The Thirteen Colonies - Effingham County Schools

The Thirteen Colonies
• During the 1600’s and 1700’s many English
settlers moved to North America.
• People believed that they had a better chance to
make a living in North America or to find
freedoms that they did not have at home.
• These settlers established the 13 Colonies.
• The 13 colonies are located along the
coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
• The Appalachian Mountains formed a
natural boundary to the west of the
The geography and climate of the 13 colonies
separated them into 3 different regions:
New England
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
New England Colonies
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
• New England’s geography was shaped by
glaciers during the Ice Age. As glaciers
moved they cut deep valleys through the
mountains and left a thin, rocky layer of
• The rocky, sandy land made it difficult to farm.
• The regions and rugged mountains made it hard
to find good farmland.
• The climate also affected farming. Summers
were warm but winters were long and very cold.
This made the growing season short (late May to
early October).
• Farming was hard but the area had many
natural resources. The resources helped
the colonists make a living. They used the
wood from the forest to build buildings and
ships. They caught fish and whales to use
for food and other products.
• Puritans were English colonists who settled in New
England during the 1600’s.
• These settlers wanted to live in a community where they
could follow the rules of the Bible and serve their God.
• Religion shaped the government of the Massachusetts
Bay Colony. One law required all people to attend
Church on Sundays.
Rhode Island
• Roger Williams, a dissenter wanted more religious freedom, so he
began the colony of Rhode Island.
• A dissenter is a person who does not agree with the beliefs of his or
her leaders.
• Williams believed that the government should not make laws about
• In Rhode Island, people could worship freely. He also kept the
government separate from the church.
• Anne Hutchinson, was also a dissenter, who was banished from
Massachusetts. She held meetings in her home where both men and
women talked about religion.
• Thomas Hooker was a minister who also did not like the
rules of the Puritan leaders.
• He wanted to form a community where all men could
vote even if they were not members of the church.
• In 1636, he led about 100 colonists to the Connecticut
River where he founded the town of Hartford. Along with
other colonists looking for good farmland, they created
the colony of Connecticut.
New Hampshire and Maine (part of
These colonies were formed by other
colonists that moved from the
Massachusetts Bay area because they did
not agree with the Puritan rules.
Conflict over the land.
• The New England colonies were founded on lands where Indians
• The Indians and colonists disagreed on who owned the land. The
Indians believed that no one truly owned the land but the colonists
disagreed with them
• In the 1630’s, a war broke out between the colonists and the Pequot
Indians. Most of the Indians were killed.
• In 1675, Metacomet, the leader of the Wampanoag Indians, became
known as King Phillip to the colonists. He and his tribe attacked the
colonists because of the fight over the land. This war became known
as the King Phillip’s War.
Life in New England
• New England colonists made a living by
using resources from the land and sea.
• Many people specialized in ship building
and fishing.
• The most common fish was cod.
Triangular Trade
• Colonists began exporting fish and whale
oil between North America, Europe, and
• Some traders in the triangular trade made
money by selling humans.
• In Africa, traders bought enslaved African men,
women, and children. They were put on ships
and sent to the West Indies. This passage was
known as the Middle Passage because the
Africans would then be shipped to North America
were they were sold as slaves.
Home life in New England
• Colonial families in New England often had 6 or 7
• They lived in small wooded houses with few rooms.
Many homes only had one room with a huge fireplace.
• The men and boys worked in the fields and the women
and girls prepared the food and worked in the home.
• Children were taught how to read so they could read the
• Boys were able to go on to Harvard, the first college in
the Colonies.
Middle Colonies
New York
New Jersey
• The fertile soil in the Middle Colonies was good
for farming.
• The Middle Colonies wide rivers such as the
Delaware and Hudson were ideal for
transporting crops to sell and for bringing
supplies to the farms.
• The woods in the Middle Colonies were full of
wildlife. Colonists hunted and trapped animals
such as deer and beaver.
New York
• The English settlements of the Middle Colonies began in
• The King of England gave the colony to his brother
James, the Duke of York. He changed the name to New
York and gave part of it to two of his friends.
New Jersey
• John Berkeley and George Carteret
named the land given to them by James,
the Duke of York, New Jersey.
• William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a place where
people could worship freely.
• He was a Quaker (a person who believed that all
Christians should be free to worship in their own way.
• Penn made fair treaties with the Lenni Lanape Indians
which allowed them to live together peacefully for years.
• The Duke of York gave William Penn more
land that was once part of Pennsylvania.
• Later it became the colony of Delaware.
Life in the Middle Colonies
• The people of the Middle Colonies came from many
lands (Dutch, Scots-Irish, Scandinavian, and English).
Some were enslaved Africans.
• Many colonists were Quakers.
• The Middle Colonies had religious tolerance.
• The climate and soil was excellent for farming.
• Most children learned how to read and write, but most
colonists thought that their children needed to learn
useful work skills.
Southern Colonies
North Carolina
South Carolina
Southern Colonies
• The Southern Colonies were very different from
the New England and Middle Colonies.
• It was full of bays, rivers, and wetlands. It is
known as the TIDEWATER area.
• The climate and soil is excellent for farming.
• Colonists used the waterways to ship crops to
markets in other towns and cities.
• In 1607, Jamestown, Virginia became the
FIRST English colony in North America.
• The first colonist came to Virginia to look
for gold. When they did not find any, many
started plantations on the fertile soil.
• The colony of Maryland began in 1632 when
King Charles I of England gave land in North
America to Cecilius Calvert who was known
as Lord Baltimore.
• Calvert hoped to make Maryland a safe
place for Catholics.
• King Charles II of England started these colonies.
• North Carolina had few harbors and was not as good for
farming. It grew more slowly than the southern part.
• South Carolina had good farmland and many excellent
harbors. Rice plantations were built in the city of Charles
Town that later became Charleston.
• In 1732, England’s King George II started
another colony to keep the Spanish and
French away from South Carolina. He
gave this land to James Oglethorpe. The
new colony was named Georgia to honor
King George II.
Life in the South
• The long growing season and warm, damp
climate of the Southern Colonies made the
region perfect for growing tobacco, rice,
and indigo.
Family Life in the South
• The children of wealthy plantation owners lived
fairly easy lives. Most were educated at home.
The boys spent their free time outdoors learning
how to ride horses and hunt. The girls learned
how to sew and sing.
• Life was different for children who lived in the
back country farms. They learned how to read
only if their parents taught them. They rarely
went to school and spent most of their time
helping around the farm at an early age.
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