to Purchasing Manual

____________ Public
Purchasing Manual
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____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Page #
Introduction and Purpose …………………………………………………….
Ethics and Conduct In Purchasing; Vendor Relations………………………
Public School Purchasing – Legal Authority………………………………….
Purchase Order Process………………………………………………………..
Methods of Procurement………………………………………………………
Other Purchasing Procedures………………………………………………….
Select Purchasing Topics……………………………………………………….
Requisition/Purchase Order Process – Receipt of Goods/Services………….
Appendix List…………………………………………………...………………
Appendices A through J … (Pages 31 -40)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
The purpose of this Purchasing Manual is to assist all Board of Education employees in the proper
purchasing practices to be in full compliance with:
New Jersey Public School Contracts Law N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.;
New Jersey Administrative Code N.J.A.C. 5:34-1 et seq.;
Board of Education Policy;
Other federal, state law and code;
NJQSAC SOA Fiscal Management Item #10; and
Local Finance Notices – NJ Division of Local Government Services
The Purchasing Manual is designed to achieve three (3) goals:
1. Follow the law and board policy on purchasing;
2. Promote efficiency in the purchasing practices; and
3. Achieve savings of money through proper purchasing practices.
We ask you, the user of the purchasing system, to help achieve these goals through proper planning.
Please allow yourself enough leeway between generating a purchase order and the actual date materials
or services are needed. Please think of purchasing in terms of a whole year. What items and services
do you need on an annual basis?
Through proper planning, we can eliminate much of the frustration that is encountered in all public
school purchasing procedures.
This manual should be reviewed with department heads, teachers, secretaries, and others who are
involved in the purchasing process. It is imperative that everyone adhere to all purchasing laws and
If you have any questions concerning the following guidelines, please do not hesitate to call the
Purchasing Office, Extension XXXX
Mandatory Training
All school personnel involved in the requisition and purchasing process shall attend an annual
mandatory training session concerning proper purchasing procedures. The training will be presented in
two (2) sessions
Session I—Purchasing Procedures
All administrators, supervisors and principals, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:34-1.1 (b), shall attend
this mandatory training session on purchasing procedures.
Session II—Requisition and Purchase Order Process
All school personnel involved in the preparation of requisitions and purchase orders shall
attend this mandatory training session.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
All district employees are to practice exemplary ethical behavior in the purchasing process. Employees
are to avoid any action that may be considered a conflict with their position with the district and those
dealings with vendors who provide goods and services to the district. All district employees should
adhere to the following terms and conditions of the board’s policy on Ethics and Conduct in
Purchasing; Vendor Relations.
A. Financial Interest in any Contract with the Board of Education--Prohibited
No employee or board member may have a direct interest in any contract or agreement for the
sale of goods and services to the Board of Education, nor receive any benefit, compensation or
reward from any contract for the sale of goods and services to the Board of Education.
Reference—N.J.S.A. 18A:6-8.
B. Solicitation/Receipt of Gifts from Vendors -- Prohibited
School board members, school officials and employees, or members of their immediate family
are prohibited from soliciting, receiving or agreeing to receive any compensation, reward,
employment, gift, meal, honorarium, travel, reimbursement, favor, loan, service, or other thing
of value from any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or business that is a recipient of a
purchase order from the district, or a potential bidder, or an applicant for any contract with the
district, based upon an understanding that what is solicited or offered was for the purpose of
influencing the board member or school employee in the discharge of their official duties. This
policy shall be consistent with the School Ethics Act—N.J.S.A. 18A:12-21 et seq.
C. School District Responsibility – Favoritism; Family Members; Businesses
School officials and employees who recommend purchases shall not extend any favoritism to
any vendor. Each recommended purchase should be based upon quality of the items, service,
price, delivery, and other applicable factors in full compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.
School officials and employees are to avoid recommending purchases from members of their
families, businesses that employ members of their families and from businesses in which the
official, employee or members of their immediate family have a direct financial interest.
School officials and employees who are authorized to sign off on purchase orders and/or to
recommend purchases or business transactions by virtue of their signature on the purchase
order certify that their actions are consistent with this policy and all applicable statutes.
D. Vendor Responsibility – Doing Business with the Board of Education
Any vendor doing business or proposing to do business with the ____________Board of
Education, shall neither pay, offer to pay, either directly or indirectly, any fee, commission, or
compensation, nor offer any gift, gratuity, or other thing of value of any kind to any official or
employee of the __________ Board of Education or to any member of the official’s or
employee’s immediate family.
No vendor shall cause to influence or attempt to cause to influence, any official or employee of
the ___________Board of Education, in any manner which might tend to impair the objectivity
or independence of judgment of said official or employee.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
E. Vendor Certification
Vendors will be asked to certify that no official or employee of the__________ Board of
Education or immediate family members are directly or indirectly interested in this request or
have any interest in any portions of profits thereof. The vendor participating in this request
must be an independent vendor and not an official or employee of the ___________Board of
F. Violations of the Policy--Sanctions
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6-8, any school district employee who violates the terms of
this policy may be subject to withholding of annual increments, suspension, demotion, school
ethics complaint, termination and/or revocation of license to teach or to administer.
Conflict of Interest Certification—Request for Proposals and Competitive Contracting Proposals
School district employees who are part of an evaluation committee to review responses to Request for
Proposals (RFP) and/or to Competitive Contracting proposals will be required to complete a Conflict
of Interest certification in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:34-4.3 (e) (f).
Possible Conflict of Interest
Any school employee who feels there may be a potential conflict of interest with a recommendation of
award with any vendor doing business with the district, is encourage to contact the School Business
Administrator for guidance.
All school employees are reminded of the following New Jersey Criminal Code citations:
Title 2C -- Criminal Code
2C:27-9 Unlawful Official Business Transaction
“A public servant commits a crime of the fourth degree if, while performing his official
functions on behalf of the government entity, the public servant knowingly transacts any
business with himself, a member of his immediate family, or a business organization in which
the public servant or an immediate family member has an interest.” (N.J.S.A. 2C:27-9)
2C:27-10 -- Acceptance or Receipt of Unlawful Benefit by Public Servant for Official Behavior
“A public servant commits a crime in the fourth degree…if the public servant directly or
indirectly, knowingly solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit, whether the benefit
inures to the public servant on another person, to influence the performance of an official duty
or to commit a violation of an official duty.” (N.J.S.A. 2C:27-10)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Authority to Purchase—School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
The purchase of goods and/or services by a board of education is governed by state statutes,
administrative code and board policy. New Jersey State Law 18A:18A-2(b) assigns the legal authority
to the Purchasing Agent (School Business Administrator) to make purchases for the board of education.
The Purchasing Agent is the only individual in the school district that has the authority to make
purchases for the board of education.
The _____________ Board of Education by board resolution has authorized _________________,
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to be the Purchasing Agent for the school district.
Authorized Purchases
All requests for purchases of goods and/or services must be made through an approved purchase order
signed by the Purchasing Agent, prior to the goods or services to be received.
Purchase Order
A purchase order, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2 (v), is a document issued by the Purchasing Agent
authorizing goods or materials to be ordered for the school district or work/service to begin. No
goods or materials may be ordered or work/service be authorized to begin by any other individual in
the school district other than the Purchasing Agent.
Unauthorized Purchases
Any school district employee who orders and/or receives any materials, supplies or services without
first going through the approved purchase order process has made an unauthorized purchase.
Unauthorized purchases are a violation of State Law and Board Policy.
Penalties listed below may be assigned by the Superintendent of Schools for unauthorized purchases:
Penalties for Unauthorized Purchases
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Fourth Offense
Letter in Personnel File
Loss of Increment
Loss of Employment Tenure Charges
Pay for Purchase
Pay for Purchase
Pay for Purchase
Pay for Purchase
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Corrective Action for Non-compliance
1. Memo to Administrator
If the Purchasing Agent has determined that an unauthorized purchase has been made, a memo will
be sent to the responsible administrator advising the administrator of the unauthorized purchase.
The Superintendent of Schools shall receive a copy of the memo.
2. Memo to Superintendent
The responsible administrator shall prepare a memo explaining the reasons why proper purchasing
procedures were not followed. The memo will be attached to the purchase order and a copy of the
memo will be sent to the Superintendent of Schools.
3. Letter to Vendor
The Purchasing Agent will also send a letter to the vendor who provided either unauthorized services
or goods. The letter will advise the vendor that payment may not be made for the unauthorized
purchase. The Board Attorney will be copied on the letter.
At any time, during the Corrective Action Process (CAP), the Superintendent may invoke the
penalties for non-compliance.
District Sanctions to Violations
All district employees are reminded that the school district may receive sanctions because of unauthorized
(confirming) purchases. Employees are to note the following consequences of such actions:
1. Withholding of State Aid—N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.4
The Commissioner of Education may withhold State funds from any school district that fails to
obey the provisions of the Public School Contracts Law—N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.
2. NJQSAC Fiscal Management SOA #10
The school district is subject to losing NJQSAC points by not being in compliance with the Fiscal
Management SOA Item #10.
3. Audit Finding and Recommendations
All financial transactions are subject to audit review. The district may receive an audit finding and
recommendation for unauthorized (confirming) purchases. Repeat audit findings may lead to
sanctions against the school district.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Purchasing Prohibitions
1. Employees Prohibited from Signing Contracts--Prohibition
Board of Education employees are prohibited from signing any contract offered by a vendor.
The power to sign and execute contracts after Board of Education approval lies with the Board
President and the Board Secretary.
Contracts signed by an employee shall be considered non-binding by the ___________Board of
Education with the employee accepting full responsibility for the costs of the contract.
2. Reimbursements; Employee--Prohibition
The Board of Education only recognizes an employee reimbursement purchase order when it
pertains to tuition reimbursement, pre-approved travel, meals, and conferences. The Board will
not reimburse employees for items and goods personally purchased by the employee.
3. Student Activity Accounts--Prohibition
Purchases made through Student Activity Accounts may not be reimbursed with Board funds.
Purchase orders made payable to Student Activity Accounts for the aforementioned purpose will
not be signed by the Purchasing Agent.
4. Private Purchases -- Prohibited
Goods and services procured by the ________Board of Education are exclusively for the use of
the board and if applicable, other public and non-public schools. These goods and services are
purchased through the signed purchase order process.
Employees of the ___________Board of Education are prohibited from purchasing privately
goods and/or services off the bid prices and quotation prices offered by the vendors to the board of
Purchasing Guidance
1. Cancellation of Purchase Orders--Guidance
All requests to cancel purchase orders must be made in writing to the Business Office. Reasons
explaining the need to cancel the purchase order must be outlined. The Purchasing Agent
maintains the sole right to cancel purchase orders.
2. Contracts; Purchase Order Required--Guidance
The award of contract to a vendor approved by the Board of Education at a public meeting does not
automatically authorize any employee to use the services of, or purchase materials from, the vendor.
All contract purchases require the issuance of a purchase order authorizing the purchase of
services and/or goods and materials from the vendor. N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2 (v).
3. Preview of Materials--Guidance
All staff members must receive permission from administrators, supervisors, or principals to preview
materials. After the preview process has been completed, the item must be returned. If there is a
desire to purchase the previewed item, then a purchase order must be prepared for a new item.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Preparing a Requisition
The person who prepares the requisition has certain responsibilities before the order is sent to the
administrator, supervisor, or principal for approval. He/she is to ensure the following:
1. Requisitions are typed -- All requisitions are to be typed.
2. Vendor’s Name--All Board checks are made payable to the vendor name (top line) listed on the
purchase order/requisition. Please ensure the proper vendor name is printed on the requisition.
3. Vendor’s Complete Address -- The purchase order must include the vendor’s complete
address and phone number. Post Office Box addresses by themselves are not acceptable unless
they are of major well-known companies.
4. Current Budget Year Included -- The current budget year must be included in the body of the
Purchase Order/Requisition.
5. Description of Items, Services, Costs and Catalogue Numbers -- Items and/or services
requested are to be described clearly with correct and up-to-date catalogue numbers and costs.
6. Shipping Costs--Shipping and handling costs are to be added to all purchase orders. Please
read the catalogue or contact the vendor to determine the actual shipping and handling costs.
If you are unable to ascertain the actual charges, type:
“10% Estimated Shipping and Handling”
If there are no shipping and handling charges, type on requisition/purchase order:
“Shipping and Handling Included”
7. Delivery Address--Attention of -- The delivery address should include a name of a person or a
specific department.
8. Delivery, Types of --- The Board of Education recognizes two (2) types of delivery.
Items are to be delivered to a Board of Education location and taken off the truck by
transportation carrier personnel and brought to a designated area inside the school or office
Items are to be delivered to a Board of Education location and taken off the truck by
transportation carrier personnel and brought to a designated area inside the school or office
building. Transportation carrier personnel or specialized individuals are responsible to then
uncrate, setup, assemble items to determine good working order and remove all debris to
the satisfaction of the ___________ Board of Education within five (5) working days.
Please ensure that all purchase orders have the correct delivery designation.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
9. Total Cost -- Please include the words “Total Cost” on the purchase order with the actual
amount of the order. Minimum Order -- the minimum order amount for all purchase orders is
$25.00. Please try to plan and combine orders to exceed the $25.00 limit.
Please verify your figures for accuracy. Please note: The Board of Education is exempt from
paying New Jersey Sales Tax.
10. Budget Account Number -- Please be sure the correct Budget Account Number is typed on
the requisition.
11. State Contract Orders -- When ordering through State Contract vendors (minimum order $100.00)
please include on the requisition
State Contract Number;
1NJCP must be included on all State Contract requisitions and purchase orders;
Shipping and Handling Included; and
Appropriate documentation when required.
Special guidance will be issued as it pertains to State Contract purchases.
12. Quotations -- If quotations are obtained, please attach to the purchase order a copy of each
written quotation received. Please type the quotation date and the quotation number.
13. Bids -- If bids are obtained, please include the following on the requisition:
a. Bid Date; and
b. Bid Number.
14. Staple Purchase Orders--Purchase orders are to be stapled if two or more purchase order
forms are used for the same order.
15. Multi-Page Requisitions–Limit Two (2) Pages – There will be times where there is a need to
order a large amount of items from one vendor. The number of pages of requisitions is limited
to two pages per order. For orders in excess of the two page limit, please follow the
procedures below:
a. Type on the body of the requisition what is being purchased
Example: School Supplies, Office Supplies, etc.
b. Type on requisition: “See attached list”
List should be neatly typed or downloaded from company website and should
include quantities, full description of items, unit price and total price.
c. Attach three (3) copies of the list to the purchase order (our office attaches these
copies to the various copies of the purchase order).
Type on requisition the full price and any shipping/delivery costs.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
B. Responsibilities of Administrator/Supervisor or Principal – Reviewing a Requisition
Administrators/supervisors and principals must ensure the following is reviewed before the
requisition is sent to the Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent:
1. Funds Available
They must check to determine if funds are available in their budget to cover the amount of
the purchase order.
2. Requisition Completion
They must check to determine that items 1-16 previously noted (Responsibilities of the
Originator) have been properly completed.
3. Signature on Purchase Order (only used on emergency basis)
The requisition/purchase order must be signed (no rubber stamps, please) and sent to the
Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent’s Office. By signing the requisition/purchase
order, the administrator/supervisor or principal is certifying that funds are available in the
budget account line to cover the cost of the purchase.
4. Requisitions are to be approved online by the appropriate administrator.
5. Purchase Order Rationale Form (Exceptions Noted)
The Purchase Order Rationale Form shall be signed and submitted with the requisition/purchase
order. (Placed on top of requisition/purchase order).
6. Approval of Principal
Central office administrators and supervisors have been notified that whenever they order
equipment for the instructional staff of the various schools, the purchase order must be
approved by the school principal. The principal must co-sign the purchase order for
equipment purchases.
It is the responsibility of the central office administrator/supervisor to obtain the signature
of the principal.
7. Originator Copy
The originator copy of the purchase order remains in the office of the administrator/
supervisor/principal. When preparing a requisition, please retain a copy for your files.
8. Receiving Copy
Once the purchase order has been posted and mailed to the vendor, the Business Office will
send the Receiving Copy of the purchase order back to the school or office. If you do not
receive the Receiving Copy within two (2) weeks of signing the purchase order, please
contact the Business Office.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
C. Responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent of Schools
Upon receipt of the purchase order/requisition, the Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent’s
Office stamps the date and time on it. The Superintendent or the Assistant Superintendent reviews
and determines the educational or operational value of each purchase order. The Assistant
Superintendent/Superintendent reviews each Purchase Order Rationale Form and if satisfied signs
and approves the purchase order.
The requisition/purchase order is then signed by the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent
and is sent to the Business Office.
D. Responsibilities of Business Office
The Purchasing Agent reviews each purchase order. Special attention is given to the following:
1. Available Funds—The Requisition system will not permit a requisition to be finalized if
there are insufficient funds in the account. If preparing PO, be sure to check for funds
2. What is being ordered and the cost--The Purchasing Agent reviews the technical aspects
of the purchase order to ensure compliance with State Law and Board Policy.
The Business Office checks the cost of each item and determines if it can be purchased from
another vendor at a savings. The Business Office also reviews whether the purchase order
The Quotation Limit
The Bid Limit
$ 6,000.00
3. Document Check – State Law
Pursuant to various State Laws, the Purchasing Agent must ensure the following
documents are on file in the Business Office before the purchase order is signed and
 Affirmative Action Evidence – Contracts $40,000.00 and over (cumulative)
 Business Registration Certificate (BRC) – Purchases $6,000.00 and over
 Chapter 271 – Political Contribution Disclosure Form (PCD)
Purchases over $17,500.00 (cumulative)
 Iran Financial Disclosure Form
 IRS W-9 Form
4. Review of Purchase Order -- The purchase order is also reviewed for technical aspects
such as:
a. Account number missing or incorrect;
b. Shipping charges added;
c. Signatures missing;
d. State contract numbers incorrect/missing;
e. Vendor address incomplete; and
f. Other items as listed in Section A.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Incomplete or improper purchase orders/requisitions will be returned with a memo
explaining deficiencies. See copy of memo in Appendix.
If the Purchasing Agent is satisfied, he signs the purchase order and/or approves the
requisition. The Business Office will then:
Issue a purchase order number;
Enter the purchase order in the computer; and
Mail the purchase order to the vendor.
The purchase order process, as explained, may take 5 – 10 days to complete. Please
plan accordingly.
5. Transfer of Funds--The Business Office processes purchase orders only if there are
appropriate funds to cover the purchase. Purchase orders lacking sufficient funds are sent
back to the originator for a request to transfer funds. All letters requesting a transfer of funds
are to be sent to
Business Administrator/Board Secretary
All transfers of funds have to be approved by the Board of Education at a public meeting.
In certain cases some transfer of funds requests must be sent to the State Department of
Education for review. Substantive transfers of money (more than 10% of the budget line
item) must be approved by the State. Purchase orders that require a transfer of funds will be
mailed to the vendors the day after the State Department of Education approves the transfers.
E. Responsibility of the Vendor
The Business Office sends to the vendor the purchase order and the voucher. The vendor is to sign
the voucher and return it to the Business Office with an invoice. If you receive a signed voucher,
return it to the Business Office. A check is prepared for the vendor once the Business Office has a
Signed Voucher
All Packing Slips
Receiving Copy (Pink) Signed
The award of contract to a vendor approved by the Board of Education at a public meeting does not
automatically authorize any employee to use the services of, or purchase materials from, the vendor.
All contract purchases require the issuance of a purchase order authorizing the purchase of services
and/or goods and materials from the vendor.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Bids (Purchases that exceed the bid threshold--$40,000)
This method is used for procuring goods, materials, services and public work projects that exceed
the board of education approved bid threshold of $40,000.
Examples of Bidding:
Building Services Department
Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC work
Custodial Supplies
Public Works Project
Computer Supplies/Equipment
Printers / Computer
Interactive Boards
Food Services Department*
Groceries and Canned Goods
Pest Control Services
Baking Goods—Rolls, Bread
Title I Testing
Test Scoring Services
AV Equipment
Athletic Supplies/Equipment
Physical Ed Supplies/Equipment
Award of Contract--Lowest Responsible Bidder
The common thread of all these bids is that the district has to award the contract pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4 (a) to the lowest responsible bidder.
*Subject to Federal Guidelines 7 CFR 210.21 and 2 CFR Part 200.
Bids and Purchasing:
1. Bid Limit -- $40,000
The ___________ Board of Education is restricted by New Jersey state law on how much
money can be spent by the district for the entire year on materials, supplies, and services.
This restriction is called the bid threshold or bid limit. The bid limit is $40,000. This means
that any specific item, class of items, and/or services of a similar nature, purchased by the school
district totaling in the aggregate more than $40,000 for the entire year, must be competitively and
advertised for bid. This restriction is for the entire district and not by location or schools.
You cannot circumvent the law by splitting purchases to be under the $40,000 bid limit.
Administrators that have purchases that may exceed the $40,000 bid limit, are to contact the
Purchasing Office to begin planning the bid process.
The formal bidding process takes about 6-8 weeks to complete as explained the Appendix under
Bid Process.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
2. Annual Bids
The Board of Education, to be in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-9, requests that central
office department administrators and supervisors and school principals start to plan and prepare
for Annual Bids. The proposed time lines are as follows:
Administrators/Supervisors prepare technical specifications to be reviewed
by Purchasing Agent.
Purchasing Agent prepares final bid specifications to be drafted in a manner
to encourage free, open, and competitive bidding.
Annual bids are received, opened and tabulated by Purchasing Agent.
Bid resolutions are prepared by Purchasing Agent for Board approval.
Purchase orders are generated by Administrators/Supervisors for
August/September delivery.
3. Bidding: Time Frame
As stated before, the formal bidding process usually takes about 6-8 weeks from start to finish.
Please plan appropriately. An outline of the bidding process is located in the Appendix.
4. Exceptions to the Bid Limit
New Jersey State Law allows for some exceptions to the bid requirements. There are
approximately twenty (20) exceptions where a Board of Education does not have to go for bid
for goods and services. Some of them are:
a. Purchasing through New Jersey State Contract;
b. Professional services as outlined by New Jersey law;
c. Textbooks, kindergarten supplies, student produced publications, library and educational
d. Legal notices, food supplies, milk, utilities, insurance, election expenses, travel and
conferences; and
e. Contracts with other government entities; county and state colleges.
* These purchases may be subject to the quotation process pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37(a) if
The Purchasing Agent should be contacted concerning exceptions to bidding.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
B. Quotations (Purchases that fall between $6,000 and $39,999)
This method of procurement is used for contracts for goods, materials, services and public works
projects that in the aggregate are between $6,000 and $39,999.
Athletic Trainer Supplies
Fax Machines Supplies
Payroll Checks
Two Way Radios
Athletic Wear
Instrument Reeds
Dry Cleaning Services
Fitness Equipment
Award of Contract—Price and Other Factors
The board of education, is obligated to solicit at least two (2) competitive quotations and award
the contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37 (a), to the vendor whose response is most
advantageous, price and other factors included.
Quotations and Purchasing
1. Quotation Limits--$6,000 through $39,999
The quotation limit (threshold) is now $6,000. This means that any specific item or group of
items of a similar nature purchased by the school district, totaling more than $6,000 and less
than $40,000 for the entire year, must be competitively quoted or advertised for bid at the
discretion of the Purchasing Agent.
You cannot circumvent the law by splitting purchases to be under the quote threshold.
2. Quotation Process
All quotations shall be in writing and will be coordinated by the Office of the Purchasing
Agent. When a quotation is deemed necessary, the Administrator or Principal is asked to
contact the Purchasing Office. The Purchasing Agent will review these quotation
specifications to determine whether they are set up to provide open and competitive
Please note: The formal quotation process could take about 2-4 weeks from start to finish.
There will be no telephone quotations except in a case of extreme urgency.
3. Receipt of Two (2) Quotations
Pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-37(a) the school district shall solicit two (2) quotations, if
practicable. Evidence of the quotation process shall be kept on file. A copy of the quotation
shall be attached to the purchase order.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
C. Request for Proposal—RFP -- This method is preferred for the following contracts:
Professional Services
Auditing; Accounting
Engineering, Architectural
Academic/Operational Services
(Contracts less than $40,000)
Instructional Improvement
Educational Consultants
Professional Development
Award of Contract—Evaluative Criteria
The RFP method is designed to award the contract to the vendor based upon a list of criteria which
include as recommended by the New Jersey State Comptroller’s Office with the
Best Practices in Awarding Service Contracts (2010)
 Submission of narrative how firm will provide services; planned approach;
measurable results
 Understanding how services will be provided
 Management
 Business organization; staffing
 Experience; and
 Knowledge of district
 Fee proposal submission; cost analysis
The contract for an RFP contract does not; I repeat does not have to be given to the respondent who
submits the lowest price. The evaluative criteria process is designed to award the contract to the
respondent whose response will provide the highest quality services at fair and competitive prices.
D. Competitive Contracting (Certain Contracts over $40,000)
This procurement method is used for certain contracts over $40,000.00.
The district can only use this method for contacts that are outlined in NJ State Law 18A:18A-4.1.
Some of the examples that are permitted are
Proprietary Computer Software for Board Use
1. Student Data Warehousing
2. Student Information System
3. Business Office; Human Resources Software
Professional Development Services
Educational Consultant Services
Instructional Improvement Services
The award of contract is similar to the RFP award of contract. It is based upon the same evaluative
criteria which is designed to award the contract to the respondent whose response will provide the
highest quality services at fair and competitive prices.
The administrative process of Competitive Contracting as outlined in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4.1 et seq.
and N.J.A.C. 5:34-4.1 et seq. is a rather lengthy process and make take 6-8 weeks to complete.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
E. State Contract Purchasing
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-10 (a), a Board of Education may purchase goods and services
through New Jersey State Contract vendors. If the purchase exceeds the bid threshold, the Board
of Education must adopt a resolution awarding the contract.
It is the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent to procure the following equipment and supplies
from New Jersey State Contract vendors.
 Office Supplies and School Supplies
The Purchasing Agent will distribute separate memos highlighting State Contract vendors
who sell Office Supplies and School Supplies. Please review these memos with your staff.
If you plan to purchase Office Supplies and School Supplies from the State Contract
vendor, please follow the instructions on the memo.
 Computers
If you plan to purchase computers, please adhere to the following process prior to
completing purchase orders for computers.
Contact the Director of Technology Information
Please contact the Director of Technology Information at Ext. XXXX. He will be able to
assist you with the technical aspects and the State Contract requirements of purchasing
 Copiers—Approvals Needed—Superintendent, SBA and Board of Education
If you plan to purchase a copier, please contact the purchasing office at Ext. XXXX. All
purchases of copiers must be pre-approved by the Purchasing Agent and the Superintendent
of Schools. All purchase of copiers through the State Contract GSA pricing require board of
education approval pursuant to the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:34-9.7.
Other State Contract Purchasing
The School Business Administrator is required to have board of education approval for all NJ
State Contract purchases that exceed the bid threshold. All NJ State Contract purchases will be
verified by the Purchasing Agent prior to processing.
Purchase Order Requirements--State Contract
All purchase orders made through State Contract vendors shall include the following:
State Contract Number;
State Contract System Identifier—1 NJCP
Notification of Award attached to the purchase order
Approved State Contract price list
Shipping and Handling included
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Cooperative Purchasing
Board of Education may contract with Educational Data Services of
Saddle Brook, NJ, or other cooperative purchasing agencies, to purchase items such as:
1. Office Supplies
2. Copy Duplicator Paper
3. Science Supplies
4. School Supplies
5. Art Supplies
6. Industrial Arts Supplies
The Purchasing Agent shall provide to all administrators, supervisors and principals specialized
training on using cooperative purchasing services.
B. Emergency Contracts
Emergency contracts are strictly regulated by N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-7. A situation must exist
affecting the health or safety of the occupants of school property that requires the immediate
delivery of articles or the performance of a service to alleviate the emergency.
The emergency contract process is reviewed in the Appendix. Please note that the Superintendent
of Schools must be notified first of all emergency purchase requests.
Only the Purchasing Agent may award an emergency contract.
C. EUS—Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services
The EUS procurement method is used for the procurement of insurance and insurance consultant
services. The Purchasing Agent will coordinate all EUS activities pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5
(a) (10) and N.J.A.C. 5:34-2.1 et seq.
D. Federal Funds—Procuring Goods and Service When Using Federal Funds
All non-federal entities (school districts) are to follow NJ Public School Contracts Law when
procuring goods and services using federal funds except where the federal standards detailed in 2
CFR Part 200 are in conflict or more restrictive.
Effective July 1, 2015, school districts when procuring goods and services using federal funds, are
to comply with the Uniform Administrative Requirements—2 CFR Part 200.
Federal Funds Procurement Thresholds—More Restrictive
More Restrictive
Less than $3500
Micro-purchase; sound business practices
200.320 (a); 200.67
Use of Quotations; Use of RFP’s
18A:18A-37 (a)
$40,000 or more
Use of Bids; Use of Competitive Contracting
Formal advertising
18A:18A-4 (a)
18A:18A-4.1 et seq.
A more comprehensive Threshold Chart will be distributed by the Purchasing Agent.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
E. Increasing a Purchase Order Amount
There may be times where a purchase order amount has to be increased to meet the needs of the
district. The School Business Administrator, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.10 will
identify and investigate the reason(s) for any increase to a purchase order. An appropriate form
to request an increase has been prepared and is available from the Business Office.
F. Purchase Order Requirements
The Purchasing Agent must receive from vendors certain legal documents prior to issuing a
purchase order. Depending on the amount of the purchase order in the aggregate the following
documents must be in the possession of the Purchasing Agent:
Affirmative Action Evidence—Certificate of Employee Information Report
Business Registration Certificate from the State of New Jersey
Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure form
Iran Financial Disclosure Form
IRS W-9 Form
See the Appendix for the Purchase Order Requirements Chart
G. Renewal of Contracts—Services
Any vendor contract for services other than professional services, may be extended or renewed
by the board of education pursuant to the terms and conditions of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42 (o).
The major conditions are as follows:
Renewal contract is awarded by board resolution;
No contract shall be extended so that it exceeds five (5) consecutive years;
Any price increase shall not exceed the quarterly Index Rate; and
Terms and conditions of the contract remain substantially the same.
The Purchasing Agent will notify all administrators in March of the preceding fiscal year of
any vendor contracts that are eligible for renewals.
H. Student Activity Account Purchases
Pursuant to State Law N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(a) (21), purchases made through Student Activity
Accounts that exceed the bid threshold shall be awarded by the Board of Education at a public
Examples of items purchased through Student Activity Funds that may require board approval
 Class Gift
 Class Rings
 Field Trips
 Proms
 Yearbooks
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Field Trip Transportation
The district has secured through the competitive bid process, prices for various types of transportation
vehicles needed for approved field trips. A special bulletin has been issued to all administrators and
principals. All employees are reminded of the following guidance as it pertains to field trip
1. Purchase order must be prepared and processed prior to the date of the field trip.
2. Attached to the field trip transportation purchase order is a copy of the board of education
resolution approving the destination of the field trip.
3. The approved list of bus companies and corresponding prices are to be used whether the
field trip is paid through board of education funds (PO) or student activity funds.
4. All field trips using board of education funds (purchase order) shall be part of the
instructional program, have an educational value and shall be reasonable in cost. Field trips
solely for student entertainment are prohibited when using public funds. A board resolution
approving the field trip must be attached to the purchase order.
5. The cost of field trips may be borne by the pupils’ parents with the exception of pupils in
special education classes and pupils with financial hardship. Reference—N.J.S.A. 18A:36-21
B. Meals; Refreshments and Catering
The State of New Jersey Department of Education has provided guidance to school districts through
Administrative Code N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 on board expenditures for meals and refreshments.
The expenditure of public funds for meals and refreshments may be used for the following:
1. Permitted Activities for Meals; Refreshments; Catering
 Student Activities
Reasonable costs for light meals and refreshments directly related to activities that benefit
students and are part of the instructional program are permissible. These activities must be
part of the instructional program and not solely for student entertainment.
 Parent Activities
Reasonable costs* for light meals and refreshments for parent activities are permissible. It
is expected that expenditures for this purpose will be minimal and infrequent—State code.
 Dignitaries
Reasonable costs* for light meals and refreshments for dignitaries as defined in State code,
are permissible.
 Board Member Meetings -- N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.12(f)
Light meals and refreshments* are permitted for all board members and for employees who
are required to attend a board of education meeting.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
*Please note that costs for light meals and refreshments are limited as follows:
$ 5.00 per person
$ 7.00 per person
$10.00 per person
(NJ OMB Circular 12-14OMB Section XI—Letter J)
Documentation Required—Light Meals and Refreshments
Documentation must be provided to support expenditures for light meals and refreshments.
The following information is to be provided on the Purchase Order Rationale Form:
Description of the activity;
Purpose/justification of the activity; goal; objectives;
Make-up of the group receiving the meals; and
Names of employees and board members included in the group.
2. Prohibited Activities—Meals and Refreshments
 Athletic Activities
Light meals and refreshments served to guests at any athletic event, game or contest are
not permitted.
 Staff and Employees of the School District
Light meals and refreshments are not permitted for employees and staff of a school district,
unless the staff member or employee is essential to a student activity where light meals or
refreshments are being served.
 Honoring Employees
Receptions, dinners or other social functions held for or honoring any employee or group
of employees are not permitted when public funds are being used.
3. Purchase of Food Supplies – Supermarkets
New Jersey state law and code excludes the purchase of food supplies from the bidding process
if the food supplies are for the school cafeteria or home economics classes. Many schools and
office have prepared purchase orders to:
Names of Supermarkets
Food supplies purchased from the supermarkets shall be in compliance with state law and code
and only for the approved list of situations. All purchase orders, including student activity
account purchases, are subject to review by Department of Education (DOE) officials and
4. Food Supplies
New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23A-16.5(b) clearly notes that food supplies include those
supplies that are “eaten or drunk.” Administrators are to ensure that purchases from the supermarkets
have only items listed that follow the code. The Business Office will review the register receipts and
highlight those items that do not follow the code.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
C. Miscellaneous Permitted and Non-Permitted Purchases
1. Permitted Purchases
 Commencement; Convocation Activities
All reasonable costs for commencement; convocation activities are permitted.
 Field Trips / Extracurricular Activities
All field trips using board of education funds (purchase order) shall be part of the
instructional program, have an educational value and shall be reasonable in cost. Field trips
solely for student entertainment are prohibited when using public funds. A board resolution
approving the field trip must be attached to the purchase order.
 Library Books; Magazines, Videos/DVD’s/CD’s
All library books; magazines and multi-media presentation materials shall be for
educational or operational purposes.
 T-Shirts
The Superintendent will consider, on a case by case basis, requests for the purchase of TShirts. It is strongly encouraged that purchases of T-Shirts be made through the appropriate
student activity account.
2. Non-Essential and Prohibited Purchases
 Carnivals
 Gifts for Employees
 Teacher appreciation gifts/activities
 Plaques-Local Determination
 Bereavement flowers; baskets
 Student entertainment
The list is not all inclusive and items may be deemed non-essential by the Superintendent during
the course of the school year.
D. Textbooks; Approval and Purchase
1. Approval of Textbooks
In accordance with state law (N.J.S.A. 18A:34-1), all textbooks must be approved by the Board
of Education prior to their use in the educational program. Purchasing textbooks that have not
been approved by the Board of Education is a violation of state law. The Director of
Curriculum, has set up procedures to have textbooks approved by the Board of Education.
2. Textbook Approval – Board of Education Resolution
The procedure for obtaining Board approval is:
a) Complete the District Textbook Evaluation and Approval form
b) Submit textbook and form to the Office of Curriculum and Staff Development, who will
prepare the Board resolution.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
3. Purchase of Textbooks and Curriculum Department Review
New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23A-9.3(c) (12) requires the purchase of textbooks to
meet one of the following conditions:
a. The purchase is in accordance with a textbook replacement plan;
b. Textbooks have been identified as stolen or destroyed; or
c. A change in curriculum or new edition requires a new textbook.
It is important that all purchase orders for textbooks withstand any state or district audit review.
The following documentation shall be attached to each purchase order for textbooks:
● Textbook Order Rationale Form (See Appendix)
This form which must be completed and attached to the front of the
purchase order requires the administrator or supervisor to
 explain the reason for the purchase; and
 provide documentation that the textbook was pre-approved.
Budget Accounts
As always, only textbooks and teacher editions of the textbooks may be purchased from the
“640” object code. All other books and reading material must be purchased from the “600” or
“610” series accounts.
E. Books; Purchasing Procedures
1. Purchase Orders Processed—Once a Month
The Purchasing Office, to ensure compliance with Public School Contracts Law and board policy,
will now process all purchase orders for books and workbooks that require board of education
approval, once a month.
The Purchasing Office will hold all purchase orders for books and workbooks to determine
whether the total cost of the purchase orders exceed the bid threshold. If the total cost of the
purchase orders exceeds the bid threshold then the Purchasing Office will prepare the appropriate
board resolution.
After the board of education adopts the resolution to purchase the books/workbooks, the purchase
orders will be signed and processed if all the documents required are on file.
The Purchasing Office will use the Superintendent’s deadline for agenda items for this process.
Purchase orders for books and workbooks received after the deadline will be held for the next
board meeting.
2. Purchases Must be Planned
All schools/offices buying books and workbooks must now plan appropriately. Administrators and
supervisors are to direct teachers and staff members to have all purchase orders ready before the
deadline or otherwise they will have to wait for the next board of education meeting.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
3. Online Pricing or Price Quotations
School principals are to ensure that purchase orders for books and workbooks be presented to the
Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent with pricing that was obtained through the book company
representative or by using online pricing.
Purchase Order Review – Online Pricing or Price Quotations
Each purchase order for the purchase of books and workbooks will be reviewed by the Purchasing
office. It is expected that attached to the purchase order will be either:
 Copies of the price quotation received from the sales representative; or
 Copies of the online pricing obtained from the company’s website.
Shipping and handling costs must be confirmed by the sales representative or the customer service
Any book purchase order that does not have either the price quotation from the sales representative or
copies of online pricing will be returned.
Use of Catalog Pricing – PROHIBITED
Using written paper catalogue pricing is prohibited. All book prices must be obtained by contacting
the sales representative or by obtaining the prices online.
F. Travel Reimbursement--Purchase Order—Conferences and Workshops
The State of New Jersey, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12, has adopted strict travel guidelines for
school districts to follow. All school officials and employees seeking travel reimbursement must
adhere to the law and travel administrative code—N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7.1 et seq. At a minimum,
reimbursement purchase orders for travel must meet the following requirements:
a. Written Approval of the Superintendent—prior to travel event
The travel shall be approved in writing by the Superintendent prior to the travel event.
Documentation shall be provided with the purchase order for reimbursement.
b. Board of Education Approval—prior to travel event
The travel shall be approved by resolution at a public board of education meeting, again, prior
to the travel event. A copy of the board resolution shall be attached to the purchase order.
c. Reimbursement Procedures
Prior to being reimbursed for approved costs for the travel event, the following must be
presented with the purchase order when applicable
Approvals in writing;
Travel Report;
Receipts for hotel and meals (when applicable);
Mileage Travel Form;
Driver’s License; Vehicle Registration; Insurance Card; and
Other documents when requested.
All public school employees are to review all board policy and school administrative procedures with
the School Business Administrator prior to planning for the travel event.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Purchase Order Deadline—Annual Notification
The deadline for submitting purchase orders for the current operating budget is on or about
, unless on an earlier date set by the Superintendent. (Purchasing Freeze)
Exceptions to the deadline date may be for purchases of the following:
End of the year activities—field trips, graduation, assemblies;
Employee contractual obligations—tuition reimbursement;
Emergency contracts;
State and/or federal funded program grant programs;
Travel reimbursements; and
Other goods, materials or services approved by the Superintendent
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
 Receipt of Goods/Services 
A. Processing the Requisition/Purchase Order--Design of Purchase Order
The purchase order is made of six (6) sheets. Listed below are the names and the purpose of each
sheet. (A Requisition becomes a purchase order after all required administrators have approved the
requisition in the Business Office Software System).
Vendor Copy
Voucher Copy
Receiving Copy
Sent to vendor to order items/provide services
Sent to vendor for signature
Sent to school/office; returned to Business Office upon receipt of
Remains on file in Business Office
Signatures authorizing purchase remains on file in the Business Office
Remains with office of administrator or supervisor.
File Copy
Authorization Copy
Originator Copy
B. Receipt of Goods and Services
The originator of the purchase order should follow the following process when receiving materials,
goods, and services.
1. Receipt of Items Ordered
It is important that all items received be immediately checked. Please note the following:
a. Obtain receiving copy of purchase order and packing slip of items ordered.
b. Open boxes and check off items received on the receiving copy and the packing slip.
c. If all items are enclosed, then sign and attach packing slip to the receiving copy of the
purchase order.
d. The school principal/office supervisor should sign the receiving copy and send it with
the packing slip to
, Accounts Payable Manager, c/o Business Office
Receipt of Goods and Services—Responsibilities of Administrators; Supervisors
Administrators and supervisors are to ensure that all goods received have been checked in for
accuracy. If the goods received match the purchase order and the packing slip then the
administrator should do the following:
Sign the packing slip to confirm receipt of delivery of goods;
Sign the Receiving Copy (pink slip) of the purchase order;
Sign any invoices that may have been submitted with the order; and
Send all items to the Business Office c/o Accounts Payable within seven (7) days of the
receipt of goods.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Accounts Payable Procedures—Notification Process—Unreturned Paperwork
There will be instances where the Business Office Accounts Payable will send a courtesy
reminder to any school or office that has not returned the paperwork in a timely fashion. The
following procedures have been approved by my office:
 Thirty (30) Day Notice—Original
The Accounts Payable Office will send a reminder notice to all schools and offices that
have not submitted their paperwork after 30 days of receipt of the invoice.
 Second Notice—Seven (7) Days
The Accounts Payable Office will send a second reminder notice seven (7) days later if no
paperwork is received from the school or office.
 Final Notice—Seven (7) Days
The Accounts Payable Office will send a Final Notice reminder seven (7) days later if not
paperwork is received from the school or office
 Superintendent’s Office Contacted—Three (3) Days
The School Business Administrator will contact the Superintendent of Schools after three
(3) days if the paperwork is not received from the school or office.
All receiving copies of purchase orders and packing slips should be signed and sent to the
Business Office within seven (7) days of receipt of items.
Board of Education has an excellent reputation for paying its
bills in a timely fashion. We ask that all employees assist in maintaining this fine reputation.
2. Problems Encountered with Receipt of Goods
Problem: Back Orders
Sometimes items ordered will not be received in the first shipment. This is known as a
back order. The packing slip will have back order written on those particular items.
Process to Follow: Back Orders
If the order is incomplete because there is a back order, do not wait for the next shipment.
Please do the following:
Mark on your receiving copy of the purchase order those items you did not receive.
Make and keep a copy of your receiving copy and the packing slip.
Send the original receiving copy and packing slip to the Business Office.
Upon receipt of the back order in the next shipment, check off your copies of the
receiving copy and the packing slip and send both copies to the Business Office.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Problem: Items Missing from Order
Sometimes items are marked on the packing slip that they were delivered but are missing
from your shipment.
Process to Follow: Items Missing
 Call the company and tell them what was missing.
Mark on the receiving copy and packing slip what items were missing.
Make and keep a copy of your receiving copy and the packing slip.
Send the original receiving copy and packing slip to the Business Office.
Upon receipt of the missing item in the next shipment, check off your copies of the
receiving copy and the packing slip and send both copies to the Business Office.
Problem: Items Damaged; Wrong Item
Sometimes you will receive items that are damaged or the wrong item.
Process to Follow: Items Damaged; Wrong Item
 Call the company and ask them what the procedure is for returning damaged or
wrong items.
Return the item(s) to the company.
On the receiving copy and the packing slip, mark what items were returned and the
reasons for being returned. Please note how the items were returned
(UPS/PO/Vendor Pick Up).
Send the receiving copy and packing slip to the Business Office.
Upon receipt of the missing/wrong item in the next shipment, check off your copies
of the receiving copy and return to Business Office.
Problem: Discontinued Item
Sometimes the items you requested have been discontinued.
Process to Follow: Discontinued Item
Mark on the receiving copy (pink) of the purchase order “discontinued.”
Do not call the company for a replacement item. You must complete a new
purchase order.
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Formal Bid Process
B. Emergency Purchases/Contracts
C. Memorandum--Return of Purchase Order
D. Chart—Purchase Order Requirements
E. Vendor Letter—Unauthorized Purchases
F. Copy of Purchase Order
G. Copy of Requisition
H. Federal Contracts
1. Debarment and Suspension
2. Federal Programs/Targeted Students
3. Compliance with 2 CFR Part 200
I. Federal Contracts—Chart of Thresholds
J. Textbook Rationale Form
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Time Line
Initial request to bid made by Administrator/Supervisor.
Certification that funds exist.
One Day
Review of specifications, fully outlining items, materials or services to be bid
by the Purchasing Agent.
One Week
Return of reviewed specifications to Administrator/Supervisor for final approval.
Administrator/Supervisor signs off final approval.
One Week
Bid package prepared by the Purchasing Agent.
One Week
Copies of bids run off by Print Shop.
One Day
Three Day
Advance Notice
Legal advertisement sent to newspaper.
Bid Date/Time -- must be at least 10 days after Legal Ad appears in newspaper.
Bids are opened and read publicly.
Bid results are reviewed by:
a. Administrator/Supervisor
b. Purchasing Agent
10-20 Days
One Week
Administrator/Supervisor prepares spreadsheet showing lowest bidders and
recommends award of bid. Purchasing Agent reviews bids. Resolution is
One-Two Weeks
Bids are reviewed at Board Agenda, Committee of the Whole, and Regular
Public Meetings.
One Week
Purchase orders are prepared by Administrator/Supervisor.
One Week
The formal bidding process takes about 6-8 weeks from start to finish.
Please note: Bids for Public Works/Construction Projects take longer as a request for wage
determination must be formally made to the State of New Jersey.
(Appendix A)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
A. Background
An actual emergency must exist. An “emergency” is not to be created as a result of inadequate
planning, delay, failure to take into account construction season or administrative convenience.
B. Definition of Emergency
An emergency is a situation affecting the health or safety of occupants of school property that
requires the immediate delivery of the articles or performance of a service to alleviate the
C. Process in Declaring an Emergency
1. Superintendent of Schools Notified
The Superintendent of Schools is notified by the employee/supervisor/administrator requesting
a declaration of emergency.
2. Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent Notified
The official in charge of the building or facility, wherein the emergency occurred shall notify
the Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent of the following:
a. Nature of the emergency;
b. Time of the occurrence; and
c. The need for the performance of a contract.
Such notification shall be prepared in writing and filed with the Purchasing Agent as soon as
3. Awarding of Contract by Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent
If the Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent is satisfied the emergency exists, the Business
Administrator/Purchasing Agent by State Law is authorized to award the contract.
4. Filing of Documents with State and County by Board Secretary/School Business Administrator
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:34-6.1, the following documents must be filed with the County
Superintendent within three (3) days after awarding the contract or agreement:
a. A copy of the contract or agreement; and
b. A copy of the written requisition.
5. Approval by Board of Education
The Board of Education, at its next regular Board of Education Public Meeting, shall review
and approve said emergency purchase.
(Appendix B)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
_________________, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Return of Purchase Order(s)
I am returning the attached purchase order(s) for the reason(s) checked below:
Account Number Incorrect; Missing--Please use Account Code #
Bid Number, Quotation Number--Not Included on Purchase Order
Board Resolution Needed--Attach to Purchase Order
Conference Request Form--Not Attached; Not Approved
Description of Item(s), Service Needed
Funds; Federal/State – Title of Grant Program – Type on Purchase Order/Requisition
Minimum Order $25.00
Proposal/Contract Missing -- Attach to Purchase Order
Quotation Needed--Please contact me Ext
Rationale Form Missing; Unsigned
Shipping Charges Not Added
Shipping Charges Not Needed. Type on P.O. “Shipping and Handling Included”
Signature Missing--Administrator, Supervisor, Principal
State Contract Number Incorrect, Missing--State Contract Documentation Missing
Textbook Documentation Missing
_____ Website Documentation / Board Resolution
Unauthorized Order--Please contact me Ext.
Vendor Address Incomplete--Post Office Box Number Only
Vendor Check Needed?
As Per Attached Memo
Minimum State Contract Order $100.00
to discuss process
to discuss procedures
Please make the adjustments needed and return the purchase order with this
form to my office.
(Appendix C)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Up to
$ 6,000
$ 6,000 - $17,499
$17,500 - $39,999
*$40,000 – and over
Affirmative Action
 Contracting Units Subject
Business Registration
 Contracting Units Subject
Chapter 271 (PCD)
 Contracting Units Subject
to Title 40A:11
to Title 40A:11
to Title 40A:11
 State of New Jersey
 State of New Jersey
 State of New Jersey
Contract Purchases
 Boards of Education
including Educational
Services Commissions
 Other contracting units,
e.g. County and State
Colleges and local
authorities, boards, etc.
Contract Purchases
 Boards of Education
including Educational
Services Commissions
 Other contracting units,
e.g. County and State
Colleges and local
authorities, boards, etc.
 Non-profit Organizations
Exempt Situations
 Emergency Purchases – No payment
unless BRC is on file.
 Employee settlements paid to
Contract Purchases
 Boards of Education
including Educational
Services Commissions
 Other contracting units,
e.g. County and State
Colleges and local
authorities, boards, etc.
 Non-profit Organizations
 New Jersey School
Boards Association
 Contract Renewals
 Public Utilities, e.g. PSE&G
 Establishments that are out of state
& business being conducted takes
place out of state, e.g. hotels, band
camps, seminars, theatres, etc.
Exempt Situations
 Emergency purchases;
 Litigation payments to parties
through court order.
 Purchase made entirely through
School Student Activity Funds.
*Based upon a QPA $40,000 Bid Threshold
Prepared by: Mr. James Shoop, SHOOP SBA, LLC
It is suggested that school districts request from all vendors the Iran Disclosure Form!
(Appendix D)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Name of School District
Office of the Superintendent
City, State, Zip
All Vendors
Date: _________________
Official Notification
Authorized Purchases
The __________ Board of Education only recognizes purchases made through the approved purchase order
process. All purchases made by the ____________ Board of Education require:
Written Purchase Order;
Purchase Order Number; and an
Authorized Signature (Purchasing Agent)
Unauthorized Purchases
Any Board of Education employee who orders and/or receives any materials, supplies or services without first
going through the approved purchase order process has made an unauthorized purchase.
Vendors’ Responsibility
Do NOT Honor Requests!
Vendors are not to honor or accept any requests for goods or services unless the vendor receives a
written purchase order with an authorized signature and a purchase order number.
Contact the Business Office!
Please alert ________________at _______________ if any Board employee attempts to place an
order without an authorized purchase order.
You will NOT Get Paid!
The _______________Board of Education will not be held responsible for any unauthorized orders or
unauthorized purchases.
Authorized Signatures
The ____________ Board of Education will only recognize purchase orders signed by:
Business Administrator, Board Secretary
(Appendix E)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
(Appendix F)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
(Appendix G)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
1. Debarment and Suspension for Federal Contracts
Debarment and Suspension (E.O. 12549 and E.O. 12689) – A contract award (see 2 CFR
180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government wide exclusions in the System for
Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that
implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR part 1989
Comp., p 235). Debarment and Suspension. SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties
debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible
under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. (Ref. 2 CFR 200.212)
2. Federal Programs/Targeted Students
Purchase orders using Federal Funds shall include on the document:
Name of Federal Program
Targeted Group of Students
3. Compliance -- Uniform Administrative Regulations—2 CFR Part 200
All purchases using Federal Funds shall be in compliance with the Uniform Administrative
Regulations—2 CFR Part 200
(Appendix H)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Federal Contracts—Chart of Thresholds
Description of Goods/Services
Procurement Method
Goods and Services
Goods and Services
Goods and Services
Less than $3,500
$40,000 or more
Sound Business Practice
Quotation or Bid
Professional Services
Professional Services
Professional Services
Less than $3,500
$40,000 or more
Simple Proposal
Request for Proposals (RFP)*
Competitive Contracting
Educational Consultant Services
Educational Consultant Services
Educational Consultant Services
Less than $3,500
$3,500 - $39,999
$40,000 or more
Simple Proposal
Request for Proposals (RFP)*
Competitive Contracting
Instructional Improvement Services
Instructional Improvement Services
Instructional Improvement Services
Less than $3,500
$3,500 - $39,999
$40,000 or more
Simple Proposal
Request for Proposals (RFP)*
Competitive Contracting
Professional Development Services
Professional Development Services
Professional Development Services
Less than $3,500
$3,500 - $39,999
$40,000 or more
Simple Proposal
Request for Proposals (RFP)*
Competitive Contracting
Sole Source (Proprietary) (a)
Sole Source (Proprietary) (a)
Sole Source (Proprietary) (a)
Less than $3,500
$3,500 - $39,999
$40,000 or more
Simple Proposal
Proprietary Quotation
Proprietary Bid
Services Provided by Government
Services Provided by Government
Services Provided by Government
Less than $3,500
Simple Proposal
$3,500 - $39,999
Request for Proposals (RFP)*
$40,000 or more
Competitive Contracting
*RFP’s must be publicized when federal funds are being used.
(Appendix I)
____________ Public Schools
Purchasing Manual
Office of the School Business Administrator
Textbook Order Rationale Form
A. Conditions of Purchase – New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23A-9.3 (c)(12)
Please check the appropriate box(es) that apply to the purchase.
is in accordance with the textbook replacement plan;
is to replace lost, stolen or destroyed textbooks.
of textbooks reflect a change of curriculum.
reflects a new edition of textbook.
B. Documentation Requirement
The textbook(s) on this purchase order may be found on the school
district website.
Curriculum Revision*
Textbook Review Plan
*Attach a copy of the page from this document highlighting the
textbook(s) to be purchased.
Name of School/Office
Title of Textbook
Curriculum Department Review and Approval
Curriculum Director
(Appendix J)