Electrical Indicating Devices

Electrical Indicating
D'Arsonval Meter Movement
A "zero-center" meter movement
D'Arsonval Meter in Direct
Current Circuits
 A "movement" is the display mechanism of a meter.
 Electromagnetic movements work on the principle
of a magnetic field being generated by electric
current through a wire. Examples of electromagnetic
meter movements include the D'Arsonval, Weston,
iron-vane designs.
Electrostatic movements work on the principle of
physical force generated by an electric field
between two plates.
Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT's) use an electrostatic field
to bend the path of an electron beam,
Some D'Arsonval movements
have full-scale deflection current
 A, with an
ratings as little as 50µ
(internal) wire resistance of
less than 1000 Ώ. This makes for a
voltmeter with a full-scale rating of
only 50 millivolts
(50 µA X 1000 Ώ)
Let's start our example problems with
a D'Arsonval meter movement having a
full-scale deflection rating of 1 mA
and a coil resistance of 500 Ώ:
Using Ohm's Law (E=IR), we can determine
how much voltage will drive this meter
movement directly to full scale:
E = I R
E = (1 mA)(500 Ώ)
E = 0.5 volt
will need to re-label the scale on the meter face to
indicate its new measurement range with this
proportioning circuit connected .But how do we create
the necessary proportioning circuit? Well, if our intention
is to allow this
meter movement to measure a greater voltage than it
does now, what we need is a voltage divider
circuit to proportion the total measured voltage into a
lesser fraction across the meter movement's
connection points. Knowing that voltage divider circuits
are built from series resistances, we'll
connect a resistor in series with the meter movement
(using the movement's own internal resistance
as the second resistance in the divider):
RTotal = R4 + R3 + R2 + R1
RTotal = 900 k Ώ + 90 k+ 9kΏ
RTotal = 999.5 kΏ
+ 500 Ώ
Extended voltmeter ranges are created
for sensitive meter movements by
adding series "mul-tiplier" resistors
to the movement circuit, providing a
precise voltage division ratio.
Ammeter design
 A meter designed to measure
electrical current is popularly
called an "ammeter" because the
of measurement is "amps."
 Using 5 amps as an extended range for our sample
movement, let's determine the amount of parallel
resistance necessary to "shunt," or bypass, the
majority of current so that only 1 mA will go
through the movement with a total current of 5A:
Multirange Ammeter
Ammeter impact on measured
Clamp-on Ammeter
 An ideal ammeter has zero resistance.
 A "clamp-on“ ammeter measures current through a
wire by measuring the strength of the magnetic field
around it rather than by becoming part of the circuit,
making it an ideal ammeter.
 Clamp-on meters make for quick and safe current
Ohmmeter design
 The purpose of an ohmmeter, of course, is to measure
the resistance placed between its leads.
 This resistance reading is indicated through a
mechanical meter movement which operates on
electric current. The ohmmeter must then have an
internal source of voltage to create the necessary
current to operate the movement, and also have
appropriate ranging resistors to allow just the right
amount of current through the movement at any
given resistance.
A simple ohmmeter
Using Ohm's Law a few more times, we can
determine the test resistance value for 1/4 and
3/4scale deflection as well:
1/4 scale deflection (0.25 mA of meter current):
3/4 scale deflection (0.75 mA of meter
 Ohmmeters contain internal sources of
voltage to supply power in taking resistance
 Seeing as how a common meter movement
can be made to function as a voltmeter,
ammeter, or ohmmeter simply by connecting
it to different external resistor networks,
Here is a schematic for a simple
analog volt/ammeter:
With all three fundamental functions available,
this multimeter may also be known as a volt-ohmmilliammeter.