Benjamin Berke Partners: Sam Weisman, Mylan Jarret CHE 100L-6 11 March 2010 Analysis of an Antacid Purpose The purpose of this lab is to practice titration technique, observe and record the reaction between a hydrochloric acid and commercial antacid tablet. Procedure In the first experiment the students rinsed the burets which were full of water with a NaOH solution that way, the water would not contaminate the results and dilute the NaOH solution. Then they weighed out approximately 0.2grams of Tums in an Erlenmeyer flask. The students added about 25ml of HCL into the Erlenmeyer flask. To do so, we had a buret filled with HCL and we recorded the initial and final readings on the calibrated buret, and record these results. Then the flask was swirled for about a minute to ensure a complete reaction. 4-5 drops of phenolphthalein are added, this acts as a reagent to show a color change when the titration is completed. The solution is put under the buret and the NaOH was added until the solution goes to a light blue color. The second experiment required students to perform a similar task, however this time with AlkaSeltzer. The process and steps were identical, except the color changes to a pink color. After the results are recorded the students performed a series of calculation to find extra data about the antacids. Data/Calculations Antacid Name Cost per Package Serving Size Concentration HCL (M) TUMS $5.10 2 tablets 0.110 M TUMS Mass of Sample (g) Final Buret Reading (mL) Initial Buret Reading (mL) Volume of HCL delivered (mL) Mol HCL delivered (mol) Final Buret Reading (mL) Initial Buret Reading (mL) Volume NaOH Delivered (mL) Mol HCL Neutralized (mol) Mol HCL Neut. By Antacid (mol) Cost of Antacid Sample (4 S.F.) ($) Tablets per Package Mass of Tablet Concentration NaOH Trial 1 0.215 30.85 6.42 24.43 1.69 x 10-3 20.51 11.00 9.51 1.20 x 10-3 1.49 x 10-3 5.555 x 10-3 Trial 2 0.225 32.00 7.85 24.15 2.66 x 10-3 29.45 20.51 8.94 1.13 x 10-3 1.53 x 10-3 5.813 x 10-3 150 tablets 1.316 g 0.126 M Trial 3 0.204 32.90 8.20 24.70 2.72 x 10-3 40.00 29.45 10.55 1.33 x 10-3 1.39 x 10-3 5.271 x 10-3 mmol HCL Neut. Per Serving (mmol) Avg. mmol HCL neut. Per Serving (mmol) Cost per mol HCL Neutralized ($) Avg. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized ($) 14.67 3.73 13.22 14.89 3.80 3.77 16.77 3.79 Trial 1 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (24.43ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.69 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ (9.51ππΏ) ( )( )( ) = 1.20 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.69 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 1.20 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 1.49 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $5.10 0.215π ( )( )( ) = $5.555 π 10−3 1.316π 150 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 1.20 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 1.316 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 14.67 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.215 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized $5.555 π 10−3 ( ) = $3.73 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 1.49 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ Trial 2 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (24.15ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.66 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ (8.94ππΏ) ( )( )( ) = 1.13 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.66 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 1.13 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 1.53 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $5.10 0.225π ( )( )( ) = $5.813 π 10−3 1.316π 150 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 1.13 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 1.316 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 13.22 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.225 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized $5.813 π 10−3 ( ) = $3.80 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 1.53 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ Trial 3 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (24.70ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.72 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized (10.55ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ )( )( ) = 1.33 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.72 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 1.33 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 1.39 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $5.10 0.204π ( )( )( ) = $5.271 π 10−3 1.316π 150 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 1.33 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 1.316 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 16.77 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.204 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized $5.271 π 10−3 ( ) = $3.79 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 1.39 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ Antacid Name Cost per Package Serving Size Concentration HCL (M) ALKA-SELTZER $9.78 2 tablets 0.110 M ALKA-SELTZER Mass of Sample (g) Final Buret Reading (mL) Initial Buret Reading (mL) Volume of HCL delivered (mL) Mol HCL delivered (mol) Final Buret Reading (mL) Initial Buret Reading (mL) Volume NaOH Delivered (mL) Mol HCL Neutralized (mol) Mol HCL Neut. By Antacid (mol) Cost of Antacid Sample (4 S.F.) ($) mmol HCL Neut. Per Serving (mmol) Avg. mmol HCL neut. Per Serving (mmol) Cost per mol HCL Neutralized ($) Avg. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized ($) Tablets per Package Mass of Tablet Concentration NaOH Trial 1 0.200 50.00 25.00 25.00 2.75 x 10-3 31.80 11.55 20.55 2.55 x 10-3 2.00 x 10-4 82.34 42.05 72 tablets 3.229 g 0.126 M Trial 2 0.200 35.00 10.00 25.00 2.75 x 10-3 30.20 11.20 19.00 2.39 x 10-3 3.6 x 10-4 77.17 79.38 23.36 34.43 Trial 3 0.200 24.50 49.50 25.00 2.75 x 10-3 30.70 10.70 20.00 2.52 x 10-3 2.3 x 10-4 78.62 37.87 Trial 1 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (25.00ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.75 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized (20.25ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ )( )( ) = 2.55 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.75 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 2.55 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 2.0 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $9.78 0.200π ( )( )( ) = $8.41 π 10−3 3.229π 71 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 2.55 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 3.229 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 82.34 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.200 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized $8.41 π 10−3 ( ) = $42.05 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 2.0 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ Trial 2 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (25.00ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.75 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized (19.00ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ )( )( ) = 2.39 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.75 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 2.39 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 3.6 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $9.78 0.200π ( )( )( ) = $8.41 π 10−3 3.229π 71 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 2.39 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 3.229 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 77.17 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.200 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized $8.41 π 10−3 ( ) = $23.36 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 3.6 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ Trial 3 e. Moles of HCL Delivered (25.00ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.110πππ π»πΆπΏ )( ) = 2.75 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ i. Moles of HCL Neutralized (20.00ππΏ) ( 1πΏ 0.126 πππ ππππ» 1πππ π»πΆπΏ )( )( ) = 2.52 π 10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππΏ 1πΏ 1πππ ππππ» j. Moles HCL Neutralized by Antacid 2.75 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ − 2.52 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ = 2.52 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ k. Cost of Antacid sample 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 πππππππ $9.78 0.207π ( )( )( ) = $8.71 π 10−3 3.229π 71 π‘πππππ‘π 1 πππππππ l. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving 2.52 π10−3 πππ π»πΆπΏ 1000ππππ 3.229 π 2 π‘πππππ‘π ( )( )( )( ) = 78.62 ππππ π»πΆπ/π πππ£πππ 0.207 π 1πππ 1 π‘πππππ‘ 1 π πππ£πππ n. Cost per mol HCL Neutralized ( $8.71 π 10−3 ) = $37.87 /πππ π»πΆπΏ 2.52 π10−4 πππ π»πΆπΏ Results TUMS Avg. mmol HCL Neutralized per serving Avg. cost per mol HCL Neutralized TUMS 14.89mmol $13.77 ALKA-SELTZER 79.38mmol $34.43 Conclusion The students were able to practice two titrations and analyze two types of commercial antacids.