2015 105D Exam #2 review

Anthropology 105D Exam #2 Review
…Essay questions…
1. Discuss the main characteristics of the food-foraging way of life. How is this
way of life different than all other adaptive strategies humans have used?
2. What are the three types of sexual division of labor and with which types of
society are they associated?
3. List and define three types of reciprocity and give an example of each.
4. Define silent trade, give an ethnographic example and suggest a reason for the
existence of silent trade.
5. Describe the economic and non-economic functions of the Kula ring.
6. Define and explain the function of the levirate and the sororate.
7. Define and distinguish among bride price, bride service and dowery. Give an
ethnographic example of each.
8. Define polyandry and discuss reasons for its occurrence and rarity.
9. List and define the four most common patterns of residence practiced by
couples after they marry.
10. What types of problems are typically faced by extended families?
Chapter 5…
At the conclusion of this chapter students should be able to:
 Describe the role of adaptation in cultural survival.
 Identify and discuss the characteristics of the food foraging way of life.
 Identify and describe the characteristics of food-producing societies:
horticulturalists, pastoralists, intensive agriculturalists, and mechanized
 Recognize the impact that food-producing strategies have had on our way of
Chapter 6…
At the conclusion of this chapter students should be able to:
• Explain how and why anthropologists study economic systems.
• Identify patterns of labour, control of resources and technology in
nonindustrial societies.
• Identify and discuss methods of distribution and exchange.
• Demonstrate the importance of economic anthropology in the global
Chapter 7…
At the conclusion of this chapter students should be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the difficulties with defining marriage in an
inclusive manner.
• Identify and discuss the many forms of marriage, including common-law
marriages, and how they correlate with other aspects of society.
• Explain the roles of consanguineal and affinal ties in society.
• Describe the practice of gift exchange that often accompanies marriage.
Chapter 8…
At the conclusion of this chapter students should be able to:
• Critically examine the nature of the Canadian family.
• Explain the functions of the family in human society and the difference
between family and household.
• Identify the various forms of family organization and discuss their features.
• Identify and describe the residence patterns found in diverse societies.