Units 29 and 30

Units 29 and 28
Units 29 and 28
• We will look at four Phylum today
Phylum Nematoda
Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Chordata
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Echinodermata
Distinguishing characteristics:
1. Pentamerous symmetry in adults
2. Hard endoskeleton - do not present cephalization
3. Water vascular system
4. All echinoderms are marine; none can live in fresh water or on land
5. Floating castles
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Echinodermata
Water vascular system
– locomotion, food / waste transportation ,and respiration
– a system of canals containing a circulating watery fluid that is used for movement
of tentacles
Units 29 and 28
• Phylum Echinodermata
– Reproductive system
- sexually mature at two to three years, depending on the species
and environment
- typically by external fertilization; eggs and sperm are freely
discharged into the water
Units 29 and 28
• Phylum Echinodermata
Nervous system
Decentralized nervous system-No known echinoderm contains anything that could
be called a brain
-Diffuse network of nerves and neurons
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Echinodermata
– Circulatory systems
Open circulatory system
– no true heart or anything that more than merely resembles a
circulatory system.
– Water vascular system
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Echinodermata
Respiratory system - not well-defined
Digestive system – complete digestive system, varies according to diet
Phylum Echinodermata
Sea urchins, if not controlled by
predators, may overgraze their habitat
Crown of thorns starfish can wipe out
up to 6 square meters of living reef in
a single year
Many echinoderms have remarkable
powers of regeneration
Valuable clues as to the geological
history of the environment
Food source – sea cumbers and
Summer time!!
Units 29 and 28
• Today's Echinoderm Dissection –Starfish
• 20 minutes for dissection
• Use dissection in your lab book
Units 29 and 28
• Phylum Arthropoda – Arthropods
There are five main characteristics all arthropods share.
bilateral symmetry - the left and right sides of the arthropod body are mirror images
of one another
segmented body - the arthropod body is made-up of repeating units (pairs of legs,
claws, or breathing structures)
exoskeleton - provides protection, prevents water loss, and provides support
jointed appendages - enable the arthropods to move their legs, mouthparts, and
claws despite the fact that their body is covered by a rigid exoskeleton
numerous pairs of limbs - arthropods have many pairs of legs
Units 29 and 28
• By nearly any measure, the most successful
animals on the planet are the arthropods
• The true number of living arthropod species is
probably in the tens of million
• So……………………
• Let’s talk about Crayfish……..( first)
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Arthropoda
Reproductive system – varies
-very similar to most mammals, with their
reproductive organs being found in the thorax
-male will deposit sperm inside the female
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Arthropoda
Digestive system -Arthropods exhibit every type of
feeding mode
– Crawfish - consume food through the mouth's
mandibles… stomach for grinding food and a
gland for chemical processing
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Arthropoda
• Nervous system
• Typically consists of a
dorsal brain and a ventral,
longitudinal nerve cord
• “Latter like”
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Arthropoda
Circulatory systems usually posses an open circulatory
system consisting of a dorsal heart and a system of
Crawfish - open circulatory
system of the crayfish has
no veins
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Arthropoda
– Respiratory system –varies
– Crayfish a very unique way of breathing
( Molting ?)
Invertebrate Coelomates
•The true
rock stars
of Phylum:
• Featuring:
Remember the first day quiz….
8.True or False Daddy Long legs are the most venomous spiders in the world.
Scientific classification of spiders
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Arthropoda
• Class: Arachnida
• Order: Araneae
Remember the first day quiz….
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Opiliones
• cephalothorax separation
• Silk glands
• Venom glands
Brazilian Wandering
Units 29 and 28
• Phylum Arthropoda
– Circulatory systems – open
– Heart contracts
propels fluid,
– fluid trickles through the tissues and back to the heart
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Arthropoda
– Respiratory system - do not breath using lung
– Digestive system – complete
• foregut, midgut, hindgut
Nervous system
3 main nerve cords
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Arthropoda
– hardened exoskeleton that is periodically
shed during growth
Units 29 and 28
• Phylum Arthropoda – Grasshopper
– A body divided into three parts
Units 29 and 28
-Reproductive system -varies
• There are two types of metamorphosis-incomplete and complete.
Units 29 and 28
Incomplete metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis
Units 29 and 28
• Good
• Bad
Units 29 and 28
• For today begin with:
– Anatomy of a grasshopper
– Complete this dissection in pairs
Units 29 and 28
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Nematoda
giant intestinal/lung roundworms
Human feces
200,000 X day
Units 29 and 28
Bloody sputum
Low-grade fever
Vomiting worms
Passing of worm in stool
Gallstone formation
• Control of is based on drug treatment, improved sanitation and
health education.
• Anthelmintic Drugs
Units 29 and 28
Phylum Nematoda
• Filarial worm
– Obstruction of the lymphatic vessels
– broad spectrum antibiotic combined with ivermectin
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Nematoda
• Trichinella
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Nematoda
• Trichinella
– Trichinosis - fever, muscle soreness, pain and swelling
around the eyes.
– Chest pain may be experienced since the parasite may
become imbedded in the diaphragm
– Death
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Nematoda
– The threat of roundworm parasites infecting
humans in developed countries is rising?????
Units 29 and 28
– Phylum Nematoda
• Nematodes have successfully adapted to nearly
every ecosystem
Heterohabditis Nematodes
Dissection Participation Checklist
1. Surgeon__________________________________
2. Head nurse_______________________________
3. Reader___________________________________
4. Scribe____________________________________
1. Surgeon__________________________________
2. Head nurse_______________________________
3. Reader___________________________________
4. Scribe____________________________________
Clean up
1. Dissection disposal__________________________________
2. Tray cleaning______________________________________
3. Instrument cleaning__________________________________
4. Bench cleaning_____________________________________
I agree that I stayed until this lab station was clean and ready for the next lab to attend.
Professor Felker’s comments:
Dissect in this order:
• 1. Earthworm
• 2. Squid
• 3. Grasshopper