Project # __: Animal Behavior Vocabulary Due: __________ Directions: Tape this directions page and the vocabulary list in in your Lab Journal. Use the directions below as a rubric to complete your project: ____ 1 pt. /word Copy the words on your project pages. ____ 1 pt./ word Copy the definitions on your project pages. ____ 1 pt./ word Create a drawing to illustrate the word. ____ 1 pt. / word Color the drawing. ____ 1 pt. / word Use the word in a sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5 points total/ word = 100 points for the total project. There will be a vocabulary test over these words after the project is due! 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. biological fitness = the ability to survive and reproduce behavior = the way an organism reacts to changes in its internal condition or external environment stimulus = any kind of signal that carries information that can be detected response = a specific reaction to a stimulus pheromones = a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species innate behavior = inborn behavior, instinct learned behavior = acquired behaviors based on experience habituation = process by which an animal decreases or stops its response to a repetitive stimulus that neither rewards or harms the animal classical conditioning = any time an animal makes a mental connection between a stimulus and some kind of reward or punishment operant conditioning = trial-and-error learning insight learning = occurs when an animal applies something it has already learned to a new situation without a period of trial-and-error; reasoning Imprinting = rapid learning that occurs during a brief receptive period, typically in early life, and that establishes a long-lasting behavioral response to a specific individual, object, or category of stimuli, as attachment to a parent or preference for a type of habitat. mimicry = a protective resemblance migration = periodic movement from one place to another and back again circadian rhythm = behavioral cycles that occur in daily patterns courtship = behavior that helps animals identify healthy mates territory = a specific area occupied and protected by an animal or group of animals aggression = threatening behavior that one animal uses to gain control over another communication = the passing of information from one organism to another language = a system of communication that combines sound, symbols, or gestures according to sets of rules about word order and meaning, such as grammar Word = Definition Illustration Word used in a sentence. Word = Definition Illustration Word used in a sentence. Word = Definition Illustration Word used in a sentence. Word = Definition Illustration Word used in a sentence.