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Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Joseph P. Mahr
CPSC 550
Operating Systems II
March 2005
Introduction to Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Business needs … (tight competition)
 Increase efficiency
 Reduce operating expenses
Process & Procedure - always candidates for improvement
Look to leverage technology
Introducing Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
 “a real world distributed operating system”
 Max performance of Legacy Hardware & Software
 Integration made easy
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
History of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Released - Summer 2004
 “Release Candidate” Free Download - 31 January 2005
 Beta testing by Community of Interest
• Sys Admin’s, Developers, Testers
Purchased technology …
• Connectix Corporation on February 18, 2003.
• And - Virtual PC: Mac & OS2 to run Windows apps
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
History of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Deep Past
1968 - Virtual Machine technology
Effectively since 1988 – introduced by IBM
• Mainframe Op Sys to operate concurrent physical H/W
• That’s why it’s attractive
Not sole virtualization offering
VMware GSX Server was 1st in 2001
BUT, VS2K5 is primarily for ……………… Windows
AND, VMware GSX Server 3.1 for …….. Unix/Linux
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
History of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Other common form of virtualization
Java Virtual Machine
• Promotes portability
• Run apps in JVM, it rides on host O/S
BUT, a very different purpose.
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Goal of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Why go Virtual ?
IT Pro’s deal with…
Heterogeneous Environments
IBM - “Strategic virtualization technologies can:2”
Reduce financial pressures
Improve security and operational resiliency
Protect sensitive data
Accelerate time to market
Deploy new capabilities
Reduce “islands of information”
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Goal of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Real cost savings
Run up to 32 CPUs
Divide that into 64 instances
Host multiple virtual servers
on common existing hardware
System resources
Random Access Memory
Multiple virtual OS’s can run on 1 CPU
Multiple CPUs can be run to support 1 OS
And, Many to Many configurations
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Goal of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Legacy application
Do in parallel w/ new business apps
• Helps protect sensitive data as capital assest
Server Consolidation
System resource drive limitations on performance (RAM)
Resources can be dynamically allocated & added
Disparate Oss
• Windows & Non-Windows alike
System Isolation
Equitable sharing of resources
Development & testing
Reduces risk
Recreate system scenarios – easily
Provide courseware & Training scenarios
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Definition of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
where virtual server is on top of host OS
physical system
OS(s) on top of that
This provides isolation btwn Guest OSs
Component Object Model (COM) APIs.
methodology of VS2K5
Windows Server 2003 is only supported host
“A server … that shares computer resources with other
virtual servers. In this context, the virtual part simply means
that it is not a dedicated server -- that is, the entire
computer is not dedicated to running the server software.” 5
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Features of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Flavors of VS2K5
Standard Edition (supports up to four CPUs)
Enterprise Edition (supports up to 32 CPUs)
Runs only on Windows Server 2003
Other OSs will work…But, not documented
• Novell's NetWare or Unix variations
[plus other x86 operating systems]
Requires Internet Information Server (IIS)
Web based GUI – easy to use
Most tasks are wizard-based – easy to use
Internet Explorer works best, if not only (not other browsers)
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Features of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Create pseudo virtual networks
Isolated from host
Create Virtual discs
On-demand and resize during sessions
A primary benefit
Default is dynamic allocation of resources
• Add or subtract as needed … any given time.
Robust disaster recovery
Back-up to virtual machines
Define fail-over using COM APIs
Automate archiving business data
Thru COM APIs, scripting event controls
• choice of scripting langauges
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Structure of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
VS2K5 is middleware,
runs only on Windows
Server 2003
Deeper is Intel’s IA-32
(being replaced by IA64)
Features Level 3 (L3)
cache memory
Virtual hardware is
emulated above VS2K5
Max of 64 virtual
Guest processors
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Structure of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
“Virtual Server 2005 is a multithreaded application that runs
as a system service, with each virtual machine running in its
own thread of execution; I/O occurs in child threads. Virtual
Server derives two core functions from the host operating
system: The underlying host operating system kernel
schedules CPU resources, and the device drivers of the host
operating system provide access to system devices. The
Virtual Server VMM [Virtual Machine Monitor] provides the
software infrastructure to create virtual machines, manage
instances, and interact with guest operating systems.”8
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
How to use Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Friendly Interface
Create New VM option
Simple & Intuitive UI…
• To select virtual machine type
• And, amount of memory
VS2K5 recommends
memory, but, user
can override
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
How to use Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
VS2K5 won’t handle
needs of a demanding
ask MOM (Microsoft
Operations Manager)
for help. Ref
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Applications of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
4 Suggested Scenarios
Consolidate & Automate Software
Test & Development Environments
Migrate Legacy Applications
Consolidate Multiple Server Workloads
Simulate Distributed Server Applications on a
Single Physical Server
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Applications of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Consolidate & Automate Software
Test & Development Environments
Speeds up ‘time to market’
• derived by efficiency gains
• without sacrificing QA
Reduce Dynamic & Fixed costs
Virtualizing test networks reduces risk
Reduces Sys Admin tasks
• Example - ability to rapidly reset a testing
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Applications of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Migrate Legacy Applications
Legacy Apps have their place & must be maintained
• The problem - they outlive H/W & S/W base
• Sustain by re-hosting
• Takes pressure off a business to re-capitalize,
allows better budget planning
• Reduces retraining requirement
Notion about unsupported environments
• Windows NT is Microsoft’s
They decide when to declare EOL
BUT - Progress and change are important
AND - Should be embraced
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Applications of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Consolidate Multiple Server Workloads
Less is m o r e
• Reduced capital investment required to operate
• VS2K5 runs instances of server bases
on consolidated physical H/W
Less H/W = Less maintenance & management time
Disaster recovery is enhanced
• Fail over capability performed thru COM APIs
• Automated archiving & data duplication
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Applications of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Simulate Distributed Server Applications on a Single
Physical Server
Reduced physical H/W needs
Reduced Time to set up physical H/W & network
Simulate Complex server based scenarios
• Time & Cost effective for Dev & Test
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Significant Points of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization IS
Reduces risk in…
• Development
• Testing
• Product Deployment
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Significant Points of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization IS
O/S Selection
Business Driven Combinations of
• Legacy apps
• Contemporary apps (i.e. currently supported)
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Significant Points of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization IS
Reduces H/W footprint
• Expands
• Contracts
• Resizes As Needed
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Significant Points of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization IS
• Only works on 1 host
• That sets physical H/W requirements
• Licensing is tricky
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Significant Points of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization IS
Sys Admin types may enjoy
• Script based operations
• Web-Based GUI
• COM API functionality
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
A strong resurging technology that has been around
This study makes the case for Virtual Server 2005
BUT - not w/o exception:
No documentation for Non-Microsoft guest OSes
VMware GSX Server 3.1 is better for Unix/Linux
BOTTOM LINE – A great solution to the right problem,
…deciding that is up to business.
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study
Key References
1) Edstrom, Waggener Ed., “Microsoft Acquires Connectix Virtual Machine Technology, Move Eases Consolidation and Migration to New Operating
Systems for Customers” Press Pass – Information for Journalists, 19 February 2003, “n.pag” Microsoft, 2 March 2005.
2) Dickson, Michael and Zander, Andrea M., “The zSeries platform continues its virtualization leadership and provides a foundation for the IBM
Virtualization Engine” Mainframe edition, Virtual Virtuosity September 2004, “n.pag” eServer Magazine, 28 February 2005.
3) Otey, Michael, “Compare the two titans of virtualization: Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 and VMware GSX Server” WindowsITPro, Virtual-Server FaceOff, InstantDoc #45253, March 2005, “n.pag” WindowsITPro, 4 March 2005 <http://www.windowsitpro.com/Articles/Print.cfm?ArticleID=45253>
4) MSDN Library, “COM: Component Object Model Technologies” 2005, “n.pag” Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) 2 March 2005.
5) Webopedia, “Virtual Server” August 05, 2002 , “n.pag” internet.com 28 February 2005. <http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/V/virtual_server.html>
6) Bekker, Scott, “Virtual Server 2005 Released to Manufacturing” ENT News August 5, 2004, “n.pag” 101Communications, 28 February 2005.
7) Ohlhorst, Frank J., “Review: Microsoft Virtual Server 2005” CRN, Daily News Archive, 10:00 AM EDT Tue. Jun. 15, 2004, “n.pag” CMP Media LLC,
28 February 2005. <http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews/dailyarchives.jhtml?articleId=21800334>
8) Hale, Mark Comp., “Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Technical Overview” Niemann, Casey, Microsoft Education, Major Account Manager
29 September 2004, 12 pages, Microsoft, 28 February 2005. <http://cio.uiowa.edu/events/MS20040728/VS2005TechWP.doc>
9) Waldron, Ben, “Program Customized Testing Environments Without Trashing Your Machine” MSDN Virtual Server 2005, August 2004, “n.pag”
Microsoft 28 February 2005 <http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/08/VirtualServer2005/default.aspx>
10) Yager, Tom, “Virtual Server 2005 offers Windows upon Windows” IT PRODUCT GUIDE BETA Microsoft Virtual Server 2005, 5 November 2004, “n.pag”
InfoWorld 28 February 2005.<http://www.infoworld.com/Microsoft_Virtual_Server_2005/product_50685.html?view=1&curNodeId=40>
…The End
Joseph P. Mahr
Virtual Server 2005 - Case Study