Globalization I: Postmodernity


Globalization I:


Post-Industrialism and Consumer Society

Starting Questions

 What do you know about Postmodernism?

And postmodernity? Globalization?

 How are they inter-related? How are they related to postcolonialism?


Definitions and Connections

From Modernity to Postmodernity –

Fordism to post-Fordism

Post-Industrial Society

Disorganized capitalism

Service industry and Consumer Society

Globalization: Economic Issues ;


as an example

Definitions (1): Postmodernism

& Postmodernity


 What is the ‘post’ here? What is modernism?

Variously defined as a period, a mode of thinking, and a style?

Some declare it ‘passé.’ postmodernity and postmodern conditions — postindustrialism, multinational/ global capitalism and overall commodification

Postmodernism –culture in music, literature, architecture, popular culture and politics

Features : Depthlessness 無深度, pastiche 拼貼、 metafictional (self-reflexive 後設)、 ambiguity 模擬兩可、 questioning meta-narrative 質疑大敘述/真理、 eclectic

折衷、 boundary-crossing 跨界 、 pluralistic 多元, etc.

Definitions (2): Postmodernism vs.


Similarity --

De-centering, Questioning Master Narratives and other

Authorities multiplicity in language and culture  parody, ambiguity and contamination.

Contradictions --

History: e.g. Foucault -- The death of History   Re-

Writing histories ( To be colonized is to be ‘removed from history’ Albert Memmi )

Subjectivity: pastiche 拼貼、 contingent 臨時性   constructing subjectivities

Aestheticized politics vs. counter discourse for social change

Global capitalism vs. 最後的據點( the only true counterdiscourse, truly "past the last post." )

Definitions (3): Globalization

Definition: the product of processes through which goods, services, capital, people, information, and ideas flow across borders and lead to greater integration of economies and societies.

Cultural globalization –caused by the spreading of

English language, media culture, telecommunication, migrating people, colonialism, international capitalism and international organizations.

Economic globalization – also caused by organization such as World Bank, free trade unions -

-such as 北美貿易協定 NAFTA, 關稅暨貿易總協定 ( G

ATT )and 世界貿易組織 ( WTO ) –which support open and expanded market. ( Clips : revolutions in the 90’s)

Fordism to post-Fordism




(chap 5 pp. 99-101)

Keynesianism (State economy)

Fordism –

Standardization (largescale production of standardized good)

Rational Organization -assembly line; full employment and centralized management

 scientific management; industrial prosperity

Post-Fordism (101)

(rigidity of Fordism in investment, labor organization and in social welfare).

Flexible , variable production

(e.g. cell phone faceplate)

Just-in-Time stock management

Sub-contracting to horizontally related ‘independent’ companies.(e.g. Nike/ 寶成是紡

織業。 )

Reorganization of labor (pp.

102) ( clip : debate and interconnections)

(2) Neo-Fordism or

Regulation School

Stresses the role of social and cultural relations in stablizing the advanced capitalist economies.

While diversification of companies and internationalization happens, labourers and consumers are still regulated and conditioned:



intensification of labour

Emphasis on lifestyle in consumer culture.

(3) Post-Industrial Society

 (textbook chap 5 104)

 A shift from industrial manufacturing to service industry

A shift of emphasis from production to consumption

Capital – information or knowledge the dominance of 1) 電腦新貴 or PMC --

Professorial-managerial class; 2) service workers

Disorganized Capitalism

 (106-107)

Concentration and centralization fo industrial, banking and commerical capital;

 Flexible forms of work organization

 (the rest skipped)

Consumer Society

(pp. 108 –

Overall commodification – the lines between high arts and popular culture get blurred;

 Economy of Signs: signs replacing use values.

 Lifestyle: Communal values (external validation) replaced by personal lifestyles (assemblage of goods, clothes, practices, experiences, appearance, etc.)

 Against the above argument: consumers rearticulation of the social (110)

Globalization: Controversial

Issues –economy

Increasing discrepancy between the rich and the poor plutocracy (government by the wealthy few) –”The

Commanding Heights”

National sovereignty questioned, the farmers suffer.

 Instability in employment (e.g. The newly poor in


 exploitation of third-world laborers (e.g. Nike, Disney, clip)

 The need to meet the trends.

Globalization: Controversial

Issues –economy e.g.

 台灣雖是全球化的參與者,但究竟是「全球化」


如果把全球化當成一個 供應鍊條(chain) 來看,

殘酷的事實是,目前 台灣多數公司都稱不上是


找到自己的位置 。但這不必然說明小國就是被


NOKIA ;荷蘭也不大,卻早就有一個飛利浦。

(中國時報,財經產業 920205 )  競合 (Coopetition); production of parts to that of brands


Globalization defined

COMMANDING HEIGHTS The Battle for the World

Economy Daniel Yergin (traces the battle between State economy and market economy to two economists: John Maynard Keynes and

Friedrich von Hayek )

Related Clips: 1) Globalization and terrorism; 2) economic revolutions in 1990’s;

3) Fall of Communism: China’s Opening their market;

4) Mexico case (interconnection of politics and economy);

5) flows

6) capitalism; 7) the poor (e.g. snake kids)

8) For and against economic globalization
