Costs of production Outline 1. The economic concept of cost and profit 2. Fixed and sunk cost 3. Profit maximization with limited capacity 4. The cost of production 5. Long run cost 6. Economies of scale 7. Economies of scope 8. The learning curve 9. Cost analysis and optimal decisions Opportunity cost What is the true cost of pursuing a MBA degree? Economists would count the following as a part of cost: •Explicit, out-of-pocket costs such as tuition, books, and fees •Implicit, or opportunity, cost, --i.e., the income (or utility) lost by not pursuing your next best alternative, such as a fulltime job. Entrepreneurs have opportunity costs as well. For example , if I put my energy and talent into the restaurant business, I am giving up profits I could earn somewhere else. Normal profit A normal profit is the minimum profit sufficient to compensate entrepreneurs for profits lost by not pursuing their next best business opportunity Economists treat a normal profit as an implicit cost— that is, the cost of attracting entrepreneurship. Accounting Profit We accountants would subtract explicit, or accounting cost, from revenues to compute profit. Accounting = Revenues – Explicit (Accounting) Cost Economic Profit Economists would subtract economic cost (including a normal profit) from revenues to compute an economic profit Economic = Revenues – (Explicit + Implicit Cost) Fixed and Sunk Costs •Fixed costs (FC) are elements of cost that do not vary with the level of output. Examples: Interest payments on bonded indebtedness, fire insurance premiums, salaries and benefits of managerial staff. •Sunk costs are costs already incurred and hence non-recoverable. Examples: Research & development costs, advertising costs, cost of specialized equipment. -maximization with limited capacity: Ordering a best seller Suppose the bookseller’s estimated (inverse) demand equation is given by: P = 24 – Q, where P is dollars and Q is quantity in hundreds of copies per month. The cost to the bookseller is $12 per copy. Consider a bookseller with a limited amount of shelf space. How many copies of a best seller should be ordered? 3 questions 1. How many copies of the bestseller should the merchant order, and what price should she charge, assuming there is unlimited shelf space to stock the bestseller? 2. Now suppose shelf space is limited, so that carrying the bestseller means “crowding out” other books? Assuming the average profit on books already shelved is $4, what is the optimal price and quantity of the bestseller? 3. What if actual demand is less than estimated demand, say: P = 18 – 2Q. The publisher is obligated to refund returned copies for $6 each. How many copies should be returned (if any), and how many should be sold and at what price? An Optimal Book Order Price Sales Revenue Cost Forgone Final Profit Net Profit (a) QS = 600 $18 $10,800 $7,200 $0 $3,600 (b) QS = 400 20 8,000 4,800 1,600 1,600 [QS = 600] 18 10,800 7,200 2,400 1,200 QS = 200 14 2,800 4,800 800 -1,600 Qr = 200 6 1,200 [QS = 400] 10 4,000 [Qr = 0] 6 0 [c] [QS = 0] [Qr = 400] 0 6 2,400 0 4,800 1,600 -2,400 0 4,800 0 0 -2,400 Problem 2 The key to 2nd problem is in understanding that the $4 in profit lost for stocking each unit of the bestseller is an implicit cost Hence marginal cost is given by: MC = $12 + $4 = $16 Problem 3 To solve problem 3 you need to recognize 2 things: (1) Since the books have already been ordered, the $12 price is a sunk cost; and (2) the $6 return charge is an implicit cost of stocking the bestseller Thus marginal cost is given by: MC = $4 + $6 = $10 Firm’s Costs in the Short Run Annual Output Total Cost Fixed Cost Variable Cost (Thousands of Repairs) ($000s) ($000s) (000s) 0 270.0 270 0.0 5 427.5 270 157.5 10 600.0 270 330.0 15 787.5 270 517.5 20 990.0 270 720.0 25 1207.5 270 937.5 30 1440.0 270 1170.0 35 1687.5 270 1417.5 40 1950.0 270 1680.0 45 2227.5 270 1957.5 50 2520.0 270 2250.0 55 2827.5 270 2557.5 60 3150.0 270 2880.0 Figure 7.1 T ota l C ost (T housands of D olla rs) 3,000 2,000 C ost function 1,000 0 5 1 0 1 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6 0 O utput (T housands of Units) Definitions Variable cost (VC) is the sum of the firm’s expenditure for variable inputs such as hourly employees, raw materials or semi-finished articles, or utilities. Average total cost (SAC) is total cost divided by the quantity of output. Average variable cost (AVC) is variable cost divided by the quantity of output. Marginal cost (SMC) is the addition to total cost attributable to the last unit produced Annual Output Total Cost (Thousands of Repairs) ($000s) 0 270.0 5 427.5 10 600.0 15 787.5 20 990.0 25 1207.5 30 1440.0 35 1687.5 40 1950.0 45 2227.5 50 2520.0 55 2827.5 60 3150.0 Ave. Cost Marginal Cost ($000s) ($000s) 85.5 60.0 52.5 49.5 48.3 48.0 48.2 48.8 49.5 50.4 51.4 52.5 31.5 34.5 37.5 40.5 43.5 46.5 49.5 52.5 55.5 58.5 61.5 64.5 Figure 7.2 C o s t/Unit (T ho us a nd s o f D o lla rs ) 64 SM C 60 56 52 SAC 48 44 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 O utp ut (T ho us and s o f Units ) Relationship between Average and Marginal When average cost is falling, marginal cost lies everywhere below average cost. When average cost is rising, marginal cost lies everywhere above average cost. When average cost is at its minimum, marginal cost cost is equal to average cost. If your most recent (marginal) grades are higher than your GPA at the start of the term, your GPA will rise What explains rising (short-run) marginal cost? If labor is the only variable input then marginal cost can be expressed by: PL SMC MPL [7.1] Recall that the marginal product of labor will begin to fall at some point due to the law of diminishing returns. Behavior of Average Fixed Cost Fixed Cost Per Unit 300.0 250.0 As output increases, fixed cost can be spread more thinly 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 1 11 21 31 Output (Q) 41 51 Production costs is the long run •In the long run there are no fixed inputs; hence all costs are “variable.” •The long run average cost curve shows the minimum average cost achievable at each level of output in the long run—that is, when all inputs are variable. Constant Returns to Scale L o ng - R un A ve r a g e C o s t $5 SAC 1 SAC 2 ( 9 ,0 0 0 - s q ua r e - ( 1 8 ,0 0 0 - s q ua r e SAC 3 fo o t p la nt) fo o t p la nt) ( 2 7 , 0 0 0 - s q ua r e f o o t p la nt) 4 LAC = LM C SM C 1 0 SM C 2 SM C3 72 108 144 216 O ut p ut ( T ho us a nd s o f Units ) The U-Shaped Long Run Average Cost Function Long-Run Average Cost LMC LAC SAC 1 SAC2 SMC 1 LMC SMC 2 SAC 3 SMC3 Decreasing returns Increasing returns Qmin Output Notice on the previous slide that up to a scale of QMIN, the firm experiences decreasing (long run) unit cost. Economies of scale are exhausted at the point Minimum Efficient Scale (QMES) QMES is the minimum scale of operation at which long unit production costs can be minimized. Cost per unit QMES is large relative to he “size of the market.” Demand To produce on an efficient scale, you must supply 50% of the product demanded at a price equal to minimum unit cost LAC 0 1000 2000 Q How large do you have to be to minimize unit costs?1 Not very large (as a percent of U.S. consumption) : Bricks, flour milling, machine tools, cement, glass containers, cigarettes, shoes, bread baking. Fairly large (as a percent of U.S. consumption): Synthetic fibers, passenger cars, household refrigerators and freezers, commercial aircraft. Very large (as a percent of U.S. consumption): Turbine generators, diesel engines, electric motors, mainframe computers. 1F.M. Scherer and D. Ross. Industrial Market Structure and Performance, 3rd edition, 1990, pp. 115-116. Figure7.5a Long-Run Average Cost Qmin Output (a) Figure 7.5b Long-Run Average Cost Qmin (b) Output Figure 7.5c Long-Run Average Cost Local telephone service, electricity distribution, and cable TV distribution are well represented by this cost function. (c) Output