Mohanlal Dayal Vinay Mandir School, Neemrana Syllabus for the Session: 2015-16 Class: VII Subject: English TERM/ MONTH FA 1 APRIL MAY FA2 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMB ER SA 1 TOPICS TO BE COVERED ACTIVITY PLANNED Mc:-chapter 1,2 Gr:-introduction of parts of speech ,The Sentence Notice, Dialogue completion Mc:-chapter 3 Sm:-chapter 3,4 Letter, Message Writing noun,pronoun *Revision of FA1 and Holiday Home work to be assigned Revision and Assessment ASL Ch 1 Self dictionary. Role play for prescribed chapter General Etiquettes for Attire ASL Ch. 2,3 Grammar chart Letter(formal and informal) Fundamentals of English Mc:-chapter 4 Sm:-chapter 5 Gr:-verb, Adjective email process description Mc:-chapter 5 Gr:- sub-verb agreement, Tenses story. *Revision of FA2 Revision and Assessment ASL 4,5 ,6 comprehension passage Worksheet E-Mail PSA assignment 1 ASL 7,8 Quiz Debate Worksheet PSA assignment 2 General Etiquettes for Attire *Revision of SA 1 Fundamentals of English NOUN: Number and Gender SA1= FA1+FA2 II TERM FA3 OCTOBER Mc:-chapter 6 Sm:-chapter 6 Gr:-\articles , adverb Article writing Describing people Holiday Home work NOVEMBE Mc:-chapter 7 R Sm:-chapter 7 Biographical sketch Gr:- conjunction, prepositions ASL 9 , 10 Worksheet Crossword Puzzle Elocution PSA assignment 3 ASL 11,12 Worksheet Biographical sketch PSA assignment 4 DECEMBE Mc:-chapter 8 R Sm:-chapter 8,9 Jumbled Words, Narration Diary Entry Revision and Assessment Holiday Home work FA4 JANUARY Mc:-chapter 9 Gr:- active-passive voice FEBRUAR Y MARCH SA2 Mc:-chapter 10 Sm:-chapter 10 Gr:- Modals, Report writing *Revision of FA4 Revision and Assessment Revision of SA2 SA2 Exam FA3 + FA4 Syllabus Greeting card Diary Entry Group project PSA assignment 5 General Etiquettes for Attire Speaking assessment. Picture composition Fundamentals of English Revision of Sample papers Fundamentals of English Subject:Hindi Term FA-1 April/May Topics to be covered Activity clar Hkkx & 2 ¼1½ ge i{kh mUeqDr xxu ds ¼2½ nknh ek¡ ¼3½ fgeky; dh csfV;k¡ ¼4½ dBiqryh ¼5½ feBkbZ okyk cky egkHkkjr dFkk& ¼1½ egkHkkjr dFkk ¼2½ nsoozr&¼3½ Hkh"e izfrKk ¼4½vEck vkSj Hkh"e ¼5½ fonqj ¼6½ dqqarh ¼7½Hkhe ¼8½ d.kZ ¼9½ nzks.kkpk;Z O;kdj.k & ¼1½ Hkk"kk vkSj O;kdj.k ] ¼2½ o.kZ fopkj ¼3½ laf/k ¼4½ 'kCn&fopkj ¼8½ laKk ¼9½ laKk ds fodkjh rRo ¼20½i=&ys[ku vktknh dk egRo viuh nknh dh fo”ks’krk,a fy[kks dfork laxzg dfork okpu ufn;ksa ds uke i= ys[ku fgUnh Hkk"kk O;kdj.k Kku ds iz’u 1 & 50 ih-,l-,- Hkk"kk ,oa O;kdj.k %& milxZ ,oa izR;;] okD;] foykse 'kCn] i;kZ;okph 'kCn FA-2 July/August FA -1- iqujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk clar Hkkx & 2 ¼6½ jDr vkSj gekjk 'kjhj ¼7½ ikik [kks x, ¼8½ 'kke&,d fdlku ¼9½ fpfM+;k dh cPph ¼10½ viwoZ vuqHko Ckky egkHkkjr dFkk& ¼10½ yk[k dk ?kj ¼11½ ikaMoksa dh j{kk ¼12½ nzksinh Lo;aoj&¼13½ banzizLFk&¼14½ tjkla/k ¼15½'kdqfu dk izos”k ¼16½ pkSlj dk [ksy o nzksinh dh O;Fkk ¼17½ jDr ds izdkj ekSf[kd iz'UkksRrjh viuk vuqHko crk,a fuca/k ys[ku ukVd eapu laokn ys[ku fgUnh Hkk"kk O;kdj.k Kku ds /k`rjk"Vª dh fpUrk ¼18½ Hkhe vkSj guqeku ¼19½ }s"k djus okys dk th ugha Hkjrk ¼20½ iz’u 1 & ek;koh Lkjksoj O;kdj.k & ¼5½milxZ o izR;; ¼6½ lekl ¼10½ loZuke ¼11½ fo’ks”k.k ¼12½ fØ;k ¼13½ dky o okP; ¼14½ vO;; ¼15½ inca/k 50 ih-,l-,- Hkk"kk ,oa O;kdj.k %& laKk] fyax] opu vkSj dkjd] loZuke] fo'ks"k.k] fdz;k] vO;;] fdz;k&fo'ks"k.k] laca/kcks/kd] leqPp;cks/kd ,oa foLe;cks/kd FA - 2- iqujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk Sep FA3 Oct/Nov FA-4 Dec/Jan SA – 1. ijh{kk = FA 1 + FA 2 clar Hkkx & 2 ¼11½ jghe ds nksgs ¼12½ dapk ¼13½ ,d frudk ¼14½ [kku&iku dh cnyrh rLohj Ckky egkHkkjr dFkk& ¼21½ ;{k iz”u ¼22½ vKkr okl ¼23½ izfrKk iwfrZ ¼24½ fojkV dk Hkze ¼25½ ea=.kk ¼26½jktnwr lat; ¼27½”kkafrnwr Jh d`".k ¼28½ ikaMoksa vkSj dkSjoksa ds lsukifr ¼29½ igyk]nwljk]rhljk fnu ¼30½PkkSFkk]ik¡pok vkSj NBk fnu O;kdj.k &¼16½ okD;&fopkj ¼17½ v”kq++) okD;ksa dks “kq) djuk ¼18½ fojke fpg~u ¼19½ eqgkojs rFkk yksdksfDr;k¡ ¼21½ izi= Hkjuk ¼22½dgkuh@y?kq dFkk&ys[ku ih-,l-,- Hkk"kk ,oa O;kdj.k %& vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd 'kCn] eqgkojs ,oa yksdkfDr;kWaA FA - 3- iqujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk clar Hkkx & 2 ¼15½ Hkksj vkSj cj[kk ¼16½ ohj dq¡oj flag ¼17½ la?k"kZ ds dkj.k eSa rqudfetkt gks x;k%/kujkt ¼18½ vkJe dk vuqekfur O;; ¼19½ foIyo xk;u Ckky egkHkkjr dFkk&¼31½ lkrok¡] vkBok¡] uok¡ fnu¼32½ Hkh"e 'kj&”k;~;k ij¼33½ ckjgok¡ fnu ¼34½ vfHkeU;q ¼35½ ;qf/kf"Bj dh fpUrk vkSj dkeuk ¼36½ HkwfjJok ]t;nzFk vkSj vkpk;Z nzks.k dk var ¼37½ d.kZ vkSj nq;ksZ/ku Hkh ekjs x, ¼38½ v”oRFkkek ¼39½ ;qf/kf"Bj dh osnuk ¼40½ ikaMoksa dk /k`rjk"Vª ds izfr O;ogkj nksgs ladyu ekSf[kd iz”uksRrjh dfork okpu okn&fookn ¼tad&QwM½ i= ys[ku dgkuh&ys[ku Hkk"k.k fgUnh Hkk"kk O;kdj.k Kku ds iz’u 1 & 50 d`’.k yhyk ls lacaf/kr fp= fpidk,a ifjp; dyk i= ys[ku vifBr cks/k ¼x|ka”k@i|ka”k½gy fuca/k ys[ku fgUnh Hkk"kk O;kdj.k ¼41½ Jhd`".k vkSj ;qf/k"Bj O;kdj.k& ¼23½ vuqPNsn ys[ku ¼24½ fuca/k ys[ku ¼25½ vifBr x|ka”k ¼26½ ekSf[kd vfHkO;fDr Kku ds iz’u 1 & 50 FA - 4- iqujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk SA-2-ijh{kk = FA 3 + FA 4 Subject : Sanskrit Term Topics to be covered Activity FA 1 April / May df.kdk Hkkx 2& ¼1½ ou&egksRlo% ¼2½ lw;ksZn;% ¼3½ xhre~ ¼4½ ee&Hkfxuh eaxye~& lLoj okpue~~ o`{kk.kke~ vfHkKkue~ 'kCn :ikf.k & ijh{ O; laKk& 'kCn :ikf.k &¼equh] lk/kq ]efr½ loZuke~ & 'kCn :ikf.k ¼vLen~ ];q"en~] ;r~½ /kkrq:ikf.k& iB~] vl~]d` FA-1Iqkujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk FA 2 July / Aug. df.kdk Hkkx 2& ¼5½ ee fnup;kZ ¼6½ "kf"V&iwfrZ&mRlo% ¼7½ i';] d% vkxr% \ ¼8½ e/kqjk% “yksdk% Lofnup;kZ&ys[kue~ iokZfnuke~ voljs 'kqHkdkeuk% izs" /kkrq% ijh{ O; & vO;;&inkfu &1 ls 30 miinfoHkfDr’p& fu;ek% &1 ls 9 rd la[;k Kkue~ &1 ls 25 rd DRok ]rqequ izR;; & 1 ls 14 rd FA-2 Iqkujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk Sep. SA1 ijh{kk = FA1 + FA2 FA 3 Oct. / Nov df.kdk Hkkx 2& ¼9½ lqnkl% ¼10½ vga Js"B% ¼11½ ekrk Hkwfe% iq=kssga i`fFkO;k% ¼12½ e`xjkt% Hkklqjd% fp=dFkk jpuk ekSf[kd iz’UkksRrjkf.k 'yksdk% lLojokpue~ vO;; &ijh{ O; & vO;;&inkfu &31 ls 60 la[;k Kkue~ &26 ls 50 rd la[;kokpd&'kCn&:ikf.k &,d] f}]f=] prqj~] iapu~ FA-3 Iqkujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk FA 4 Dec. / Jan. df.kdk Hkkx 2& ¼13½ lqopukfu ¼14½ dkd% fdeFkZa d`".k% \ ¼15½ chjcyL; cqf)&pkrq;Ze~ ¼16½ lwDr;% 'yksdk% lLoj okpue laLd`r 'yksdk% ladyu lwDrhuka p;ua laxzg.ka p dFkk &ys[kue~ miinfoHkfDr’p ijh{ O; & Feb. laKk& 'kCn :ikf.k &unh vkSj Hkxor~ loZuke~&'kCn :ikf.k&fde~ vkSj loZ miinfoHkfDr’p& fu;ek% &10 ls 17 rd DRok ]rqequ izR;; & 15 ls 29 rd la[;kokpd&'kCn&:ikf.k &’k’k~]lIru~]v’Vu~] uou~ vkSj n'ku~ FA-4 Iqkujko`fRr dk;Z ,oa ijh{kk March Term APRIL/ MAY (FA1) SA-2 ijh{kk = FA3 +FA4 Subject: Maths Topics to be covered Activity Integers, 1.Multiplication and division of Integers fractions 2. .Multiplication and division of Integers simple equation 3.Mutiplication of Decimals ASSGN. 1 TO 14 and FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS(1TO50) 29to 36 PSA page 52 to 78 FA-1 Revision and Assessment JULY/ AUGUST (FA2) (September) Lines and angles, triangle and its properties, congruence of triangle , data handling ASSGN 22to 28 and 37to56 PSA page 80 to 97 FA-2 Revision and Assessment 1. To verify that vertically opposite angles are equal. 2. Angle formed by parallel lines and transversal ( to prove pair of corresponding angles are equal) 3. To verify if a given pair of angles is complementary or supplementary by paper cutting and pasting 4. To verify the Pythagoras theorem 5. To verify that the sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180 degree 6. To verify the exterior angle property. Revision and Exam SA1 = FA1 + FA2 (OCTOBER/ NOVEMBER and DECEMBER) (FA3) Comparing quantities, rational numbers , symmetry, practical geometry ASSGN. 57TO 83 PSA page 107 to 120 FA-3 Revision and Assessment 1. To draw a line parallel to a given through an external point by paper folding. 2. To determine if a figure shows rotational symmetry with respect to a rotation of 90degree and 180 degree. 3. Using isometric paper draw a oblique sketch of cube and cubiod. FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS(1TO50) JANUARYFEBRUARY (FA4) Perimeter and area, algebraic equation, exponent and powers, visualizing solid shapes ASSGN. 84 to 111 FA-4 Revision and Assessment 1. To show that the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter is constant. 2. To verify that congruent triangles have equal area but two triangles with equal in area may not be congruent. 3. To drive the formula for the area of a parallelogram (MARCH) Revision and Exam SA 2 = FA3 + FA4 Subject: Science Term/month Topics to be covered Activities FA1(April- 1-Nutrition in plants -Test of starch in leaf May) 2-Nutrition in animals Work sheets-1,2,7,9 3-Heat 4-Acids,bases and salts worksheets -17,18,22,24,25 May FA2(JulyAugust) Aug. Sept. FA3(Oct.Dec.) Revision & assessments Holiday H/W- Work sheets1-Fibre to fabric 2-Water a precious resource 3-Physical and chemical changes Work sheets-13,14,87,88,28,29 4-Weather,climate and adaptations of animals to climate 5-Winds,storms and cyclones. Worksheets -33,34,39,40 Revision & Assessments Work sheets11,12,15,84,85,86,26,27,30,31,32,35,37,38,41 Revision of SA1=FA1+FA2 1-Forest:our life line 2-Motion and time 3-Soil Work sheets-92,93,68,69,45,46 -Position of taste buds at the different places of tongue by the help of sugar,salt,lemon juice etc. -How to Read thermometer, Measuring body temperature. Lab Activity-Measuring temperature of water with laboratory thermometer, Comparison of clinical and laboratory thermometer -Litmus paper test. -Preparing natural indicators by taking turmeric powder and petal of china rose. 3 ,4, 5,6,8,10,16,19,20,21,23. -Prepare yarn from cotton. -Visit a nearby textile industry and observe how to prepare thread and process of weaving. -Poster making –save water save life. -Find out different methods of irrigation in your area, discuss which is the best and why? -Lab Activity-1.Burning of mg ribon. 2.Change in colour of cuso4 solution due to reaction with fe. -Different types of fuels used in cooking. -Study of weather of your area. -Prepare a model of an anemometer. -Prepare a list of materials at your home that are made of wood. -Name the type of forest present in your state. - Measuring the speed of a moving ball and show in d-t graph. Lab Activity- Find out the time period by simple pendulum. –Showing the property and types of soil, Showing the layers of soil. Percolation rate of the soil 4-Respiration in organisms 5-Electric current and its effect. Worksheets -51,52,74,76. Dec. Fa4(Jan-Feb.) -Model to show mechanism of breathing. -Visit a doctor, find out about artificial respiration. -Measure the heart rate by own prepared strethoscope. –Make an electric circuit. -Showing a model on magnetic and heating effect of electric current. Revision & Assessments Work sheets90,91,94,95,66,67,71,42,43,44,47,48,49,50, 72,73,75 1-Transportation in animals and plants 2-Reproduction in plants Work sheet-55,57,62,63. 3-Light 4-Waste water story. Worksheets -78,79,81,98,99 Feb. Revision & Assessments Work sheets54,56,58,60,61,64.80,82.96,97,100,101 March SA2=FA3+FA4 -Transportation of h2o through cells. -Find out about blood groups and their importance. -Grow a potato plant from its eye. Lab Activity-Showing budding of yeast (slide) with the help of microscope. -Locating image in a plane mirror -Real image formed by concave mirror -Treatment of polluted water. –Visit to waste water treatment plant. - on rainbow. -Poster making-sanitation and diseases Subject: Social Science TERM / MONTH FA-1 APRIL TOPIC TO BE COVERED ch.1-Tracing changes through thousand years(History) ch.1-Environment (Geography) ch.2-Inside our Earth (Geography) ch1-On equality (civics) W.B-(CH 1 History,CH 1 & 2Geography,CH1Civics) ACTIVITY PLANNED 1.Mock drill on election through voting 2.Debate – on how we can protect Earth from pollution Atlas-Introduction of basic words of maplongitude,latitude,heat zones,meridians etc MAY ch.2-New kings and kingdoms (History) 1.Google the new kings of W.B-(CH 2 History) cholas.chera and pandyas.”Atlas-Show places of various kings and kingdoms write a review. of India Revision of FA1 and Assessment FA-2 JULY ch.3-Delhi Sultans(History) ch.3-Our changing earth(Geography) ch.2-Role of the government in health(Social & ch.4-Growing up as boys and girls (Social & pol. life) ch.4-Air (Geography) W.B-(CH 1 History,CH 3&4Geography,CH-2 & 4Civics) Atlas-Explanation of changing atmosphere of the world AUGUST SEPTEM BER FA-3 OCTOBE R 1.Collect photographs of historical monuments 2.Skit - on discrimination faced by females in our society 3.Visit to a local hospital ch.3-How the state government works (Social & Pol. Life) ch.5-water (Geography) ch.4-Mughal empire (History) W.B-(CH 4 ,CH-3Civics,Ch.5-Goography) Atlas-Explanation of availability of drinking water on Earth Revision of FA-2 and Assessment Revision and SA-1 Examination (I Term) 1.Role play-Conduct youth parliament within the class 2.Visit to a Mughal monument ch.6-Natural vegetation and wildlife (Geography) CH7-Human environment settlement(Geography) ch.5-Rulers and buildings (History) ch.6-Towns ,traders and craft persons (History) ch.5-Women change the world (Social & Political life) W.B-(CH5 & 6 History ,CH-5Civics,Ch.6& 7Goography) Atlas-Explain natural vegetation of different regions of the world 1.Group Poster competition- On different types of Settlements 2.Make a PPT on top women leaders and CEO’s NOVEMB ch.8-Human environment ER interactions(Geography) ch9-Life in temperate grasslands(Geography) 1.Make a collage from different advertisement 2.Collect and compare of DECEMB ER ch.6-Understanding Media (social & political life) ch.7-Understanding advertising(Social & W.B-(CH-6&7Civics,Ch.8 &9-Goography) Atlas-Explanation of different grasslands of the world Ch7. Tribes nomads and settled communities(History) Ch.8-Markets around us (Social & Ch8.Devotional paths to divine(History) Ch9.-The making of regional cultures(History) W.B-(CH7&9-History ,CH-8Civics,) Atlas-Living areas of different tribes of India Grasslands of two countriePrairies and velds 1.Role play of Bhakti and Sufi saints 2.Panel discussion on nomads and tribes of India Revision Fa3 and assessment FA-4 JANUAR Y 2016 FEBRUA RY MARCH Ch10-Life in deserts(Geography) Ch9-A shirt in the market (Social & political life) CH10-Struggles for equality(social & political life) W.B-CH-9&10Civics,Ch.10-Goography) Atlas-Explanation of deserts in different parts of world Ch10.-Eighteenth century political formations(History) W.B-(CH10-History) Atlas-Explanation of origin place of Indian local political parties Revision of FA4 and assessment Revision of SA-2 syllabus SA-2 EXAM (II Term) 1.Drill on –Lokpal bill in parliament 2.Role play-a customer and a shopkeeper 3.Visit to a textile industry 1.Google-and Make a report on how political parties are registered as national and state parties by election commission Subject: Computer Term FA1 Month April May FA2 July/ Aug Topic 1. about a computer Hardware Printer Plotters Software Application software System software The Binary system Convert a decimal number to binary number Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal number Convert a hexadecimal number to decimal Activity Parts of Input devices, Output devices and memory units. Different variety of software Application software list and project chart and file. System software list and project chart and file Changing background, screen saver, creating shortcut, arranging icons and using recycle bin. Deleting and un-deleting FA 1 Revision and Assessment 2. Spreadsheet Column , Line and Pie chart Working with sheets Renaming and sharing worksheets Working with more than one Inserting rows worksheet Adding colours to cells Making charts Internet and plagiarism Sorting and filtering data Virus and worms 3. The internet Internet Hacking Web pages Information theft Problem of the internet Elements on a website and web page Rules to be followed while using Long vs short web pages the internet Text vs picture 4. Making web pages using front FA3 FA4 page Website , web pages and links Designing your own web page 5. Graphics programming in QBASIC FA 2 Revision and Assessment SA1 = FA1 + FA2 6. QBASIC Programming To repeat the PRINT statement Setting up a loop The for next command LEN command The on goto and inkey$ commands Testing and debugging a program 7. Animation in QBASIC The line circle and paint commands Graphics animation Line and shrinking square Complex animation – Get and Put Commands 8. Introduction to Photoshop Image manipulation Combining the creating a different scene Crop tool Lasso tool Gradient tool Add text to and image The home page QBASIC command Computer graphics Nov 9. Multimedia with Flash Computer Graphics What is multimedia? Working with flash Getting started Revision for FA 3 Creating database, Table, Queries and reports. Saving and closing database file. Create object Adding fading effect to an object Shape tween – transforming shapes December Dec FA 3 Revision and Assessment 10 Databases What is a Database? Managing a database Creating a database Advantages of electronic September October Graphics commands Setting the resolution – The screen command Setting a pixel - The PSET command Setting pixel colour Random number and the RND command Setting UP a loop While loop Do loop Adding sound Try out different variations Line command The box command Paint command Circle command Simple modifications Magnifying tool Color picker Reduce the size of the image Changing brightness / contrast of the image Introduction to MS Access Components of a database Designing the database table Rearranging data Finding information databases Jan 11. Three Dimensional modelling Making rectangle Making a box from the rectangle Revision for FA4 Feb February FA 4 Revision and Assessment SA2 = FA3 + FA4 Adding and Renaming data Generating a Report Changing the shape of the box Viewing it from different sides Making discs and cylinders Resizing and object Moving an object Revision for SA 2