May Support Employee of the Month!

Daily Announcement
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to our teachers for
all of your help and effort that
you have put into our
Teachers plant seeds of
knowledge that grow forever!
Mission Statement:
The mission of Liberty High School
is to prepare all students to be
adaptive and productive citizens through
emphasis on academic excellence,
career preparation, and life-long learning
in a safe and caring environment
supported by
community involvement.
• Turkey Roast
• Baked Ham
• Macaroni and Cheese
• Green Beans
• Sweet Potatoes
• Dinner Roll
Child Nutrition Employee
Appreciation Week
Thank You
Lunch Ladies!
coffee w/
Iced, Frozen, or
Hot- Coffee
or Swiss Mocha
SAT Word of the Day
squalor (n.)
filth; wretched, degraded, or
repulsive living conditions
“Friends are
those rare
people who ask
how we are
and then wait
to hear the
~Ed Cunningham
Prom tickets go on sale
this week. Students owing
fines or detentions may not
purchase prom tickets!
If you owe library fines see
Mrs. Mayo, or if you need to
serve detentions see
Mrs. Rogers.
If you have any pictures of
high school memories that
you would like to be
displayed at prom, please
turn those into Mrs. Huff with
your name on the back in an
Bus Driver Appreciation
Thank you bus
drivers for keeping us
safe on the roads!
Liberty Fire Department
Explorer Program
Red Devil Regiment
What: Yard sale, car wash, and hot dog sale
Where: Liberty Middle
When: May 14th
7:00 AM- 1:00 PM
•Spaces are available for $10
If interested contact:
Or call
843-5800 Ext. 21
Smokey V’s BBQ & Grill will have
plates for $8.00!
Come out and
help support
Jason Robison!
Donations can be made at
First Citizens Bank in Liberty!
Senior Beta Club Members:
Beta Club stoles
may be purchased
for $10
NOW through May 11
from Mrs. Scott.
Senior Spectacular!
Upstate School Spirit will
be at LHS on
Thursday, May 5, during
Club One in the cafeteria
showcasing all their
Class of 2011 products.
Items include t-shirts, key
chains, bracelets,
tumblers and more!
If you missed the cap
and gown pictures
but would like to
have some made
the day of
graduation practice,
see Mrs. Rowland
ASAP to sign up.
The Clemson Theatre at the
Pendleton Playhouse is
proud to present
To Kill a Mockingbird
May 6, 7, & 8
Show times are
8 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights
and 3 p.m. on Sundays.
High School students pay
$5 when you show your
school ID.
Q3 Remediation
must be
completed by
May 9
at 3:30 PM!
May Support
May Teacher
Employee of the of the Month!
Student Sponsored
National Day of Prayer
7:30 tomorrow morning
at the Flagpole
If you are a senior who hasn’t
had your picture taken by
Mrs. Hawkins for the
senior presentation
please go to her room during
Club One sometime this week
to have it done.
Applications for
The Pickens County Youth Board
are available in guidance to students
who want to represent the youth
of Pickens County.
Applications Due by May 20, 2011
Upward Bound & Educational Talent
Search invite you to attend their
College Fair
May 14
@ Tri-County Tech. Pendleton
Horsing Around!
The Kentucky Derby is May 7th
& we’re going to celebrate with
NTRA Breeder’s Cup on
PlayStation 2, horse crafts, &
stick pony races.
Snacks will be served.
3:30pm on May 17
@ Sarlin Branch in Liberty.
May is Zombie Awareness
Join us for a special showing of the
1968 classic Night of the Living Dead
Thursday, May 5 at 6:30 pm
Hampton Memorial Library, Easley
Preferential seating for all who come
dressed as zombies!
If you like
extraterrestrial lore
packed with action and
a bit of romance, this
book is for you!
Thursday, May 12
@3:30pm Hampton
Memorial Library, Easley
FREE Book Discussion!
Refreshments provided!
SCRIP orders may be
placed with Mrs. Rogers
in Room 102 each week.
Ingles cards
may be purchased from
Mrs. Rogers
and will be delivered at
the end of each day.
Attention Seniors
planning to attend
TCTC this fall:
Your admissions counselor,
Mrs. Dinkins, will be on campus
TODAY. She will be in the
Media Center from 8am-12pm.
If you already enrolled,
double check with her to be sure you
know what to do as your next step.
Sports Happenings
Spring volleyball practice will
be held the next two weeks on
(May 10-12 and May 17-19)
from 3:30-5:00
for rising 9th-12th graders.
You must have a physical on
file to participate!
TONIGHT, our Baseball team
hosts Batesburg-Leesville
at 5:00.
This is for the
district championship,
and a win means that
they will advance
to the Upper State
LHS Football Moms
Bake Sale
during all three lunches
today and tomorrow!
Athletes of the Week
Jake Goodnough
Amber King
All track athletes not going to
Upper State should turn their
uniforms in to Mrs. Kirby by
The weight room
is open to all
athletes with a
current physical
on file, dated after
April 1st, 3:30-4:30
Monday through
Forms are in the
front office.