THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTY FULL NAME: NGUYEN MANH CUONG TOPIC TITLE: USING GIS TO MANAGE THE WATER QUALITY OF AQUACULTURE IN HA LONG BAY, QUANG NINH PROVINCE BACHELOR THESIS Study Mode: Full-time Major: Environmental science and management Faculty: International Training and Development Center Batch: 2010 - 2015 Thai Nguyen, 21/1/2015 i Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Nguyen Manh Cuong Full name DTN1054120026 Student ID Using GIS to manage the water quality of aquaculture Thesis title Supervisor in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province MSC. NGUYEN VAN HIEU ABSTRACT Assessment of surface water quality by the water quality index (WQIHL) at Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province was conducted to give a database for planning and monitoring water quality in this region for aquaculture. The monitoring was carried out from quarter I to quarter IV in 2013, at 10 sites in the Ha Long coastal. DO, pH, BOD5, TSS, oil and fecal coliform of water samples were analyzed. The formula used to calculate the water quality index (WQI) are easy to use, thus it is a valuable tool for observing the water environment and monitoring the pollution. This research uses GIS to create spatial data. The GIS database for the management of aquaculture areas in Ha Long Bay layer data includes spatial distribution and the natural properties factors. Database is organized by the type of relationship structure in ArcGIS software. The data that included in the database are taken from various sources and are moving on the same basis of mathematical projection UTM-WGS84-Zone 48N. Attribute data (table excel) and spatial data (map) are entered in ArcGIS, then it is interlinked. After it is edited, complete map is exported. Based on complete map, it can be easy to manage water quality for aquaculture in Ha Long Bay. Keywords Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh, GIS, ArcGIS software, Water quality index (WQI), aquaculture. Number of pages 66 Date of submission January 15, 2015 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Approved by International Training Center – Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, with the enthusiastic help of Ha Long City, the teachers, and peoples at Center for Foreign Language and Applied Informatics, I have done to implement the research: “Using GIS to manage the water quality of aquaculture in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province”. Through the implementation process I have gained much useful knowledge as well as certain results. I would like to thank the Board of Rectors and the teachers of Resource Management Faculty. Specially, I would like to thank the teacher Msc.Nguyen Van Hieu – Lecturer as well as vice director who give me opportunity to complete my research, for their valuable advises, encouragements during studying and patience during writing the thesis. I also highly appreciate the examiners MSc.Nguyen Van Hieu for the value contributions to make the thesis more reliable. I would also like to thanks the officers and staffs of the Ha Long City who enthusiastically communicated word experience and helped me a lot in supplied data to create conditions for my research, so I can complete this research better. In addition, I would like to thank family and friends who were always at my side to encourage and help me in the learning process as well as during researching time. Because time and ability are still limited, research cannot avoid shortcomings. I look forward to receiving your comments and contribution to complete research more. Again, I sincerely thank! Thai Nguyen, January 21, 2015 Student Nguyen Manh Cuong iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................1 LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................................2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................3 PART I. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................4 1.1. Research rationale .................................................................................................4 1.2. The purpose of research ........................................................................................4 1.3. The objects of research..........................................................................................5 1.4. Limitation ..............................................................................................................5 1.5. Content ..................................................................................................................5 PART II. LITERATURE RIVIEW .............................................................................6 2.1. Legal basis .............................................................................................................6 2.2. Concept, roles and characteristics of aquaculture. ................................................6 2.2.1. Concept of aquaculture ...................................................................................6 2.2.2. Roles of aquaculture .......................................................................................6 2.3. Aquaculture in the world .......................................................................................9 2.4. Aquaculture in Viet Nam ....................................................................................11 2.5. Water quality index WQI ....................................................................................13 2.5.1. Water Quality Definition and Importance ....................................................13 2.5.2. What is WQI? ............................................................................................... 14 2.5.3. WQI Development Process...........................................................................15 2.6. Overview of GIS .................................................................................................17 2.6.1. Definition ......................................................................................................17 2.6.2. Uses of GIS ...................................................................................................18 2.6.3. Components of GIS ......................................................................................19 2.7. The GIS application of aquaculture in the world ................................................21 2.8. The GIS application of aquaculture in Viet Nam ...............................................23 PART III. METHODS ................................................................................................ 25 3.1. Material ...............................................................................................................25 3.1.1. Data collection .............................................................................................. 25 3.1.2. Inherited method ........................................................................................... 25 3.2. Method ................................................................................................................25 3.2.1. Calculating WQI ........................................................................................... 25 3.2.2. Creating database by GIS .............................................................................28 IV. RESULTS...............................................................................................................30 4.1. Natural conditions ............................................................................................... 30 4.1.1. The geographical location.............................................................................30 iv 4.1.2. Topography ...................................................................................................30 4.1.3. Weather .........................................................................................................31 4.1.4. Rivers and tidal regime .................................................................................32 4.1.5. Natural resources. .........................................................................................33 4.2. Social economy ...................................................................................................35 4.2.1. Population- Ethnic Minorities- Religion ......................................................35 4.2.2. Economic situation of the City .....................................................................36 4.3. Assessing the potential strengths and challenges for fisheries economy in Ha Long city ....................................................................................................................39 4.3.1. Potential strengths and opportunities to develop fisheries sector .................39 4.3.2. Adverse factors and challenges to fisheries economic .................................40 4.3.3. Position and economic role of fisheries in the City ......................................41 4.4. Assessment of water quality in Halong Bay based on WQI for aquaculture .....41 4.4.1. Assessment of water quality in HaLong Bay Q1 (2013) .............................. 43 4.4.2. Assessment of water quality in Ha Long Bay Q2 (2013) ............................. 44 4.4.3. Assessment of water quality in Ha Long Bay Q3 (2013) ............................. 46 4.4.4. Assessment of water quality in HaLong Bay Q4 (2013) .............................. 47 4.5. GIS Applications in water quality database for the management of aquaculture areas in Halong Bay, Quang Ninh province .............................................................. 49 4.5.1. Soft-Wave Used ............................................................................................ 49 4.5.2. Data collection .............................................................................................. 50 4.5.3. Creating spatial database ..............................................................................51 4.5.4. Creating attribute database ...........................................................................51 4.5.5. Entering and linking data ..............................................................................52 4.5.6. Displaying and editing the map ....................................................................53 PART V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ........................................................60 5.1. Discussion ...........................................................................................................60 5.2. Conclusion...........................................................................................................60 PART VI. REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 62 6.1. References in English .......................................................................................... 62 6.2. References in Vietnamese ...................................................................................64 6.3. Internet resources ................................................................................................ 64 v LIST OF FIGURES List of figures Page 19 25 29 30 32 32 Figure 2.1: Components of GIS Figure 3.1: Diagram of Creating formula for water quality index (WQI) Figure 3.2: Diagram of creating database by GIS Figure 4.1: Administrative map of Ha Long City Figure 4.2: The average temperature of air (ºC) Figure 4.3: The average rainfall (mm) Figure 4.4: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q1(2013) Figure 4.5: The proportion of WQI belongs to classification levels of water quality Q2(2013) Figure 4.6: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q3(2013) Figure 4.7: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q4(2013) Figure 4.8: WQI average of Ha Long Bay in 2013 Figure 4.9: Standardization of spatial data Figure 4.10: Monitoring map of water quality surface of Ha Long Bay Figure 4.11: Table of attribute data Figure 4.12: Selecting Stacked method to show water quality of Ha Long Bay Figure 4.13: Displaying data of water quality in monitoring sites Figure 4.14: Map of water quality by WQI of Halong Bay is displayed on the map by column chart. Figure 4.15: Database of water quality index WQI of Ha Long Bay in ArcGIS Figure 4.16: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QI-2013) Figure 4.17: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QII-2013) Figure 4.18: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QIII-2013) Figure 4.19: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QIV-2013) 43 45 46 47 49 51 52 53 53 54 54 55 57 58 58 59 1 LIST OF TABLES List of tables Table 2.1. Oregon DEQ models (Cude 2001) score water Table 3.1: Table of selecting parameters of water quality in Ha Long Bay Table 3.2.Table provisions of qi sub – index values corresponding Ci concentration Table 3.3: The weight wi Table 3.4: Classification of water quality Table 4.1. Population of ward in Ha Long City Table 4.2. Symbols and coordinates of 10 monitoring sites Table 4.3. WQI value of monitoring points Q1 (2013) Table 4.4. WQI value of monitoring points Q2 (2013) Table 4.5. WQI value of monitoring points Q3 (2013) Table 4.6. WQI value of monitoring points Q4 (2013) Table 4.7. WQI of Ha Long Bay in 2013 Table 4.8. Attribute database table of water quality monitoring sites Page 16 26 26 28 28 35 42 43 44 46 47 48 52 2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EACC: Economics of adaptation to climate change ERSI: Environmental Systems Research Institute FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization GDP: Gross Domestic Products GIS: Geographical Information Systems NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization VND: Vietnamese Dong WQI: Water quality index 3 PART I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research rationale Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province, includes 1,969 islands, mainly limestone islands, with an area 1.553km2. This area which has great potential in the development of multi-sector and multi-target, is particularly famous for its natural beauty and the precious heritage value that should be protected. Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 by the value of the beauty of the natural landscape. With the advantages of market, social economy and natural ecosystem, aquaculture is developing quickly. However, aquaculture that is spontaneous, have not planned to keep up the development or asynchronous. Thus, this raises issues about the environment, economic efficiency low and increasing social conflicts. Facing these risks, we need to make a management system for aquaculture to sustainable development and bringing big profits. Meanwhile, computing is developing powerful increasingly, and GIS technology (Geographic Information System) have been applied widely in the management and production as well as in difference industry, especially management of the social economy information and natural resources on the Earth's surface... along with analytical tools, accessing and searching data quickly. Currently, in the advanced countries, GIS is growing increasingly. However, in Vietnam, GIS has been limited and has not been disseminated widely. Besides there are lacking of research on building tools for database management and environmental monitoring of water quality for aquaculture in Ha Long Bay. Therefore, with the consent of International Training Center, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, under the guidance of teacher Msc Nguyen Van Hieu conducting the research "Using GIS to manage the water quality of the in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province "will help address the issues mentioned above. 1.2. The purpose of research Assessment of water quality in Ha Long Bay using WQI index Application of GIS technology manages water quality environment and uses reasonably for aquaculture. 4 1.3. The objects of research - Surface water quality of Ha Long Bay 1.4. Limitation - The spatial extent: Ha Long Bay, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh province. - The time scope: During Sept – Dec 2014. 1.5. Content - Collecting data on the characteristics of natural conditions, social economy and status of aquaculture in Ha Long Bay. - Analyzing and assessing water quality by WQI - Using GIS to manage the water quality environment of the aquaculture areas (Creating database for management). 5 PART II. LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1. Legal basis QCVN 10: 2008/BTNMT National technical regulation on coastal water quality. QCVN 01-80: 2011/BNNPTNT Establishment of aquaculture for human consumption–Condition for veterinary hygiene. Decision No: 2006/2001 / QD-UB dated 23/07/2001 of Quang Ninh "In the master plan for development of the fisheries sector in Quang Ninh period 20012010" Decision No: 2898 / QD-UB dated 24/09/2010 of Quang Ninh "The ratification proposal, mission to plan for development of the fisheries sector in Quang Ninh period 2010-2020" 2.2. Concept, roles and characteristics of aquaculture. 2.2.1. Concept of aquaculture Aquaculture, also known as aqua farming, is the breeding and harvesting of plants and animals in water. It can take place in natural water bodies such as ponds, lakes, marshland or brackish water and the ocean. It can also be conducted in man-made tanks, commonly found in fish hatcheries. So, aquaculture is a part of production in agricultural to maintain, supplement, replicate and develop fishery resources. Aquaculture aims to provide products for consumer of human and the supply materials for seafood processing operations (Thang, D. V (2005). 2.2.2. Roles of aquaculture - Supplying food to meet the needs of society: Agriculture is the production sector of material providing essential products for human needs such as food, various types of product that have the role of decisions of human activities, without this product, people cannot survive and grow aquaculture also is the production sector of material and supply products for humans, such as fish, shrimp, crab … These products provide nutrients for humans. The more society is growth, the more human life is improved, the demand of humans is also improved, people turn to foods with high nutritional value, nutritious and seafood is one such product (Thang, D. V (2005). 6 - Promoting economic growth: Aquaculture plays an important role in the overall growth of the fisheries sector and the whole economy in general. The object of aquaculture is creatures through processing operations them formed products with high nutritional and economic value. The consumption of these products in the domestic or export also helps the state obtained the profit and contributes significantly to the growth of the whole economy in general. The fisheries sector development opens up new opportunities for the country's economy (Thang, D. V (2005). - Contributing to economic restructuring: In trends of moving country into harmony in the international economy, Vietnam's economy is growing significantly, the economic growth of our country in 2007 reached 8.5%. Even within the agricultural sector itself also shifts, the ratio of livestock increases, the proportion of crop reduces. Aquaculture development also plays an important role in the economic restructuring of the country, and contributes to the growth of the economy in general. Tendency to convert planted acreage inefficient to use more efficient by developing aquaculture has rapidly developed. Besides aquaculture development has also attracted the participation of many economic sectors, such as state-owned enterprises, joint ventures, limited liability business and the most important is the involvement of the rural households, promoted the development of the private sector. Aquaculture development has been accompanied by the development of the service and industrial sectors such as food production establishments, the seafood processing company (Thang, D. V (2005). - Creating jobs and increasing incomes: Fisheries sector with its rapid growth has created a series of jobs and attracting a large force involved in all stages of production, reduce pressure on employment shortages nationwide. Aquaculture contributes to job creation for a segment of the population, helps them generating additional income to feed themselves and their families. The family is the cell of society, once the cells themselves have developed, the society will be good. Therefore, we are heading towards an equitable society, 7 civilization, in which everyone is equal. Aquaculture development also contributes to reduce the gap between rural and urban (Thang, D. V (2005). Today, when the economy has developed, people's living standards also improved. It is shown that people move from low freight demand to supply goods such as meat, eggs, milk, seafood … and fishery products also meet a variety of needs of the people from popular products such as fish, shrimp to luxury commodities such as crabs, lobster … it will satisfy the diverse needs of strata (Thang, D. V (2005). Providing materials for seafood processing industry: Aquatic products in addition to meet the demands for direct consumption of the population, a large portion is provided to the processing plant as raw materials for the processing industry. The characteristic easily see through processing operations, the value of the fishery products are elevated values. The processing of fishery products by packaging technology primarily for the purpose of export to the world market. These products will really satisfy foreign consumers if the quality of the product is placed on top. Therefore, the question is to ensure the quality from the stage of farmed seafood, we only have output when we have clean products (Thang, D. V (2005). 2.2.3. Characteristics of aquaculture activities Water body is means of production cannot be replaced: The object of aquaculture is organisms associated with water, if separated them from the water environment, they cannot survive. From this feature we see that aquaculture is a relatively complicated industry compared to other industries. Wherever there's water, there was capable of aquaculture. Therefore the aquaculture has development capabilities in everywhere and all geographies. Depending on the characteristic of each type of water body to have suitable breeding objects such as breeding seafood in freshwater, saltwater or brackish (Thang, D. V (2005). Water body is also a special production materials because it is different from other production materials, if we know how to use, renovate, protect and foster, the water body is not only not worn out, the quality is not diminished through using process but also better (Thang, D. V (2005). 8 The object of the aquaculture activity is aquatic organisms: Like agriculture, the object of aquaculture is the living body. They develop according to certain laws of biology (growth, development, destruction). These living bodies are very sensitive to external conditions, only a small fluctuation of the environment is also easy to affect the animals themselves. The influence of external conditions such as wind, rain, storms, floods, droughts … also affects to the growth and development of them (Thang, D. V (2005). - Aquaculture is seasonal: Based on the law of growth and development of aquatic animals that humans affect them through the process of nurturing and caring to create products that serve the purpose of life. However, aquaculture is heavily dependent on natural effects so that the labor time and the production time is not fits lead to seasonality in aquaculture (Thang, D. V (2005). Seasonality in aquaculture has led to state of workers sometimes can get very busy and sometimes are idle. This feature requires aquaculture in one hand to respect the seasons, on the other hand to reduce seasonality by: for aquaculture need to focus research on aquatic species have a shorter growing time to be able to produce more crops annually (Thang, D. V (2005). - Aquaculture has characteristic of distinct regions: aquaculture is conducted on the vast terrain, depends on natural conditions so have characteristic of clear regional. This feature shows where, there have water body and labor, have the capable of aquaculture. However, in every region, every country has the condition of water resources and climatic characteristics vary so aquaculture is not the same. Since this feature requires the regions and localities must grasp clearly the conditions of aquaculture in the province to develop a reasonable cultivating highly effective (Thang, D. V (2005). 2.3. Aquaculture in the world Global fish production has grown steadily in the last five decades, with food fish supply increasing at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent, outpacing world population growth at 1.6 percent. World per capita apparent fish consumption increased from an average of 9.9 kg in the 1960s to 19.2 kg in 2012 (preliminary estimate). This impressive development has been driven by a combination of 9 population growth, rising incomes and urbanization, and facilitated by the strong expansion of fish production and more efficient distribution channels. China has been responsible for most of the growth in fish availability, owing to the dramatic expansion in its fish production, particularly from aquaculture. Its per capita apparent fish consumption also increased an average annual rate of 6.0 percent in the period 1990–2010 to about 35.1 kg in 2010. Annual per capita fish supply in the rest of the world was about 15.4 kg in 2010 (11.4 kg in the 1960s and 13.5 kg in the 1990s).Despite the surge in annual per capita apparent fish consumption in developing regions (from 5.2 kg in 1961 to 17.8 kg in 2010) and low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs) (from 4.9 to 10.9 kg), developed regions still have higher levels of consumption, although the gap is narrowing (FAO, 2014). Global aquaculture production attained another all-time high of 90.4 million tonnes (live weight equivalent) in 2012 (US$144.4 billion), including 66.6 million tonnes of food fish and 23.8 million tonnes of aquatic algae, with estimates for 2013 of 70.5 million and 26.1 million tonnes, respectively. China alone produced 43.5 million tonnes of food fish and 13.5 million tonnes of aquatic algae that year. Some developed countries, e.g. the United States of America, have reduced their aquaculture output in recent years, mainly owing to competition from countries with lower production costs (FAO, 2014). World food fish aquaculture production expanded at an average annual rate of 6.2 percent in the period 2000–2012 (9.5 percent in 1990–2000) from 32.4 million to 66.6 million tonnes. In the same period, growth was relatively faster in Africa (11.7 percent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (10 percent). Excluding China, production in the rest of Asia grew by 8.2 percent per year (4.8 percent in 1990–2000). The annual growth rate in China, the largest aquaculture producer, averaged 5.5 percent in 2000–2012 (12.7 percent in 1990–2000). In 2012, production in North America was lower than in 2000 (FAO, 2014). The fifteen main producer countries accounted for 92.7 percent of all farmed food fish production in 2012. Among them, Chile and Egypt became million-tonne producers in 2012. Brazil has improved its global ranking 10 significantly in recent years. However, Thailand’s production fell to 1.2 million tonnes in 2011 and 2012 owing to flood damage and shrimp disease. Following the 2011 tsunami, Japanese aquaculture recovered slightly in 2012 (FAO, 2014). Some 58.3 million people were engaged in the primary sector of capture fisheries and aquaculture in 2012. Of these, 37 percent were engaged full time. In 2012, 84 percent of all people employed in the fisheries and aquaculture sector were in Asia, followed by Africa (more than 10 percent). About 18.9 million were engaged in fish farming (more than 96 percent in Asia). In the period 2010– 2012, at least 21 million people were capture fishers operating in inland waters (more than 84 percent in Asia) (FAO, 2014). Employment in the sector has grown faster than the world’s population. In 2012, it represented 4.4 percent of the 1.3 billion people economically active in the broad agriculture sector worldwide (2.7 percent in 1990) (FAO, 2014). 2.4. Aquaculture in Viet Nam Given Vietnam’s long coastline, capture fisheries have always been important as a source of food and incomes. With slower growth of capture fisheries, aquaculture has overtaken capture fisheries in both the quantity and value of production. In 2008, aquaculture production was valued at 33 trillion VND, accounting for 6.6 percent of the national GDP, up from 2.2 percent a decade ago. Over the same period, capture fisheries’ share of GDP fell from 5.0 percent to 3.6 percent (in 2008). The rapid growth of the sector has been a major source of agricultural diversification over the past decade. It is a direct result of adapting operating practices together with a focus on the production of exportable species at increased levels of intensification. The EACC sector study on aquaculture (Kam et al. 2010) looked at the economics of adaptation to climate change for some aquaculture products and for some areas. Aquaculture in Vietnam is dominated by brackish-water and freshwater production systems. Shrimp dominates the brackish-water aquaculture production, accounting for 98 percent of the production volume, while fish accounted for 99 percent of freshwater production in 2005. Estimates by the Department of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural 11 Development (MARD) put the 2009 aquaculture area in the southern provinces (from Da Nang to Ca Mau) at 927,000 ha with total production of 2.1 million tons, accounting for 79 percent of the country’s total aquaculture area and 80 percent of the total aquaculture output (VASEP 2010). Pond culture of brackishwater shrimp dominates in terms of farm area (71 percent of all aquaculture area is used for shrimp production), while freshwater catfish farming accounts for 47 percent of total aquaculture production by weight. The regional distribution of cultured shrimp and fish are reasonably representative of the geographical differences in the dominance of brackishwater and freshwater aquaculture production respectively. The Mekong River Delta accounts for about 80 percent of the country’s total shrimp production (which includes brackish-water shrimp and freshwater prawns), while the coastal provinces in central Vietnam account for about 15 percent. The Mekong River Delta has also increased its share of the country’s cultured fish production from 67 percent in 2005 to an estimated 75 percent in 2008, mainly due to the expansion of the catfish industry. Freshwater catfish production now dominates cultured fish production in the Mekong River Delta, but there are also many other freshwater and marine fish species that are cultured throughout the country. The Red River Delta region ranks second in cultured fish production, but its share declined from about 20 percent to 15 percent from 2005 to 2008. In the Mekong River Delta, striped catfish are grown primarily in ponds with earth walls that are sited adjacent to rivers to permit a high level of water exchange between river and ponds. It is an air-breathing species that can tolerate low levels of dissolved oxygen—that is, highly polluted water— and high stocking rates, so it can be grown in locations where the water is not suitable for other uses. Catfish cultivation is mostly a small-scale activity. The typical pond has an area of 0.4 ha, and less than 10 percent of operators have more than four ponds. Extensive shrimp production takes place in large coastal ponds relying upon tidal water exchange but stocked from hatcheries, with the use of fertilizers to promote the growth of natural organisms to feed the shrimp. Semi-intensive or intensive production methods use smaller ponds and higher stocking rates, relying upon water pumps and aeration to 12 maintain water quality as well as a variety of formulated feedstuffs. The most intensive production methods require substantial inputs of capital and skilled labor. A recent strategy document (MARD 2009) provides targets for fisheries production up to 2020. The production target for aquaculture is 4.5 million metric tons in 202. It estimated that about 1.3 million ha of water bodies will be exploited for aquaculture activities, of which there are 0.6 million ha of freshwater area and 0.7 million ha of brackish-water and marine areas. A second plan approved by MARD focuses exclusively on catfish production. From 2010 to 2020, the total area under catfish culture is expected to increase by 4.2 percent per year, reaching 13,000 ha by 2020. Export turnover is expected to grow at 5.9 percent per year, reaching $1.85 billion, which will account for 45–50 percent of the projected aquaculture exports of $5.0–$5.5 billion. (Retrieved from: (accessed on 15/11/2014)) 2.5. Water quality index WQI 2.5.1. Water Quality Definition and Importance Water quality is the condition of the water body or water resource in relation to its designated uses. It can be defined in qualitative and/or quantitative terms. Parameters in defining water quality can be grouped into three board categories: physical, chemical, and biological. Physical factors include temperature, sediment and bed material, suspended sediments, turbidity, color, and odor. Chemical factors consist of the major and minor elements, and other chemical parameters such as pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The major elements include agro-nutrients such as Nitrogen and Phosphorus; and minor elements include elements such as arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg), etc. Biological Constituents include Fecal Coli-form and E. coli. Conventionally water quality is expressed in terms of the measured value(s) of one or more of these parameters in relation to their accepted or implied limits. They are expressed in different units, and their magnitudes can vary significantly from one location to another and over time. For example, the temperature is expressed in 13 degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit, and coliforms in numbers, and most chemicals and nutrients in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or in parts per million (ppm). The conventional approach of expressing different parameters of water quality in varying units is well accepted by water resource experts. However, it is not readily understood by the general public and policymakers who have profound impact on water resource policies. Thus, the need for expressing water quality in a format that is simple and easily understood by common people has been recognized for a long time. Experts have worked internationally—including in the United States—for the past several years and have designed the term Water Quality Index (WQI). The WQI takes the complex scientific information and synthesizes into a single number between zero and 100, by normalizing the observed values to subjective rating curves. It summarizes the relative changes in the underlying group of the water-quality variable. WQI is easily comprehended and appreciated by common citizens and policy makers. It can also help in meeting regulations and/or making personal lifestyle adaptations for the benefit of the environment. Several organizations in the United States and around the world including United Nations have adopted the WQI concept for expressing the water quality (OR-DEQ 2008, OR-DEQ 2008a, Hallock 2002, CCME 2001, and UNEP 2007) for their water resources. (Retrieved from: aliy_Index_15374.aspx (accessed on 15/11/2014)) 2.5.2. What is WQI? WQI is a dimensionless number that combines multiple water-quality factors into a single number by normalizing values to subjective rating curves (Miller et al. 1986). Factors to be included in WQI model could vary depending upon the designated water uses and local preferences. Some of these factors include DO, pH, BOD, COD, total coliform bacteria, temperature, and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), etc. These parameters occur in different ranges and 14 expressed in different units. The WQI takes the complex scientific information of these variables and synthesizes into a single number. 2.5.3. WQI Development Process The process of developing a WQI involves the following steps: Identify water quality parameters of interest and their ranges of acceptability for the intended uses of the water body. Compare the measured value with the subjective rating curve and arriving at a dimensionless sub-index value (0–1) for each parameter. Define the weighing factor and/or heuristics for each parameter to be considered while building an overall WQI. Select an algorithm and computing the WQI with the available data and assumptions. A number of algorithms (models) for calculating WQI have been developed and reported in the literature. Some of these include: Weighted arithmetic mean (Cude 2001)- In this model, different water quality components are multiplied by a weighting factor and are then aggregated using simple arithmetic mean (Equation 1). Equation 1: WQI ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑞𝑖 ∗ 𝑤𝑖 Where: WQI = Water Quality Index qi = Sub − index i n = Number of sub − indices {wi = Weight given to sub − index i Weighted geometric mean (McClelland 1974)- Similar to arithmetic weighted mean, each water quality component is weighted by a power factor, and then WQI is calculated using the geometric mean procedure (Equation 2). Equation 2: WQI=∏𝑛𝑖=1 𝑞𝑖^𝑤𝑖 Where: WQI = Water Quality Index qi = Sub − index i n = Number of sub − indices {wi = Weight given to sub − index i 15 Un-weighted harmonic square mean (Dojlido et al. 1994 cited by Cude 2001)- This model is considered an improvement over the weighted arithmetic mean and the weighted geometric mean. This allows the most impaired variable to impart the greatest influence on the water quality index and acknowledges that different water quality variables will pose differing significance to overall water quality at different times and locations (Equation 3). Equation 3: WQI = √ 𝑛 1 ∑𝑛 𝑖=1𝑞𝑖 Where: WQI = Water Quality Index { qi = Sub − index i n = Number of sub − indices 2.5.4. Interpreting WQI and its advantages and limitations. The WQI synthesizes complex reality of multiple water quality parameters into a single value that can be appreciated and understood by common man. The single WQI number ranges between zero and 100. It expresses water quality where a higher number indicates better water quality. For example, Oregon DEQ models (Cude 2001) score water as: Table 2.1. Oregon DEQ models (Cude 2001) score water No WQI Water quality 1 < 60 Very poor 2 60-70 Poor 3 80-84 Fair 4 85-89 Good 5 90-100 Excellent These indices are considered trustful. However, the possibility of some parameters having disproportionate influence on the final results producing a biased index always exists. Thus, a thorough review and considerations to the weighing factor for each parameter should be discussed and well documented with experts and stakeholders of the water resource. The WQI aids in assessing water quality for general purpose. To determine the suitability of the water body for a specific usage, it should be combined with other appropriate information. 16 (Retrieved from: aliy_Index_15374.aspx (accessed on 15/11/2014)) 2.6. Overview of GIS 2.6.1. Definition The term “geographic information systems” may be identical or closely related to a number of other terms, such as “geographical information systems”, “geospatial systems” and “geographical information science”; collectively, these terms may be thought of as forming part of “spatial science” or “geoscience” or “geotechnology”. However, “GIS” as the acronym for geographic information systems successfully encapsulates what this technical paper is concerned with. There are many definitions of GIS and the precise definition may depend on who is giving it, the context in which it is being used, when the definition was made, and the degree of detail being provided. However, it is generally agreed that GIS are computer-based systems whose incorporated software are capable of using georeferenced data for a range of spatial analyses and outputs. “In short, GIS add value to spatial data. By allowing data to be organized and viewed efficiently, by integrating them with other data, by analysis and by the creation of new data that can be operated on, GIS creates useful information to help decision-making.” (Heywood, Cornelius and Carver, 2006, p. 18). Geographic information systems are thus a special class of information systems, one that incorporates spatial considerations. It is possible to subcategorize GIS into more specific information systems such as traffic management, environmental information, soil information, facilities management, market analysis and fisheries management information systems. In the strictest sense, a GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations. Practitioners also regard the total GIS as including operating personnel and the data that go into the system.” ~ USGS“ 17 A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on earth. GIS technology integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps.” ~ ESRI “GIS is an integrated system of computer hardware, software, and trained personnel linking topographic, demographic, utility, facility, image and other resource data that is geographically referenced.” ~ NASA “A geographic information system is a special case of information systems where the database consists of observations on spatially distributed features, activities or events, which are definable in space as points, lines, or areas. A geographic information system manipulates data about these points, lines, and areas to retrieve data for ad hoc queries and analyses” (Kenneth Dueker,Portland State University, 1979). (Retrieved from: (accessed on 17/11/2014)) 2.6.2. Uses of GIS There are numerous ways in which this technology can be used. The most common ones are: - Management of resources - Investigations of the earth’s surface that is scientific in nature - Archeological uses - Planning of locations and management of assets - Urban & regional planning - Criminology matters - An Impact assessment of the environment - The assessment and eventual development of infrastructure - Studies of the demographics of an area plus its population - Analysis with regards to engineering Some of the common instances where you will find the GIS in use include: - Emergency response teams normally use GIS when they want to collect logistics with regards to how they will move in times of natural disasters. 18 - The system also comes in handy when authorities want to discover any potential wetlands that need to be protected from the harmful effects brought about by pollution. - Companies also take advantage of the GIS so that they may be able to choose a strategic market location that has not yet been saturated by other competitors in the particular niche industry. - Management personnel use this system also so that they can be able to locate areas that are bound to suffer from catastrophes with regards to the infrastructure that is in place there. - Any potential spread of diseases & other such like pandemic are usually limited by the use of the GIS since the patterns of their occurrence is predicted in sufficient time. (Retrieved from: (accessed on 17/11/2014)) 2.6.3. Components of GIS These components are: Hardware, software, data and people. Figure 2.1: Components of GIS Hardware: Hardware comprises the equipment needed to support the many activities needed for geospatial analysis ranging from data collection to data analysis. The central piece of equipment is the workstation, which runs the 19 GIS software and is the attachment point for ancillary equipment. Data collection efforts can also require the use of a digitizer for conversion of hard copy data to digital data and a GPS data logger to collect data in the field. The use of handheld field technology is also becoming an important data collection tool in GIS. With the advent of web mapping, web servers have also become an important piece of equipment. Software: Different types of software are important. Central to this is the GIS application package. Such software is essential for creating, editing and analyzing spatial and attribute data, therefore these packages contain a myriad of geospatial functions inherent to them. Extensions or add-ons are software that extends the capabilities of the GIS software package. Component GIS software is the opposite of application software. Component GIS seeks to build software applications that meet a specific purpose and thus are limited in their spatial analysis capabilities. Utilities are stand-alone programs that perform a specific function. For example, a file format utility that converts from on type of GIS file to another. There is also web GIS software that helps serve data and interactive maps through Internet browsers. Data: Data is the core of any GIS. There are two primary types of data that are used in GIS: vector and raster data. A geodatabase is a database that is in some way referenced to locations on the earth. Geodatabases are grouped into two different types: vector and raster. Vector data is spatial data represented as points, lines and polygons. Raster data is cell-based data such as aerial imagery and digital elevation models. Coupled with this data is usually data known as attribute data. Attribute data generally defined as additional information about each spatial feature housed in tabular format. Documentation of GIS datasets is known as metadata. Metadata contains such information as the coordinate system, when the data was created, when it was last updated, who created it and how to contact them and definitions for any of the code attribute data. People: Well-trained GIS professionals knowledgeable in spatial analysis and skilled in using GIS software are essential to the GIS process. There are three factors to the people component: education, career path, and networking. The right education is key; taking the right combination of classes. Selecting the right type 20 of GIS job is important. A person highly skilled in GIS analysis should not seek a job as a GIS developer if they haven’t taken the necessary programming classes. Finally, continuous networking with other GIS professionals is essential for the exchange of ideas as well as a support community. (Retrieved from: (accessed on 17/11/2014)) 2.7. The GIS application of aquaculture in the world From the late 70's, private companies and the state have invested in the development and application of computer mapping, especially in North America. At that time, about 1,000 geographical information systems was used and the figure was 4000 in the 1990. This process of North America is more developmental than Europe, and the developed countries are Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, France, New Zealand, England and Germany. In Asia, the development of GIS is slower. GIS developing countries are often countries with computerization and development of remote sensing such as China, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia ... (Rajan, Mohan Sundara, 1991).[19] Before 1987, there are very few studies of GIS applications in aquaculture research. Only the early 90s, GIS applied widely to the study of aquaculture areas, and not only is just the data of the source and location data, but also the data of social economy market was also used GIS in this moment (AguilarManiarrez, J and Ross, LG, 1995). Application of GIS in fisheries science provides the ability to analyze and perform a lot of data is provided from a variety of sources. The data of geographic information system is capable to perform the correlation between physical factors, chemical factors and biological factors in the aquatic environment. Through analyzing and comparing the complex relationship of environmental factors, GIS describe the distribution, habitat of aquatic objects and predict fluctuations in fishery resources, the migration of the herd fish. Thereby, the GIS have the ability to support management, establish a plan and decide on mining development and conservation of fisheries resources (Meaden, GJ, 1996). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is an agency of the applications of GIS in fisheries very soon. In addition, this 21 organization also assists greatly of research programs in the world GIS applications. An extensive research program on aquatic GIS was conducted, and the results of the study are mapping the world fisheries statistics (World Fisheries statistics), in which the data of fishing and aquaculture, both fresh and salt water of the countries in the world in 1999 was put on the map (De Graaf, GJ, Martin, F. and Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., 2002). In Mexico, the research program to build GIS applications serving environmental standards for aquaculture is conducted in Sinaloa state, based on the data environment, water resources and water quality that are provided for many years, then they analyze and sum the data sources, and they provides a basis for selecting the appropriate location for aquaculture to minimize conflicts between fisheries and other economic sectors (Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. and Ross, LG, 1995). In Australia, a major program of CSIRO has developed GIS applications in aquaculture research. The research team was analyzing, modeling and evaluating to choose the aquaculture sector. In parallel with the environmental research group, the CSIRO has used GIS tools and technologies to make impact assessment of aquaculture on the environment, and pointed out areas that are capable of aquaculture development and the limited development area. Accordingly, there are nearly 1 million hectares of land that have the ability to develop sustainable aquaculture accounts for about 7% of the study area and more than 90% of the study area if development of aquaculture has many adverse effects on the environment. From this application, the researchers have shown can open up the possibility of widespread application of GIS in site selection for aquaculture (CSIRO Marine Research, 1999). GIS applications in the field of fisheries around the world are now developing towards combining different sources of information. Through the Internet, this information is given to many objects. Therefrom, it helps fisheries managers of each countries with their ability to coordinate, collaborate, improve management and make appropriate policy decisions. However, to achieve this, it 22 is important that the inputs must ensure quality and high precision (Yolanda, 2000). 2.8. The GIS application of aquaculture in Viet Nam While in the world, GIS are widely adopting and are powerful, Viet Nam is still limited thought this issue has been set out since very long. Since the 80's, there are some organizations to research and to apply GIS in Viet Nam (Duc, V. D, 2001). The research fields are focused GIS applications as planning, resource management, and environmental impact assessment of land use management. Up to now, the application of GIS to the fisheries sector in Vietnam is still very limited. The fisheries sector is no agency or department in charge of research and application GIS; research workforce is very thin and the result of researches are rare. Fishing industry has applied the application of GIS to provide information the fishing grounds for trawl, purse seine, gillnet, squid fishing and others such as skipjack, pompano, squid, cuttlefish. However, the information only indicated the areas with high average output for objects and fisheries above and did not indicate yield, output with kg/h and kg/ haul (Vinh, T. C 2002). For aquaculture, there is no research that has scale of GIS application into production. The research is a part of projects and the results obtained are very limited. The most of these focused on the master plan for coastal areas. Currently, there are few researches of GIS applications for specific research detailing of the communal systems or small areas. At this level of detail, up to now, there are only a few researches of the project Suma, VIE 97/030 that conducted in a number of communes in the North-Central provinces such as Vinh Giang (Hue), Quynh Table (Nghe An), Huang Feng (Thanh Hoa) ... Nghia, H. N 2002). “GIS for land evaluation for shrimp farming in Haiphong of Vietnam” by Dao Huy Giap, Yang Yi and Amararatne Yakupitiyage. This study was conducted to identify appropriate sites for shrimp farming development in Haiphong province of Vietnam using geographical information systems (GIS). 23 Thirteen base layers (thematic maps) were grouped into four main land use requisites for aquaculture, namely, potential for pond construction (slope, land use type, soil thickness, elevation),soil quality (soil type, soil texture, soil pH), water availability (distance to sea, and water source), and infrastructure and socio-economical status (population density, distance to roads, local markets, and hatcheries). A constraint layer was used to exclude areas from suitability maps that were not allowed to implement shrimp farming. A series of GIS models was developed to identify and prioritize the most suitable areas for shrimp farming. This study shows that the land evaluation model is useful for identifying suitable areas for shrimp farming and for allocating land for efficient income generation, effective conservation, and sustainable land management. It was estimated that about 31% (2604 ha) of the total land area (8281 ha) in Haiphong was highly suitable for shrimp farming. Since existing shrimp farms cover only 1690 ha of land in the study area, the potential for expanding shrimp farms should take into consideration further political and environmental issues (Giap, H. D, Yang Yi, Amararatne Yakupitiyage, 2005). 24 PART III. METHODS 3.1. Material 3.1.1. Data collection - Collecting data related to the research : The characteristics of natural conditions, socio-economy, map… from agencies in Ha Long City - Collecting water quality data of research area from Quang Ninh Province Department Natural of Resources and Environment for assessing the water quality by WQI and creating a database by GIS. 3.1.2. Inherited method Inheriting relevant research had performed in domestic and foreign. Some relevant documents as assessment of water quality by WQI; Investigation and application of GIS for management of water quality; status and development trend of GIS, RS… have been integrated to provide a comprehensive view of all aspects of the issues raised in the research. 3.2. Method 3.2.1. Calculating WQI C1, W1 q1, W1 C2, W2 q2, W2 …. …. Cn, Wn qn, Wn WQI= f (q1,W1; q2,W2….;qn, Wn) Figure 3.1: Diagram of Creating formula for water quality index (WQI) Where: 𝐶 = Concentration of monitoring parameters specified { 𝑞 = sub − index corresponds to the concentration of C 𝑊 = Weight given to sub − index Selecting indicators of water quality index calculated for Ha Long Bay 25 Table 3.1. Table of selecting parameters of water quality in Ha Long Bay No Group Parameter 1 Dissolved oxygen levels in DO 2 the water and oxygen Meaning Dessolved Oxygen BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen demand 3 Demand Health impact DO Dessolved Oxygen 4 Oil Oil 5 F.coli Fecal coliform TSS Turbidity and suspendid 6 Water clearness solids 7 Physical properties pH Hydrogen power Calculation of the sub-index Sub-index (qi) is determined based on QCVN 10: 2008 / BTNMT, sea water quality standards of ASEAN, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Australia, Japan, China ... and some water quality requirements for marine ecosystems such as seagrass, coral ... Table 3.2.Table provisions of qi sub – index values corresponding Ci concentration Ci concentration values for each parameter i qi BOD5 %DOBH mg/l Oil TSS mg/l mg/l pH F.coli Fcoli/100ml 1 100 <=4 100 0 <=20 6-8.5 <=100 2 67 20 65 or 0.1 50 5.5-6 - 140 or 8.59 3 34 50 40 0.2 - - 500 4 1 >100 20 >0.3 >100 - >1000 The value of the parameter sub-index i (q ') at a concentration of any C' is calculated by the following formula: q’ = 𝑞𝑖−𝑞𝑖+1 *(Ci+1 – C’) +qi+1 𝐶𝑖−𝐶𝑖+1 26 Where: Ci: Concentration of monitoring parameters specified in table corresponds to the i Ci + 1: Concentration of monitoring parameters specified in table corresponds to the i + 1 q ': sub-index corresponds to the concentration of C' qi: i sub-index in table 1 corresponds to the value Ci qi + 1 sub-index at i + 1 in Table corresponds to the value of Ci + 1 C ': The concentration of monitoring parameters is taken into account The formula for calculating WQI in Ha Long Bay The research select “Weighted geometric mean” method to calculating WQI for Ha Long Bay: WQI=∏𝑛𝑖=1 𝑞𝑖^𝑤𝑖 Due to lack of data, the formula for calculating WQI for Ha Long Bay should be: WQIHL=(∏𝑛𝑖=1 𝑞𝑖^𝑤𝑖 )^(1/∑𝑛1 𝑤𝑖 ) Where: qi= Sub-index i n= number of sub-indices wi = Weight given to sub-index i With weight wi as following table: 27 Table 3.3. The weight wi No Indicators Weight wi 1 BOD5 0.11 2 DOBH 0.07 3 Oil 0.17 4 TSS 0.17 5 pH 0.11 6 f.coli 0.07 7 TOC 0.08 8 Total P 0.11 9 chlorophyll a 0.11 Creating WQI classification Table 3.4. Classification of water quality No WQIHL Water quality 1 97-100 Very good 2 92-96 Good Used purpose Can be used for all of water purposes. Can be used for all of water purposes, except for the conservation of aquatic species or aquaculture seafood special 3 70-91 Medium -Tourism activities, entertainment, sport do not directly expose to water -Waterways, ports 4 50-69 Bad Waterway, port or some purposes other uses do not require water quality too high 5 0-49 Very bad Only usable for waterway transport ports 3.2.2. Creating database by GIS 28 Collecting data Attribute data Spatial data Processing attribute data Processing spatial data Entering data Linking data Editing Data Water quality database Figure 3.2: Diagram of creating database by GIS 29 IV. RESULTS 4.1. Natural conditions 4.1.1. The geographical location Ha Long city, in the center of Quang Ninh province, has a land area of 27,195.03 hectares and the National Highway 18A runs through the length of the city. Also, it has seaport and 50km long coastline. The Ha Long Bay has 2 times by UNESCO as a World Heritage area of 434km2. Figure 4.1: Administrative map of Ha Long City 4.1.2. Topography Ha Long City terrain that is varied and complex, is one of the region's oldest and established in the territory of Vietnam. It includes hills, valleys, coastal areas and islands. HaLong city is divided into 3 distinct areas: - Hilly areas are bounded to the north and northeast (north of Highway 18A). As a result, it accounted for 70% of the land area of the city with an average altitude of 150m to 250m and runs from Yen Lap to Ha Tu with the highest peak is 504m. This range of hills is lower toward the sea, with the average slope of 15-20%, and alternate between the narrow valleys. - The coastal areas in the South of Highway 18A, the average height is between 0.5 and 5m. 30 - Island areas are all of the bay and islands, mostly rocky island. Particularly, Tuan Chau Island, that is 400ha wide, has ramp to Highway 18A about 2km long. Through geological survey showed that the geological structure of Halong city is most of grit, gravel, sandstone, sandy clay ... stability and high load capacity, from 2.5 to 4.5 kg / cm2 favorable for the construction of the building. 4.1.3. Weather Ha Long city belong to coastal climate region. Each year has two distinct seasons with winter from November to April of next year and summer from May to October. The annual average temperature is 23.70C and oscillations are no large from 16.70C to 28.60C. In summer, the high average temperature is 34.90C and the hottest is 38.0C. In winter, the low average temperature is 13.70C and the coldest is 5.0C The average rainfall is 1832mm per year and distributed unequally 2 seasons. In summer, rains account for 80 to 85% of the total annual season from May to October. The highest rainfall is about 350mm in July and August. Winter is dry and drought from November to April next year. It is only about 15-20% of the total annual rainfall. The lowest rainfall is only about 4-40mm in December and January. The average of air humidity annual is 84%. The highest month is 90% and the lowest month is 68%. Due to the characteristics of the terrain and geographical location, Ha Long City has two types of monsoon that are Northeast winds in winter and Southwest winds in summer. The average wind speed is 2.8m/s and the strongest wind speed as Southwest wind is 45m/s. 31 Figure 4.2: The average temperature of air (ºC) Figure 4.3: The average rainfall (mm) 4.1.4. Rivers and tidal regime The main rivers of the city include Dien Vong River, Vu oai River, Man River, Troi River and four rivers that flow out of the Ha Long bay. Also, Mip River flows out of Yen Lap lake. The streams flow along the southern slopes of Hong Gai, Ha Tu, Ha Phong. Both rivers and streams of Ha Long City are small, short and water flow is not much. Because Ha Long has steep terrain, the water rise quickly and escape to the sea quickly when there is heavy rain. 32 Tidal regime of Ha Long affected direct by diurnal tidal regime of North Bay. Tidal amplitude average is 3.6m. The average temperature of surface sea is from 180C to 30.80C and salinity is 21.6% (in July). The highest is 32.4% in February and March annual. 4.1.5. Natural resources. Mineral resources Ha Long city includes mainly coal and building materials. Total coal reserves that explored up to now is above 530 million tons, and it located North and Northeast of city as Ha Khanh ward, Ha Lam ward, Ha Trung ward, Ha Phong ward and Ha Tu ward( Dai Yen and Viet Hung is in restricted areas for mineral activities). Mainly coals are semi-anthracite and anthracite coal. Moreover, the clay reserves serve raw materials for the production of building materials in Gieng Day. According to evaluating the potential, the clay reserves are approximately 39 million tons. Besides, the limestone serves raw materials for cement and building materials, focusing in Ha Phong ward and Dai Yen ward. According to evaluating the potential, the limestone is about 15 million tons. Ha Long city also have other areas that can exploit building sand in Ha Phong ward, Ha Khanh ward and Troi river areas… However, reserves are not much (haven't had specific statistical evaluation). Forest resources: According to statistics by the end of 2009, the city has 5.852.08ha total area of forest/27153.40ha total area of city. Rate of forest coverage is 21.58% by which planting forest is 5445.69ha and natural forest is 416.49ha (including: 27.94ha wood forest, 17.31ha bamboo forest and 371.14ha mangroves forest. Besides, the forest resources of Ha Long Bay are very abundant. Plants on the islands and rocky mountain have over 1000 species. Some communities of different plant species include mangrove species, plant species on island coastal, and species growing on slope, cliffs, top mountains or rising in the caves and rock crevices. Researchers of Association Nature Conservation World have discovered 7 species of endemic flora of Ha Long Bay. These species that only have adapted to live in the limestone island, nowhere has found and there are: 33 cycads HaLong, “khổ cử đại tím” ( Chirieta halongensis), palm Ha Long( Livisona halongensis), “khổ cử đại nhung” (Chirieta hiepii), “móng tai Ha Long”, “ngũ gia bì Ha Long”and“ hài vệ nữ hoa vàng”. In addition, through other documents, the list of Ha Long Bay has 347 species; vascular plants belong to 232 genus and 95 famillia( over 477 species of magnolia, 12 species of ferns and 20 species of mangroves. Among these types, there are 16 species listed in the Red Book of Vietnam that has endangered and endangered coming. In the rare plant species, there are 95 species of medicinal plants, 37 species of ornamental plants, 13 species of fruit crops and 10 groups with different usability. Land resources: Ha Long city has a total area of 27195.03ha of natural land that include: 9544.86ha of agriculture land, 16254.92ha of nonagriculture land and 1395.25ha unused land. Marine resources: Because of advantages, Ha Long Bay has been recognized as a World Natural Heritage two times. It has 1553km2 including 1969 island of which are 989 islands named and 980 unnamed islands. The World Heritage area is recognized as an area of 434km2, including 775 islands, as a triangle with three vertices: Dau Go Island (west), Ba Ham Lake (south) and Cong Tay Island (east). Ha Long Bay is one of famous tourist destinations in the world because of many beautiful and fanciful caves as Bo Nau, Trinh Nu, Sung Sot, Dau Go, Thien Cung, Tam Cung and Me Cung. Besides, the marine of Ha Long is very rich in species of animals and plants underwater. According to researching, there are 950 species of fish, 500 species of molluscs and 400 species of crustanceans of which there are many marine species of high economic value such as mackerel, grouper, trout, shrimp, crab, squid, pearl, oysters … In addition, there are 117 species of 400 familial and 12 group. Water resources: Water resources concentrate in Yen Lap Lake area ( total storage capacity of lake including Yen Hung district and Hoanh Bo district is about 107.2 million m3 ( time measured in May 8/2010)) and Khe Ca Lake in Ha Tu ward…this is the largest source of irrigation water for agriculture production. Also, the lakes make the city landscape: Yet Kieu, Ao Ca and Ken Dong. 34 4.2. Social economy 4.2.1. Population- Ethnic Minorities- Religion Population: The population of the city is 215795 people (April 1, 2009). The largest is Kinh that originated mainly from other provinces have moved to live in the development process. The original people of city are fishermen who still live in communes mainly do fisheries. Due to the nature of the terrain, the city divided into two distinct areas that are area of the east and area of the west, separated by the Strait of Cua Luc, population of city is distributed in the ward, following table 6. Ethnic Minorities According to statistics in 2009, Ha Long city has 55172 households with more than 210000 peoples of which Kinh are largest. In addition, there also have 15 other ethnics: San Diu, Hoa, Tay, Nung, Han, Dao, Tho, Muong…with 2073 inhabitants that are mainly San Diu, Tay, Hoa. Religion: Buddhism has 5032 devotees with five pagodas and has three famous pagodas (Long Tien Pagoda, Loi Am Pagoda and Quang Nghiem Pagoda). Catholic has 1759 devotees with 1 church. The city also has 2 temple of Thanh Hoang. The ethnic and religion of city are uniting in a family to build the city growing richer. Table 4.1. Population of ward in Ha Long City No Ward Population (people) 1 Hong Hai 17815 2 Cao Thang 16167 3 Cao Xanh 15756 4 Bai Chay 19890 5 Hong Ha 15058 6 Bach Dang 9334 7 Gieng Day 14822 8 Ha Tu 12234 9 Tran Hung Dao 9643 35 10 Viet Hung 8648 11 Ha Khau 11588 12 Ha Lam 9807 13 Ha Phong 9220 14 Yet Kieu 9440 15 Dai Yen 7900 16 Hong Gai 7232 17 Ha Trung 7442 18 Ha Khanh 6306 19 Hung Thang 5730 20 Tuan Chau 1763 (Source: Ha Long City portal 4.2.2. Economic situation of the City Industry and Home Industry The situation of industry and home industry is basically stable. In 2013, the value of industry and home industry is estimated 1150 billion to reach 101% of the year plan and increase 8% over the same period. The decision to approve a list of 28 establishments producing craft industry must be relocated as planned urban development and direct the enterprise, production facility outside the state owned to deploy in response National Week of ATVSLD-PCCN in 2013. Agriculture: The value of agriculture was estimated 45.6 billion to reach 100% plan and is equal 100% over the same period. Some activities of the city for agriculture are: focusing on directing ward and agriculture cooperatives to strengthen the prevention of disease and the prevention of hunger for breeding and crop; prevention of foot and mouth disease, blue ear pig, strengthening the prevention of mice to protect crop; deploying good hygiene disinfection; registering to build production of goods concentrated areas. In 2013, the cultivated area is estimated to reach 1697ha, including: 603ha vegetables, 320ha colors, 676ha paddy. Yields of vegetables are 11000tons to reach 105% of the year plan and are equal 93.5 over the same period. 36 Breeding: The city has directed not only enhanced biosecurity in breeding, livestock disease prevention and bird flu but also performing well the slaughter control and veterinary hygiene inspection at slaughter areas of the city. The city has vaccinated 138192 doses of vaccine for livestock and avian; Supplying 912 liters of disinfectant. The slaughter of 95770 cattle and 21034 birds are controlled. 68 cases of violations have handled; 189717 breeding chickens, 7346 kg chicken meat, 39000 eggs, 25 tons animal bones, 9730 kg cat meat, 2386 kg pigeons … are handled. Forestry: Some activities for forestry are: organizing good Arbor Day in spring of 2013 at Lan Be Park with 405 kinds of trees (equivalent 3.292 billion); receiving plant by organization and individuals donated to grow at Lan Be Park following called letter of PPC Chairman; focusing on directing the functional units, forest owners regularly inspect, guard and prevent to forest fires, as well the cleaning vegetation fires in dry season of 2012-2013; implementing a plan to clean up vegetation fires in the last months and dry season of 2013-2014; enhanced steering units to check, prevent and handle violations of illegal forest products; In 2013, 26 violations has sanctioned and fined 583million; managing closely the conservation of wildlife and the activity situation of economic model farms in the city. Fisheries: In 2013, the value of fisheries production was estimated 51.180 billion and is equal 94% of the year plan and 98% over the same period. The productions of fisheries reached 2571 tons and include: 2083tons mining; 501tons aquaculture. The City has done well to direct the management of fishing vessels, and guided aquaculture households strengthen measures to prevent and combat for farming aquatic. The city dropped 2000 striped bass breed in Traditional Fisheries Sector Day (01/4). Trade and tourism: Trade and price: In 2013, the market situation has so many adverse factors: the real estate market are quiet; buyers reduce; prices of some essential commodities have many fluctuations such as petroleum, gas; some localities, diseases of cattle and poultry increase; production activities- the business of enterprises and people’s life are hard… . 37 Coordinating with the Department of Trading Industry, the city organized successful the trade fairs and Spring Flowers-2013. The city directs investor to accelerate the building of market, commercial centers. It creates favorable conditions for the building of Cai Dam Market in Bai Chay ward, BigC supermarket in Hong Ha ward, trade center and offices in Dong Ho area. Tourism: The city has created favorable to deploy infrastructure investment and to develop more routes, tourist attractions. Directing People’s Committee, unit, organization and individual business that implement Directive 11/CT-UBND (06/22/2012) of Quang Ninh People’s Committee and strengthen the communication activities as well as the introduction of tourist products. The city prepares activities to service Canaval Ha Long Festival 2013. The total number of tourists is estimated at 4768 million and increase 12% over the same period. In which, international tourists is 2466 million and is equal 102% over same period. The sales reached 2425 billion and increase 1% over the same period in 2012 Budget revenues and expenditures. The budget revenues of the city (calculate to 15/12/2013) reached 2268 billion (predicted 2381 billion) and are equal 148% over the same period in 2012. The budget revenues are entitled to 1399 billion (predicted 1461billion calculating to 31/12/2013) and are equal 178% over the same period in 2013. The targets of balance the city’s budget (calculate to 15/12/2013) performed 1503 billion (predicted 1615 billion calculating to 31/12/2013) that are equal 91% of the city plan, 94% of the province plan and equal 121% over same period. The City budget that is entitled (calculate to 15/12/2013), reached 686 billion (predicted 746 billion calculating to 31/12/2013) which is equal 99% of the city plan, 109% province plan and is equal 125% over same period. Expenses for the city budget (calculate to 15/12/2013) are performed 1327 billion (predicted 1425 to 31/12/2013) and are equal 167% over same period. Of these: + Expenses for building (calculate to 15/12/2013) are performed 304 billion (predicted 386 billion to 31/12/2013) and 143% over same period in 2012. It reached 120% of city plan and 225% of province plan 38 + Regular expenses (calculate to 15/12/2013) are performed 563 billion (predicted 602 billion to 31/12/2013) and increase 10% over same period in 2012. It reached 98% of city plan and 104% of province plan. 4.3. Assessing the potential strengths and challenges for fisheries economy in Ha Long city 4.3.1. Potential strengths and opportunities to develop fisheries sector Geographical location: Ha Long City has an important position and is the center of politics, economy, and culture of Quang Ninh province. As a coastal city with an area of 650 km2, of which the water and islands area are 441.45 km2; the south and the west of the city adjacent to Ha Long Bay with sea stick length is 40 km. Ha Long city has 20 wards by which 16 wards have sea. These favorable factors are important in socio-economic development, security and defense in general and fisheries development in particular. Social Conditions: In recent years, with the attention of investing from the nation and Quang Ninh province, socio-economic of Halong city has rapid changes; people's lives are improved significantly. The rate of city’s economic growth reached high levels. Many technical infrastructure, economic infrastructure, social and cultural are invested in the province had been effective; promote socio-economic development of the city. The policy and guidelines of the City: Exploiting and promoting radical the potential, existing advantages, especially location advantages of economic, geopolitical of Ha Long City; making the most of the attention and support from the State, and seize new growth opportunities in the region to attract investment in developing fast, making a breakthrough on growth and economic restructuring. This is a key point of view, as a strategy for the development of the city. - Focusing investment to develop advantaged sectors such as tourism, marine services, industry, commerce, fisheries, and forming a number of key products, as a foundation to promote and transfer economic structure of the region. Focusing on building a comprehensive system of infrastructure; implementing liberal 39 mechanisms and incentives to attract population and investors live and develop the business. - Attaching great importance to economic development with good resolution of social problems; continuing intellectual improvement and people life. - Incorporating between economic development and protection, regenerating resources and protecting the ecological environment; ensuring sustainable development. 4.3.2. Adverse factors and challenges to fisheries economic Adverse factors: Economic infrastructure in the planning of aquaculture has not met the needs of farmers and fishermen; most of the area of aquaculture on the City is extensive farming, aquaculture farms systems are small, degraded. Structure of fishing boats is imbalance, mainly small vessels with a capacity of less than 20 CV, overexploiting coastal resources.\Logistics infrastructure of fisheries sector is incompliance and not invested. Conflict between economic sectors and fisheries economy Geographical location, the potential of natural resources and the development trend are creating many opportunities and challenges to Halong City. The contradiction of the development of industry and service, rapid urbanization, environmental pollution in some areas causes a major impact on the fisheries sector. The land fund for the fisheries sector is increasingly shrinking; pollution makes it difficult for aquaculture and fisheries. Although aquaculture in cages is the strength of the fishery, however due to the requirements of the protection landscape and environment of Halong Bay natural World Heritage, now the city is actively implementation of the scheme relocated to the cages on Bay. Because the purpose of living, some small parts of fishermen had cultural level, limited consciousness is still using prohibitive exploiting tools to mining seafood. 40 4.3.3. Position and economic role of fisheries in the City Contributing to socio-economic: Although the economic structure of agriculture, forestry and fisheries account for a small proportion of City's GDP (1%), maintaining development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries have important implications for environmental balance, social life and economic development. The fisheries sector creates stable jobs for over 4,000 employees of the City. Fisheries economy in the direction of socio-economic development of Ha Long City: Ha Long has geographical, political, economic location especially with abundant natural conditions and diversity; ecological zones with high potential outstanding in economic development comprehensive. Improving the efficiency of agricultural production, strengths product development to serve the urban market demand and the surrounding area. Maximizing the comparative advantages of the city to form the focus specialized production with appropriate scale, and shifting retail, extensive manufacturing form, environmental pollution towards the production of goods intensive and sustainable development. Strengthening the application of advanced techniques in agricultural production. Bringing new species of high economic value in production to develop economic and diversify agricultural commodities. Branding for some specific agricultural products. Especially interested in the increase of knowledge, training technical staff to develop uniform, durable, and efficient, while preserving the ecological environment. 4.4. Assessment of water quality in Halong Bay based on WQI for aquaculture - Environmental monitoring of water quality in Ha Long Bay - Monitoring frequency: 4 quarter in 2013 - The number of monitoring sites: 10 sites. 41 Table 4.2. Symbols and coordinates of 10 monitoring sites No Code Locations Longitude Latitude 1 CV Cua Van Fishing Village 107.120303 20.805865 2 CL Cua Luc Bay 107.047838 20.980172 3 HLM The coastal of Ha Long 1 market 107.082872 20.949203 4 DVR Dien Vong River- Cau Bang 107.11745 5 C5 The coastal of Column 5 area - Column 8 area 107.102601 20.945471 6 H1 The flow between Ha Long Bay -Hon 1 107.148607 20.872619 7 BC Bai Chay 107.030191 20.946427 8 CT Cau Trang 107.131678 20.940042 9 TC Tuan Chau 106.994063 20.923727 10 TT Ti Top 107.081063 20.858562 21.014114 (Source: Quang Ninh province Department Natural of Resources and Environmental) The number of parameters: 6 parameters used for the evaluation of WQI. 42 4.4.1. Assessment of water quality in HaLong Bay Q1 (2013) Table 4.3. WQI value of monitoring points Q1 (2013) Indicator TSS Coliform Oil DOBH pH BOD5 WQI Code CV 93 100 95 77 100 100 95 CL 95 100 1 75 100 100 31 HLM 87 67 25 73 100 100 64 DVR 100 100 79 76 100 100 92 C5 95 100 6 74 100 100 48 H1 100 100 100 74 100 100 97 BC 100 67 16 74 100 100 60 CT 34 100 34 64 100 100 57 TC 100 67 90 75 100 100 92 TT 100 100 100 74 100 100 97 % 40 30 20 10 0 0-49 50-69 70-91 92-96 97-100 WQI Figure 4.4: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q1(2013) The table 4.3 gives information about WQI value of 10 locations and the bar chart gives information about the proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q2(2013). Water quality index WQI of Ha Long Bay is in 5 value range of quality: 97100 (Can be used for all of water purposes); 92-96 (Can be used for all of water 43 purposes, except for the conservation of aquatic species or aquaculture seafood special); 70-91 (Tourism activities, entertainment, sport do not directly expose to water); 50-69 (Waterway, port or some purposes other uses do not require water quality too high); and 0-49 (Only usable for waterway transport ports). Look at the detail, the bar figure 4.3 and table 4.4 shows 5 locations (50%) that the water quality is very bad (C5, CL) and bad (CT, BC, HLM) because of serious oil pollution. In these locations, the water is polluted and can only be used for waterway transport, seaports or some other uses that do not require high water quality. 3 locations (30%) that water quality is good (TC, CV, DVR) for aquaculture. With 2 remaining locations (TT, H1), the water quality is very good for aquaculture. 4.4.2. Assessment of water quality in Ha Long Bay Q2 (2013) Table 4.4. WQI value of monitoring points Q2 (2013) Indicator TSS Coliform Oil DOBH pH BOD5 WQI CV 100 100 96 80 100 100 97 CL 100 100 1 81 100 100 32 HLM 91 67 1 76 100 79 29 DVR 91 100 22 81 100 96 67 C5 99 100 1 79 100 93 31 H1 100 100 98 98 100 100 99 BC 100 100 1 81 100 100 32 CT 88 100 1 69 100 100 30 TC 100 100 20 81 100 100 66 TT 100 100 97 81 100 100 97 Code 44 % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0-49 50-69 70-91 WQI 91-96 97-100 Figure 4.5: The proportion of WQI belongs to classification levels of water quality Q2(2013) The table 4.4 gives information about WQI value of 10 locations and the bar chart gives information about the proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q2(2013). Overall, the water quality is worse than Q1. Look at the detail, the bar figure 4.4 and table 4.5 shows 7 locations (70%) that the water quality is very bad (C5, CL, BC, CT, HLM) and bad (DVR, TC) because of serious oil pollution. In these locations, the water is polluted and can only be used for waterway transport, seaports or some other uses that do not require high water quality. With 3 remaining locations (TT, H1, CV), the water quality is very good for aquaculture. 45 4.4.3. Assessment of water quality in Ha Long Bay Q3 (2013) Table 4.5. WQI value of monitoring points Q3 (2013) Indicator TSS Coliform Oil DOBH pH BOD5 WQI CV 100 100 95 91 100 98 98 CL 100 100 1 89 100 100 32 HLM 95 67 6 73 100 89 46 DVR 99 100 80 90 100 93 92 C5 97 100 1 80 100 93 31 H1 100 100 98 98 100 100 99 BC 97 100 1 90 100 100 32 CT 34 100 1 77 100 99 24 TC 100 100 88 90 100 99 96 TT 100 100 98 95 100 100 99 Code % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0-49 50-69 70-91 92-96 97-100 WQI Figure 4.6: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q3(2013) The table 4.5 gives information about WQI value of 10 locations and the bar chart gives information about the proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q3(2013). Overall, the water quality gets better than Q2 (2013). A closer look at the data reveals that 5 locations (50%) that the water quality is very bad (BC, CT, C5, HLM, CL) because of serious oil pollution. The water quality of TC and DVR (20%) are better than Q2 (2013) and belong to 46 good level of quality water for aquaculture. The water quality of TC and DVR are better than Q1 (2013) because of greatly reduced the amount of oil. 3 remaining locations (30%) that are TT, H1, CV remain the same at very good level water quality for aquaculture. 4.4.4. Assessment of water quality in HaLong Bay Q4 (2013) Table 4.6. WQI value of monitoring points Q4 (2013) Indicator TSS Code Coliform Oil DOBH pH BOD5 WQI CV 100 100 96 89 100 100 98 CL 100 100 1 88 100 100 32 HLM 96 67 16 84 100 100 60 DVR 100 100 75 82 100 100 91 C5 99 100 1 81 100 100 32 H1 100 100 100 94 100 100 99 BC 99 67 7 86 100 100 50 CT 71 100 1 81 100 100 29 TC 100 100 91 85 100 100 96 TT 100 100 100 87 100 100 97 % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-49 50-69 70-91 92-96 97-100 WQI Figure 4.7: The proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q4(2013) 47 The table 4.4.4 gives information about WQI value of 10 locations and the bar chart gives information about the proportion of WQI belong to classification levels of water quality Q4(2013). Overall, the water quality is not fluctuating more than Q3 (2013). A closer look at the data reveals that 3 locations (30%), the water quality is very bad (C5, CL, CT) because of severe oil pollution. The water quality of BC and HLM (20%) is better than Q3 (2013), but remained still polluted by oil pollution. The water quality of the DVR (10%) reduced to normal levels because signs of pollution return by oil. In TC location (10%), the water quality that has not changed much is suitable for aquaculture. The remaining three positions (30%) which is TT, H1, CV, remain the same at a very good level of the water quality for aquaculture. 4.4.5. Overview water quality of Ha Long Bay in 2013 Table 4.7. WQI of Ha Long Bay in 2013 Indicator WQI WQI WQI WQI WQI (Q1 2013) (Q2 2013) (Q3 2013) (Q4 2013) average CV 95 97 98 98 97 CL 31 32 32 32 31.75 HLM 64 29 46 60 49.75 DVR 92 67 92 91 85.5 C5 48 31 31 32 35.5 H1 97 99 99 99 98.5 BC 60 32 32 50 43.5 CT 57 30 24 29 35 TC 92 66 96 96 87.5 TT 97 97 99 97 97.5 Code Between quarter in 2013, water quality have fluctuate. Especially, the second quarter, the water quality in some areas reduced. For example: the water quality of Ha Long Market Q1 is 64 (normal level), but Q2 is 29 (very bad level). This reason is that the concentration of oil at this time exceeds permitted standard make WQIoil value by 1. Water quality is progressively better in Q3 and Q4. 48 In 10 locations, 5 locations that the water quality is substandard for aquaculture are: CL, HLM, C5, BC and CT. In these, the water quality is pretty bad and is not suitable for aquaculture. There are three very good locations for aquaculture and are: H1, TT and CV. 2 location may be reluctant to aquaculture as TC and DVR. % 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 CV CL HLM DVR C5 H1 BC CT TC TT Figure 4.8: WQI average of Ha Long Bay in 2013 4.5. GIS Applications in water quality database for the management of aquaculture areas in Halong Bay, Quang Ninh province The GIS database for the management of of aquaculture areas in Halong Bay layer data including spatial distribution and properties of the natural factors (topographic, hydrology, .etc.), socio-economic (transport networks, population...); Surface water monitoring stations waste industry, canals due to environmental monitoring center of Halong Bay. Database is organized by the type of relationship structure in ArcGIS software and computation, analysis, interpolation. The data included in the database are taken from various sources and are moving on the same basis of mathematical projection UTM-WGS84-Zone 48N 4.5.1. Soft-Wave Used ArcGIS 10.2 is a software program, used to create, display and analyze geospatial data, developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) of Redlands, California.. ESRI data are often stored in “shapefiles”. Both the geometry and attributes of the cartographic objects are stored in these shape files. When you display, edit, save, or copy spatial data in ArcGIS, you are often working with and modifying shape files. There are usually three shape files associated with a feature layer, one for the geometry (with a .shp file extension, 49 for example, lakes.shp), one with a .dbf file extension for tables (e.g., lakes.dbf), and one with a .shx extension, for housekeeping data. These files typically need to be in the same directory, and moved about together, as all three files are required to view and operate on the data. ArcGIS functions: Create, share, and use intelligent maps; Compile geographic information; Create and manage geographic databases; Solve problems with spatial analysis; Create map-based applications; Communicate and share information using the power of geography and visualization… 4.5.2. Data collection Collection of expected data information put into database, including: amount, basic information and nature of the data. - The steps are: + Determine the managed object: Spatial data: Base map, hydrographic maps and monitoring locations system managed by ArcGIS Attribute data: The monitoring data of water quality in Ha Long Bay in 2013 process, calculate, enter and manage by ArcGIS + Identify specific information about majors: The information and data entering to management must be ensuring accuracy of the position and authenticity of valuable information. +Identify requirements for accuracy of database: Absolute accuracy. + Expected amount of data put into database: The list of classes: data is in digital form, data is not in digital form, the number of expected information fields and the nature of spatial data or nonspatial data. - Results: Information data include: + Document of map: Map of water quality based on WQI through 4 monitoring quarters in Ha Long Bay. + Document of data: The legal basis for assessing water quality The basis of assessment of water quality based on WQI Measures to handle the pollution of water sources. 50 4.5.3. Creating spatial database To create spatial data showing the water quality of Ha Long Bay, we collect the following types of maps: Map of Ha Long Bay. Hydrographic map of Ha Long Bay. Monitoring map of water quality of Ha Long Bay. Land use map of Ha Long Bay. - Standardization of spatial data: Arrange the layers of maps together on one unified coordinate system (WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_48N) Figure 1 Standardization of spatial data 4.5.4. Creating attribute database -Collecting attribute data: To show the water quality of Ha Long Bay we need to collect the data following: Data monitoring of water quality of Ha Long Bay in 2013. Table of soil land use status of Ha Long Bay in 2013. The information related to monitoring locations of water quality in Ha Long Bay. The information related to administrative Quang Ninh Province. 51 Figure 4.10: Monitoring map of water quality surface of Ha Long Bay - Processing attributes data: The monitoring data will be calculated value of WQI. The current land use data used for comparison with water quality in monitoring locations. - Creating structure of attribute database table: Table 4.8. Attribute database table of water quality monitoring sites Field name Field type Note FID Interger To link to the FID of spatial data Name Text Name of monitoring sites Symbol Text Symbols of monitoring sites Integer The coordinates X, Y Integer The WQI value of each quarter Longtitude Latitude WQI value corresponding attribute columns 4.5.5. Entering and linking data The spatial data layers will be added and stacked together on the same coordinate system. 52 Attribute data is entered on the attributes table in software and can be associated with the link command of the software through a common attribute between table in the software and in excel. Figure 4.11: Table of attribute data Link attribute to excel with field general FID 4.5.6. Displaying and editing the map Creating map showing water quality Displaying water quality of Ha Long Bay on the map through the WQI at each monitoring site. In ArcGIS, there are 5 types of objects shown: Right-click the layer object, select Properties, select the symboylogy-> appear options to show object. Features Categiones Quantities Chats Multiple Attributes In which, research select Stacked method (stack column chart) to show water quality of Ha Long Bay. Figure 4.12: Selecting Stacked method to show water quality of Ha Long Bay 53 Each value is determined about a color corresponding to level of water quality assessment. Each quarter, we have a chart corresponding to each point on the map. After the data is entered and linked to software and displayed, we can open the attribute table for accessing data, searching information, and can processing information. Or from each spatial location of research area on the map, we can also see information on each location when we choose. Figure 4.13: Displaying data of water quality in monitoring sites Figure 4.14: Map of water quality by WQI of Halong Bay is displayed on the map by column chart. 54 Figure 4.15: Database of water quality index WQI of Ha Long Bay in ArcGIS Editing water quality map After connecting and completing data of map, we transfer map to layout view mode to edit map. - Creating a new page layout The first step in ArcMap is to change your map view to layout—either by selecting Layout View from the View menu or by clicking the Layout View button on the lower left of the map display. - Adding a data frame to the page layout The data frame displays a collection of layers drawn in a particular order for a given map extent and map projection. You add a data frame to the page layout using the Insert menu. From this menu, you can insert additional data frames. These additional data frames may be for locator or detail maps. If you are using multiple data frames you may want to consider using extent indicators to show the extent of one data frame within another data frame. A good locator map will also contain an indicator, such as an outline, showing 55 where the extent of the detail map fits within a larger extent. For example, your locator map might show the location of a state within a country. -Adding other map elements to the page layout Use the Insert menu to select other map elements to add to your layout. You can use this menu to add a Title to the page. The added text will be the same as the text entered for the title in the Map Document Properties dialog box. Along with a title you can add (static) Text and Dynamic Text. You can use the Insert menu to add a Legend, North Arrow, Scale Bar, and Scale Text. Clicking any of these options opens an appropriate wizard or dialog box where you can set properties for each map element. You can also add Neatlines, pictures, and objects from the Insert menu - Printing and exporting your layout Once you have completed this work on your layout, you can print your map or create other types of output formats—PDF files, PostScript files, or Illustrator files. Under the file menu you have the options to open the Page and Print Setup dialog box, Print Preview, Print the page, or to Export Map. 56 - We have result: Figure 4.16: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QI-2013) 57 Figure 4.17: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QII-2013) Figure 4.18: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QIII-2013) 58 Figure 4.19: Water quality map in Ha Long Bay( QIV-2013) 59 PART V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 5.1. Discussion Geographic information systems are widely used in the world and gradually asserted its role in Vietnam in accordance with multidisciplinary and multisector. The applications bring high efficiency of GIS is to provide information very timely, accurately and completely, support to manager to make decision served for strategic management of natural resources, construction and socioeconomic development. Through the results of monitoring, processing data as water quality index WQI suitable for aquaculture and bring up the map shows that: In 10 locations, 5 locations that the water quality is substandard for aquaculture are: Cua Luc , the coastal of Ha Long 1 market, the coastal of Column 5 area Column 8 area, Bai Chay and Cau Trang. In these, the water quality is pretty bad and is not suitable for aquaculture. There are three very good locations for aquaculture and are: the flow between Ha Long Bay -Hon 1, Ti Top and Cua Van Fishing Village. 2 locations may be reluctant to aquaculture as Tuan Chau and Dien Vong River. Water quality changes over space with bay location. With the different effects of the polluting elements in different positions created water quality fluctuations in space, here is expressed through the observation points. The coastal areas and near industrial areas, the water is polluted and not suitable for aquaculture purposes. Only few coastal areas that meet quality standards allowed aquaculture. Left largely, good water quality concentrated in islands coastal areas and the streams between islands suitable for cage culture. 5.2. Conclusion Although it has achieved certain results, but due to many reasons, the thesis is still limited. In order to continue and complete the research, we should continue to implement: Research uses GIS technology to assess water quality WQI suitable for aquaculture. However, there are still many factors not included in assessment. So 60 for more complete assessment, we should add missing elements to complement fuller. 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