Origins of European Anti

Group #1: World War I (continued on the next page)
1) *Scan the QR code
2) Scroll down to Background
Take notes on the World War I using the following subtopics in your comp. book
A. Allies (countries who were together/opponents)
B. Casualties
Scan the QR code and watch the video (Please use your headphones.)
4) Using the video, take notes on the World War I using the following subtopics in your comp.
A. Reason for war
B. Modern Technology (weapons)
C. Life as a soldier (trenches, mental impact, diseases, etc.)
5) Do a Google search to find information on the following:
A. Adolf Hitler as a solider
B. Year WWI was fought
C. Ages of soldiers
D. Germany’s reputation after losing the war
6) When instructed, discuss this article and notes with your group
7) Use to make a video teaching other classmates about your topic
Here are the URL’s just in case you have problems scanning the QR code.
Group #2: Treaty of Versailles
1) *Scan the QR code
2) Independently read ONLY the following sections of the article:
The Treaty of Versailles
The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
The German Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
The Consequence of Versailles, and
Were terms of the Treaty of Versailles actually carried out?
3) Take notes on the Treaty of Versailles and Germany’s consequences using the following
subtopics in your comp. book
A. Territorial, military, financial, and general
B. Germany’s attitude regarding the Treaty of Versailles
C. Specific consequences for Germany’s loss of WWI
4) When instructed, discuss this article and notes with your group
5) Use to make a video teaching other classmates about your topic
Here is the URL just in case you have problems scanning the QR code.
Group #3: Germany’s Hyperinflation of the 1920’s
1) *Scan the QR codes
- Use your headphones/earbuds and watch the video
2) After viewing the video, scan the QR code and read the article independently
3) Take notes on Germany’s Hyperinflation of 1920’s using the following subtopics in your comp.
A. Funding World War I
B. Production of money
C. Specific examples of how the value of money decreased
D. Citizens’ Personal assets; money; savings
E. How inflation challenged morals and beliefs
F. Hitler’s Promise to restore the economy
4) When instructed, discuss this article and notes with your group
5) Use to make a video teaching other classmates about your topic
*Here are the URL’s just in case you have problems scanning the QR code.
Group #4: The Great Depression of 1929
1) *Scan the QR code
2) Watch the video and read the article independently
3) Take notes on The Great Depression using the following subtopics in your comp. book
Years economy was impacted
Status of Banks
Perspectives of Presidents Hoover and FDR
Effects on Germany and other countries
World War II catalyzing the USA’s economy’s growth
Social Security Act of 1935
4) When instructed, discuss this article and create an outline with your group
5) Use to make a video teaching other classmates about your topic
*Here is the URL just in case you have problems scanning the QR code.
Group #5 – Hitler Becomes Fuhrer
1) *Scan the QR code
2) Read the article independently
3) Take notes on Adolf Hitler using the following subtopics in your comp. book
A. Painter
B. Experiences with WWI
C. Attitude regarding Germany’s defeat
D. The organization, objective, and perspective of the Nazi Party
E. Role of the SA
F. Hitler’s arrest
G. Role of Allies
H. Hitler’s death
4) When instructed, discuss this article and create an outline with your group
5) Use to make a video teaching other classmates about your topic
*Here is the URL just in case you have problems scanning the QR code.
Holocaust Unit Study
Origins of European Anti-Semitism Documentary
A. Why were Jews targeted?
1. Jews denied Hitler entry into Art school. Hitler wanted to be a painter, but his work
was not taken seriously. He was then forced to live a poor life.
2. This cannot be reasons to kill 6 million Jews. Can it?
B. Students write four reasons from documentary in their comp. book
1. Biblical and Religious (origin)
2. Elders of Zion (stereotype)
3. Semites (classify the targeted group)
4. Hitler’s Scapegoats (Jews led to Germany’s fall)
C. Have students make predictions on 4 reasons
D. Watch video, discuss with group, and take group notes
E. Re-play video
F. Discuss with group and take outline notes
Explore Hitler’s Scapegoats
A. Small Groups (count 1-5)
B. Group #1: World War I
1. Year war was fought
2. Reason for war
3. Countries who fought
4. Number of approximate casualties
5. Ages of soldiers
6. Adolf Hitler as a solider
7. Germany’s reputation after the war
C. Group #2: Treaty of Versailles
1. What it stated?
2. Who is to blame?
3. Germany’s Reparations
4. Loss of German territory
5. Reduction of Germany’s military power
D. Group #3: Germany’s Hyperinflation of 1920’s
1. Funding World War I
2. Production of money
3. Specific examples of how the value of money decreased
4. Citizens’ Personal assets; money; savings
5. How inflation challenged morals and beliefs
6. Hitler’s Promise to restore the economy
E. Group #4: The Great Depression on 1929
1. Years economy was impacted
2. Poverty
3. Status of Banks
4. Perspectives of Presidents Hoover and FDR
5. Effects on Germany and other countries
6. War catalyzing the USA’s economy’s growth
7. Social Security Act of 1935
F. Group #5: Hitler becomes Fuhrer
1. Painter
2. Experiences with WWI
3. Attitude regarding Germany’s defeat
4. The organization, objective, and perspective of the Nazi Party
5. Role of the SA
6. Hitler’s arrest
7. Role of Allies
8. Hitler’s death