Why is recycling important to you?

Why is Recycling Important to
Why is Recycling Important to
Why is Recycling Important to YOU ?
“Because I want to be able to eat
the fish that I catch.”
If not recycled, one quart of used motor oil
could pollute 250,000 gallons of water.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I want my
child to have a clean
place to live.”
Plastics require 100 to 400 years to break down
at the landfill. It takes approximately 1 million years
for a glass bottle to break down at the landfill.
Why is Recycling Important to
Apple juice.
“Because I want my
child to have a clean
place to live”
. . . and yes . . . you can buy apple juice
in recyclable plastic bottles too.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I like to keep my
grocery bill low.”
Using recycled content in packaging often saves the
manufacturer and you money.
Why is Recycling Important to
Recycling is important to me
because it:
• Saves valuable resources
from being disposed of
• Provides fiber/raw
materials for a large part
of the world's paper and
packaging production
• Saves disposal space
Bill Moore
President, Moore & Associates
The World's Leading Consultants to the Paper Recycling Industry
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because my
experiences have
taught me that it’s
important for her
“Because my future
depends on it!”
Always Done
Americans are recycling more than ever before.
With an average recycling rate of 27%, and over 60%
for some materials, we have exceeded the national goal.
Why is Recycling Important to
• Recycling is not a new concept. When our
grandparents were growing up, throwing something
away after only one use was extremely rare.
• Recycling was especially important during the 1940s
as part of the Allied effort in WWII. Scrap metal was
collected to make ammunition, and textiles were
collected to make uniforms for soldiers.
• Recycling has made a recent comeback because
of a growing understanding of the environmental
and economic problems associated with
a “throwaway society.”
• Young people realize that by recycling today,
they can ensure a better tomorrow.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I don’t want
high gas prices.”
For every 3,700 two liter plastic bottles recycled,
a barrel of oil (42 gallons) is saved.
Why is Recycling Important to
• Fossil fuels like oil and gasoline are finite resources,
meaning that there is no way to make more of them.
• Using recycled materials saves fossil fuel because they
have already been refined and processed once.
Manufacturing these materials a second time requires
less energy.
• For example, recycling aluminum cans saves 95% of the
energy required to make the same amount of aluminum
from its original source, bauxite.
• Recycling a pound of steel saves enough energy to light
a 60-watt bulb for 26 hours.
• A paper mill uses 20% less energy to make paper from
recycled paper than it does to make paper from trees.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I need to
support my family.”
Photos\Craig - Its my job\DSC02167.JPG
The recycling industry nationally employs over
1.1 million people and generates an annual payroll
of nearly $37 billion.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because recycling provides raw
material to American industry.”
Half of all polyester carpeting is made from
recycled beverage bottle plastic.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Recycling is important to me
because it promotes team
work, minimizes wastes and
supports our local economy.
Not only is recycling the right
thing to do, it is our
responsibility as members of
our community."
Robert Eaton, Safety and Environmental Manager
Eaton Corporation, Supercharger Plant, Athens, GA.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I like to buy
environmentally friendly
Everyone knows recycling is good for the planet.
But recycling also creates some pretty cool products
you can buy right now. These are a few.
Why is Recycling Important to
27% of the garbage entering Georgia’s municipal solid waste landfills
is commonly recyclable. In 2004, more than 2.3 million tons
of discarded material could have been recycled.
Why is Recycling Important to
The recently completed Georgia Solid Waste Characterization Study
commissioned by the Georgia Dept of Community Affairs indicates material
in landfills that could be recycled breaks down by the percentages
illustrated in this chart.
Why is Recycling Important to
“We can't blame anybody
else for the garbage we
personally generate every
day. Recycling is a great way
for us to fulfill our obligation
as citizens to help solve the
problems we create.”
Jimmy Palmer, EPA Region 4 Administrator
Why is Recycling Important to YOU ?
“Because I like to
breathe clean air.”
“Clean Air”
Recycling saves energy and reduces air pollution
as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because it’s what my
constituents want.”
Recycling is considered a service that many residents
request and expect to be provided.
Why is Recycling Important to
"Recycling is all about being on a winning TEAM. Recycling:
- conserves energy and our natural resources,
- promotes environmental stewardship and civic pride, and
- supports Georgia's manufacturing industries and creates jobs."
Commissioner Mike Beatty, GA Dept. of Community Affairs
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because I need money for …”
Aluminum beverage cans are a staple in recycling
and are highly valued by scrap recyclers.
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because my Scout troop
collects recyclables to help
fund community projects.”
The aluminum beverage can is remanufactured
and returns to the grocer’s shelf in as few as
60 days after collection.
Why is Recycling Important to
Cars contain recycled steel and plastic in
increasing amounts. A new auto battery contains
nearly 100% recycled materials.
Why is Recycling Important to
"Recycling is important to us because
it affords us the opportunity to not only
reduce what goes to landfills but also
helps minimize the use of scarce
natural resources. Use of recycled
products also helps to create a
demand for the material being
recycled. We at Ford annually
purchase products from our suppliers
that contain more than 50 million
2-liter soft drink bottles…
Andy Acho - Worldwide Director, Environmental Outreach and Strategy
Ford Motor Company
Why is Recycling Important to
. . . about one billion bottle caps become heater and airconditioning components and millions of yards of carpeting
become air cleaner housings. Even the trunk mats in some
models are reversible with recycled tires being utilized on
the underside to improve functionality and support
environmental stewardship.”
Why is Recycling Important to
“Because it conserves water.”
The Honorable Sonny Perdue
Governor of Georgia
Recycling one ton of paper saves 7,000 gallons of water.
Why is Recycling Important to
While we may have 3 times as much wood available as we did 80 years ago
due to tree farms replacing old growth, Americans consume 15 times more
paper today. Without paper recycling, we would need to increase timber
harvesting by 80% just to keep up with demand in the next 10 years.
Why is Recycling Important to
Computers, monitors, TVs, and other electronics can be recycled
providing valuable recovered materials for remanufacturing, while
removing potentially harmful elements from our air and water.
Why is Recycling Important to
Electronics are a fast-growing portion of America's trash - with 400
million pieces of computer equipment destined to become obsolete
annually until 2010.
More than 3.2 million tons of electronic waste accumulates in U.S.
landfills each year. (In Georgia approx. 125,000 tons accumulate
More than 400 U.S. electronics recycling companies earn $700
million in annual income and employ 7,000 people. They process
approximately 750,000 tons annually.
The average cathode ray tube inside a PC monitor contains about
five pounds of lead oxide powder embedded in the glass to protect
the user from stray radiation.
Computers have several elements – lead, mercury, cadmium – that
are regulated as hazardous wastes by U.S. EPA and all states.
Electronics can present an environmental hazard if they are
disposed of improperly.
Why is Recycling Important to
Can You Hear
Me Now?
Because recycling mobile phones, rechargeable batteries and other
portable electronics keeps tons of toxic waste from entering landfills.
Why is Recycling Important to
Filler Slide Four
• Many electronics and batteries include lead, mercury
and cadmium. Once in the waste stream, these
products can release harmful chemicals into the air
or water.
• Every year, more than 3 million batteries are used
and then thrown away by American households who
use single-use and rechargeable dry cell batteries—
that’s 125,000 tons of batteries discarded each year.
• There are nearly 500 million mobile phones waiting
to be recycled In the U.S.
Why is Recycling Important to
Composting yard trimmings and other organics conserves
landfill space and replenishes our depleted soils.
Why is Recycling Important to
• Organics make up a large part of our waste stream
that can be composted and used to enrich our
depleted soils. Yard trimmings alone can be 17-25%
of the municipal waste stream in many
• Biodiversity means the variety of life on earth. Think
of it as a web: the more links and strands of
connection there are, the stronger the whole web
becomes. Biodiversity begins below ground . . . a
healthy soil teeming with diverse microorganisms.
Why is Recycling Important to
• Soil is kept healthy and living by adding lots of
organic matter, in the form of compost. Compost
contributes to the health of soil by supplying
nutrients, improving soil texture and drainage,
conserving soil moisture and encouraging
earthworms and diverse microorganisms.
• Water is a resource too precious to waste. More
and more local governments are enacting
watering restrictions during the summer. Using
compost helps to enhance water-retention
capabilities of soil limiting the need for outdoor
watering. It is often applied to reduce soil erosion
as it improves soil’s texture.
Produced by Georgia Recycling Coalition – Communication Committee, 2005
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