Mitosis & Meiosis Review

 You would be unlikely to see which of the following
human cells dividng?
 Nerve cell
 Skin cell
 Cancer cell
 Cell from embryo
 The person credited with first recognizing that living
cells cannot arise spontaneosuly, but arise only from
previously exisitng cells is ____________________.
 Louis Pasteur
 Robert Hooke
 Anton van Leeuwenhoek
 Rudolf Virchow
 Sister chromatids ___________________.
 Are created when DNA is replicated
 Are attached at the centromere prior to division
 Are separated during mitosis
 All of the above
 If an intestinal cell in a grasshopper contains 24
chromosomes, a grasshopper sperm cell would contain
________ chromosomes.
 3
 6
 12
 48
 Mitosis & cytokinesis result in the formation of
_______________; meiosis & cytokinesis result in the
formation of _________________.
 4 diploid cells … 4 haploid cells
 2 diploid cells … 4 haploid cells
 2 diploid cells … 2 diploid cells
 4 haploid cells … 2 diploid cells
 A human somatic cell contains ________
 23
 47
 46
 n
 The function of the cell cycle is to produce daughter
cells that ____________.
 Have the same number of chromatids as the parent cell
had chromosomes
 Have a random assortment of maternal and paternal
 Have the same number of chromosomes as the parent
cell but not the same genetic information
 Are genetically identical to parent cell (assuming no
mutation has occurred)
 The complex of DNA and protein that makes up a
chromosome is properly called ____________.
 A chromatid
 A chloroplast
 Chromatin
 Chromoplast
 The region of a chromosome holding two double
strands of replicated DNA together is called
 A centromere
 A centriole
 A chromatid
 An aster
 “Cytokinesis” refers to _______________.
 Division of the entire cell
 Division of the nucleus
 Division of the cell outside the nuclear material
 Reduction in the number of chromosomes
 If a cell contains 60 chromatids at the start of mitosis,
how many chromosomes will be found in each
daughter cell at the completion of the cell cycle?
 15
 30
 45
 60
 A biochemist measured the amount of DNA in cells
growing in the laboratoy and found that the quantity
of DNA in a cell doubled _______________.
 Between prophase and anaphase
 During the M phase of the cell cycle
 Between the G2 phase and prophase
 Between G1 and G 2 phases
 DNA replication occurs ______________.
 In prophase of both mitosis and meiosis
 In metaphase of meiosis only
 In the S phase of interphase in both somatic and
reproductive cells
 In the cytokinesis portion of the cell’s life cycle
 At which point in the cell cycle do centrosomes begin
to move apart to two poles of the cell in a dividing
human liver cell?
 S phase
 Prophase
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 One event occurring during prophase is ___________.
 The synthesis of a new nuclear envelope.
 Cytokinesis
 The beginning of the formation of a spindle apparatus
 Division of the centromere
 During anaphase of mitosis _________________.
 The centromeres divide
 The centrioles are at the opposite poles
 Identical chromatids move to opposite poles
 All of the above
 Which of the following represents a mismatch or
incorrect description?
 Prophase: chromosomes become more tightly coiled
 Anaphase: there is movement of the chromosomes to
the poles
 Metaphase: the nuclear envelope disappears
 Telophase: chromosomes become more extended
 In animal cell mitosis, the cleavage furrow forms
during _______________.
 Anaphase
 G1 phase
 Cytokinesis
 prophase
 Which one of the following processes does NOT occur
in dividing bacteria?
 Mitosis
 Replication of DNA
 Separation of the origins of replication
 Binary fission
 During binary fission in a bacterium ____________.
 The 2 DNA molecules divide in half to form 4 DNA
 The origins of replication move apart
 The 2 DNA molecules attach to the centrioles
 The 2 DNA molecules break up into plasmids
 The function(s) of meiosis is (are) ______________.
 Decreases the chromosome number to haploid
 Introduce genetic variability into the daughter cells
 Ensure that each daughter cell get a single copy of each
cell’s chromosomes
 All of the above
 Chromosomes of diploid organisms that are NOT
involved in sex determination are called __________.
 Autosomes
 Mitotic chromosomes
 Heterochromosomes
 nucleosomes
 The egg (ovum) of a rabbit contains 22 chromosomes.
How many chromosomes are in the somatic (body)
cells of a rabbit?
 22
 11
 44
 132
 What is the typical result when a diplod cell undergoes
 2 diplod cells
 2 haploid cells
 4 diploid cells
 4 haploid cells
 A karyotype is _______________.
 The physical traits a person has
 A photograph of all a person’s chromosomes
 A list of all the genes a person carries
 All the possible gametes a person could produce
 Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry genes for the
same traits in the same loci, but specify different
versions of the same traits, are called _____________.
 Chromatic chromosomes
 Sister chromatids
 Homologous chromosomes
 Differentiated chromosomes
 At the end of telophase I of meiosis and cytokinesis,
there are _____________.
 2 diploid cells
 2 haploid cells
 4 haploid cells
 4 diploid cells
 Synapsis occurs during ______________.
 Prophase I
 Anaphase I
 Cytokinesis
 Prophase II
 During anaphase II ________________.
 Chromosomes line up in one plane
 Sister chromatids separate and migrate toward opposite
 Nuclei re-form
 Homologues separate and migrate toward opposite
 During anaphase I ________________.
 Homologues separate and migrate toward opposite
 Nuclei re-form
 Sister chromatids separate and migrate toward opposite
 The cell is haploid
 Regions of chromosomes where nonsister chromatids
cross over are called ___________.
 Chiasmata
 Kinetochores
 Centromeres
 centrioles
 Which one of the following occurs in meiosis, but not
 The cells formed have the same combination of genes as
found in the initial cell
 Homologous chromosomes separate
 The nuclear envelope disappears
 A spindle apparatus forms
 Mitosis and meiosis differ in several ways. Meiosis, but
not mitosis, _____________________.
 Changes the chromosome number of the daughter cells
 Results in 4 (rather than 2) daughter cells
 Involves 2 bouts of cell division
 Is correctly described by all of these statements
 Why is crossing over important?
 It prevents variation in gametes
 It is necessary for the attachment of chromosomes to the
 It ensures that homologous chromosomes pair
 It allows the exchange of genes between homologous
 Meiosis is more complicated than mitosis because it
carries our more complicated functions. Meiosis must
 Undergo 2 rounds of cytokinesis
 Decrease the chromosome number to haploid
 Ensure that each daughter cell gets a complete set of
 Introduce genetic variation among the daughter cells