ICT for Capacity Building in Agricultural Education Prof. SD Sharma VC, DSVV Haridwar 26/07/2013 1 Agriculture Revolution & HRD Spectacular growth in agriculture has been witnessed in the last six decades in terms of food grains, milk, fish, oilseeds and fruit & vegetables production resulting in green, white, blue, yellow and golden revolutions, thereby bringing general prosperity to the farming community. Such success stories have been built upon the quality human resources developed by the institutions of higher agricultural education established in the country during the sixties and seventies besides the government policies and the receptivity of farming community. New breed of skilled human resources developed were not only instrumental in generating new technologies but also catered to the continual assessment, refinement and dissemination of technologies for passing on to the farming community. For sustaining and diversification of agricultural growth, continuous development and strengthening quality of agricultural human resource development is critical. 26/07/2013 2 Capacity Building in HRD HRD is an essential component of Capacity building besides infrastructure building, modernizing laboratories, quality and quantity of manpower, attracting & retaining talent, research capability, increasing gross enrolment, reaching the unreached etc. Capacity building is to increase the knowledge, skills and understandings and to develop the attitudes needed to bring about the desired developmental change. Changing global scenario calls for addressing emerging challenges of declining response to agricultural inputs, degrading/depleting natural resources, increasing population and the vagaries of weather/climate change. Looming dangers of food insecurity due to stagnating/declining productivity/profits increased risk due to changing climate; unsafe livelihoods for millions of small and marginal farmers; regional imbalances in agricultural productivity; rising input costs, unsound profits and vulnerable markets; changing food habits and quality concerns; high post- harvest losses and fragmented processing industry; globalization of trade and commerce; weakened technology transfer system; fossil fuel crisis & growing emphasis on bio-fuels encroaching upon agricultural lands; poorly coordinated natural disaster management system, and the prospects of bioterrorism etc. 26/07/2013 3 Renewed Thrust for Quality Thrust for enhancing quality and quantity of HR being produced and making them relevant in modern context by developing self-motivated professionals and entrepreneurs for facing the challenges and the changing scenario of globalization, emergence of new areas of specialization such as IPRs, WTO-related areas, techno-legal specialties etc., and cutting edge technologies such as biosensors, genomics and biotechnology, alternative sources of energy, nanotechnology, etc. Education should be able to address the stakeholders’ expectations. Graduates are required to possess professional capabilities to deal with the concerns of sustainable development of agriculture in all its dimensions. Need for agricultural graduates having knowledge, skills, ability and also entrepreneurship to provide a class of village-based services such as diagnostic laboratories, advisories on new innovations, markets and avenues of development assistance for corporate and contract farming. Industry and universities partnership is essential for obtaining well-trained agricultural professionals in cutting edge technologies for international competitiveness. To address challenges and to achieve innovative growth in Ag. Edn. we need to employ modern education technologies in agricultural education. 26/07/2013 4 HRD Concerns for HEI Improving growth rate of educational institutions: Overall growth rate in higher educational institutions(HEI) is around 6% pa. It is much slower in agriculture/veterinary education sector and one can hardly hope to make a dent on base line of educational status. Increasing enrolment of students: Growth rate of student enrolment p.a. has been very poor, It is especially so in agriculture and veterinary education sector. Gross enrolment ratio in HEI remains around 0.57% in agriculture education and 0.17% in veterinary education which is grossly inadequate in view of national resolve of increasing overall GER as 30% by 2020. Unless alternative routes are available, it seems difficult to bridge the gaps and achieve full utilization of our human resource potential. Dropout rates: With overall dropout rates in 2000-01, 2001-02, 200203 and 2003-04 around 40.7%, 39.0%, 34.9% and 31.5% respectively, there is a question mark as to why our pedagogy is not attracting young minds and is not able to keep them interested. 26/07/2013 5 Education and Learning Socrates said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”. It is not simply the delivery of the instructional material but brining in the spark of innovative thinking among youth for which we need inspired teachers to shape the thought processes of young minds, having courage of conviction, deep knowledge of subject and extra-ordinary communication ability for better understanding among students and appreciating a subject from a wider perspective and also encourage them to question their own knowledge. Hon’ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee emphasized during a convocation address at Nagaland University recently that “Education is a powerful tool for social thinking and transformation” and that “Higher education system in India must rest on three pillars of quality, affordability and accessibility”. Learning Pyramid for subject comprehension and retention: Lecture (5%), Reading (10%), Audio-visual (20%), demonstration(30%), discussion group (50%), practice by doing(75%), teach others/immediate use (90%). Student engagement is from passive during lecture method to active while teaching and using. 26/07/2013 6 Thinking levels-Bloom’s Taxonomy Level of thinking Activity Evaluation Higher level thinking Synthesis Analysis Application Lower level thinking Comprehension Knowledge 26/07/2013 Purpose Does it have a value? How does it relate? How is it structured? Using it What does it mean? Remember it Revised Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember 7 Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy 26/07/2013 8 Moral Values & Ethics There is problem of quantity with too few institutions of higher learning and the limited seats available for which a large number of 10+2 students compete with majority failing to get admission having no option of pursuing further study in the subject of their interest and choice. At the same time, there is a problem of the quality of the graduates being churned out who lack depth of the subject, skills, confidence and consequently the employability--- What to do with our incapable educated youth???. To what extent our present education system is ready to take up the moral challenge for ensuring our civilization values of love for motherland, performance of duty, compassion for all, tolerance for pluralism, respect for women and elderly, truth and honesty in life, discipline and self restraint in conduct and responsibility in action to be fully entrenched in the young minds.?? --- Hon’ble President of India Transformation that is required calls for a major thrust and innovative approaches to be adopted in the education sector. Should we not respect the culture of excellence in our thought processes and embed the same in our education system? Moral values & ethics that are common for all human being and enunciated by Taponistha, Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya comprise of three components: Excellence in thinking, Idealism in character and Modesty in behavior. 26/07/2013 9 Need for Using ICT Tools Need sustained efforts matched with adequate investment in resources of manpower, infrastructure strengthening, modernizing laboratories & course curricula updation with real time exposure to the problem solving processes. Supplementing resources utilizing modern technological & pedagogical tools. ICT- digital technology- computers and internet, can be used effectively as a powerful tool for innovative educational change and reforms. Conventional approach in HR in education can be aided considerably by not only providing alternative supplementary reading material through its knowledge storehouse, not only as a delivery mechanism but also by extending the reach to the unreached, providing access to quality lectures of best teachers, providing real time exposure of best laboratories of the world to remotest part of the country, and at the same time making learning much more interesting through online games, quizzes, cartoons, quotes, anecdotes and biographies etc. ICT based technological interventions make available the knowledge resources to every learner as per convenience and just in time and not constrained by “10-to5” time limitation of teaching institutions or even location of the learner, staying at the convenience of his/her home, providing resources as and when required. 26/07/2013 10 National Mission on Education through ICT Infrastructure being created by “NMEICT” launched in 2008-09 can prove handy for pooling the collective wisdom of the best teachers of the nation, for collaborative information sharing, transmitting important lectures to students in remote areas far away from urban centers for the benefit of every learner and, thereby, reducing the digital divide. Under the Mission, the emphasis has been on content generation, research in critical areas for imparting of education and connectivity for integrating our knowledge with the advancements in other countries. It aims and seeks to support a holistic approach by pooling critical mass of experts in every field working in a networked manner for generating online contents and build upon the synergies between various disjointed efforts through capacity building and knowledge empowerment and promoting new, upcoming multi-disciplinary fields of knowledge. ICT acts as a multiplier for capacity building efforts of educational institutions without compromising the quality. To emerge as knowledgesuperpower of the world it is imperative to utilize the demographic advantage by nurturing and honing knowledge access skills for knowledge enabled population. 26/07/2013 11 Factors Affecting Use of ICT in Edn. There exist drawbacks in general education in India like lack of learning materials, teachers, remoteness of education facilities, high dropout rate etc (UNESCO, 2002). Factors affecting use of ICT in education: Access to education learning resources: infrastructure, socioeconomic, linguistic and physical barriers for accessing education. Quality of education- infrastructure, teacher and processes quality. Resources allocated- Central and State Govt. reserve about 3.5% of GDP for education (much less (<1%) for Ag. Edn.) as compared to 6% aimed by MHRD. Failure to implement constructivist pedagogy in edn. system, overpowering attention on economic value of learning technology, lack of capacity building of teachers and administrators. 26/07/2013 12 Integrating ICT in Education Technology when it fits comfortably with curriculum or instructional plans is an indicative of integrated technology. Technology, content/subject matter, & pedagogy are not isolated components. Successful integration is possible when the teacher assimilates his or her knowledge of pedagogy, knowledge of content, and knowledge of technology. Needs to redesign course curricula and lesson plans and pedagogy based thereupon rather than providing an additional layer of ICT in the classroom. Teacher encouraged to design learning activities , Students use technology to construct their own learning. Students use technology for seeking information, construct and organise their learning and represent it through computer applications. Teacher plays a role of facilitator. Student constructs his/her own learning. Such an approach considers technology as a tool rather than an end itself, Defines teachers’ role as a facilitator and designer of the learning environment, emphasizes the student’s use of technology, and authentic assessments and activities using technology in the classroom. 26/07/2013 13 ICT Competency Standards for Teachers Teachers need to be adequately trained with the ICT competence with technology literacy tools for the purpose. ICT competency standards for the teachers call for: Policy and Vision- technology literacy, knowledge deepening, knowledge creation Curriculum and Assessment - Basic knowledge, knowledge application, 21st Century skills Pedagogy: integrate technology, complex problem solving, self management ICT: Basic tools, Complex tools, pervasive tools Organisation and Administration- standard classroom, collaborative groups, learning organisations Teacher professional development: digital literacy, manage and guide, teacher as model learner 26/07/2013 14 ICT- A Flexible Delivery Medium Mediums used for delivery and conduct of education process: Voice – Instructional audio tools - interactive technologies and passive ones. Video - Instructional video tools - still images, prerecorded moving images, and real time moving images combined with audio conferencing. Print – instructional print formats - textbooks/study guides/workbooks/case studies. By increasing flexibility of delivery, learners access knowledge anytime, from anywhere. ICT influences the way students are taught and how they learn as the processes are learner driven and not by teachers. This in turn would better prepare the learners for lifelong learning and contribute positively towards building a knowledge enabled society. It can improve the quality of learning and thus contribute to the economy. It provides several tangible and intangible benefits for all stakeholders involved in the economic growth of the country. Wider availability of best practices and best course material in education, which can be shared by means of ICT, can foster better teaching. ICT also allows the academic institutions to reach disadvantaged groups and new international educational markets. ICT enabled education can ultimately lead to the democratization of education, and to bridge the digital divide. 26/07/2013 15 ICT Tools in Education Process Informative tool: It provides vast amount of data in various formats such as audio, video, documents. Situating tool: It creates situations, which the student experiences in real life. Thus, simulation and virtual reality is possible. Constructive tool: To manipulate the data and generate analysis. Communicative tool: It can be used to remove communication barriers such as that of space and time. Creating Digital Libraries: ICTs allow for the creation of digital resources like digital libraries where the students, teachers and professionals can access research material and course material from any place at any time. Such facilities allow the networking of academics and researchers and hence sharing of scholarly material. This avoids duplication of work. Use of ICT in education develops higher order skills such as collaborating across time and place and solving complex real world problems. It improves the perception and understanding of the world of the student. Thus, ICT can be used to prepare the workforce for the information society and the new global economy. 26/07/2013 16 ICT for Conducting Education Process Seeking available knowledge through internet web browsing- Google search, Wikipedia etc. As delivery mechanism for the learning resources to the remotest parts of the country- reaching the unreached. Making available online lectures of reputed experts in the concerned subject matter Providing supplementary reading material through online open resources on the web ICT can bridge the digital divide and foster digital citizenship, create learning interest, attendance and retention, learning achievement and improve learning processes and pedagogy. 26/07/2013 17 Benefits of ICT in Education Stakeholder For Student For Employers For Governments Benefits 26/07/2013 Increased access, Flexibility of content and delivery, Combination of work and education, Learner-centred approach, Higher quality of education and new ways of interaction. High quality, cost effective professional development in the workplace, Upgrading of employee skills, increased productivity, Development of a new learning culture, Sharing of costs and of training time with the employees, Increased portability of training. Increase the capacity and cost effectiveness of education and training systems, To reach target groups with limited access to conventional education and training, To support and enhance the quality and relevance of existing educational structures, To ensure the connection of educational institutions and curricula to the emerging networks and information resources, To promote innovation and opportunities for lifelong learning. 18 Role of Teacher to Enhance Learning First role of the teacher is to enhance teaching. ‘How will ICT enhance my teaching?’ The teacher should be aware of what lacunae exist in his/her teaching. Teacher should ask ‘Do I need to be empowered? ‘What more can be done?’ ‘What is the most effective way of teaching?’ ‘How will more students benefit from my teaching?’ ‘Will ICT help me?’ Second role is helping the student learn. Internet is full of information, textbooks are bursting with information. This information can become true knowledge only when the teacher makes it meaningful. Teacher can use multimedia to make topics more comprehensible. Entire teaching-learning process gets a boost with the appropriate use of ICT. It should be used to fill in the inadequacies that the teacher is facing. Problem of large numbers, students not showing interest etc. can be tackled to some extent through ICT. Can use of ICT make teaching more meaningful, get rid of rote memorizing? Teacher needs to be fully aware of the fact that students can find information, they need proper instructions, they need scope for creativity, the expectations of the teacher brings forth performance. 26/07/2013 19 How ICT can be made Effective? Present generation is a multimedia generation. It is not their fault. They are numbed by too much of information and easy access to that information. How then can we expect our students to sit and listen to lifeless sermons in class. Information that is given in the classroom is redundant and presented in boring manner. NGC, Discovery, Fox History can take one to places and time in minutes. They show so much of the present and the past far and wide that one seems to learn unknowingly. One search on Google and lo and behold! The information at your fingertips will be difficult to assimilate. How does one harness this gargantuan accessibility of information? How to make students use it appropriately and avoid brazen plagiarism? Vague expectations, lack of innovation, poor scope for creativity make learning dull. Mere use of computer/Internet doesn’t improve the learning output. Process should be: Step one: What are the problems in colleges, classrooms, exclusively related to teachinglearning? Identify them. Large numbers? Lack of interest? Many drop outs? Learning disability? Step two: What is being done about these problems? Can use of ICT help? Try making lectures, classes more technology laden to bring a difference. Observe the difference in the classes. Step three: What are the requirements of the teacher to do a better job? Do the teachers feel that use of ICT to help them improve their teaching? Step four: Are the teachers and students equipped with ICT skills? 26/07/2013 20 ICT in Education Although ICT offers the opportunity to construct powerful learning experiences, it is pedagogically neutral. ICT can be used in support of traditional teaching methodologies like the large group lecture, student note taking, and examinations. Teachers can use a computer and projector to show slides to illustrate a lecture, students can use laptops to take notes during the lecture, and multiple choice quizzes about the content of the lecture can be put on a website. How these new ICT tools and resources will be used is a human decision, not inherent in the technologies themselves. ICT has the potential to be used as a supportive educational tool enabling students’ learning by doing. ICT can make it possible for teachers to engage students in self-paced, self-directed problem-based or constructivist learning experiences; and also test student learning in new, interactive, and engaging ways that may better assess their understanding of the content. 26/07/2013 21 ICT in Education A second way to assess the merit of ICT use in education is to consider what its use enables students and teachers to do that they would not otherwise be able to do. To explore this question, we consider five aspects of the educational use of ICT – supporting new pedagogical methods accessing remote resources enabling collaboration extending educational programs and developing skills for the workplace Modern constructivist educational theory emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, “authentic” learning experiences, social negotiation of knowledge, and collaboration – pedagogical methods that change the role of the teacher from disseminator of information to learning facilitator, helping students as they actively engage with information and materials to construct their own understandings. That is, students learn how to learn, not just what to learn. 26/07/2013 22 Electronic learning or E-learning A term for all types of technology enhanced learning where technology is used to support learning process. E-learning has Learning tools, content and Assessment components. Learning tools may be Asynchronous such as Forum, web logs i.e., Blogging, Micro-blogging, Bookmarking, Wiki, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) web feeds (in XML format) to publish frequently updated content including blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts and Synchronous tools such as Chat, video conferencing, web conferencing, 3D virtual spaces. Content may comprise of i-lectures, lecture notes, podcasts, glossary, simulations, games, Open education resources (OER)/Open Course ware(OCW). Assessment component comprise of quizzes, portfolio, assignment and case summary. 26/07/2013 23 26/07/2013 24 Advantages of E-Learning Eliminates time barriers in education for learners as well as teachers; Eliminates geographical barriers as one can log on from any place; Asynchronous interaction is made possible leading to thoughtful and creative interaction; Enhanced group collaboration; New educational approaches can be used. Can provide speedy dissemination of education to target disadvantaged groups; Offers combination of education while balancing family and work life; Enhances international dimension of educational services; Allows for just in time and just enough education for employees in organizations. Can be used for non-formal education like health campaigns and literacy campaigns. Allows delivery, dialogue and feedback over the Internet. Allows mass customization in terms of content and exams. 26/07/2013 25 Advantages of E-Learning Can provide access to the best gurus and the best practices or knowledge available. It is possible to leverage the online environment to facilitate teaching techniques like role-play across time and distance. It can also facilitate the development of scenarios, which can be rarely witnessed in practice. ICT can play a valuable role to monitor and log the progress of the students across time, place and varied activities. Differentiated ICT based education can be expected to provide greater reliability, validity, and efficiency of data collection and greater ease of analysis, evaluation, and interpretation at any educational level. In absence of ICT, most of the responsibility of teaching and learning lies on the teachers. However, with the help of ICT one can transfer the responsibilities to the students so that they can self manage. It helps to individualize the teaching or guidance method as per the student’s need. 26/07/2013 26 Advantages of E-Learning It boosts the confidence level and the self-esteem of the students who acquire the ICT skills through the process of being exposed to such kind of learning. ICT-based registration, evaluation, and administration helps to link different levels of information and facilitate an overall view of the whole educational setup. It facilitates the evaluation and examination of the learning process and results by the students and the parents in a flexible and convenient way. Globalization process has created a large market of offshore students. To reach them, information technology is the only convenient medium, which can offer education as a service. It increases education provision substantially and can contribute to mass education. It also creates competition among the institutions for providing education and hence improves the quality. 26/07/2013 27 Indian Efforts in ICT in Education Availability of ICTs is widespread in large parts of the country, with pockets of saturation. In other areas, availability is lower due to terrain or extreme deprivation. With the availability of cyber cafes, one can get access to government documents (such as birth and death certificates, land registration and government schemes), Farmers can get daily updates on market prices of locally produced food grains and vegetable crops from around the district Access to ICTs is still limited because of physical infrastructure constraints such as lack of electricity, poor maintenance of telephone lines and distance from the kiosk or cyber cafe; economic constraints such as extreme poverty; educational limitations such as illiteracy and the lack of relevant content in the local language; and social constraints of gender, class, community and caste. We do not know the extent to which social constraints limit access to technology. India has extensive experience in use of broadcast technologies for both formal and non-formal education. This includes using radio and television for agriculture and rural development, for non-formal education and out-of-school children, and school telecasts from 1983 onwards in national and regional languages. Satellite-based teleconferencing (one-way video, two-way audio) for formal & nonformal education has been operational since 1992 at a national and regional level. These efforts have culminated in the launch of Gyan Darshan, a dedicated satellite-to-cable educational television channel, and Gyan Vani, a dedicated educational channel. 26/07/2013 28 Emerging Trends in using ICT Education by the students is viewed as an investment in future with an orientation towards securing a good job, for increasing their economic status and security, for developing occupational skills required for efficient performance of their future jobs. Education is also seen by some as a means of reducing social divide, population control, and also as a source of integration and democracy Emerging trends in education sector and growth opportunities Promoting e-textbooks for growth of intelligent classrooms to encourage student interaction & collaboration Embracing Mobile devices for education to learn & study anywhere Advancing Academic Analytics to improve teaching & learning Experience Transforming academic & administrative enterprise data into “actionable intelligence” International Student mobility trend through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) 26/07/2013 29 Designing Syllabus for Quality Edn Leveraging innovative techniques in designing syllabus to improve the quality of education Identifying relevant concepts, usage skills, social aspects into key features of syllabus topics Designing and evaluating syllabuses- Computer Mediated Communication Opting Product oriented syllabuses- Structural; Situational; National; Functional Approach Opting Process oriented syllabuses- procedural and task based; learner led and proportional approach Involving industry experts in university course design? Transforming traditional class room based teaching to entrepreneurial, Industry-Institutional interactive teaching Introducing innovative industry-institutional linkage to improve quality & relevance for student’s better career option Bringing together institutions and global organizations to develop industry-academia collaboration 26/07/2013 30 Effective Teacher Training Technique Determining innovative and effective teacher training techniques in colleges thereby improving the quality of teachers Regulating Teachers education in India by NCTE Evaluating the importance of integrated teaching, teacher curriculum & teacher education for effective delivery Inclusive quality education Understanding the importance of teacher training with technology tools & effective pedagogy techniques for conceptual learning for students Developing role playing and scenario analysis based teaching for teachers Effective ways in using ICT tools for Teacher Professional Development Understanding the role and potentials of ICTs in increasing access, improving relevance, quality of education Identifying an impact of ICT being effective and integral tools for learning & achievement Implementing innovative ICT applications taking full advantage of mobile phones, mobile Internet access, and social media tools for e-education 26/07/2013 31 Implementing Cloud Computing Implementing Cloud Computing in Education in India- a viable proposition? Implementing Cloud Computing in institutions as Innovative and cost saving strategy Escalated demand for IT services & resources in Education field with increased IT cost and decreased IT budgets- Cloud Computing an alternate solution? Defining cloud computing models- Software; Platform; Infrastructure and It’s potential in the near future 26/07/2013 32 Lowering Teacher Student Ratio Strategies to lower Teacher Student Ratio for instruction delivery Identifying & Implementing various factors in order for educated youth to opt this profession and thereby improving the ratio Implementing technology savvy virtual class room concept Ensuring Institutions to improve Teacher Taught Ratio by employing fresh teachers Implementing Innovative teaching methodologies enable maximizing digital tools and resources for teacher and student use in technology-rich learning environments. Learning how to bridge the digital technology gaps in the quality of education Assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of digital learning tools for successful instructional practice Applying user friendly digital study material enable students to access an affordable learning tool Evaluating the difference between the potential and actual efficiency in interactive learning 26/07/2013 33 Administration Software Tools Efficient administration software tools to enhance the overall smooth functioning of the educational institute Managing finances, staff performance, student recruitment and alumni relationship effectively & efficiently by administrative tools Automating institution administration system for controlled process with instant access to key information Building an effective and interactive school community without extravagant spending Policy initiatives for Autonomous and Government affiliated education institutes Understanding Policy implications and issues for continuous development of education and Research University Autonomy is necessity for excellence however not a sufficient condition for excellence Introducing better practices in the system for fairer evaluation Building right kind of infrastructure & facilities to support with new and improved syllabus 26/07/2013 34 Education Best Practices Effective use of Tablets to improve education standard? Using Tablet Computers to replace the contents of a student backpack Making schools more efficient, friendly & personalized place with tablet based approach Educating teachers on technology and helping students to achieve better grades Leveraging Education best practices to propel activity based learning schools Engaging students in active learning experience with high, meaningful expectations and timely specific feedback Understanding and valuing criteria and methods for student assessment and real-world application Creating opportunities for student-faculty & student-student interactions Promoting student involvement through engaged time and quality effort 26/07/2013 35 Open Learning Resources Open learning resources are educational materials and resources offered freely and openly for anyone to use and under some licenses to re-mix, improve and redistribute. Several such open resources are available. https://openeducationalresources.pbworks.com/w/page/24836860/What are Open Educational Resources. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world. OERs exist within a wider 'Open' movement and context. 26/07/2013 36 Open Movement A range of 'Open' philosophies and models have emerged during the 20th Century as a result of several different drivers and motivations - including sharing freely, preventing duplication, avoiding restrictive (copyright) practices, promoting economic efficiencies and improving access to wide groups of stakeholders. Many of these have been driven by and created by communities that recognise the benefits to themselves, and sometimes to wider groups. Some of these are listed below: Open source (relating to business and technology) Open source software Open source hardware Open standards Open access (research) Open design Open knowledge Open data Open content Open courseware Open educational resources Open educational practices 26/07/2013 37 Open Contents and Courseware Several of these 'movements‘ have been significant within the education community both in terms of research and learning & teaching (particularly educational technology). Whilst it is widely expected that sharing and openness would bring benefits to some stakeholders in the educational community, traditional cultures and practices, managerial approaches and processes, and perceived legal complexities have been identified as barriers to sharing both within and across institutions. (refs: CD LOR, TRUST DR, Sharing e-learning content, Good Intentions report) Whilst the terms 'Open content' and 'Open courseware' are sometimes used to mean the wide range of resources to support learning and teaching, one is fairly broad and the other very specific. We use the term Open Educational Resources (OER) as this relates to resources that are specifically licensed to be used and re-used in an educational context. 26/07/2013 38 Granularity of Learning Resources Whilst purely informational content has a significant role in learning and teaching, it is helpful to consider learning resources by their levels of granularity and to focus on the degree to which information content is embedded within a learning activity: Digital assets – normally a single file (e.g. an image, video or audio clip), sometimes called a ‘raw media asset’; Information objects – a structured aggregation of digital assets, designed purely to present information; Learning objects – an aggregation of one or more digital assets which represents an educationally meaningful stand-alone unit; Learning activities – tasks involving interactions with information to attain a specific learning outcome; Learning design – structured sequences of information and activities to promote learning. 26/07/2013 39 Open Educational Resources Open Educational Resources (OER) was first introduced in 2000 and was promoted in the context of providing free access to educational resources on a global scale. There is no authoritatively accredited definition for the term OER at present, with the OECD preferring, 'digitised materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research' (OECD, 2007). Stephen Downes presents a useful overview of what Open Educational Resources are in Open Education: Projects and Potential. "Engagement with OER can be light touch. New staff should be encouraged to source open materials when creating new educational materials (from CC resources or other OER), and to fully reference all other assets in their teaching materials. An academic’s own digital assets such as images, pod casts and video can be released under a CC licence to web 2.0." OER initiatives aspire to provide open access to high-quality education resources on a global scale. From large institution-based or institutionsupported initiatives to numerous small-scale activities, the number of OER related programmes and projects has been growing quickly within the past few years. 26/07/2013 40 Open Access Courses According to OECD in 2007, there are materials from more than 3000 open access courses (open courseware) currently available from over 300 universities worldwide: In the United States resources from thousands of courses have been made available by university-based projects, such as MIT OpenCourseWare and Rice University’s Connexions project: (http://ocw.mit.edu/, http://cnx.rice.edu/ ) In China, materials from 750 courses have been made available by 222 university members of the China Open Resources for Education (CORE) consortium. (http://www.core.org.cn/en/). In Japan, resources from more than 400 courses have been made available by the19 member universities of the Japanese OCW Consortium. (http://www.jocw.jp/). In France, 800 educational resources from around 100 teaching units have been made available by the 11 member universities of the ParisTech OCW project. (http://graduateschool.paristech.org/). In Ireland, universities received government funding to build open access institutional repositories and to develop a federated harvesting and discovery service via a national portal. It is intended that this collaboration will be expanded to embrace all Irish research institutions. (http://www.irel-open.ie/). And in the UK, the Open University has released a range of its distance learning materials via the OpenLearn project (http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/), and over 80 UKOER projects have released many resources (via Jorum) which are used to support teaching in institutions and across a range of subject areas. 26/07/2013 41 Directory of Learning Tools 26/07/2013 42 Personal Learning Network 26/07/2013 43 Finding relevant OERs Using Open Libraries: http://openlibrary.org. Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Just like Wikipedia, you can contribute new information or corrections to the catalog. You can browse by subject, author or lists members have created. If you love books, why not help build a library? If you’re even remotely interested in libraries or big data, we encourage you to have a look around the Open Library API. Books to Read: The World's classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free ebook titles available. Books to Borrow: Here's a sample of recently returned books from the eBook lending library. 26/07/2013 44 www.virtualprofessors.com 26/07/2013 45 Recipe to Deliver World Class Lectures 26/07/2013 46 Openlearningworld.com 26/07/2013 48 Open Learning World Welcome to Open Learning World.com, your e-learning portal where we have designed a variety of FREE online courses. This will be your first and last stop in your quest for FREE education, FREE classes, FREE studies, FREE knowledge towards becoming a bright, better, educated, knowledgeable & refined new person. All our courses are FREE, NO registration is required, try them and see how it helps you change your whole perspective on things and your personality. Human Resourse Courses Finance Courses Marketing Courses Training and Human Resources Capital Markets eMarketing Development International Business Selling Step By Step Employee Grievances and Personal Finance Marketing Management Discipline More... More... Employee Stock Options Quality Management Environmental More... Courses Management Courses Health Courses What is ISO 9000 Ecology Medical Products Quality Quality by Design Environmental Systems Quality Improvement Management System Regulatory Requirements for More... Forest Management in Pharmaceutical Products India Fundamentals Of Clinical Trials More... 26/07/2013 49 More Courses Personality Development Miscellaneous Courses Customer Service Courses Astronomy Courses Personal Finance US Citizenship Know Your Customers Public Speaking Food Preparation in the Customer Relationship Creating Confidence Home Management (CRM) More... More... Consumer Behavior and Information Technology Management Courses Motivation Courses Introduction to Spa and More... Basics of Computers Hospitality Operations Self Help Courses Expert Systems Project Management Handling Our Own Short cut to Windows Fundamentals of Business Aggression & Anger More… Analysis Coping With Depression International Business Building Self confidence More... More... Organization Courses Ten Mantras to Corporate Success Corporate Espionage How to start your own DOT COM More... 26/07/2013 50 Conclusion ICT tools can supplement the efforts for the capacity building in HRD in Agricultural Education. Modern ICT enabled innovative education technologies can change the current paradigm of education through enhanced learning. E-Learning with Open Education/Learning Resources opens up a vast scope for life long learning of the students as well as teachers. Teachers must try to integrate the ICT tools in their pedagogy as a facilitator, allowing students to construct their own learning, rather than rote memorizing the learning material. 26/07/2013 51 THANK YOU 26/07/2013 52