Human Geography -

Welcome to AP Human
Mrs. Cantu
Room 1732
What is “Human Geography”?
 Human Geography is the study of people from a spatial
and ecological perspective
 Geography is all about “relationships”
 How do people interact with the land?
 How do people interact with each other?
 Geographers seek to answer the question, “why is what
Topics to be Discussed
 Geography: Its nature
 Political Organization of
and Perspectives
 Population
 Cultural Patterns and
 Agricultural and Rural
Land Use
 Industrialization and
Economic Development
 Cities and Urban Land
 80% = Summative Assessments (tests, projects,
papers, and portfolios)
 20%=Formative Assessments (homework, activities,
maps, and quizzes)
 There is no common assessment or final in AP Human
Geography. 
 Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture (8th
Edition); H.J. De Blij, Alexander B. Murphy, and Erin
H. Fouberg
 You should leave it at home for reading assignments,
homework, or studying.
 I will let you know when you need to bring your
textbook to class.
Make-Up Work
 You can find all assignments and notes that you miss
while absent on my website.
 If you miss a test, you will take it the day you return
in class.
 If you are absent any days before a test and return on a
test day, you will take the test. Test reviews can be found
on my website.
 Projects are due the day the student returns. It is
the student’s responsibility to obtain missed
assignments from the instructor.
 I will not remind you to make up your tests or projects.
Late Work
 Late work is the quickest way to see your grade drop in
my class. Any work not turned in at the time it is
collected will receive a 50% off penalty. You are only
allowed to turn in assignments one day late.
 Late work is not acceptable, however I understand that
things do happen. If you know you will be turning in
an assignment late, you must communicate that to the
instructor BEFORE the assignment is due. I will
decide on a case by case basis if your work will be
accepted, and if there will be a point deduction.
 Tutoring is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from
2:45-3:15, or by appointment. If you plan to attend
tutorials, it is a good idea to let me know so that I can
remain available to you.
Notebooks and Supplies
 You should have the following supplies every day:
 Pen or pencil
 Notebook or composition book to take notes
 Colored Pencils (when needed)
 You should also have the following supplies in
order to complete your unit portfolios:
 A binder (1.5 inch minimum)
 A set of at least 7 dividers labeled “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”,
Please bring a box of tissues, a pack of black pens,
OR a box of markers to class by Friday.
 I have created a website for this class. You may use the
website to access course materials, or to e-mail me.
Dress Code
 All dress code guidelines in the Magnolia ISD
Student Handbook will be enforced.
Classroom Procedures
 Turn off cell phones & electronic devices
 No food or drink, except water
 Arrive to class on time & ready to learn
 Never line up at the door before dismissal
 Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work
 Use polite and appropriate language
 Do your best work & turn it in on time
 Pick up after yourself before you leave
About the AP Test
 AP Human Geography has one of the highest
passing rates among all other Social Studies AP
 It is composed of 75 multiple-choice questions, and
three free response questions
 The expectation for everyone taking this course is
that you will take the AP Test in May