Biography Report Model

Name: Mr. Gould
Biography/Autobiography Project/Person #1
Section 1: Introduction (6 points)
1 What do you know about this person?
-She didn’t give up her bus seat.
-She recently died. She played a role in the Civil Rights Movement.
2 What do you want to know about this person?
-What did she do for a living? –Did she know Martin Luther King, Jr.?
-Did her decision lead to other things? –How old was she on the bus?
3 What is your opinion of this person?
-I think Rosa Parks was a brave woman.
4 (Complete at end) Were you right about #1? Explain.
-Yes. She did refuse to give up her bus seat to a white man.
-Yes. She died on October 24, 2005. Many say she started the CRM.
5 (Complete at end) Were your questions answered in #2? What did you
learn? (If not answered, consult an outside source.)
-The bus incident occurred on December 1, 1955. Rosa was 42 years old.
-Her decision led to a bus boycott. She worked with Martin Luther King,
Jr. She was a seamstress in a local department store.
6 (Complete at end) What was the most impressive thing about this
The most impressive thing about Rosa Parks is that she believed in right and wrong
even as a child.
Section 2: Early Life – Childhood and Teen Years (3 points)
1 Where was this person born? Tuskeegee, Alabama
2 When was this person born? February 4, 1913
3 Experiences that may have helped to form who this person became
(formative experiences)
Rosa went to a black only school. They had no bus. White kids threw
trash at the black kids from their bus. A white boy tried to hit Rosa. She
picked up a brick and dared him to. She later married Raymond Parks,
who was a barber that helped black people.
Section 3: The Work (3 points)
1 When (what age? Or year?) and how did your person become famous?
Rosa refused to give her bus seat up on Dec. 1, 1955. She was 42 years
2How did this person become famous (their “road to success”)
Rosa refused to follow the law. She was arrested. Her decision led to
a bus boycott. Martin Luther King, Jr. eventually got involved too.
3 What kind of work did this person do once becoming famous/well
known and then after?
After her bold decision, Rosa continued to help fight for equal rights by
making speeches. Her most valuable contribution could have been that
she inspired others to stand up and fight for their rights. She won many
awards for what she did.
Section 4: What Kind of Person Were They (5 points)
1 Identify significant/telling details about your person
a What did your person do (actions)? (Identify at least 3)
pg 44 – made speeches pg - 10 refused to give up seat
pg 14 – refused to pay $10 fine/$4 pg 24 – dared white boy to hit her
pg 26 – helped black people/wrote their stories
b What did your person say (words)? (Identify at least 2)
Pg 11 – Why do you push us black people around?
Pg 26 – Asked black people to use the white library.
c What did your person think (thoughts)? (Identify at least 2)
pg 8 – Didn’t think the laws were right pg 10- Tired of giving up seats
pg 15 – did not feel she had broken the law/law should treat people the
pg 24 – I was right to talk back.
2 Based on a, b, and c above, choose words or phrases that describe this
person (make an inference)
1 helpful
3 fed up
2 brave – a fighter
4 believed in right and wrong
Section 5: Contribution to the World (answer at least 3 – 3 points)
**Does not have to follow any particular outline – see model**
1 How did your person’s work and actions help others?
2 Why was your person’s work important?
3 Did your person teach others? Inspire others? Invent something?
4 How did your person change the world?
5 What lasting effects will your person have on the lives of others?
6 How will we benefit from your person’s work/accomplishments?
2 Rosa’s actions directly led to a bus boycott in Birmingham, Alabama
that went on for 381 days. Martin Luther King, Jr. eventually got
involved. The case was taken to the Supreme Court where they decided
that the law was not right. The law was changed and black people no
longer had to give up their bus seats.
1 Some people say that Rosa Parks started civil rights movement with her
brave decision? Also, Rosa continued to inspire others by making
speeches and attending marches to tell her story.
5 Rosa Parks’ actions may have directly led to equality for everyone, both
black and white, man and woman. She may have been the catalyst that
resulted in the changing of the laws for black people. You could say she
started the end of legal racism.
Summarize a significant story from your person’s life. Be sure to
include at least four events and one detail for each event (minimum 8
(8 points)
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her
bus seat. The law said that black people had to give up their
seats to white people. Next, the bus driver threatened to
have her arrested if she did not move. Parks did not move so
two police officers arrested her. Then, she was taken to jail.
A friend bailed her out so she could go free. After that, she
had to go to court. The judge found her guilty and fined her
$10. Parks never paid the fine because she didn’t believe
she had done anything wrong.
Using information from Section 4, choose a word or phrase to
describe your person. Use at least two details from the book to
support your answer. (5 points)
I will choose a word to describe Rosa Parks. She is a
fighter. The first way I know this is because the story said at
an early age she was standing up for herself. When a white
boy tried to hit her, she picked up a brick and dared him to
do it. The second way I know this is because the story said
that when Rosa was asked to give up her bus seat to a white
person, she refused. She also refused to pay the $10 fine
when she was found guilty by a judge. This is why I think
Rosa Parks is a fighter.
Outside Sources Used – Person 1 (4 points)
1Question: When did Rosa Parks die?
Answer: October 24, 2005
Source: Wikipedia (website)
2Question:How old was Rosa Parks when she refused to give the seat up?
Answer:She was 42 years old (Dec. 1, 1955).
Source: Wikipedia (website)
3Question:What did Rosa Parks do for a living?
Answer:She was a seamstress in a department store.
Source:Wikipedia (website)
4Question:When did Rosa publish her first book?
Answer: Published in 1992 – called Rosa Parks, My Story
5Question: Did Rosa stay in Montgomery after the bus boycott?
Answer:No. She moved to Detroit in 1957 after receiving threats.
Autobiography/Biography Written Report (complete on person #1 or person #2)
PAGE 1 (10 points)
Cover page (see example):
Include a picture of your character (drawing, computer printout, or magazine cutout), the title of the book, the author of
the book, and your name.
PAGE 2 (50 points)
(each paragraph must be at least 3 sentences – Below are suggestions of what to include in each paragraph. You don’t
have to discuss each point.)
Paragraph 1: (Refer back to section 1)
Introduction to the report. Explain why you were interested in reading about this person. State your opinion about your
person. What is the most impressive thing about your person?
Paragraph 2: (Refer back to section 2)
Include information from their childhood and early teen years. Make sure you include when and where they were born.
Include formative experiences that may have helped to make them who they are. You may include telling details from
this time period (Section 4).
Paragraph 3: (Refer back to section 3)
Include information about how your person became famous (their “road to success”). Think of this as a Step 1, Step 2,
Step 3 type of process. For some, this may be very early in life. For others, they didn’t find fame until they were much
older. You may include telling details from this time period (Section 4).
Paragraph 4: (Refer back to section 5)
Include information about the work your character did(during and after they initially became famous). Tell why their
contribution was important to others and the world. Did they invent something or teach others? How did they change the
world? What lasting effects will they have on the lives of others? How will we benefit from their accomplishments?
You may include telling details from this time period (Section 4).
Paragraph 5:
Tell how your character has inspired you (encouraged you to follow in their footsteps and do similar things as them). In
what ways would you like to be like him/her?
PAGE 3: BONUS (5 points)
Construct a timeline of your person’s life. Include a title and at least 6 important dates from their life and what happened
on that date (see example). Online timeline maker:
Students will work in groups at times.
(Packet) __________ out of 90 = _______________
Students will use outside sources.
(Report) __________ out of 70 = _______________
Points will be deducted for:
-missed due dates – 5 points per day
-incomplete sections
-lack of effort
-excessive spelling/grammar issues
- not following directions
Students will present their report (10 points)
(included in report grade).
Writing prompts will be counted in packet
and also as a separate grade.
Parents: I have reviewed this assignment and understand that my child will complete it in class. Computer
printing will not be allowed. I will ask my child often how they are progressing. I will check their work
periodically. I will proofread their report before it is handed in and ensure that they turn the assignment in on
time. X____________________________________
Report due date:_______