Marketing * Chapter 19

Marketing – Chapter 19- Advertising
Advertising - ________________ promotion which promotes ideas, goods, or services by using a variety
of media
(_________ads per day for average city dweller)
Promotional advertising - advertising designed to increase ___________
Institutional advertising - advertising designed to create a ___________________
_______ advertising - advertising to reach large numbers of people with their messages (TV, radio)
Target advertising - carefully select ____________ (easier because of technology)
Types of Media
1. Print 2. ____________ 3. Internet 4. Specialty
__________Media - includes advertising in newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs, and billboards
 __________form of advertising
 ________ and __________ Newspapers
 More than _________ paid circulation daily newspapers and several thousand local weekly
papers (Posey County Times; Courier Press)
 Market ________________________due to technology
Shoppers - minimal editorial content; ____________
National Newspapers - distributed throughout country; ____________and ________________
Advantages of Newspapers:
 Distribution ____________ (circulation); Responses are easily ____________; ______ is low
compared to other print media
Disadvantages of Newspapers:
 Some papers sold outside business's target market; _________ shelf life; Less _________
appealing than other print media; Newspaper circulation continues to ____________
Magazine Advertising
 More than ____________magazine
 Published as weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies
 Many also have ________________
____________ Magazines - developed for personal pleasure or interest; excellent target markets
Business-to-Business Magazines (_________ publications) - for professionals in specific fields
 Advertising Age, Mass Market Retailers
Advantages of Magazines
 _____________________than newspapers; Read more ________ than newspapers; Better
________________than newspapers; Variety of ____________ formats
Disadvantages of Magazines
 Cost is __________ than newspapers; Not as __________ as newspapers
Direct-Mail Advertising
 Highly __________ form of adverting
 Two forms - printed (US Mail) and electronic (_________)
 __________ forms of printed direct-mail: catalogs, newsletters, coupons, samplers, price lists
Marketing – Chapter 19- Advertising
 Highly __________; Wide choice of formats
 Low _______________ (1-3%); Image problem (junk mail)
Directory Advertising (Telephone directory)
 __________ Pages - businesses and residents receive a free alphabetical listing of their phone
numbers and addresses
 Yellow Pages - businesses pay for an______________ listing and a display ad
 Inexpensive; ____________are familiar with Yellow Pages; Kept at least ____________
 Can't change information until new directory printed
Outdoor Advertising
 ______________________signs - are used by companies at their places of business or in other
 Standardized Outdoor signs (billboards) - standard outdoor signs purchased from advertising
companies (changed ________________to a year)
Transit Advertising - advertisement seen on ___________________ (buses, taxis, trains, public benches)
Broadcast media - _______ and _____ advertisements
Television Advertising
Most ads seen on either:
1. major network - ______, ______, ______, ______
2. cable television (11,600 local cable systems)
 Most TV ads are ________________spots
 Combines sight, sound, action, and color (____________ mass advertising medium)
 Businesses can target message to _______________ with cable TV (sports, music, history)
 Local TV advertising can be used to _________ specific geographic areas
Disadvantages - highest _________________(average $400,000); High cost to for time purchased (30
second ad for Super Bowl - ____________)
Radio Advertising
 Timely medium (updated _________________)
 Over 10,000 AM and FM radio stations (reach over _______________)
 Carefully target audiences with the type of station
 Presented in __________________second time periods
Disadvantages – _________________ and have short life span
Internet Advertising
 Involves the World Wide Web or email
 __________ rapidly
Email Ads - ____________ direct-mail adverting sent via email
Banner Ads - come ________________and sizes, but usually as a rectangle at top, bottom or side of a
web page
Marketing – Chapter 19- Advertising
Search engine ads - appear while using a _____________such as Google or Bing (Ex. Google's Ad Words)
Social Media Advertising - __________________to interact with their products (special business club,
extended videos, contests, and many other ideas)
Specialty Media (Sales Promotions)- ____________ useful products that are imprinted with the
company's name, message or logo (pens, shirts, etc.)
Other Advertising Media:
 TV screens at various locations (airports, subways)
 __________________at sports arenas
 On-screen movie theater ads
 Messages in elevators, bathrooms, airplanes (along beaches)
In-Store Advertising:
Retailers are using in-store advertising ________________(electronic shelf ads, cart displays, coupon
New Media:
 Improved ways ____________the Internet continue to provide marketers with creative
advertising opportunities
Media Planning - process of ____________ the appropriate advertising media and deciding the time or
space in which ads should appear to accomplish objective
Media Measurement:
Audience - number of homes or people __________ to an ad
Frequency - number of _________an audience sees or hears an advertisement
Impression - ____________exposure to an advertising message
Cost per thousand (CPM) - cost of exposing _________readers or viewers to an advertising impression
 TV research - ____________; Radio research – ____________
Media Rates
Newspaper Rates
1. Classified Ads - grouped or (____________) into specific categories (help wanted; auto sales)
2. Display Ads - enable the advertiser to depicted the product or service being advertised
Factors that Affect Rates
 type of ad; size; _______________; section or lift-out; page position within a section;
__________ VS black and white; annual spend/expenditure commitment
Newspaper advertising rates quoted by column inch
 Multiply the number of ___________ by the number of inches then multiply the total column
inches by the rate.
 3 columns x 2 inches x $20 = $120
USA Today –
Wall Street Journal –
New York Times -
Marketing – Chapter 19- Advertising
Magazine Rates
 Based on ____________
 Type of readership
 Production ____________
Bleed - means that half or full-page ads are printed to the ____________of the page leaving no white
border (up to 20% extra)
Premium position - refers to _______________ (back cover or inside of the first page (most expensive)
Internet Rates
 Rates are based on the type of advertising
 Rates based on the volume of ____________ views
Radio Rates
 Network radio advertising - message played ____________ (ex. ABC Radio Stations)
 National spot radio advertising - message ____________ placed in certain regions
 Local radio advertising - used locally by __________________on local channels
Time Slots (most -to- least expensive)
 Class AA: Morning drive time - __________________
 Class A: Evening drive time - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
 Class B: Home worker time - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
 Class C: Evening time - 7:00 pm - midnight
 Class D: Nighttime - midnight - 6:00 am
Television Rates (vary with time of day)
 ____________7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Promotional Budget Methods
 Percentage of Sales - based on past or anticipated sales
 _____________________- uses all funds after paying for expenses
 Following the Competition - business matches its ______________ ad budget
 Objective and Task - determines the cost for promotional activities to meet company goals