How To Get Men to Stop Purchasing Commercial Sex The Salvation

How To Get Men to Stop Purchasing Commercial Sex
The Salvation Army’s National Social Services and Disaster Management
Orlando, FL
March 25-28th, 2014
Michael A. Smith, Ph.D., LCSW
The connection between human
trafficking and demand
Each year more and more victims are entrapped in forms
of labor and sex trafficking. Trafficking is a multi-billion
dollar business that reaps enormous profits to traffickers
with little risk of prosecution.
Sex trafficking: Without the insatiable demand for
immediate, inexpensive and anonymous sex -primarily by
men with female victims- this world wide human rights
horror would end. It exists for profits.
Domestic sex trafficking: Portland Oregon, has one of the
highest rates of domestic sex trafficking in the country. It
is estimated more than 200 young girls are forced into
prostitution. Who are the johns??
What is the extent of the
problem with male involvement in commercial
Worldwide a large percentage of men regularly
engage in some form of commercial sex. These
men are married or in a relationship, single, dads,
and sons- from all walks of life and religions.
Religion, in itself, does not prevent sexual acting
out. For instance, the South and the Midwest, both
considered within the Bible belt, have the highest
rates of online pornography use. Research suggests
that pastors have high rates of pornography
Men (consumers) Are Victims Too!
Most men do not feel good about their involvement with
commercial sex and they do not know how to stop. The
bulk of them are largely unaware of, or minimize, or deny,
the insidious spiritual, relational and emotional damage
they inflect on themselves and others.
Due to cultural shame and isolation, the significant sexual
integrity challenges of men have not been openly
discussed, thus effective strategies to reduce demand for
commercial sex have yet to be widely developed.
What has been tried?? John Schools
John Schools
Men who are arrested for the solicitation of a
prostituted person can elect to attend a day long
educational program on the risks of involvement
with commercial sex.
Here is the agenda for the John School in
Portland OR.
 Rules & Expectations
 Values, Attitude & Behavior
Portland Police
 Pimping/ trafficking
 Crimes against women
 Crimes against purchasers
 Related crimes & livability
Neighborhood Representative
 Community and Family Impact
Healthy Relationships
Health Consequences
 Blood borne Pathogens
 Other health consequences
Sexual Behavior
Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC)
 Effects on women’s lives
 Empathy building
Legal Ramifications
SAGE Video / Survivor
LWNW (Kristin)
Portland Police Bureau PCT Rep’s:
Officer Gallagher and Officer
Neighborhood Representative or
Family member
LWNW (Kristin)
Public Health (TBD)
LWNW (Kristin)
SARC Representative –Afton
Multnomah County District
Attorney: Kelley
Melissa or Sage
Sex abuse
One definition of sexual abuse states that sexual abuse
• Any sexual activity or behavior… that results in
physical or emotional harm.
• Given this definition, could engaging a sex worker be
sexual abuse?
Sexual abuse
• Many people who suffered sexual abuse
develop problems relating to sexual behavior,
sexuality, and intimacy.
• Some may respond by engaging in unhealthy
relationships or may become sexually
impulsive and have multiple partners.
Psychological effects of sexual abuse
Panic attacks,
Low self-esteem
Shame / guilt
Anger / rage
Substance abuse / addiction
Eating disorders
Sexual assault & rape
• Rape (forced to submit to sex against his/her will &
without permission)
• Statutory rape (sexual contact with a person who is
under the legal age of consent)
• Sexual battery (Touching a person in a sexual manner
without permission) &
• Certain types of sexual harassment
Is it possible to rape / sexually assault a sex worker?
Compulsive sexual behavior
Is not a matter of having more sex, but involves:
• Overpowering sexual compulsions and obsessions
• A loss of control over sexual behavior
• Continued sexual behavior despite serious bad
consequences, and
• Distortions in thinking such as what they are doing is
In conclusion…
• Unhealthy sexual behavior can lead to compulsions
or impulses to repeat the behavior.
• Such behavior may lead to serious:
– Biological problems (Health issues)
– Psychological problems (thoughts & feelings)
– Social problems (family, friends, and legal)
– If there is a possibility that you have a problem, seek help.
Other attempts to reduce commercial
sex involvement
White Ribbon Campaign
EKIP- Men’s group effort to reduce demand
Sexual Addiction 12 step support groups
Sexual Addiction 12 step therapy
Sexual Addiction therapy (Relapse Prevention;
cognitive-behavioral, trauma)
• Pure Desire- Christian psychoeducational grouptrauma focused, non-shaming, emphasizes God’s
forgiveness, accountability partners
Pilot Study
Portland ARC program
The purpose of the study was to pilot-test a five
week class on the topic of reducing the involvement
(demand) by men with commercial sex.
Since 2000 TSA has been focused on identifying,
rescuing, and providing restorative services to
human trafficking victims-the supply side. Other
federally funded and faith based agencies have
done likewise. There has been little attention to
the demand side of the human trafficking equation.
Course Core Christian Assumptions
Sex outside of a loving, emotionally and sexually
exclusive committed and mutually respectful
relationship is inherently spiritually, emotionally,
and physically damaging. Sex can not be
divorced from our God-given spirituality.
Hence, the intent of the course was to raise
attendees’ awareness that participation in all
forms of commercial sex is damaging.
Why the ARC?
• There is an empirical connection between other
addictions and sex addiction.
• Treat primary addiction first, then sex addiction, or at
the same time.
• Sex addiction and its attendant circumstances can be
viewed as a gateway to relapse of primary addiction
(more research needed on this)
• It was anticipated that men at ARC may be more open
to addressing secondary addictions (stages of change
• Sex addiction impacts their recovery and Christian walk
Quest for Sexual Integrity
A spiritual approach to commercial sex demand reduction for men
Stages of Change
Prochaska, Norcross, & DiClemente
Relapse / Recycle
Tasks in MI
• Problem Identification
• Without a problem there is not a problem; damages
associated with involvement in CS
• Problem severity
• If the problem is not serious, why address it; serious and
cumulative damages associated with involvement in CS
• Optimism
• (hopeful expectation of ability to change and experience
positive outcomes); skills/resources, identify barriers
• Commitment
• Realistic plan of action-non shaming accountability team
and support
Sexualized Culture
Two Different Cultures
The Explosion of Internet
July 2003, there were 260 million pages of pornography
online—an increase of 1,800 percent since 1998. Today: the
number of pornographic pages-420 million
Pornographic websites- 4.2 million (12% of total websites)
(408% 3 three year growth)
Daily pornographic search engine requests68 million (25% of total search engine requests)
Internet users who view porn-42.7%
Who looks at pornography?
Teens and children…
71.61 percent of all online pornography consumers
were male and 28.39 percent were female.
US Adult Internet User Demographics
Reasons Given for Online
Sexual Activity
80.5 percent used online sexual activity (OSA) to distract
themselves or take a break,
56.5 percent used OSA to deal with stress,
43.0 percent used OSA to engage in sexual activities they
would not do in real life
25.3 percent used OSA to educate themselves,
16.1 percent used OSA to meet people with whom to
have offline sexual activities,
11.7 percent used OSA to meet people to date, and
9.1 percent used OSA to get support with sexual matters
Lessons Instilled in Pornography
Sexual pleasure/ performance is the most important
need/activity in life. In relationships it supersedes
communication, common interests, commitment, trust, and
mutual respect.
The more sex the better. More recently, the more intense
and aggressive and dehumanizing the sex the better.
Objectification of another person sexually is normalized and
even glamorized. Degradation of other person sexually is
The Brain on Pornography
Humans are highly addictive creatures. Deep
regions of the primitive brain develop patterns for
safety and survival. Males in particular are
susceptible to visual stimuli. Responding to sexual
stimuli is powerfully rewarded with pleasurable
chemicals flooding the brain.
Brain scans of men during
ejaculation reveal the same
activation of pleasure neurons as
cocaine and other drugs.
Brain Chemistry Changes
Masturbation to pornography is a double
neurochemical hit: the rush of watching extreme
material and therein forcing rush of orgasm,
both of which rapidly consolidate learning—i.e.,
wiring in the synapses.
Novel stimulation
makes internet
extremely addictive (clicking, searching, shock,
surprise). Average time on porn site is 3 hours.
Sexual Addiction
Patrick Carnes believes that people become addicted to
sex in the same way they become addicted to alcohol
or drugs.
Sexual addiction is a maladaptive pattern of sexual
behavior, leading to clinically significant impairment or
distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the
following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month
The Making of a Sex Addict
Sexual addiction (cont.)
Tolerance, as defined by either:
a. A need for markedly increased amount or intensity of the
sexual behavior to achieve the desired effect or
b. Markedly diminished effect with continued involvement in the
sexual behavior at the same level of intensity.
Sexual Addiction
Although not all consumers of pornography struggle
with a sexual addiction, the majority of sexual
addictions include pornography consumption to some
degree, or did at some point in its etiology.
6% of the adult population are estimated to meet the
definition of sexual addiction. It is unknown how many
adolescents would meet the definition.
Process Addiction
While pornography addiction is as powerful as drug
addiction, it is also qualitatively different than
chemical addiction in several ways:
– Internal; always accessible; hidden
– Can not be erased- one always will have the memory
of pornography imprinted in their brain;
permanently alters brain chemistry.
– Deals with a natural instinctual function of life
– Free and (mostly) legal
Sexual Compulsion
Sexual compulsivity is the loss of ability to choose to
stop or continue a sexual behavior it is used to lessen
anxiety. Such behavior violates some aspect of his or
her personal values and ethics and produces deep
shame. The behavior is hidden. 17% of the U.S. adult
population is struggling with some variation of sexual
compulsion. Sexual compulsions can lead to addiction.
Parallels to Drug Addiction
There are strong parallels between the
withdrawal symptoms of addicts and the withdrawal
symptoms of heavy porn users who try to quit: shakes,
severe insomnia, persistent headaches, irritability,
extreme cravings, despair, brain fog, desire to isolate.
Negative Cycle
Evident parallels between drug use and heavy porn use:
cycles of escalation, tolerance, impaired decisionmaking, altered perception.
feelings associated
with addiction
Dissociate and use
avoidance as
coping skill
Sexual acting out
Reliance on
strategies fails
Final Comment
Pornography and all forms of commercial sex are highly misogynic
It is a brutal business that exploits vulnerable persons
It traumatizes participants and ruins lives
Promotes sexual violence, and crime.
No one deserves to be treated as an object. Everyone in porn is
someone’s daughter, sister, mother, brother, son, father- born with
inherent dignity and worth beyond their sexual identity
Sex Addiction and the Church
• Ted Roberts, a noted researcher and sex
therapist suggests over half of fundamental
Christian males struggle with sex addiction.
• The Johns: Sex For Sale and the Men Who Buy
It, Victor Malarek (2009)
• Investigates the rational men give for going to
a brothel in a foreign country (Thailand)
Lara Janson 2013
• This study focuses on the exchange of
information among men who post on the USA,
Sex Guide in Illinois regarding what they call
their “great hobby,” buying sex. 1,500 forum
pages on the USA Sex Guide, a popular
website for men who buy sex throughout the
United States.
Larson on John Schools
• Johns’ posts about demand deterrence
efforts, including law enforcement raids that
target all men who buy sex, create energetic
discussions among johns about whether to
continue buying sex. After the implementation
of these efforts, some of the men on the
forums stated that they will no longer take the
risk of buying sex.
Melisa Farley 2001
Comparing Sex Buyers with Men Who Don’t Buy
Compared 101 men who buy sex with 100 men who
did not. Structured interviews-men‘s history of
using women in prostitution, what they looked for
when they bought sex, their evaluations and
perceptions of women in prostitution and pimpprostitute relationships, awareness of coercion and
trafficking, likelihood to rape, pornography use,
hostile masculine identification, first use of women
in prostitution, criminal history, how they discussed
prostitution with their friends, deterrents to
prostitution, sex education, and others.
• The common myth that ―any man might buy
sex (i.e., that a sex buyer is a random
everyman, an anonymous male who deserves
the common name, john) was not supported.
Sex buyers shared certain attitudes, life
experiences, and behavioral tendencies that
distinguish them from their non-buying peers
in socially and statistically significant ways
• Sex buyers engaged in significantly more
criminal activity than non-sex buyers. They
were far more likely than non-sex buyers to
commit felonies, misdemeanors, crimes
related to violence against women, substance
abuse-related crimes, assaults, crimes with
weapons, and crimes against authority
• Sex buyers acknowledged having committed
significantly more sexually coercive acts
against women (non-prostituting as well as
prostituting women) than non-sex buyers.
Sex buyers had significantly less empathy for
prostituted women than did non-sex buyers. Sex
buyers acknowledged fewer harmful effects of
prostitution on the women in it and on the
community. Non-sex buyers more often saw
prostitution as harmful to both the woman
herself and to the community as a whole.
Lack of emotional connection
Sex buyers expressed ambivalence, guilt and
negative thinking about buying sex. They felt just as
many negative feelings after buying sex as they did
before. Many sex buyers sought sex that lacked
emotional connection. They had little objection if
the woman they purchased pretended to like them
or actively disliked performing the act of
Sex buyers repeatedly commented that they liked
the power relationship in prostitution and that they
liked the freedom from any relationship obligation.
Lack of empathy
The knowledge that the women have been
exploited, coerced, pimped, or trafficked failed to
deter sex buyers from buying sex. Many of the sex
buyers had used women who were controlled by
pimps at the time they used her for sex.
Sex buyers in this study seemed to justify their
involvement in the sex industry by stating their
belief that women in prostitution are essentially
different from non-prostituting women.
Johns who reported to interviewers that they
saw, and yet at the same time refused to see,
the coercion, fear, disgust, and despair in the
women they bought
• Both sex buyers and non-sex buyers agreed
that the most effective deterrent to buying sex
would be to be placed on a registry of sex
offenders. Other effective deterrents included
public exposure techniques such as having
their name or photo publicized on a billboard,
newspaper, or the Internet. Spending time in
jail was considered an effective deterrent by
80% of sex buyers and 83% of non-sex buyers.
• Educational programs were considered the
least effective deterrent by both groups of
• This study strengthens proposals that
educational programs aimed at sex buyers
should be implemented subsequent to
sentencing, not in lieu of it.
Attitudes and Justifications for Buying
Sex: Fantasy, Power, and Control
Overt and underlying assumptions about
masculinity, femininity, sexuality, and
prostituted women, in particular, inform men’s
participation in the commercial sex industry.
Rape Myth
• 47% of interviewees believed that if a woman
participates in any sexual activity then the man
has the right to rape her;
• • 32% thought that rape occurs because men
have strong sex drives, and 47% believed that
men rape women when their sex drive gets out of
• • 28% stated that women ask for rape if they
dress provocatively;
• • 27% thought that if women were drunk or high
and got raped, it was the woman’s fault;
Allen, Emmers, Gebhardt, and Giery
1995 meta-analysis of 24 rape myth acceptance studies
between 1980 and 1993 -4,268 participants.
Experimental investigations of positively correlated
exposure to nonviolent or violent pornography with
increased acceptance of rape myths compared to a
control group.
Why Men Purchase Sex
• The impulse for sex and food are powerful
biological ingrained ancient survival responses
tied to pleasure centers in the brain.
• Sexual compulsion and sexual addictionprogressively becomes more uncontrollable
and deviant.
• The guy next door.
Why Do Men Purchase Sex?
Personality factors
• Narcissistic - self-absorbed, self-centered, their
needs are prioritized over others; difficulty in
genuine concern for others, controlling, use
others, fake empathy; sexual behavior is
objectified to satisfy their need for attention and
• Inadequate ego development; poor self-esteem
and/or impaired mature development- over
sexualized as a coping strategy for deeply
ingrained sense of inadequacy, limited selfconcept; shame
Why Do Men Purchase Sex?
Personality factors
• Criminal thinking and lifestyles (e.g., rapists,
sex offenders, exploitation of others is
normalized; other crimes)
• Pathological (lack of empathy, enjoy power
and control, exploitation; hurting of others is
Why Do Men Purchase Sex?
Situational factors
• Trauma orientation- intimacy challengedsurvivors of emotional, physical and sexual
trauma, victim becomes victimizer (e.g., pimp;
john), isolated, difficult time trusting, being
vulnerable, genuine attachment is
compromised, limited positive sexual role
models or information; deep shame core.
Don’t judge you don’t know their histories.
Why Do Men Purchase Sex
Personality factors
• Conditioned responses-, lack of healthy male
sexually respectful role models, lack of
accurate information about CS, lack of healthy
personal relationship skills or clear sexual
integrity values;
• Opportunistic- uses commercial sex when
presented an opportunity; Lack of discipline
Why Men Purchase Sex
Situational Factors
Culture- over sexualized American culture. Male
stereotypes- boys will be boys, sex most important
need, male privilege and power over women; Role
of women, socioeconomic factors which legitimizes
control and exploitation of women as sex objects,
availably of pornography; Peer support/ pressurestrip club, use of pornography, commercial sex
The Negative Aspects
Impact on Sexual Behavior
Pornographic sexual relationships are not based in
reality; what they read and see about people,
relationships, and sex is distorted.
Many users begin to seek higher levels of excitement,
as current experiences result in a lack of gratification;
their tolerance levels change and/or they become
satiated to particular activities.
Characteristics of Healthy Relationships
(a) investment in the well-being of the beloved,
(b) respect,
(c) admiration,
(d) sexual desire,
(e) intimacy,
(f) commitment,
(g) exclusivity, and
(h) understanding.
The researchers found that when these characteristics are
present in a romantic relationship, people tend to feel fully
Indicators of Healthy and Addictive
Sexual Behaviors
Healthy Sexual Behavior
• Mutual consent (free will)
• Behavior is a want or desire
• Fulfilling, enhancing, mood
• Personal interchange of emotion
• Rare negative consequences
• Enhanced self-worth
• Sexual behavior is fulfilling,
• Balanced sexual behavior
Addictive Sexual Behavior
• Coercion, victimization, and Force
• Behavior is a compulsion for
instant gratification
• Associated with severe mood
• Impersonal & emotional
• Negative consequences
• Negative self-worth, shame, guilt
• Lack of satiation, tolerance
• Erratic sexual behaviors
(excessive/ anorexic)
Impact of Relationships
(1) online sexual pursuits as a predictor of marital
distress, separation, and divorce; (2) decreased sexual
satisfaction; (3) decreased sexual intimacy; and (4)
Impact on Relationships
The porn user blames the partner for their sexual
The porn user wants the partner to participate in
sexual activities that she or he finds objectionable.
18.1% of the relationships surveyed, both partners
had decreased interest in sex.
Impact on Relationships
Married women are significantly more distressed by a
partner’s online pornography consumption than
women in dating relationships.
Internet pornography consumption is viewed as a
threat to the relationship.
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Survey 2002
68 % of the divorce cases involved one party meeting
a new love interest over the Internet.
56 % of the divorce cases involved one party having
an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
47 % of the divorce cases involved one party
spending excessive time on the computer.
33 % of the divorce cases cited excessive time
communicating in chat rooms (a commonly sexualized
Decreased Sexual Interest
 Two-thirds (68%) of the respondents experienced
decreased sexual intimacy with their partner that
corresponded with their increase in cyber sexual
 The user makes excuses to avoid sexual intimacy
with the partner (e.g., not in the mood or too tired).
 The partner feels hurt, angry, sexually rejected,
inadequate, and unable to compete with computer
images and sexy online women (or men) who are
willing to do “anything.”
A Course on Sexual Integrity for Males
in Recovery
When one decides to live a clean and sober life, such efforts
extend to all aspects of one’s life, including sexual behavior.
The shame and guilt often associated with compulsive
involvement with pornography, commercial sex, or sexual
exploitative relationships are common challenges for men in
recovery and can lead to relapses, isolation, damage to self
and others, and thwarts Christian growth.
Yet, most men do not have the support or resources to end
such damaging sexual behavior on their own.
Demand Reduction Curriculum
 What should be included in curriculum? Curriculum Ideas:
 Educate about the damaging impact of purchasing CS on
their lives. Involvement in commercial sex by purchasers
is increasingly recognized as contributing to their intimacy
and sexual dysfunctions, increase in divorces, high rates
of sexual addictions, damage to self esteems, depression
and guilt, and other addictions.
 NO SHAME; reserve judgment; Christian love
Demand Reduction
Core Principles
There are universal God-given ethical and moral
sexual standards. If we are honest and reflective,
we know inherently when we have violated
these universal sexual ethics, as evidenced by
feelings of shame, guilt, and self loathing. Such
feelings fuel sexual adductions/compulsions.
Demand Reduction
• All faith traditions embrace mutually loving sexual
expressions within the context of commitment
relationship (e.g., a marital relationship).
• No faith tradition supports sexual behavior that is
exploitive, compulsive, illegal, damaging to one’s self
concept or hurtful and degrading to others.
• No faith tradition supports persons being treated as
sexual commodities.
• All faith endorse the spiritual value of life over the
physical being. Our sexuality is one piece of our
spiritual nature- not the whole.
Demand Reduction
• The course identify your spiritual ethics as they
relate to involvement in commercial sex activities.
• Recovery behaviors embrace principles of justice
in providing restitution (making amends) for
those you have harmed, and integrity, which
require one to live fully in accordance with core
values of honesty, fairness, openness, and helpful
compassion towards others principles.
Demand Reduction
What is integrity? The Random House dictionary
defines integrity as follows: 1. Adherence to
moral and ethical principles; honesty, 2. A sound,
unimpaired, or perfect condition. Based on the
above definition to be a person of integrity, one
must act in alignment with one’s moral and
ethical principles.
This course also builds on the Christian principles of
integrity and justice . Appeal to a sense of
fairness and his higher spiritual nature.
Demand Reduction
• It is up to you to define for yourself what is sexual
• What is your line of immorality? Some of you
may determine your boundary is not viewing any
soft or hard core pornography.
• Others may decide they will not allow the habit
of sexual fantasying when they see an attractive
woman (as this leads to compulsive impulses to
act out sexually). Your sexual boundary line is
between you and your God.
Demand Reduction Curriculum
• Address motivations for engaging in CS. Examine
myths on prostitution and work to change
– paying for sex is Inevitable, normal, necessary,
– provides a means of support to vulnerable and poor
– If I don’t buy them, someone else will
– Male privilege and entitlement
– Prostituted persons are hyper sexual, drug addicted
Demand Reduction Curriculum
Action Plan
• Educate about sexual addiction and stages of
denial and relapse prevention (create plans)
• Teach non-exploitive relationship skills
• Teach healthy sexuality & how to get their needs
met other than CS
• Teach how to develop and maintain sexual
integrity as an integral piece of their spiritual
recovery. Build sexual accountability support
systems that change dominant male privilege
Demand Reduction Curriculum
• Educate about damaging and exploitive
impact on victims (involve survivors). Empathy
• Track outcomes
Sexual Integrity
Class one- Introduction and Purpose
The SEX culture
Those maps in our heads
Points of reference
Integrity in our sexuality
Rules of participation
Sexual Integrity
• Class two: Value Clarification
• Ethics- personal, community, worldwide,
universal laws?
• Boundaries
• What merry-go-round am I on?
• Consequences
Sexual Integrity
Class Three- Commercial Sex
Who are the victims?
From yin to yang; why do we consume
The power and control of sexual addictions
False assumptions and myths
My part in the puzzle
Sexual Integrity
Class four: Breaking the grip; Choice Theory
Why change
How do I stop (Stop It)
Replacing behaviors: Roads traveled vs Roads
• Wrong thinking patterns: Shame, hiding,
isolation, etc.
• Trauma
Sexual Integrity
Class Five- Accountability: Road to Sanity
Why is this important?
Transparency & Honesty
Take-a-ways from the class
What is my plan
(Ratings)1-strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree
1. The class helped me to better understand the
impact of participation in commercial sex on my
recovery. (3.4)
2. The class helped me to clarity my personal
values as they relate to participation in
commercial sex. 3.6
3. The class changed my attitudes towards
involvement in any form of commercial sex. 3.6
4. The class had little impact on me personally
and my sexual behavior in the future. 3.72
5. Given few opportunities for me to honestly
discuss sexual values, this class was an
important addition to my ARC recovery work.
6. The class instructor engaged us in meaningful
discussions. 4.3
7. I would recommend this class to others in
recovery. 4
What I liked most about the class:
• Everything; laughter at among the group; We had
a good time, some of the curriculum- not all; the
laughter we engaged in; There were good topics
brought up; It was funny to hear others
responses; the understanding of what sexual
integrity is all about and the dangers of
commercial sex; the instructor’s honesty and
forwardness; being honest and open; sharing of
information; it’s over.
Ways to improve the class:
Nothing, it was great
Talking more about moral values in relationships and not so
much about the porn industry or commercial sex; movies,
more spirituality; having a group of men who choose to be in
it- I believe it would help them; screening for those who
qualify with volunteer information; to help themselves, not be
forced into it this class; a pre-questionnaire to have people in
the class who really need it; practical; more participation, I
would personally recommend that the book, “Every Man’s
Battle” be part of the curriculum; screen the participants
before they take the class to make sure the curriculum would
apply to them.
Final Comments
Thanks for the time and effort
Thank you
Good job
The class has been helpful
Teacher was a great guy that believed in the
topic of discussion
Lessons learned
• Don’t call it a Demand Reduction Course
• Pre-screen; do an informational session, men
apply to be enrolled in the class,
• More focus on healthy relationships
• More focus on connection to spirituality
• Commercial sex victim speak to the class
• More an accountability plans
• Intro to a longer more in-depth course