operations. Implement some fundamental high-level programming constructs at the machinelanguage level. Identify the main types of memory technology. Explain the effect of memory latency and bandwith on performance. Explain the use of memory hierarchy to reduce the effective memory latency. Describe the principles of memory management. Explain the use of memory hierarchy to reduce the effective memory latency. Describe the principles of memory management. Design an interface to memory. Explain how to use interrupts to implement I/O control and data transfers. Write small interrupt service routines and I/O drivers using assembly language. Identify various types of buses in a computer system. Describe data access from a magnetic disk drive. Analyze and implement interfaces. Compute the various parameters of performance for standard I/O types. Explain the basic nature human computer interaction devices. Describe data access from magnetic and optical disk drives. Understand how to interface and use peripheral chips. Write sufficient EPROMbased system software to create a basic stand-alone system Specify and design simple computer interfaces. Understanding that the operating system manages the hardware Discuss how various architectural enhancements affect system performance Explain the differences between different paradigms and their usefulness and applicability. Discuss how to apply parallel processing approaches to design scalar and superscalar processors Understand how client server model works in a Sumber Materi CSAPP Ch3 COaD Ch5, CSAPP Ch6 COaD Ch6, CSAPP Ch10 COaD Ch6 COaD Ch COaD Ch7 Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ITB Kur2013 - STI Halaman 3 dari 4 Template Dokumen ini adalah milik Direktorat Pendidikan - ITB Dokumen ini adalah milik Program Studi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB. Dilarang untuk me-reproduksi dokumen ini tanpa diketahui oleh Dirdik-ITB dan STI-ITB. Mg# Topik Sub Topik Capaian Belajar Mahasiswa 5. Sumber Materi decentralized fashion. Understand how agents work and how they solve simple tasks. Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan ITB Kur2013 - STI Halaman 4 dari 4 Template Dokumen ini adalah milik Direktorat Pendidikan - ITB Dokumen ini adalah milik Program Studi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi ITB. Dilarang untuk me-reproduksi dokumen ini tanpa diketahui oleh Dirdik-ITB dan STI-ITB.