Generic Assessment Descriptors Analysis & Evaluation Critical Thinking Research & Enquiry Creativity Presentation & Referencing A (10-8.5) (8.4-7.0) Excellent understanding of a wide range of ideas B (6.9 – 6.0) Very good understanding of a range of ideas C (5.9 - 50) Good understanding of relevant ideas D (4.9 – 4.0) Fair understanding of a few relevant ideas F (fail) (3.9 – 2.0.) Subject knowledge is poorly demonstrated Excellent ability to analyse, Accurate analysis and evaluate, compare and very good evaluation construct values Good analysis and sound Fair analysis with some evaluation evaluation Excellent thinking, logical and creative with insightful outcomes Very good synthesis of ideas that are articulated clearly Good synthesis of ideas with mostly consistent logic Rigorous and sustained enquiry with excellent outcomes Accurate and consistent Consistent approach enquiry using drawing on a range of appropriate methods sources Relevant methods of enquiry Little evidence of research or understanding of with some inconsistencies appropriate approaches Outstanding original or innovative work Shows imagination and Good imagination with originality some originality Some originality. Work is mostly derivative Derivative work that offers little in the way of new ideas Technically excellent, accurate referencing and presentation Accurate and consistent Good referencing and referencing and consistent approach to presentation conventions Fair understanding of conventions Poor referencing and little understanding of conventions Weak analysis and evaluation Logical with some synthesis Inconsistent logic and of ideas synthesis F (fail) 0 NS (1.9 - 1) F (0) 0NS N o n Work submitted is judged to be Sof no value (in relation to the assessed components) e r N i o o n u S s u Ab t m t i e s ms i Knowledge & Understanding A* Work submitted is considered to be outstanding in the assessed components Assessed Components