Identify Desired Results (Stage 1) Content - Ms. Carpine

Teacher Name
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
Cassie Carpine
Digestive System
Life Science
Cassie Carpine
Grade Level
Time Frame
7th Grade
4 days
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)
Content Standards
S7L2 Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
E. Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for
protection from disease)
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
The purpose, structure and function of the
digestive system.
The digestive system allows foods to be broken
down and nutrients absorbed into the blood and
taken to the cells
Related Misconceptions
- That the windpipe and esophagus are the
same thing.
- That bile is all bad things.
- That the appendix is not needed
What is the
importance of the
digestive system?
How does the
structure of the
digestive system aid
in its function?
How does the
digestive system
work with other
organ systems in
the body to
What is the purpose
of the digestive
What are the
major and
accessory organs
in the digestive
What are the
mechanical and
What are the steps
in the digestive
-TSWK the process of digestion.
-TSWK the purpose of the digestive system.
-TSWK mechanical v. chemical digestion.
-TSWK the major and accessory organs that are in
the digestive system.
-TSWK other organ systems that the digestive
system works with.
-TSWK enzymes role in digestion.
-TSWBAT explain the purpose of the digestive system.
-TSWBAT describe the structure of the digestive system
including all of its accessory and major organs.
- TSWBAT compare and contrast mechanical v. chemical
- TSWBAT explain the importance of the digestive
systems in a human’s everyday life.
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
Digestive System Lesson Plans
Cassie Carpine
Teaching Plan
Teacher:Cassie Carpine Course: Life Science Unit: Digestive System Date: Day 1 November 10,
Standard(s) /Goals for this lesson:
S7L2 Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for protection
from disease).
Essential Question(s) supported by this lesson:
What is the importance of the digestive system in your body?
OPENING (10 minutes)
The teacher will hand out a piece of paper with true false questions. The students will complete the sheet
and if they put false for an answer, they must write why it is false. At the bottom of the sheet the
students will put one thing that they want to learn about the digestive system that they don’t already
know. This will act as a pre-assessment for both the student and the teacher.
Activating strategy:
The students will put aside their DO-NOW and a student based discussion will be held. The teacher will
ask what the students ate for breakfast/lunch depending on class time. The students will then share what
they ate then the teacher will use guided questions to allow the students to start thinking about how the
digestive system works. The teacher will then tell the class that they will be learning about not only what
it does and how it works, but how important it is to everyone.
WORK SESSION (45 minutes):
The teacher will use a Promethean interactive PowerPoint starting with an overview of what the
digestive system is and how it works. The students throughout the PowerPoint will be coming up to the
board and labeling what they think the specific organs of the digestive system would be. Mechanical and
chemical digestion will also be explained in the PowerPoint. The teacher will have every vocabulary
word in the PowerPoint highlighted because when the students see a highlighted word they know it is
important and need to know it, as well as shout the word out as a class when prompted. This will allow
the students to know the pronunciation and be able to recognize the word.
The teacher will then use an interactive activity that models how mechanical and chemical digestion
work. The students will partake in the activity as a table (3 or 4 people) and then discuss how what they
acted out relates to real life and what they ate for breakfast/lunch. Once each group has discussed, one
student from each table will stand up and explain the difference between mechanical and chemical
digestion while also relating it to their life that day. The teacher will walk around the room and help the
students to use the right vocabulary from the lesson and be able to use that vocabulary when they talk to
the class.
Activity: Each table will be given a bowl (mouth), fork (teeth), corn flakes (food), water (saliva), and a
Ziploc bag (stomach) containing vinegar (stomach acid). The students will first mash up the corn flakes
with the fork to imitate chewing, then they will add water to show how enzymes in the saliva help break
down food. Once that is completed the teacher will come to the table and use the paper towel tube
(esophagus) and pour their “chewed” food down the paper towel tube and into the ziploc bag. The
students will then mash the food in the ziploc bag to act out digestion in the stomach. The ziploc bags
will be labeled for each table so that the next day they can use them to represent how the food then goes
through the rest of the digestive system.
CLOSING (5 minutes)
The teacher will hold a class discussion about the importance of the digestive system. The teacher will
give guided questions to the students to allow the student to relate the digestive system to other systems
in the body and how they work together.
For the ticket out of the door, the students will fill out the true/false questions from the DO-NOW and
turn it in on the way out of the door. This will allow the students to evaluate their first answers and
change them if needed.
Attach all handouts, materials and assessments.
List preparations/materials needed.
- Interactive Promethean PowerPoint
- True/False Questions
- Bowl (mouth), fork (teeth), ziploc bag (stomach), corn flakes (food), vinegar (stomach acid),
paper towel tube (esophagus)
Teaching Plan
Teacher:Cassie Carpine Course:Life Science Unit: Digestive System Date: Day 2 November 11, 2015
Standard(s) /Goals for this lesson:
S7L2 Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for protection
from disease).
Essential Question(s) supported by this lesson:
How does a piece of food travel through each organ that makes up the digestive system?
OPENING (10 minutes)
The students will list in their journals the organs within the digestive system and give an explanation on
how the organs work together and why the processes is important to them.
Activating strategy:
Once the students have completed their DO-NOW, the teacher will randomly choose students to share
what they wrote. This will lead into a class discussion and review about the organs that make up the
digestive system. The teacher will then give an example of how other animals including a fly digest their
food. This will engage the students because the students in this class love to learn about how other
animals can relate to them or differ from them.
WORK SESSION (45 minutes):
A picture that shows the digestive system and each organ that is a part of the process will be on the
Promethean board. The students will come up and label each organ or part. Once all of the parts are
labeled the teacher will go through each organ from the beginning to end of the process and explain its
importance and purpose in the whole process. Then the teacher will then give the definition of major
organ and accessory organ. A student based discussion will be held with guided questions from the
teacher to identify each organ in the system as either a major organ or accessory organ. The students will
then come up to the board and label which organs are accessory organs and which are major organs. The
students will then get there ziploc bags with the digested food in them from the day before and bring
them to their tables. They will roll up a piece of paper towel and hold the paper towel over their bowl
then pour their digested food through the paper towel “tube” and into the bowl. This will resemble food
going from the stomach through the intestines and out the anus. The students will then discuss all of the
aspects of that portion of the process and why it is important. The teacher will then have a few groups
share their results using vocabulary. The teacher will then explain how things get absorbed through the
digestive system and the body needs to absorb certain nutrients.
CLOSING (5 minutes)
The students will have a 3-2-1 as their ticket out of the door. They will write 3 key importances of the
digestive system, 2 influences the digestive system has on other systems in the body (circulatory,
muscular, etc.) and 1 question they still have about the digestive system. For homework the students will
be given a crossword for the vocabulary (on the word wall) that has been said and used in the lessons.
Attach all handouts, materials and assessments.
List preparations/materials needed.
- Paper Towels
- Diagram of digestive system for Promethean Board
Teaching Plan
Teacher:Cassie Carpine Course:Life Science Unit: Digestive System Date: Day 3 November 12, 2015
Standard(s) /Goals for this lesson:
S7L2 Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for protection
from disease).
Essential Question(s) supported by this lesson:
How does the digestive system work together with the other body systems to allow the human body to
OPENING (10 minutes)
The students will come in and be told to review their vocabulary for 3 minutes.
Activating strategy:
The teacher will put a matching game on the Promethean board containing the vocabulary words and
their definitions. The students will then be randomly called on to come up to the board and match the
vocabulary word to the correct definition.
WORK SESSION (45 minutes):
The teacher will inform the students that they will be doing an activity and give all of the directions and
supplies out then let the students start on their activity. The students will be placed into groups of 2-4
based on readiness level. Half of the class will start on playing a game with a Bloom’s Cube containing
different levels of questions about the digestive system. There will be different Bloom’s Cubes for the
different readiness group levels. The other half of the class will be given butcher paper and have to trace
the smallest person in their group then draw that student’s digestive system. They will need to label each
part of the digestive system, show where mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur, and label
which organs are major organs and which are accessory organs. Halfway through the students will
switch tasks. The teacher will be walking around the room facilitating the learning and making sure the
students are using proper vocabulary and spelling. The teacher will make sure to challenge all students
for their respective readiness levels.
CLOSING (5 minutes)
Each group will come up to the front of the classroom and present their drawn digestive system. The
students will then discuss as a class what they could have added to their digestives systems they drew
and one thing they like about each group's systems. This will be another way to reinforce the
information in a different way and allow the students to support each other and learn supportive and
encouraging behaviors. The teacher will make sure everyone stays respectful and kind to everyone’s
Attach all handouts, materials and assessments.
List preparations/materials needed.
- Butcher Paper
- Bloom’s Cubes
- Matching vocabulary game
Teaching Plan
Teacher:Cassie Carpine Course:Life Science Unit: Digestive System Date: Day 4 November 13, 2015
Standard(s) /Goals for this lesson:
S7L2 Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Explain the purpose of the major organ systems in the human body (i.e., digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation, excretion, movement, control, and coordination, and for protection
from disease).
Essential Question(s) supported by this lesson:
How does the digestive system work together with the other body systems to allow the human body to
Before the field trip/getting on the bus the teacher will ask the students to write what they will see at the
Bodies Exhibit that they have learned.
Activating strategy:
The students will discuss on the bus what they hope to see and what they think they will see pertaining
to the digestive system.
The students will be given a worksheet to fill out during the Bodies Exhibit. The worksheet will contain
vocabulary words, diagrams to label and questions about the digestive system and what they see.
On the bus ride home the students will be asked to share their favorite part about the field trip and how it
has related to what they have learned. The students will be asked if they saw the digestive system and to
describe what they saw.
Attach all handouts, materials and assessments.
List preparations/materials needed.
- Worksheet for field trip