CJYF Online Grant Applications Directions

Instructions for Online CJYF Grant Applications
The Columbus Jewish Youth Foundation (CJYF) is pleased to announce our online, internet-based grant
application process. The directions below should answer your questions about the online application process.
Internet Explorer version 6 or higher or FireFox version 1.5 or higher work best. Please enable cookies if
asked to do so.
If you have questions, please contact Debby Applefeld at dapplefeld@tcjf.org or Susan Tanur at
stanur@tcjf.org or 614-338-2365.
Follow These Four Steps
1. First time users will be asked to create an account. Your account allows access to your saved and
submitted applications at any time. It also allows us to send you email messages, such as receipt of your
application. When you create your account, you will receive an automatic email with your tracking
number and a link to the log-in page of your online applications. Save that link, as you will use it to log-in
and access your saved applications. *This account will allow you to access all applications you have on
record with the Columbus Jewish Foundation, not just the Youth Foundation, so if you have previously
applied for Foundation grants funding under any grants program, you already have an account.
To create an account or to Login:
a. Visit www.ColumbusJewishFoundation.org. Click on “Youth Philanthropy” from the navigation bar,
and then click where directed under CJYF near the bottom of the page. (If you already have an
account, you still access this application from the Youth Philanthropy NOT Grants page.)
b. At Account Login, either login or click “New Applicant?” and then click “Continue” to create your
c. Enter your email address.
d. Create a password (5-25 alphanumeric characters; it is not case sensitive). This is a password of your
e. Confirm your password.
2. Next you will need to enter your organization’s Tax ID No.
3. Complete the Application Prescreening Quiz.
a. Prescreening is designed to help you determine if your proposal qualifies for grant consideration.
b. Once you have successfully completed the prescreening quiz, you will have access to the grant
application form.
c. If you have answered the questions and are unable to access the application, it is likely that your
proposal does not meet the most basic requirements for funding. If you feel that your proposal does
meet the requirements for funding, please click the “Contact Us” tab at the top of the application to
discuss your proposal with the Foundation’s Director of Youth Philanthropy, Debby Applefeld.
Instructions for Online CJYF Grant Applications continued
5. Fill out the application. Please read “Welcome Page” instructions carefully.
a. You must complete all required sections of the application.
b. It may be helpful to first type your answers into a Microsoft Word Document. When your answer is
finished, copy and paste it into the online application. (However, the online application will not
retain any Word formatting.) You do not have to use all of the allowed words in a word-limited
answer. For example, if the question permits 300 word answer, your answer can include any
number of words below 301.
c. You do not have to complete the entire application at one time. You may save your application by
clicking the "Save and Finish Later" button at the bottom of the application form.
d. Required attachments are found on our website. The attachments “Button” may or may not work
from within the application. Please go to columbusjewishfoundation.org. Click Youth Philanthropy.
Click CJYF. At the bottom of the page are two links: “Grant Signature Page” and “CJYF Proposed
Budget”. Both attachments are required, and should be downloaded then scanned into the
application as instructed in the application. Attachment forms are also included in your invitation to
apply email. Please call if you experience difficulty with attachments.
e. When you are satisfied that your application is complete, click the "Review and Submit" button at
the bottom of the last page. After you have reviewed your application, click the "Submit" button.
f. Print a copy of your application for your records. An automated email will be sent to you when your
application is received. If for some reason you do not receive confirmation within three days, please
contact us. Remember to check your spam, junk and/or bulk mail folders for this email.
Write your passwords down as you will use this password to access saved and submitted applications
and each time you want to submit a new grant application.