What is religion?

English word that is derived from the Latin
word religio
 This refers to the fear or awe one feels in the presence
of a spirit or god
Western culture defines:
 A set of beliefs having to do with gods , through which
one is taught a moral system
This fits for the majority of religions of the
Some religion recognize the existence of gods
but have very little to do with them
Four Types
Originating in India
Originating in China and Japan
Originating in the Middle East
Applied to the religions of contemporary people
whose religious ideas are not preserved in written
form and to religions of prehistoric peoples ,
whom we know little about.
Embraces a great variety of beliefs and practices
 Animism (worship of all of nature, souls in everything)
 Totemism (idea humans are connected to other creatures or
objects in nature)
 Polytheism (more then one god)
Examples (common characteristics is an animistic
view of nature)
 Native American
 African
Numbers are rapidly dwindling as conversion of
Christianity and Islam proceeds
Religions that originated in India
 Hinduism
 India
 Jainism
 India
 Buddhism
 Asian Nations (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, &
 Sikhism
 India
Basic Beliefs
Many gods (except Sikhism)
One person may lead many lives through a system of reincarnation
Ultimate concern is the release from the cycle of life , death, and
Sometimes achieved through gods
Often it is expected by their actions or lack thereof
Religions originating in China & Japan
 Daoism
 Confucianism
 Shinto
Questions on if Daoism & Confucianism are
 They have religious aspects at times so scholars
consider them a religion
Beliefs in common
 Many gods
 Worship of nature
 Worship of ancestors
Religions originating in the Middle East
Beliefs in common
Supreme Creator God
A person only lives one earthly life
Regard the material universe positively
Hold a linear view of time
Divine judgement of the world
Found all over the world and number in billions
Element #1
Intellectual (way of thinking)
 Where did we come from? (origins, creation)
 Why are we here? (issues with morals and values)
 Where are we going? (afterlife)
 Who are we? (the soul, nature of human nature)
 Who is god?
 Is there someone watching out for us or are we alone?
Element #2
Emotional (a way of feeling)
 How we relate with the divine
 Basis mysticism and spiritual life
 Hidden side of religion
 Draws on internal personal feelings
 Awe, faith hope gratitude, appreciation, joy, bliss,
 Feelings cause you to respond in certain ways both
intellectually and actively
Element #3
Active/Performative (way of acting)
 Social system to how we relate with each other
 Spiritual practices: meditation, prayer, chanting, ritual
 Physical forms: buildings, ritual objects, statues or art
 Communal celebrations: rites of passage, holiday
 Social laws: morals, ethics, prohibitions, taboos